
Blood Immortal

In a Universe of cultivation, psychopathic and insane Qing Fang discovers Blood Path. Strangely, his body slowly transformed as he abandoned his humanity. With the goal of becoming the strongest, Qing Fang builds an empire for himself and his new race. Take note, this novel is centred around an evil main character. Either rejoice, or get lost. Update rate is 1 chapter per week. Days will be missed as I still don't have a schedule... Want to join a discord community dedicated to dark novels? Join: https://discord.gg/966Z9mFB Also a good opportunity for authors of dark novels to promote their books. *thumbs up*

PSYcho_72 · Oriental
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83 Chs

Remnant Consciousness

*Things like sexism and racism are purely for worldbuilding and to make it more realistic. Thank you for your understanding.*

Qing Fang gazed upon the large crack in the huge cave walls, his body illuminated by golden light that came in waves as he edged closer. His huge wings flapped as they dragged in huge amounts of air that suspended the huge white demon above the ground.

Circular torrents of wind spread across the watery ground laced with stone directly beneath Qing Fang's flapping fleshy wings. The thin sheets of black ice were reduced to cracked debris as the water underneath churned slowly and gently, bringing some inferior predators to the surface in search of prey that simply wasn't there.

Qing Fang was like a red star in the abyss of space in this place. With his eyes, he could see all sorts of terrifying beasts stalking the place, yet they emitted no light or sound. It was almost scary how such huge beasts moved around in the complete darkness like a collective terrifying death trap.

Qing Fang slowly and cautiously moved his hulking wings and carried himself over the water, disturbing the peace in the darkness as he did so. From the wind, his wings brought forth, and sudden roars of displeasure echoed along with aggravation.

Some fights between behemoths even started that erupted all manner of surrounding pathetic wails like that of a dreadful banshee. However, Qing Fang couldn't care less. They were all cretin in his eyes, all without intelligence as well as inferior strength. They might as well become the clothes worn on his back.

And then, the huge fleshy wings halted their flapping and tucked behind Qing Fang's back, resuming their place as a terrifying mantle that loomed over his head. His body suddenly dropping, Qing Fang made contact with a part of the hard stone floor that threaded in between the murky waters like a passage.

His clawed feet harshly hit the brittle stone and webbed cracks immediately sprouted surrounding him. A loud and dull thud coupled with the meek crack of the stone echoed and drew the attention of a few beasts. However, that was all it did.

Most of them could smell, or even hear, the deathly aura that lingered around Qing Fang. They could smell the blood of innumerable beasts stronger than themselves borne of instinct, and they could hear the deathly screeches and wails of despair that came from his claws.

Qing Fang turned and looked beside him, where the dull rocky stone suddenly parted to form a black abyss. Golden light constantly preceded and receded from it, brightly illuminating a mere portion of the cave.

Qing Fang clicked his teeth and swirled his long purple tongue as he now saw the size of the passage in the rock wall to be bigger than he had imagined. The deceiving little thing that was inconspicuously carved out of the huge stone walls, which were as tall as one could see, was quite huge.

The roof of the passage was three heads taller than Qing Fang and, while he could not spread his arms freely, he could walk through comfortably even with his size. Yet, a confined space such as this was Qing Fang's bane and would decrease his fighting ability as well as his ability to flee if it only got tighter further down.

Yet, the surging golden light was simply too interesting and attractive to ignore. Maybe this was one of the reasons the depths of the cave were appetizing to beasts? Although he couldn't feel anything right now, Qing Fang knew he wasn't all-powerful and there were things much, much bigger than him.

Especially in this cave.

Standing before the passage, Qing Fang could feel no fresh air falling upon his body, telling him that it was indeed a cave and not a passage leading elsewhere.

However, before entering the passage that was scratching his mind with interest, Qing Fang turned his huge body and glared around him with huge beacons of red light that shone everywhere.

He had noticed something very strange that somewhat irked him. His bright-red eyes gleamed at the area and noticed that it was absolutely devoid of surrounding life.

It seemed as if the cave carved out a domain in their area of influence that they didn't seem to trespass under any circumstances. The surrounding pools of icy black water that usually housed innumerable forms of life had the surfaces of the water completely still. All of the echoes and roars only sounded in the distance and Qing Fang could hear his own blood pumping throughout his entire body from the eery quiet.

In the distance, Qing Fang saw a huge shadow move as the cave echoed with loud crashes and the thundering of moving water. The shadow seemed inlaid with sharp edges and absorbed a part of the darkness, giving light to a dull and coarse surface similar to diamond-like scales.

The red light of Qing Fang's eyes fell upon it, and the huge shadow as big as a hill was revealed to be a big mound of scales, moving across the earth and slipping in and out of the murky waters. The front of the thing that amalgamated into a thinner shadow was revealed to be a long head, filled with huge, thick and dull white teeth that overlapped with one another as the huge maw was closed shut tightly.

'...' Qing Fang stared on with a hardened gaze, his lips pressing into a thin line that his larger fangs protruded from scarily.

It was a reptilian beast dozens of meters long and ten meters high, even though the beast was longer than it was tall. It had twelve stout and thick scaly legs that dragged its enormous body across the ground, tearing it into pieces as it did.

The thing had no eyes on its head and only two flaring nostrils that could fit an entire human inside of them. But, even though the thing had no eyes, Qing Fang could feel it looking directly at him with a wary, yet dangerous killing intent.

It was the first higher Stage 4 beast that Qing Fang had seen. And although no intelligence could be seen from it, it possessed a weathered wisdom and experience that let Qing Fang know it was an ancient existence; hundreds of years old.

It had an ire directed onto Qing Fang, likely because of all the disturbance he had caused in its domain. It seemed to fear that Qing Fang would expel it into the outer layers of the marshes, yet Qing Fang did not focus on it too heavily.

What he focused on was that even it did not dare to take a step towards him, staying away from the entrance of the passageway.

'This place is undoubtedly more dangerous than I thought. Even this reptile does not dare to approach and it is nearing the realm of peak Stage 4.' Qing Fang thought solemnly as the huge mountain-like reptile slipped into the waters yet again, its huge mass turning over small tsunamis of waves as it did.

However, its eyeless head surfaced and seemed to be staring at Qing Fang unceasingly.

'I wonder if even I could travel to the deepest depths of this cave and encroach upon the Catsith's domain? Or, would I be stopped by beasts such as this that are even more powerful than I, halting my journey?' Qing Fang was forced to look at the place in another light. Previously, he thought only the Catsiths could threaten him here, however, maybe the common beasts would surpass him if he travelled deep enough.

Qing Fang then turned away from the huge reptile as it sank into the waters silently, with some sort of bestial respect for Qing Fang, amongst its wariness. Qing Fang didn't send it another thought and faced the dark passage that constantly came forth with golden hues.

There was obviously something deep within the cave. Something that incited fear in even these beasts that deterred them from coming any closer. Qing Fang steeled the fact in his heart before taking steps toward the cave entrance.

However, as he took a single step into the cave, his attention was immediately drawn to the walls of the passage. Extending a crystal-black claw that gently slid across the smooth walls, thoughts emerged in Qing Fang's mind.

'Hmmm, strange. These walls are so smooth they could never be formed naturally. Not to mention the shape of the passage is consistent from what I can see. This was definitely formed by a cultivator.' Qing Fang thought as the golden light constantly lit up his bearing and then disappeared the next second in its strange cycle.

Naturally, Qing Fang was immensely intrigued by the small cave. He felt the urge to go deeper strongly, but never let the feeling of possible danger leave his mind. And with hushed thoughts as well as open ears and glaringly open eyes that stared in every direction scarily, Qing Fang stepped into the abyss.

He took slow and completely silent steps as he tried to mask his presence with all his power. His breaths were completely gone, and one would think he simply wasn't breathing if not for his rising chest with every inhale.

The temperature instantly lowered several times, despite the golden light getting brighter and more encompassing as Qing Fang walked down the passage. Water that would instantly send a shiver down the spine dripped from the ceiling and wetted the walls. They fell unto Qing Fang, however, causing his strong body no trouble.

Qing Fang's clawed feet made like clacks on the stone he walked across, small sounds echoing in the passage as indistinct as the splash of water droplets. He walked forward silently, his heart pumping with strange excitement as the golden light shone ever-brighter.

"..." Suddenly, Qing Fang's ears twitched as he heard something come from deep in the passageway. It was extremely distant and he only felt the twitch of the fine hairs in his cat-like ears flow softly from the sound, alerting him to it.

The golden light washed over the floor and seemed to contain a power that was growing stronger and more noticeable as Qing Fang went deeper into the passage. On the outside, it seemed to merely be a golden light, but here, there was a strong power concealed deep within that became ever-present as he went deeper and deeper.

Qing Fang felt the chilly air begin to get warmer and warmer, as if he was descending on a habitable place. It made him wonder if it really was the lair of some cultivator, its remnants, or maybe something profound.

Whichever it was, Qing Fang hid himself the best he could. He would immediately turn back if he found himself in a dangerous situation. In a place like this, it was hard to escape from a stronger enemy unscathed if discovered.

Qing Fang moved forward with speed his huge legs granted him. However, all the while, his ears twitched as that small sound became louder and louder...


A deafening roar from deep within the cave suddenly reverberated, cascading down the passage and causing the droplets of water on the ceiling to all fall with a loud smack! Qing Fang instantly became drenched as his face became ashen.

It became too clear to him now that those small noises he was hearing were the incoherent growls of a beast. And now that a roar had erupted from deep within, Qing Fang became even more cautious.

However, he did not turn back. Why? Because that roar of rage was not directed at himself. He merely witnessed the aftermath.

There was something deep in the cave, something that was absolutely furious. However, it was not furious at him.

"Growl..." The hushed growls continued, full of hatred and helplessness. They carried a strong baritone that made the very air itself vibrate and the fur on Qing Fang's body to shake rhythmically.

'No wonder the beasts outside do not dare to enter. They might've done before until their Stage 4 bodies were crushed from the mere pressure of a single roar...' Qing Fang thought. He felt his skin squeeze as the pressure of that roar engulfed him before, even causing him a little strain.

And that was even with his higher Stage 5 body. A beast several levels lower, maybe even higher Stage 4, would suffer severe injuries from that roar and might even go deaf permanently, the power surpassing their regeneration. Qing Fang could cope, however, he knew that if he was forced to fight, it would be tough.

Qing Fang continued to move deeper and the air got warmer and warmer. The growls got louder and louder. And the golden light got stronger and stronger!

After a few hundred meters, Qing Fang suddenly saw an opening appear before him. He crouched down on the spot and saw a blinding golden light shine every three seconds, the remnants of the light cascading down the passage and past Qing Fang. Everything was illuminated with a bright gold that was so bright, everything seemed to turn white!

The roars echoed from just past the opening and below. Qing Fang could taste the malice and hatred in the air. It made him think. The beast was seemingly alone as Qing Fang had only heard the roars of a single creature and no other, not even movement of another. Then, what was going on in there?

Qing Fang stood back up and desperately felt the need to use his divine sense to see without exposing himself. But alas, his soul was extremely damaged and he would simply not risk using it further, not again. Even if his life was in danger and he would die otherwise. Simply because if he used his unlocked soul once more, it might shatter into a trillion pieces and end the life of Qing Fang.

So, he could only move.

Qing Fang came to the entrance in no time at all, but exerted himself to stay quiet and undetected. He tried to naturally hide his Dao Body the best he could so the eyes of cultivators couldn't see him. However, there was only so much he could do. That was what stealth-orientated treasures were for...

Qing Fang arrived with a heavy bearing at the opening at the end of the passage and slowly arched his neck over to look through gradually.

Just from peering through, he could tell that it widened out into a wide cavern with a lot of space. Maybe three dozen meters across either side, a lot of space to be carved out artificially.

However, that was not all.

The wall directly on the opposite side of the passage where Qing Fang perched was not simply a wall. It was a wall of golden light.

Pulsing and intricate runes of a shimmering gold interweaved into patterns, which interweaved into chains, which interweaved into even greater patterns! It was simply endlessly complex and a work of art so profound and blinding that Qing Fang felt a stinging in his eyes if he looked at it directly!

The wall was the source of the overwhelming golden light and only now, after seeing it, could Qing Fang see its true strength. It gave rise to memories of pagodas that pierced the sky back in the Qing Clan, the dominating golden light that pulsed over them intimidating every and all form of life! It gave rise to memories of figures that pierced the sky wielding cataclysmic golden light in the palms of their hands, using its power to build cities and cage monsters beyond reality!

Simply said, it was greater than he could comprehend. Qing Fang felt so pathetically small next to it, that he couldn't even find the urge to be fearful.

Eventually, Qing Fang snapped himself out of revering wonder and looked deeper into the cavern.

However, when he saw what was there, a smile came over his face!

No longer hiding himself, Qing Fang stood tall and walked out into the golden light before dropping down into the massive cavern with a thud!

Instantly, a pair of incomparably murderous yellow eyes fell onto him and wanted to incinerate him into dust. Qing Fang met the gaze with his eyes wide open, shining strongly with his bloodline power, yet the owner of those yellow eyes did not react as if Qing Fang simply didn't possess a bloodline power.

However, that didn't bother Qing Fang.

That was because, currently sprawled on the floor before Qing Fang, there was a huge Catsith riddled with chains of golden runes that nailed it to the floor and sealed its power.

The Catsith was easily six meters tall, much bigger than the Catsith he had just nearly lost his life to. And it was all the more powerful too.

Qing Fang could estimate that his own strength was right between a lower Stage 5 Catsith and a middle Stage 5 Catsith. While he could kill lower Stage 5s without much trouble, middle Stage 5s could kill him without much trouble. Catsiths were different from the unremarkable humans that dwelled in this city. Qing Fang could stand equally with Baron Kang, a peak Stage 5 human.

Though that could not be said for the humans of the Qing Clan. At most, Qing Fang could fight a middle Stage 5 human of the Qing Clan. After all, those humans were much stronger than the gutter trash found in this caged city.

But, right here before him, a peak Stage 5 Catsith dwelled. It had a power much greater than Qing Fang. He could only see himself fighting it when he stepped into the realm of Stage 5 himself.

However, it was completely powerless and could only stare at him murderously as it screeched incoherently and with unlimited malice. Those golden chains that gave the same feeling as the golden wall of light had power much superior to it.

Interestingly, Qing Fang could see the grey pelt of the peak Stage 5 Catsith riddled with many claw marks that amalgamated into a strange pattern. That of a cat's skull with a glaring cross over it.

"Hoho, you are a banished Catsith, am I wrong?" Qing Fang said as he came to the chained head of the Catsith and looked into its eyes.

"Thrown out by your Elder Catsith for committing crimes? I thought as much. Lying here chained suits you quite well. Hehe." Qing Fang chuckled.

"ROAR!!!" A terrifying roar was all that answered Qing Fang as the beast pitifully struggled in the golden chains that didn't move an inch.

Qing Fang was pushed back across the stone floor, his claws etching marks into the cold stone for several meters as the roar hit him. He stood there with an ugly, but mocking, expression.

"Hehe, you just lie there chained." Qing Fang knew that if it managed to escape, he would simply just die. No question about it. A mere roar, not even imbued with any special power, just a mere roar had pushed him back several meters even though he resisted with his full strength.

"Another inheritor? Welcome, welcome. I bid you welcome! Now, now, come closer so I can see you."

All of a sudden, a grand voice came from the golden wall and Qing Fang felt his entire body shake as he looked over in fright!

He had checked before, and the only life in this cavern was the Catsith! Undoubtedly!

However, as he looked over and also heard the meaning of the words, he relaxed somewhat. However, he was constantly on alert. He was out of place here, he was too weak to tread lightly!

Looking over, he saw a human. However, it was not a simple human! He was formed of golden light and was completely transparent!

A remnant consciousness!

*3,329/3,000 words*

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