
Blind Dreamer Of Madness

Previously known as "Tony's Little Brother" THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE READING!!! - Pokemon Harem - Nonsense power ranking - Hunting Reincarnator. - Zero character development. - Wish fulfilment - I just write whatever I want. ============== Waking up in unfamiliar place, Enzo find him turn into an infant, not just any normal infant but the little brother of the Genius, Billionaire, Playboy, philanthropist, Tony Stark. inspired by batman's little brother. Main World: Marvel comics(added Warhammer 40k elements ), movies, etc Planned world visit: DC and Anime

Try_hard · Anime et bandes dessinées
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52 Chs

Chapter 7 - Power Boost

As expected, my brother's sudden disappearance caused news to pour in. I mean a world wide genius vanishing into thin air would be a massive loss to humanity. I was able to see that Rhode and obadiah gave their statement regarding the situation at the news outlet.

Obviously, I went to visit them considering it would be weird for me to not check. It was brief and let obadiah handle the business but made sure to influence him to not sell weapons until Tony returned. I'll kill him later when I get the chance.

At the current moment, another 2 month had passed since my brother had been kidnapped and let the situation flow. Right now, I was in my room reading the memories of every mage, demon and vampire along with Kree and Skrulls.

'Hmmm, does the summoning work if I were to do it in my pocket dimension?'

[ Yes, your pocket dimension is still part of the space within this reality. like box within a box. ]

Interesting analogy and gave me the idea to devour a Demon physiology but for that I need to train magic. Due to the rapid growth of my Hivemind and powers that were slowly adapted to the power cosmic that leaked from Jean Great had let me bypass near impossible mental barriers and got large libraries of magic in many different schools.

I nodded before heading inside my pocket dimension not to try summoning a demon but to store every knowledge of magic that I've managed to gather without the ancient one noticing.

'Now that I think about it, does she know my future?'

[ I don't know, host. ]

Right, she is only able to tell if I have some kind of information about the topic.

"Well, if she decides to visit me I'll welcome her."

My world was built for my clones to train my mutant powers that allowed me to grow stronger without doing much. The place was beautiful and named it Eden. Yeah very original but It's simple enough to remember.

Anyways back on topic, Magic has many times and those I manage are from the Kamar Taj and Demon cult along with vampires society. I use the extra-dimensional energy along with the bit of power cosmic that I have to essentially be a god now.

'I'm closer to creating a weapon capable of killing a Celestial. I just need a residual energy from Celestial within Knowhere.'

I dislike having incantation and merely remove it only to have mental thoughts to use magic. I've decided to create an army that focuses on researching magic.

'Raphael, based on your assumption, what are the chances of me winning a fight against a Celestial?'

[ Host only have 0.0000069% chance of injuring them if you use every bit of your power cosmic and caught them by surprise. ]

'Are you kidding me with that number?'

[ No host, that is what I calculated. However I can't get concrete answer without host encountering a Celestial but I'm confident the number would be much lower. ]

'That sounds disheartening…'

Holy damn. To be fair, I am still barely got any Power Cosmic of my own and been siphoning Jean Grey's energy that leaked from the phoenix.

I put it aside and continued to train every single magic spell to utmost perfection having spent a year within my pocket dimension. The endless hordes of my clones studied the profound ways of using the magic.

There are roughly 50,000 clones training in numerous spells and incantations while another 50,000 clones to understand and grasp the Extra-dimensional energy.

As a side note, there are also other clones that train in refining my Cosmic Energy that remain in my pocket dimension to become a new type of cosmic body for me once I acquired more necessary energy.

I thought by doing so might help my chance fighting Celestial and Cosmic Entities by becoming one. Regardless, my power had grown immensely and at the pinnacle of my strength was only limited by the world I was in.

'Huh? Where am I? Raphael, are you there?'

My vision changed when I was training and found myself in a dark void yet amiss in those endless abyss. There something stared back at me.

It was an eldritch abomination, an enormous serpent which appeared to have a red scale yet upon closer inspection would see that they were flesh of small humanoid creatures growing and overlapping like a hellish landscape of grotesque flesh with numerous body parts growing and disappearing.

On top of it his head resembles a lion with mane made from flesh as well and eyes that were formed from smaller eyes. It constantly expanded in a horrifying manner as if wanting to consume everything close to it while also consuming itself like infinite cosmic disease.

The countless eyes staring at me where no normal mortal could comprehend such impossibility. If I were to scale this creature then its smallest eyes already were the size of a building and was only able to see it when it moved and took distance.

'What is this!?'

At that moment, I found myself back to reality where I felt something lifted off my chest after witnessing everything.

'Raphael, do you know what just happened?'

[ Yes, that was Yaldabaoth, Saklas, the Flesh of the Abyss, the Devourer of gods, The God of Order and Chaos, Etc. The character template had started to progress even further and let you experience along with the memories of Yaldabaoth. ]

Not gonna lie, those titles sound rather cool and menacing. Still it was truly frightening after encountering such a powerful entity.

'Will my personality be consumed by Yaldabaoth?'

[ No, you only gain its memory and person but the personality is yours. ]

'Wait how come you know this when I don't?'

[ I have access to everything regarding Character Template: Yaldabaoth. ]

'What the hell!? Why didn't you tell me!'

[ I cannot give you everything unless you acquire the power to access more memories. ]

'Why is that?'

[ It would attract too much attention if you gain everything about if. ]

I decided not to get into it and just focus on getting stronger but still to think my template would be a cosmic entity is amazing.

I stood up and snapped my finger causing my pocket dimension to be more organized and appeared in a vast sea of books. Putting aside what happened earlier, I went to work.

The endless magical record that I've obtained was just a fraction of the record that was hidden within the Kamar Taj, Witch Temple, Vampire Society, etc.

'Overpowered is a bit of an underestimate now?'

My power soared through the roof and to be perfectly honest I might be a candidate to be sorcerer supreme as my skill in magic could make me a reality warper and shaping the fundamentals of the world in the palm of my hand..

Too bad I don't have access to Chaos magic. Maybe I could find Wanda and get lucky. I need to find her first before the Scarlet witch gets a hold of her.

Or maybe find the Darkhold but that would be a horrible idea since based on the records that are too vague told that it held something powerful, most likely an entity and I'm not confident to fight Cosmic Entity.

That aside, I went outside my pocket dimension to get some fresh air since it's been so long sitting close-legged even if you are floating around and my clone is doing most of the work.

I mean how can Chinese cultivators sit for thousands if not millions of years. I made sure I was in my child form and took some lollipop from my desk since I can't smoke in this form, might as well improvise.

Glancing at the window, I found that it was around lunch time. The door burst open and found Ororo at the door.

"Oh sorry, I should have knocked."

"It's fine and I know it's lunch time."

"Good you remember, come join us."

I nodded and decided to absorb the lollipop since I would be eating lunch. Ah what a waste of candy. Well, I still have some in my pocket. Ororo and I went to the kitchen where Jean Grey and Rouge were waiting for us.

"Glad you could join us! Here sit next to me, sugar or maybe you want in my lap."

"Alright, stop teasing him, Anne."

"Ah~ one day I'll get him to blush."

"You didn't leave your room for half a day. Is the news about your brother still bothering you?"

They were informed about my relation with my brother and were all shocked about it but focused more on comforting me. I'm glad that they didn't change their perspective about me since I didn't want to change how they treat me.

"Not really, knowing my brother he'll come alive from this."

I smiled at her words for worrying about me.

"If you need anyone to talk to, we are always here."

"Seriously I'm fine but thank you for the offer."

I sat down and began eating while having a small chat.


It's been exactly a year that passed ever since my brother had been kidnapped. I was watching him build the first iron man armor and could feel the change in his heart. Both literally and metaphorically.

Of course I don't intervene in most events within earth and only been helping the human recover from Sublime manipulation along with uniting the world leaders for cooperation while I let the world turn.

I only help if it is a threat at world scale and mostly let people do as they please. That aside, I've started my own company with the assistance of my own clone that I collaborated with myself that completely separate from stark industries with only the share with mine.

It was my money left by Tony and Rhode didn't go against it while Obidiah thought it was just childish action and didn't do anything. Too bad because within a year, the company rose and changed the world with advanced phones and stuff.

I invested a lot of it in social media and companies like Amazon had been under this new company of mine. The company is still below stark industries since they are in more advanced technology and warfare.

Still the purpose of my company is essential space travel for future intergalactic expansion. Why do I do this? Well in case earth gets eaten by Galactus or destroyed by the celestial they still have back up planets.

Also, I'm bored with all my power. This is just a fun project. I was planning on visiting another world once I'm at least 15 and hope to find a cosmic storm. Fortunately, my Hivemind does not have any distance limit

Jean Grey was slowly losing the mental barrier but I was making sure to absorb the Cosmic energy that didn't alarm Charles.

This meant that she was slowly fusing with the phoenix slowly. I still haven't communicated with it but I understand that every time she goes out of control this is actually because the phoenix leak cosmic energy was too much for normal people that it seems to be rampaging but in truth this is the result of the phoenix descending into its vessel. Today was when we were laying in the night once again.

"Jean, do you trust me?"

It was a random question that caught her off guard. I was reluctant to ask and make things awkward but I feel her emotion that she trusts me completely and I also trust her.

Is this the famous Stark charisma? Maybe. Guess being stark and their charisma helps a lot.

I mean I wasn't this confident talking with girls in my previous life and only been lucky to have few relationships but all lasted a few months.

"Why are you suddenly asking this?"

"I…I just want to tell you about your power. The truth about your power and it's not just simple mutant power."

"What do you mean?"

I can see that she was curious and wanted to know the truth while taking my words with a grain of salt. I decided to tell her everything she needed to know about her powers. I got up laying down to sit and look at her.

"What about telling you is very important but I promise you that it would help you and make you even stronger than before."

She didn't say anything and nodded.

"For a year I had been having strange dreams and at first I thought it was nothing but the more I got into it the more it became real. Your immense power is from a source of energy called the Phoenix force that belongs to the Phoenix. A cosmic entity."

"Cosmic entity? Phoenix?"

"It is difficult to believe me because I am still trying to wrap my head around it. Regardless, I also discover things about my power and that I can create parasites that infect people where I am the hive mind to it all."

"What do you mean?"

"It means that I am able to spread my mind to people like disease and replicate everything about them…even their mutant powers."

"Wait! Does that mean you have more than one mutant powers!?"

"Yes, I copied yours and everyone that has some semblance of biological modification and augmentation. No, I am not spying on anyone because I promise you don't want to see what I see."

"Hold up, can you explain more about your powers then tell mine."

"Shouldn't it be the opposite? Well alright fine but don't tell the others. I'll tell them personally because it would be unfair if you were the only ones who knows about it."

"Yeah, Anne would go on a tantrum about her sugar being biased."

"...When did you become a tease?"

"Fufufu, you were a great influence."

"God I am becoming like my brother aren't I!?"

"We're getting off topic."

"Ah right, sorry. As I am saying."

I have her brief explanation about her powers and where it originated from. This shocks her from the revelation that her powers are something out of this world.

"Wait, you're telling me this came from your dream and you're sure it's true?"

"One way to find out and meet the phoenix in your mind. I'm certain it's extremely angry for Charles in trapping it within your mind but I'll try to calm it down."

"Wait what if it hurts you?"

"Better than you getting hurt."

I blanked for a moment realizing it sounded quite flirtatious and made Jean smile at my words.

They still think of me as some sort of little brother and far from being in a romantic relationship. Not that I mind and feel awkward in this young body anyways. I quickly fake cough to stop the awkward air.

"Anyway, I'll try to communicate with it but warn that I will have to invade your mind and memories…"

"I already know that and I'm fine with it. I trust you."

I smiled at her words and before I entered her mind, placed both of us in the mirror dimension in case things got heated. Heh pun. Get it because of the phoenix…

Anyways, normally some people have strong minds because their mental barriers are stronger than the others.

I finally arrived in her memory banks, I needed to unlock her childhood memories first. When she was small she was able to control all that power, so if she gets back her childhood memories, it might get slightly easier for her to control her powers.

I saw her memories… I saw several memories of her indulging in some self-pleasure on, okay nope!

Quickly changing the memories since I didn't want to invade her privacy and I finally arrived in front of the first blocks.

There were three blocks in her childhood memories, the biggest block was in the middle. I decided to take care of that later. I started with the weakness one and walked up to avoid Jean from getting overloaded in power in case I couldn't hold the immense power of the phoenix force.

As soon as I put more pressure on the block it started to crack and siphon the energy the burst from it to not harm Jean. It almost severed my connection to her but kept going.

The block finally cracked under the pressure and as soon as the block crumbled, I was assaulted by several of her childhood memories, Jean was able to see her memories again. I could feel a wave of emotion coming into her heart and frankly it made me angry at Charles for doing this.

However, this avoided her from accidentally traumatizing herself into a life of death and destruction while being innocent through it all. It is a burden that shouldn't be experienced by a child.

Though, it blocks her full potential but still this saves her from soaking her innocent with blood. I waited for her memories to settle down and went for the second block feeling something akin to shattering glass where the flood hate exploded forth allowing Jean grey to gain a portion of the phoenix force.

She seemed to take the burning appearance where her eyes and hair glowed into flames. However, I could still feel her consciousness and had control but her power was so immense that it might crack the mirror dimension forcing us to go outside.

I summoned clones around us before casting a powerful spell to help regulate her power that suppressed enough until I was able to siphon enough Cosmic energy from it and let her adapt.

If it weren't for the pack I have millions upon millions of powers at my disposal and my own cosmic power then I would already have been incinerated from the Phoenix force.

When everything settled down and continued forward to the final mental block where I destroyed but didn't have much reaction like the other two and only made a portal that I knew where the phoenix was located.

"Here goes nothing."

I was extremely scared since this entity is a Cosmic Entity even if it is just a fragment of the original that roams above the multiverse.

Will I get incinerated from existence? Maybe but it was sealed by Charles who is weaker than me which means I have a chance at least.

Upon taking a step foot inside and greeted by bright light before my eyes I immediately witnessed something beyond words. There, despite being bound in chains was the majestic Phoenix who's flames endlessly burn where it notices my presence and looks at me curiously.

"You feel oddly familiar."