
Blood Stained Roses

NurriNeira · Fantaisie
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2 Chs



City gardens

It was a beautiful night. Moon shined very brightly. The path in the city gardens was surrounded by many flowers. All quite still managing to glow thanks to few scattered lights and fireflies.

The trees with all different fruits, with hanging firelights from them, adding to garden's beauty.

Grass giving off almost mystical vibe, from how you could see fireflies flying out of it.

Small path leading to fountain with renaissance architecture, which was in middle of the garden. Who could've come up with such an idea. Building this in a town....

That was what small boy thought.

He walked through the path, only to stop before small  beautifull white flowers.

"They remind me of him too much" he thought to himself.

The boy picked up the flower, happily smiling at it.

,,Who knew, that a demon, will make me happy. After all that" he thought to himself once again.

,,How come that my life is just thorns, but thanks to you I started to bloom" He mumbled to himself, quietly sighing.

He walked to the closest tree and climbed on it, almost destroying the flower in process.

,,If only you could see me, mom... Remember how I said, that I will never love anyone, barely a demon?" He looked to the side as he smiled, gave himself a small chuckle.

,,Ironic ... Isn't it?" He asked no one in particular, he just played with the flower.

,,Fate is a funny thing huh?" He said as he got off the tree and started to walk out.

He stopped at the entrance

,,Well, I have to go.... School is tomorrow" he smiled, few tears running down the smaller boys face.

,,Love you, mom" was all he said, as he had left.