
Bloody Secrets

She was hiding, hiding from the world. Afraid to hurt anyone. Until one day, everything began to change... change into something worse. In war, to attain victory, they must fight until the end. Everyone doesn't know whose side will win until everyone is killed. A lot of blood will be spilled and countless lives will be taken. Forbidding themselves to love is the best way to avoid experiencing it. Because for them, to love one another means someone has to die in return. Will someone choose to sacrifice a life so that everyone can live? Or will they choose to fight then both live? Are they ready to know the secrets that were hidden from them? If yes, blood will be spilled.

ItsMicheeeee · Fantaisie
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15 Chs

Chapter 4 - Stupidity

"Are you deaf?" Ava asked while waving her hands right in front of Ace's face who was completely out of it ever since he came home that day. Ava and Ace were inside the car heading towards the Academy and they were riding late due to Ace's condition.

"What did you say?" Ace asked in a daze because he could not hear his sister's words a while ago but instead of responding to him, she suddenly put her hands on his forehead.

What's the problem with this brat?

"You are not even sick." She said as she slowly came closer to Ace.

"SO, WHY ARE YOU SPACING OUT?!" She shouted out loud which made him hold on to his ear.

This damn brat!

"That hurts!" Ace complained and immediately pinched her face.

"Why are you spacing out?" She asked again sounding worried.

Ace decided to let go and simply smiled at her but then, he heard her sigh. She won't get any answer from him. Ava knows that Ace doesn't like people asking if he has any problem or something. In short, he does not want anyone prying into and that includes even his family.

"It is the first day of school for this semester and you are like that. Don't worry about your fiancé thingy so much." She said getting her bag and going out of the car.

What did she say?

But just then, Ace looked outside the car only to find out that they are finally in front of the Academy. He also got out of the car and right then, once again, some students started to gather around when they saw him coming in from the gates. Though Ace didn't pay any attention and just proceeded to walk. But while he was walking, that familiar sound... he heard it for the second time.




The sound of her heels.

Ace immediately turned his head and there she saw her walking in from the gates. The woman was wearing a White Deep V-neck Sleeveless Skater Dress paired with white closed heels.

"She is studying here now?" Someone asked behind Ace which caught his attention and started to stop walking to eavesdrop on their conversation without them noticing him.

"Yeah. She transferred here." The girl wearing Red Fitted Pants and White Satin Blouse said and just before he knows it, she already passed right through them. Ace almost didn't breathe just by looking at her.

"HEY!" A guy suddenly shouted walking in through the gates of the Academy. Ace's attention was directed toward the security guards of the Academy who were trying to stop them but they were not able to do so due to his enormous size. He easily accessed the Academy without even trying and effortlessly shove the guards onto the ground.

"You should not have followed me." The woman finally talked as she gracefully turned her head when she noticed the wimping guards on the guard. After that, she even dared to look at the man with a bored expression on her face which might have provoked him even more.

"You fucking bitch!" He shouted and raised his huge hand that turned into a fist. He was about to punch her but the following events did not make it happen, instead, the man who was completely out of his mind suddenly moved as if his own feet started to have their own life and moved in her direction. Ace blocked the blow from the ginormous guy and after that, he didn't know what happened next.


Where am I?

Is this a hospital or a clinic?

Ace was about to move when a leg of a woman stopped him from doing so and when he looked at the owner, her face was covered by a book.

She has nice legs...

"You are definitely asking for trouble? Ha?" The woman started talking as she removed the book covering her face and there, he finally saw her.

Thank God, she is alright.

"Now, look at your face..." She stated and unexpectedly touches his face with her gentle hands. She looks worried while Ace looks completely flustered because of her face that was inches away from her.

"What happened?" Ace asked changing the subject and to also calm the atmosphere that was developing around them but instead of answering him, the woman simply smirked at Ace then stood up and left without saying a word. Right after she closed the door, it opened once again and Ava went charging in toward Ace and hugged him very tightly.

"I'm worried about you but I couldn't get in because of her. I was so scared of her." She said crying nonstop.

Ace didn't know what to say to her so, he simply just hugged her back. Ace was not used to it. Seeing the girl cry in his arms is why he does not know how to comfort her. Ace always sees her as a tough little girl who always messes with him but today, he doesn't know what has gotten on to her to cry this badly.

"What happened?" Ace asked for the second time since the woman who was in the room before didn't answer him. Ava broke out from their embrace and gently pushed him away from her. Ace simply watch her as she wiped her tears and then looked at him thoroughly first. After that, he heard her sigh heavily and started talking.


Ava went ahead first inside the Academy thinking that Ace was still behind her, following her from the car towards the school building where they are assigned to. She never realized that Ace wasn't behind her anymore when she glanced behind her back.

Ava found him standing near the gates looking like a dumb person with his mouth wide open, completely in a daze.

He was looking at something... No! I mean, someone!

Right then, Ava saw a familiar lady that came in from the gates of the academy.

Well, I admit she is really pretty, gorgeous I mean but the rumors that I kept on hearing about her are just not good. Some say, she's a bully, she beats up people, or she is a gangster or she is a witch.

I probably should not just get close to her. I might get in trouble if I came near her.

"HEY!" A guy shouted out of a sudden which caught everyone's attention.

He doesn't look like he is studying in this academy. He looks like a bastard searching for a fight.

"You should not have followed me." The woman replied which made Ava look at her in shock.

She should not have said that. She might, even more, infuriate the man but Ava was already too late to think of anything when the man started to talk and charged into the woman. She completely froze from where she was standing as she continued to watch everything unfolds.

"You fucking bitch!" The man shouted angrily and was about to punch the woman but Ava's eyes captured Ace who started to move in front of the girl.

What a damn stupid brother!


He took the punch for her and there he was completely knocked out in just one blow.

Ace never experienced things like this, fighting people and all.

Besides, that guy is completely huge!

Who in the world would even dare to fight with him?

Ava immediately ran in Ace's direction in a panic but she just could not get near him because of the woman who was next to him. And right then, Ava noticed the girl staring at the guy who punched his brother.

Am I hallucinating things or is the surrounding suddenly feeling cold and heavy despite that it's still morning and the sun was shining so brightly upon us?

"You dared to touch him?" The woman calmly asked which made me stiffen. There was a coldness in her voice and Ava could not move an inch because of the sudden chill in the atmosphere.

The man who was in front of the woman was just about to open his mouth to answer her but right then... Ava's eyes widened to see what happened in front of her. The woman moved fast and suddenly punched the man who is now on the ground howling in pain. Everything went so fast to the point that Ava couldn't explain why or how the hell everything happened.

This should've been happening in slow motion like what I always see in action movies but now, all I can see is that the guy was on the ground lying with his face covered in blood.

The teachers and security guards didn't even bother to stop the woman from punching the guy. Ava doesn't have any idea why they didn't. Yet, her attention was once again caught by the two when the man started pleading and asking for mercy but the woman just continued to punch his face. He was beaten into a pulp over and over again. Long until she noticed that he wasn't breathing.

The woman finally stood up and walked away from the guy then headed towards Ace who was completely knocked out on the ground. No one dared to come to approach them that is why he was still there lying down. She carefully raised him effortlessly and dragged him away from the people.

Where is she taking him?

I should follow them, right?

However, Ava's gaze was then caught on the guy who is still lying on the ground, lifeless.

Is he dead?

Did she kill someone?

She will be expelled because of this right?

No, worse... she will be sent to prison.

Ava was brought back to reality when one of the teachers came near the guy and immediately checked his pulse.

"He is still alive." The teacher stated as he sighed in relief.

Then that's good, right?

Ava decided to follow them after knowing that the man was still alive. Besides, Ace is with that dangerous girl and she doesn't know what might happen if they were left alone because, in reality, no one knows who she really is.


"So that's what happened," Ace said absent-mindedly.

"Ace, she was angry when that guy knocked you out. Others said that it was the first time that she got provoked that easily." She explained then come near Ace.

"What does that mean?" She asked worriedly but Ace simply shrug his shoulders as an answer.

I don't know too.

"Tsk." Ava hissed and stood up. Afterward, she gave Ace his coat.

"It's lunchtime. Your classmates said that nothing happened during the 2 subjects that you missed so there is nothing for you to worry about. "

"Go and have your meal. Sean's probably waiting for you." She said and finally went outside the room.

Finally, I'm left alone.

"Damn, that guy punched me hard," Ace whispered touching his face. It still stings.

However, Ace started to wonder.

Does she get hurt when this kind of thing happens to her?

You can tell that she fights people by the story that Ava told me.

So, she beats huge men like this too?

She is scary but... somehow, I'm interested to know her more.