
Blood money

"Aditya Dior, the son of the renowned businessman Vijay Dior, was admired for his intelligence, cleverness, and a physique that seemed chiseled by the Greek gods. However, Aditya's life took an unexpected turn when his father suffered a sudden business setback, leaving their family in turmoil. In the midst of this crisis, Aditya crossed paths with Karen Singhanyia, the sole heir to the Singhanyia business empire and a titan in the world of commerce. Karen's reputation preceded him as the 'king of the business world,' and his empire was a testament to his astute strategies and relentless ambition

Mehak_Noor_5126 · Urban
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9 Chs

chapter 5

International Airport - Terminal - Day

The bustling international airport terminal was a symphony of activity, a crossroads of humanity from all corners of the globe. Travelers from diverse backgrounds hurried to and fro, while airport staff orchestrated this intricate dance with practiced precision. The hum of conversations in various languages blended into a harmonious cacophony.

Amidst this vibrant tapestry, a young, handsome man strode through the terminal. His aura exuded power and confidence, creating an invisible force field that drew the attention of those around him. His presence was magnetic, impossible to ignore.

A team of security personnel, clearly well-trained and vigilant, surrounded him like a human fortress. Their eyes scanned the crowd, ensuring that no potential threat could get close to their charge. Their unwavering focus underscored the fact that this man was not your average traveler.

The young man's attire was a testament to his impeccable taste and high status—a suit so finely tailored that it seemed to have been molded onto his body. It spoke of both elegance and authority, with each fold and seam meticulously designed. His tie was a perfect knot, and his shoes gleamed like polished onyx.

His posture was that of a leader—unyielding and proud. Every step he took seemed deliberate and purposeful, as if he were navigating not just the terminal but the world itself.

Travelers nearby couldn't help but steal glances in his direction, their curiosity piqued by his commanding presence. Whispers of speculation rippled through the terminal like a wave, as people tried to discern who he might be. Was he a celebrity, a high-ranking official, or perhaps a business tycoon?

As he continued his journey through the airport, the young man's aura remained undeniably powerful. He was an enigma, leaving an indelible impression on all those who crossed his path. His destination and purpose remained shrouded in mystery, but one thing was clear—his presence was a testament to his influence and prominence in the world.

Airport Parking Area - Morning

The airport parking area buzzed with media personnel, their cameras flashing, and microphones at the ready. A large crowd had gathered, waiting eagerly for a glimpse of the famous actor, Karan, who had just arrived in India for the first time. Karan, wearing sunglasses and a stylish outfit, stepped out of his car and was immediately surrounded by reporters.

"Good morning, Mr. Karan! How are you feeling after visiting India?" a reporter asked excitedly.

Karan, slightly taken aback by the question, removed his sunglasses and looked directly at the reporter. "That's such a stupid question you're asking me. How can a person tell you about a country they've just visited for the first time?"

The reporter stuttered for a moment, caught off guard by Karan's response. "Well, we were just wondering if you had any first impressions or initial thoughts about India..."

Karan took a deep breath and composed himself. "I apologize if I came across a bit harsh. India is a vast and diverse country, and I've only just arrived. It wouldn't be fair for me to make snap judgments. I'm looking forward to experiencing its culture, meeting its people, and, of course, trying the incredible cuisine."

The reporters nodded, relieved by Karan's more measured response. Another reporter inquired, "What are you most excited about during your visit, Mr. Karan?"

Karan's eyes lit up with genuine enthusiasm. "I'm excited about everything, to be honest. India has such a rich history, and I can't wait to explore its heritage sites. I'm also eager to interact with the talented artists and filmmakers here. And, of course, I've heard street food is to die for!"

The reporters chuckled, their initial tension dissipating. "Thank you for your honest response, Mr. Karan. We hope you have a wonderful time in India!" the first reporter said appreciatively.

Karan nodded and waved to the crowd before heading into the airport, leaving the reporters to continue their coverage. As he disappeared from view, the media personnel scrambled to report his arrival, eager to share the news of his first visit to India with the world.

Luxurious Car - Morning

Karan sat in the backseat of his sleek, black luxury car, still annoyed by the media encounter. He ran a hand through his hair, clearly frustrated. His driver, a composed and experienced individual, waited for his next instruction.

"These stupid media people! Asking stupid questions. They just wasted my precious time," Karan vented, his irritation evident.

The driver maintained a stoic expression, understanding his employer's frustration but saying nothing. "Listen, you. Take me to the office within ten minutes. If you fail to drop me off on time, I swear I'll—"

Before Karan could finish his sentence, the driver interrupted calmly, "Mr. Karan, I understand your frustration, but I assure you, I'll get you to the office in less than ten minutes. Your safety is my top priority."

Karan, still visibly annoyed, leaned back in his seat. He recognized the driver's dedication to his job. "Fine, just get me there quickly. I have a busy day ahead."

The driver nodded and smoothly accelerated the car, expertly navigating through the traffic. As the car sped through the city streets, Karan's irritation gradually faded, replaced by a sense of urgency to tackle the day's responsibilities.

Karan's phone buzzed with a notification, and he sighed, realizing he couldn't escape his demanding schedule. "Always on the move, aren't we?" he remarked.

The driver glanced at him through the rearview mirror, offering a small, understanding smile. "That's the life of a superstar, Mr. Karan."

Karan acknowledged the truth in those words, and the car continued on its way, racing against the clock to reach the office in record time.

Karan's Office Building - Morning

Karan's car pulled up in front of a sleek, modern office building. He checked his wristwatch anxiously, realizing that he was one minute late for an important meeting. Quickly gathering his belongings, he stepped out of the car, his frustration growing.

"One minute late! This is unacceptable!" he exclaimed angrily.

Karan glared at his driver, who had parked the car expertly but was clearly aware of the situation. "I'm sorry, Mr. Karan. There was unexpected traffic," the driver said apologetically.

Karan's patience wore thin as he brushed past the driver. "I don't want excuses; I want punctuality. Time is money in this business!" he snapped.

He marched towards the entrance of the building, leaving the driver standing by the car. The driver watched Karan disappear into the building, knowing that he was in trouble.

Karan's Office - Conference Room - Continuous

Karan entered the conference room, where his team was already gathered for the meeting. They exchanged knowing glances as he walked in, clearly displeased. Karan took his seat at the head of the table, and the meeting began.

Karan's Office Building - Parking Area - Continuous

The driver remained in the parking area, looking dejected. He knew that Karan's temper could be unpredictable, especially when it came to punctuality. "I did my best," he muttered to himself.

Suddenly, Karan's personal assistant approached the driver, holding a sealed envelope. "Mr. Karan asked me to give you this," the assistant said apologetically.

The driver took the envelope, his heart sinking. He opened it and found a termination letter inside. "From tomorrow onwards, do not show me your face. You are fired," he whispered sadly, reading the letter's harsh words.

He looked up, watching as Karan's assistant walked away. With a heavy heart, the driver accepted his fate, knowing that his time with Karan had come to an abrupt end.