
Blood Stained Roses

NurriNeira · Fantasy
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2 Chs


Lyssa PoV

Lyssa was just sitting in theatre, that her new school had. She was sitting next to some people, one guy with blond hair had been sitting next to her right, and some girl with blue and white hair to her left. She wondered, what parents would let their child dye their hair so early, her mother did not let her use make-up untill recently.

She could not help, but be jelous.

,,This waiting for that speech is going to kill me one day...." the blond guy said

,,Shut up Damon... I know they should have started a long time ago, but I got a text that some students aren't still here." Girl that was sitting behind me said.

,, Well they should learn about timing." He replied

,,Would you two please be quiet? Brother just texted me, that they are about to start..." the white-blue haired girl has said in the probably most sweetest voice ever.

So they are going to start, huh.. about time...

The principal walked onto the stage, with strong voice, he has started his speech, to which to boys (Damon's) reaction was just ughhh....

,,here we go" Damon said all bored, from which he earned a smack on the head from the girl behind me.

I can tell they must be siblings or something.

The principal began:

,,Dear new students, my dear friends teachers and employees, older students. Today we are here sitting in this hall where the text that was once written comes to life, with help of actors, painters and musicians, but also technicians, teachers....."

Okkey.... this is taking too long....

,,...For today this hall is full of you all. Why? To welcome you, the new students...."

No, shit Sherlock.

,,....Since, as our older students may know. The past student council has graduated, thus we had chosen a new members. I will call them to the stage...."

Wau, so even longer wait... great.

Looking to my right, I saw that Damon had probably the same thought.

,,Student council president Aruna Zorro!"

A girl with long colered , yellow, then scarlet, then darker red hair, came up to the stage. She looked very strict, how a student council president should look like.

,,I will let her have a few words, she will tell you rest of the council members, with that said, I may depart." Principal's speech finally ended. As he left, Aruna came closer to microphone. With somehow, rather soothing voice she has started:

,,Good morning, my new classmates, future teachers.

Since this new year is about to begin, I wish us all good grades and motivation to work. We should use this year to prosper and become better, overcome our own expectations of ourselves. With that aside, I want you to welcome my Right hand: Dante Vaarallinen."

She stoped her speech, while a boy, has came up to the stage. He had brown hair with dark turquoise tips.

Aruna continued:

,,My right hand is Enki Kashikoi. Please come up."

She said.tha when a boy with white hair walked up the stage,

What are these hairstyles....

A girl next to me suddenly stood up, then Damon followed.

President continued:

,,Now for the rest of student council members, our last three will be: Arushi Taistelija"

Girl with shorts instead of skirt, and loosely attached tie came to the stage. She had black hair, in messy ponytail.

Wait, we could have worn shorts?! Really?!

,,then comes Inanna Kashikoi, yes her and Enki are siblings..." the president said little annoyed... I mean everyone was looking at that girl with death glares, I have no idea why...

,,last to come here is Damon Fen,.." she said and waited untill everyone was on the stage. The Damon guy stood next to the tomboy girl (Arushi), after that the president continued:

,,I hope we will have a wonderful year together. Please be respectful tobyour pears, teachers... just everyone. Do try to get used to us, just the way how we are trying to get used to this new school."

She ended. The courtains fell and we all went to our classes.

Camilla PoV

After the courtains fell my sister ran up to me and hugged the dead from me. I hugged her back.

Then she basically went into mode of... I don't know how to call this...

,,I- I.... I forgot my lines....."she said

,,Girl.... how are you the president, now?" Arushi has started teasing my sister.

,,Thank you Enki, Dante and sissy or else I would have died out there!" She said so happy.

,,Alright, but if you are still planning to die...." Dante started

,,The classes are going to start soon.." Damon finnishes Dante's line.

,,We better get going!" Panicked Inanna, with that everyone bolted to their classes.

I did too of course.


At student council



Raged, ticked off Arushi.

,,What about nicknames?" Said Damon, not wanting to cause property damage on first day.

,,Yea, do tell me that when, I had to spell them all..." Aruna just added.

,,Nicnames would be great, but nobody uses mine tho" Dante said, while sinking deeper into his hoodie, now with absolute puffy mess for hair.

,,Those are?" Damon asked, to which he got reaction from Enki and that was a red face...

,,Okkey, why is he red?" Both Arushi and Damon were curius.

,,He has the most embarrassing one"Aruna laughted.

,,keep it Arun!" Enki proceeded to chase her around the room. Dante was just laughting.

,,He calls my brother Ki-ki... while I am  Ina-chan." Inanna said, laughting too.

With that the two burst out laughting.

,,ki-ki? That's such a hilarious name!" Arushi laughted.

Dante looked at her with a death glare.

,,oh god a hood is death glaring me! Save meeee!" Arushi teased.

,,you have no idea..." Aruna laughted.

,,So why Ki-ki?" Asked Damon

,,You know as Enki's name ends with ki, so.... yea..." explained now flustered Dante.

,,Aww so cute!" Cooted Arushi.

,,...I hate you all" said annoyed Enki, probably regretting his choice of friends now..

,,naah, you love us" said Aruna, while coming to a board, the she added, switching the theme to the original task at the hand:,, So? Nicknames?"

,,Yea let's write them down" they all agreed.

With that they teased eachother and chose their nicnames.
