
Blind Dreamer Of Madness

Previously known as "Tony's Little Brother" THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE READING!!! - Pokemon Harem - Nonsense power ranking - Hunting Reincarnator. - Zero character development. - Wish fulfilment - I just write whatever I want. ============== Waking up in unfamiliar place, Enzo find him turn into an infant, not just any normal infant but the little brother of the Genius, Billionaire, Playboy, philanthropist, Tony Stark. inspired by batman's little brother. Main World: Marvel comics(added Warhammer 40k elements ), movies, etc Planned world visit: DC and Anime

Try_hard · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

Chapter 8 - Welcome back

Explaining what I am currently feeling under the pressure of such a majestic creature was beyond words itself. This was the first time that I'll personally encounter a Cosmic entity.

Its immense power was already weighing down on me but the ever growing and adapting power of mind overcame the odds. It stared intently towards me, still chained and bound in confinement if the mental escape. 

"Yo, the name's Enzo, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Still I didn't let her dominate me since I don't want to appear weak and this is a contest of mental strength.

I've already gotten power to warn me if I would be in grave danger and I only was feeling slight anxiety but not enough to make me fall back. Not to mention, I was continuously siphoning cosmic energy from it to fuel my own.

"You are a peculiar mortal. I can't find an answer as to why you appear familiar to me."

I can hear its tone appears to be confused and curious pondering the answer. Perhaps it's related to Yaldabaoth one way or another. I haven't gained a new piece of information from it ever since a year ago. There are hardly any records from any magic society and other mystic society that talks about Yaldabaoth. 

"Regardless, I want to know why you've broken the barrier set by that fool? Have you come to bargain with me? Don't know except that I haven't noticed the insects that absorb my cosmic energy. "

It's killing intent weighs into me but I stood firmly with a cigarette in my mouth since I was in my adult form in the mental world.

"Yeah, can you give me a light?"

"Are you mocking me!"

"Of course not, just trying to lighten the mood before it burns out. Damn am I killing with these hot puns."

Something tells me a watcher is cringing at my joke. Hey there, no one can tell me otherwise.

"Putting that aside, my purpose here is to free you in exchange of letting me help you form a better connection with your current host by siphoning the excess cosmic energy."

"Is that all you wish? Then break my chain then I shall let you do as you please."

"Ok, tell me, what will you do after I free you? Will you try to destroy the world?"

I asked in a serious manner since cosmic entities hardly feel any attachment for lower dimensional beings in the grand scheme of things. 

"No…I have no interest in doing that,"

The Phoenix paused for a moment before continuing.

"At least not now, I wanted to destroy the world because I was angry…the bastard locked me here. But after you broke the block I was able to access all the memories of my host and vaguely understood the reason for that bastard locking me."

It doesn't seem to be lying and decided to free her but before that change the scenery more resembles a beautiful and peaceful place. This surprised the phoenix for a bit. 

"Don't act surprised, since you're going to stay here might as well make you feel comfortable."

"I do not need such trivial things, however I appreciate your gesture."

"No problem, well here goes nothing and please try to suppress your power."

Without a moment to make my clone strengthen the seal to help regulate the cosmic energy from leaking since it would attract quite a handful of people. 

My knowledge about the marvel universe is nothing but bits and pieces yet I was aware that gods like Odin and Zeus would feel the presence. 

Still I wonder why the living tribunal who I believed to be responsible for interfering when something breaks the balance of the multiverse appears. Can he see me? Or is my existence a variable that it is unable to perceive. 

Or maybe my existence isn't Mucha threat to him since I won't really interfere much in the affairs of every single being in the multiverse. 

The chains around the Phoenix crumble and at that moment I could feel the boundless energy of the phoenix force and witness Jean Grey burst into cosmic flames that appear like flames with starlights. 

'Raphael, can the phoenix sense you?'

[ No host. ]

'Good, can you tell me the rough estimate of how much Jean managed to gain from finally fusing with the phoenix?'

[ I have calculated it to be around 20% of complete integration. ]

'That's it?'

[ It is already the highest compatibility and Jean is the most suitable for the phoenix force. ]

Something tells me that once she transcends other hosts of the phoenix force, she'll become beyond power itself. I need to find more records about the cosmic entities and understand what they truly are. Wait! I'm an idiot!

The energy settled down and Jean passed out from exhaustion where my clone quickly helped her before she could fall into the ground. 

"Thank you for releasing me and helping my host. If you desire anything I shall provide for this debt."

"I was planning not to ask for anything but there are a few things I want to know, now."

"Very well, ask away."

I thought for a moment what I wanted to ask considering that I have numerous things I wish to know and from the Phoenix previous statement made me think that she knows about me. 

However, I'm reluctant to reveal myself being connected to that being that I believe to be a Cosmic Entity. It's best to uncover it myself and not reveal my connection to it. 

"Can you tell me what you are?"

"I am the Phoenix, I am one of the Cosmic Entities throughout the multiverse. I represent the life that has come and will come, I am life that has not yet been born, as well as the forces of creation and destruction. I am only one above the countless universes and only spread my influences through finding suitable hosts for my power."

"Cosmic Entities? Are you saying that more of you?"

The term I'm familiar with but in detail I am at a loss. I only know that they are immensely powerful entities that could reshape reality with mere thought. 

"Yes, they are numerous but they are only one for each universe. These Entities are The Living Tribunal, Eternity, Infinity, Death, Oblivion, Master Order, Lord Chaos, the In-Betweener, Mistress Love, Sire Hate, and many others."

I hardly recognize any of them yet the base of their names would allow me to guess what they are. Damn I should have read more comic books when I had the chance.

"Thank you, I'll inquire more questions later. I let you be for now and hope that you won't try to kill Professor for what he had done."

"Hmph! It would be a waste to do such a petty thing. Regardless, I thank you for your help."

I nodded before pulling my mind from the mindscape and found myself holding Jean grey who was slowly waking up looking at me rather tired. 

"I…I remember everything now. Thank you, Enzo."

"That was nothing. Still how do you feel, right now?"

"My mind is killing but overall I feel fine, no I feel like I've been reborn again."

"That's probably because you've finally gained the perfect synchronization with the Phoenix Force."

I helped her stand up while she was still having a hard time getting a hang of her newfound power. Her energy kept leaking but I made sure I was absorbing those energy until she got used to her power. 

"Wait, where are we and why are there multiple of you?"

She noticed my other clones who finally dispel the magic seal and saw that we were in the mirror dimension where everything was like an endless fractal. 

"That's going to have a long explanation but in summary I can use magic."

"Magic? Like pulling rabbit type stuff?"

"I can but no, like wizard and shit. How I learn magic is another thing but share it with the others. The thing you need to know is that this place is called the mirror dimension and everything that happens here won't affect reality….I hope."

"You hope?"

"Yeah, maybe some Cosmic power would bypass the space separating this world to the real world. That aside, let me bring  me and you back into the real world."

I merely waved my hand before the place warped back into a normal state and enjoyed the look of awe from Jean. Too bad she is incompatible in learning magic since she's already the perfect vessel for the Phoenix Force.

"Now you have to teach me how to do that."

"Sorry, I can't since you don't have the affinity for it but you can still do something similar using your powers. Just let the Phoenix teach you."

I saw her pause and knew that the Phoenix was communicating with her at the moment.

"I just spoke with it and will train using my power with her guidance."


"Yes, it doesn't have a gender but said since she's using my body then her gender is a woman."

"Oh boy, Twitter would have a field day if they heard this."


"Nothing, just talking to myself. That aside, we should head back and have some rest. Tomorrow is going to be a hectic day."

She nodded and decided to bring us back to the mirror dimension that made her confused.

"Why did you bring us back to this place?"

"Actually, this place won't affect anything in the real world, which means that no one would be able to see us."

"Amazing. Though it's troubling if some perverted wizard spies on me."

"Don't worry I'll beat them to pulp if they ever had any ideas."

"That's good to hear."

Before long we headed back to the dormitory where we just decided to call it a day. I went back to sleep even though I don't need it and still enjoy it. The next day, I went to have breakfast and found the others there waiting for me but they didn't acknowledge I was there and was fixated looking at Jean grey. 

"Uhmm, are you guys having a staring contest because Anne's eyes are about to fall from her eyes socket?"

"Sugar! Tell me it's not just me but Jean feels a lot different than before, like she's glowing but I can't put my finger on it."

"At first I thought she's just being her usual self but I noticed Jean seemed to change overnight. Did you do something?"

"How did you connect me with her?"

"There's no one else beside me, you and Anne that are close to her. Now spill the beans."

"Tell the truth, Sugar!"

Rogue got her face clone to mine that made me awkwardly smile. I was about to tell them anyway and gave a fake cough.

"Alright, sit down, I'll tell you about it, but first."

The place changes once again bringing us within the mirror dimension. Their expression was entertaining as they stepped back in both shock and awe upon seeing the whole place begin to shift into a realm of mirrors.

"W-What's going on! E-Enzo, are you the one doing this!?"

"Yeah, let me start at the very beginning."

I began to explain everything that happened last night and the things I told to Jean. Their expression was a mixture of Awe and shock that the world is more than meets the eye. 

"How could you hide this from me, Sugar!"

Rouge pouted trying to tease me while I only awkwardly chuckled. On the other hand, Ororo was deep in thought trying to process everything that she learned. 

"I'm amazed that you handled this rather well."

"My mother often told me that we were from a long line of magicians and thought my mutant powers were one."

"Yeah I can see that. You have great affinity for it but sorry, Anne you're not suited."

"Aaawww boo~!"

"Anyway, I can teach you some magic if you want me to."

I asked her since she's not only a powerful mutant but had above average talent in magic. I know this using my own awareness and power to see through her. 

"Of course, it would be a waste of an opportunity if I didn't take it."

"Great, from now on we will train in a pocket dimension that I'll make."

I quickly made a small pocket dimension where time was slower than the outside with their ages also gotten slower. I didn't want them to go wrinkly because I made them stay in this place for a long time. 

Now a week has passed since I told them the truth and had been within the training dimension for 3 days which equals to 3 years inside. Ororo wasn't the best but her persistence allowed her to at least understand a large portion of magic spells and incantations. 

Obviously, her true strength is the manipulation of weather and won't reach the same level of power in magic like doctor strange but still her mutant power and magic

"Are you excited to see your brother again?"

I glanced at my side seeing my brother's secretary and one of the few people that tolerated my brother, Virginia "Pepper" Potts. 

"Hardly, I should be the one asking you. Have you enjoyed your time without my charismatic brother?"

"You two are so much alike. And no, I'm not looking forward to seeing him again."

"Sure sure. Oh here he comes."

The helicopter landed and the cockpit opened where Rhode helped my brother walk towards us. I smirk seeing him again and finally have a change into a better person. Not a perfect man but it's enough.

"You look shit."

I bluntly said that I immediately was assaulted by my brother ruffling me even though he had an arm brace. 

"Is that how you greet your brother after not seeing him for a long time!?"

"Just telling the truth! Still glad you're alive and kicking. If you die then I'll kill you."

We both laughed while Rhode and Pepper were smiling at the two of us. After a while we headed to our car.


"Where to sir?"

"Take us to the hospital, please." 

Pepper said.


Tony said.

"No? Tony, you have to go to a hospital."

"No is a complete answer." 

"Tony, the doctor has to look at you." 

Pepper replied back.

"I don't have to do anything." 

Tony said, looking at Pepper with a look of finality.

"And the other is-"

"That's enough of that."

Pepper interrupted, thinking he meant something provocative.

"It's not what you think. I want you to call for a press conference now."

"Call for a press conference? What on earth for?" 

Pepper asked astounded.

"Yeah. Happy drive. Cheeseburger first." 

Tony said, ignoring Pepper.

"Enzo can't you tell your stubborn brother to listen?"

"Nah, I also want some cheeseburger."


"Bros before hoes hahahaha."

"God, you two are just…"

The two of us laughed before heading to the burger places then immediately got to a press conference. Everything went as like in the MCU and let Obadiah handle the rest while me and my brother arrived home. We finally got some alone time and could tell him a bit of the truth.

"So how were you when I was gone?"

"A lot of things actually, but it's better to just give you everything."

I use magic spells to transfer information in a fraction of second and allow me to give a long exposition. 

"I'm not even surprised, I did some digging and the school you've enrolled in was a special place for mutants."

"Yeah, actually I'll give you one and heal and give you a new heart."

"Don't expect me to increase your allowance."

"Oh please, I started my own company using my money."

We joked around for a moment before I got serious.

"Anyway, wanna take my offer?"

"Sure, why the hell not. Just don't make me into a freak."

"I'll try."


Before he could complain, sprouted tendrils and quickly removed the arc reactor from his chest then placing another heart afterwards gave him a mutant power that essentially gave more insane ways in constructing and deconstructing technology. Moments later I let go of him and held the arc reactor with my tendrils. 

"What the hell! You could have warned me!"

"Then it wouldn't be able to see a reaction from you."

"...This kid."

"That aside, how do you feel? I did give you a mutant power."

He paused for a moment trying to feel something and finally notice something.

"Actually, I feel…the technology, if that makes sense."

"I gave you mutant powers to help you build your insane machine."

"You could have given me something that helps me drink more."

"In your dreams. I'll be in the other room if you need anything just ask."

"I was only a year gone and you already act this way. Are you having your puberty or something?"

I let him be and gave Tony some time to readjust himself while I, on the other hand, just relaxed in the apartment. A few days later, my brother getting relatively well in adjusting back to society with his new mutant power allowed him to advance in his discovery in creating the Mark 2 iron man suit. 

Eventually, 2 years had passed once again where Tony started his Iron man career. Now I'm 13 and Jean, Ororo and Anne have turned 18 where we have spent some time together in a few missions in saving mutants that I haven't discovered. 

"I'm at the right place, right?"

I was looking at many witch-cults holding a book and an unconscious young woman at an altar. Normally I wouldn't interfere but the book and the place had tempted me here. 

"Behold sisters, the child of prophecy! The Scarlet Witch!"

Now that's my cue and started to enthusiastically walk towards them with my coat dancing along the wind while they all stared at me.