
Blinded Love: The return

Terrence, the eldest son of the leader of the Dahlia pack, was framed for killing his stepmother and got cursed at a very young age, all thanks to the jealousy of someone near to him... but no one knows the truth While Terrence received the hatred of everyone after he was kicked out of his pack, his little brother Erick, received the love of everyone around him. When the annual tournament came Terrence's father asked him to return because it was time to marry him off to an Alpha and leave the family forever…. Without knowing that his arrival will bring with him many entanglements and surprises... ꨄ Book cover made with Pinterest's images Illustrations' rights to their respective authors.

Misaki_Butterfly · LGBT+
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31 Chs


Blausen separated from his lips very slowly, he had a triumphant smile placed on his face for having achieved that kiss; however, when he kook at Terrence it didn't seem as if the omega was feeling the same thing.

Blausen froze in misplaced looking astonished at the bad expression that Terrence had at that moment, he didn't seem happy or embarrassed quite the contrary the omega look like he was sick, disgusted… horrified.

His face was completely pale, his head was a mess and for some reason the only thing he could think of was Daemon...Terrence couldn't stop thinking about Daemon and asking himself "what are you doing?"

He really felt like such a piece of trash.. how could he kiss someone while he was thinking about someone else?

As Blausen walked away, Terrence felt relieved.

Neither of them could say anything, Terrence's panic made him act on instinct, and transformed into that great black wolf only to run away, however, fortunately, this time his consciousness remained intact.

With mixed feelings, he ran faster and faster through the corridors of the castle, leaving behind his cane and prince Blausen who had a thousand questions on his mind.


I didn't understand anything, firstly, when Blausen kissed me I felt that my heart stopped for a moment and the next I thought it wanted to escape from my chest but after that, I feel that it hurt too much.

Maybe I was imagining it but Blausen's kiss had felt strange…it wasn't like Daemon's sweet and soft touch…

I was very confused, I know that I like Blausen... But why? Why does he do that I started to feel like that?

Although I couldn't see the expressions of others, I was always good at reading the feelings of others toward me so I could tell if they were sincere or not, but with Blausen it was strange... I felt absolutely nothing... more than the desire to be in his arms and leave the world behind I couldn't know if he was honest about his feelings for me or not, it was as if an invisible force was protecting him from me but with Daemon it was different… I knew his feelings were sincere, I feel the warmth he gave me in every word or careless...

I felt worse and worse...

Maybe I had gotten too used to Daemon's kindness in these last few days that I imagined my life with him or I was too grateful to him for being there when I need someone the most... But I didn't understand why I feel that choosing Blausen was wrong.

The night came to an end and the next day started well, breakfast was already served by Orsen while Killian had gone to Prince Daemon's room to deliver his food and look how he was doing, however, when Killian arrived he found something terrible….

He ran like a soulless man to where his teacher was, entering his room without knocking.

"AHHH what the hell is wrong with you KILLIAN?"

Orsen yelled scared as he covered his body with a blanket, he had just finished showering and was completely naked when Killian entered.

The alpha stood in shock for a few seconds before scolding and slapping himself in his mind.

«This is not the time to think about your master's beautiful body, Killian»

The alpha fakes a cough and looks in another direction.

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to do this but… we have a problem..."

"What kind of problem made you lose your manners?"

"Prince Daemon escaped…"

There was a very uncomfortable silence after the big scream of Orsen fill the room.


Orsen's shout was undoubtedly heard throughout the palace. At the speed of Light, he barely pulled his clothes on, and run out as fast as possible to get to the empty room of the alpha where Daemon was staying at.

There now was a huge hole next to the door, and obviously, there was no one inside anymore.

"Holy Shit…"


Killian scolded his teacher for his vocabulary and the blond just cleared his throat before speaking.

"Evacuate everyone in this instance …we can't have them here anymore"

"And the award ceremony?"

"It is more than obvious that it is canceled"

Killian only bowed to him and rush to the dining room to announce the others the bad news about Daemon. Meanwhile, Blausen who had just arrived at the dining room was looking for his parents because he had something important to discuss with them about "his engagement"

"You have quite a serious face, Blaun, what happen?" his father, Bastian, asks using the nickname they give him since childhood.

Even though Blausen hates it and always told them to refrain from using it, he didn't say anything and answers with a smile.

"It's nothing, bad dad... I want to talk to you about something important"

"And what it's that "something" important?" this time his mother, Rasha, asks.

"I want to marry the young master Terrence"

The redhead showed a rather big smile as he saw the amazement and strange expressions on his parents' faces. Even though Blausen indeed notices Terrence's mixed feelings towards him…. His seductive side tells him not to give up on the boy.

The emotion prince Blausen was feeling dropped down when Killian gave them the news about Daemon.


It was the thought of everyone at that moment because Daemon was a really fierce beast in his heat.


Terrence stayed in the forest all night, at first he was running through the beautiful environment that had grown in the kingdom, he was trying to organize his thoughts, understand his guilt and maybe forget just a little bit that pain in his chest that was caused at every thought of Daemon.

The alpha came to his mind when he was trying to think about Blausen...

The night before he arrived at the lake where Monaed and Lyka had walked together when they first met, Terrence didn't know what to do with that situation... His rational side told him that it was wrong to accept his feelings for Blausen but his heart didn't know what to feel or which one to choose at that moment

Terrence wanted to be with Blausen, he has an unbridled madness to be in his arms and left the world behind them, however, when he was with Daemon everything was a little different, he gave him the peace and comfort that he had always wanted.

Terrence sighed frustrated...

Instead of clearing his mind he only sunk further into a sea of ​​unpredictable feelings.

While he was trying to find a reasonable reason for his mixed feelings about the two alphas, he remembers all the events that had happened in the last few days, how his life had changed in such a short time, how he met Blausen and Daemon… And for a second he wished he could hear people's thoughts again… but then he regretted it.

He knew that wasn't right, even though, reading other people's minds was an amazing and useful ability it was also dangerous and disrespectful, Terrence would never want someone getting into his head without permission to find out what he was thinking.

Terrence fell as if in the blink of an eye, the sun was slowly illuminating the kingdom, and only at that moment he noticed that he hadn't been able to sleep at all, he yawned exhausted, he unexpectedly began to close his eyes without paying attention to the albino wolf who was approaching him with stealthy steps and a predatory aura.

Instinct won him and Terrence opened his eyes quickly turning his face back, even though he couldn't see anything, for some reason he felt that in his mind he managed to see a familiar figure approaching him.

Terrence feel goosebumps at the growl of the other, but then the delicious aroma of peppermint hit his nose, Terrence smiled a little but he feel that something was strange, that aroma was stronger than before and made him feel a little dizzy.


Terrence thought bout him first, the white wolf keep quiet after he stopped his steps.

Just hearing that beautiful voice that he knew very well pronouncing his name... Was enough to make him release his anger.

Terrence sniffed with surprise, the smell of blood reached his nose and Terrence got worried.

"What happened? Did you get injured? You smell like..."


Terrence couldn't finish talking when he hear that sarcastic laughter from the other, it wasn't the typical laugh he had heard from him,

It was completely different.

Monaed was taking control over Daemon's body, however, Terrence didn't know that and Monaed take advantage of that fact to hurt him. the big white wolf had a pain in his chest, it was from his silly other half inside him, Daemon, who would never dare to hurt Terrence, and was trying to stop what Monaed was gonna do.

The worrying words of the omega lit up the fire that started to grow up inside him, that fire that was burning him, however, with all the calm he could gain Monaed managed to speak to Terrence.

"You don't have to worry about me..... Your Highness..."

The cold tone in which the alpha answered made Terrence tremble, he was clearly marking a distance between them.

Terrence remembered that he had done something similar before to him but Daemon had always spoken to him tenderly and lovingly, however, right now he had even heard the alpha growl at him.

He wanted to ask the alpha "what's wrong?" but Terrence couldn't do that because he was feeling guilty.

"I was really a very foolish wolf, wasn't I?" Monaed growled while he continued approaching Terrence and he split those words with anger "You must have a lot of fun with me acting like a clown, didn't you?"

"N-No... I"

"I think.. one day I will become someone special for you... I was hoping to be in your heart, even if it was the most measly and dark corner in it... I WILL HAVE BEEN HAPPY"


"However, I was really so stupid" Monaed whispered into Terrence's ear before he bites it very rudely until the blood of the omega dropped to the ground.

Terrence fell on the ground confused, his ear feel numb from the pain, and even though he wanted to cry at that moment he didn't do it, Terrence believed that was the punishment that the universe have send to him, however, he was sure why Daemon was treating him like that and he would not defend himself.

"I saw everything, your highness" he mocked Terrence one more time before he continued talking "Blausen and… you... make a couple made in heaven" he scoffed, clearly disgusted.

Monaed was tempted to refer to Blausen as the carrot but he was showing his disappointment and disgust by saying his name in a cold and grave voice, he also wasn't in the mood to joke around.

The alpha contained his urge to bite Terrence, even if he was a little conscious he was still in his heat, and it was more difficult than he thought to keep his sanity, in an attempt to cool down his thoughts he scratched a nearby trunk with such force that he almost broke it in half.

Terrence started to shake afraid of that big noise, and that excited Moned more, he clenched his fangs when he noticed those big eyes of the raven wolf opening up in surprise and…pain?

Monaed growls angrier.

Terrence was the only one who broke his other half's heart so why was he making that sad expression?


"I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT, your highness"

Terrence felt a lump in his throat and he felt even worse for those words, this was not the Daemon he had known but Terrence had nothing to complain about, he knew that he deserved that treatment more than anyone. Terrence wanted to confess that he was going to accept him...that he really had wanted to marry him nevertheless the words didn't come out of his mouth.

Terrence remembered that Daemon had been quite clear that he could wait for him, that he only wanted to be by his side even as a friend but of course, that doesn't mean he could hurt him... he kissed Blausen with such passion that anyone would feel horrible….

"I'm sorry… I'm really so sorry"

"Don't apologize your highness… I also was too selfish… I didn't think about your feelings"

Daemon regains a little control of his body to say those words and gradually approached Terrence, as a last farewell, he rubbed his head against him before he run away really fast to try to not go wild again.

Even after being hurt, the alpha comforts him, making Terrence's guilt grow up.

• • • • ❁ • • • •

Only that subtle caress remained before Daemon disappeared in an instant, when Terrence was left alone... he began to cry, without any apparent reason which was very strange because he hadn't cried like that since he lost his stepmother...

He didn't know why he was heartbroken or how long he was there static at the same point crying like a baby ...

He didn't even realize when he left the forest and returned to the castle, Terrence only came back to reality when he hear his friend's voice calling him, Leva and Killian were waiting at the entrance in the backyard of the castle, they sounded very desperate because they didn't know where he had been all this time.

The castle had been left empty by the evacuation but Terrence paid no attention to the lack of scents in the corridors.

He knew where his room was by the trail of his own scent so he didn't have to ask where he should have to go, he didn't even greet his friends or answer his worrying questions. He was not in the mood to talk to them.

He knew that he had hurt a very good person… and now it was already too late to apologize... He had lost a very kind and sincere friend and Terrence regret it deeply

As soon as he got to his room, he collapsed on the floor and changed into his human form, his face was embarrassed and his body was hot...

Once the evacuation was over, Orsen cast a restriction spell on the area to keep Daemon in Reinheit's territory.

Caius invited Terrence to stay in the estate of the Dhalia's pack however, he couldn't leave the castle because when night came he suffered from a terrible fever.

When he was exposed to the pheromones of Daemon's heat, it pushes Terrence to also, experience it.

Unfortunately, it was his first heat and for three entire days Terrence was locked in his room, howling, screaming, begging to be let out, however; he didn't have the strength to break the stone wall like Daemon.

In the blink of an eye, the fourth day of heat had arrived, Terrence no longer had a fever but it was strange, he still have symptoms of the heat but it was calmer, he felt severe pain in his belly and was looking for a companion while Daemon had killed some animals to calm his desire to satisfy his sexual appetite by killing and feeling the blood of his prey on his lips but then the fourth day the second phase began...

Daemon loses his consciousness completely and went, berserker...

To be continued...

Hi! I'm really late, aren't I? I'm sorry, but sometimes I have bad ups and downs. I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

I love you, and thank you for your unconditional support.

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