
Blood money

"Aditya Dior, the son of the renowned businessman Vijay Dior, was admired for his intelligence, cleverness, and a physique that seemed chiseled by the Greek gods. However, Aditya's life took an unexpected turn when his father suffered a sudden business setback, leaving their family in turmoil. In the midst of this crisis, Aditya crossed paths with Karen Singhanyia, the sole heir to the Singhanyia business empire and a titan in the world of commerce. Karen's reputation preceded him as the 'king of the business world,' and his empire was a testament to his astute strategies and relentless ambition

Mehak_Noor_5126 · Urbain
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9 Chs

chapter 6

The office was abuzz with the usual midday commotion as employees shuffled papers and discussed projects. In the midst of it all, Karan, , had just walked in the meeting room everyone knows he came straight from the airport. He was known for his unwavering commitment to his work, often pushing himself to the limit.

As Karan strode purposefully toward his office, his dedicated assistant, Raj, approached him with a concerned look on his face. Raj had been with Karan for years, providing unwavering support and ensuring the smooth operation of Karan's busy schedule.

"Sir," Raj said, his voice a mix of concern and respect, "why did you come to the office directly from the airport? You should take some rest. You've been traveling for hours."

Karan halted in his tracks, his sharp eyes fixing on Raj. His brow furrowed, and his tone held a hint of annoyance as he responded, "Raj, I don't need rest. I have important matters to attend to. And remember, you're here to assist me, not to tell me what to do and what not to do."

Raj, undeterred by Karan's stern response, stood his ground. He had always been a loyal and dedicated assistant, but he cared deeply for Karan's well-being. "I understand, sir," he replied respectfully, "but it's my duty to ensure you're in the best condition to make important decisions. You won't be as effective if you're exhausted."

Karan's gaze softened slightly, acknowledging Raj's concern. He knew that Raj had his best interests at heart, but his determination to succeed often clouded his judgment about self-care.

Raj continued, "Perhaps you could at least take a short break, sir? A few minutes to freshen up and collect your thoughts. It might help you make even better decisions."

Karan sighed, a mix of frustration and appreciation in his voice. "Fine, Raj, but make it quick. I have a lot to catch up on."

Raj nodded, relieved that his advice had been heeded. "Of course, sir. I'll prepare some refreshments for you in your office. A brief break will make a world of difference."

As Karan walked into his office, he couldn't help but admire Raj's dedication and persistence. While he remained fiercely independent and driven, he understood that having someone like Raj by his side was invaluable. In the fast-paced world of business, it was sometimes necessary to have someone who cared enough to remind him to take a moment for himself, even if he resisted at first.

Behind the closed door of his office, Karan took a deep breath, realizing that perhaps he did need a moment of respite before diving into the demands of the day. And as he sipped his tea, he couldn't deny the truth in Raj's words – a brief pause might indeed help him make better decisions in the long run.


Karan's spacious office, with its sleek, modern decor and commanding view of the city, was now bathed in the soft glow of afternoon light. His desk, cluttered with stacks of reports and documents from the morning's meetings, was a testament to his tireless dedication to the company.

Having just returned from a grueling series of meetings with his senior executives, Karan sank into his plush leather chair with an exasperated sigh. His usually sharp features were etched with frustration. He had expected more from his team today, especially in terms of innovative ideas and solutions to the company's pressing challenges.

He leaned back, steepling his fingers as he pondered the recent events. In a moment of exasperation, he muttered to himself, "My employees are useless. They don't seem to give any amazing ideas. I should just throw them out of my office."

Karan had built his company from the ground up, and he held it to the highest standards. He had always valued innovation and excellence, and today's lackluster performance from his team had shaken his confidence in them.

As he gazed out the window at the bustling city below, Karan's thoughts churned. He contemplated the possibility of making drastic changes within his team, replacing those who weren't meeting his expectations with fresh, creative minds. His vision for the company's future was unwavering, and he believed that he needed a team that could keep up with his ambition.

However, as he sat alone in his office, he began to realize that perhaps his initial frustration had clouded his judgment. He understood that every employee had strengths and weaknesses, and his team had served him well over the years, even if they were having a challenging day.

Karan's fingers drummed rhythmically on his desk as he weighed his options. He knew that knee-jerk decisions could have far-reaching consequences, both for his company and his employees. Perhaps instead of throwing them out, he needed to invest in their development, fostering a culture of innovation and creativity that would encourage them to bring their best ideas to the table.

After a deep breath, he muttered a more measured thought to himself, "Maybe it's time to refocus our efforts on fostering creativity and collaboration within the team. After all, great ideas often stem from a supportive environment."

With this realization, Karan began to see a path forward that didn't involve dismissing his team but rather investing in their growth and nurturing their potential. He understood that with the right guidance and encouragement, his employees could become the innovative thinkers he needed to drive the company to new heights.

As he got up from his chair, Karan resolved to schedule a meeting with his team to discuss their challenges and work together to find solutions. After all, he knew that he had built his company not just on his vision but on the collective effort of a dedicated team, and he was determined to ensure they continued to thrive together.


Aditya sat at his desk in his neatly organized office, engrossed in reviewing a stack of reports. The soft hum of office activity surrounded him, a constant reminder of the bustling world outside his quiet sanctuary.

Just as he was deeply immersed in his work, the door to his office swung open, and Sunny, his diligent manager, entered with a concerned expression on his face. Aditya glanced up from his papers, slightly startled by the interruption.

"Sunny, what brings you here?" Aditya inquired, his brows furrowing in curiosity.

Sunny approached Aditya's desk, his tone a mix of urgency and empathy. "Sir, I'm afraid you might have forgotten, but there's an important meeting scheduled for today. It's in just a few hours. Did it slip your mind?"

Aditya blinked, a moment of realization washing over him. He had been so engrossed in his work that he had completely forgotten about the meeting. His expression turned apologetic as he admitted, "Yes, Sunny, I did forget. I've been swamped with these reports."

Sunny, always quick to offer solutions, asked, "Sir, should I cancel the meeting? You look exhausted, and you could use some rest."

Aditya considered Sunny's suggestion. He was indeed feeling drained, and perhaps rescheduling the meeting would allow him to be more focused and prepared. However, the importance of the meeting weighed on his mind. It involved crucial decisions that could impact the company's future.

After a moment of contemplation, Aditya shook his head. "No, Sunny, I can't afford to cancel this meeting. It's too important. But I appreciate your concern."

Sunny nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "Very well, sir. I'll make sure everything is prepared for the meeting. Is there anything I can do to assist you before it starts?"

Aditya appreciated Sunny's dedication and support. He knew that he could rely on his manager to ensure that the meeting ran smoothly. With a weary but determined smile, Aditya replied, "Thank you, Sunny. Please ensure that all the necessary documents are in order. I'll take a short break to freshen up and gather my thoughts before the meeting."

Sunny nodded once more and assured, "I'll handle everything, sir. Just let me know if you need anything."

As Sunny left Aditya's office, Aditya took a moment to collect himself. He knew that he couldn't afford to let his exhaustion hinder the company's progress. With renewed determination, he resolved to prepare for the important meeting, trusting that his capable manager would assist him every step of the way.