
Bleach: White Lotus Arc

Tom and Ania lived a completley normal life until they discovered their friend Mitch was a shinigami, now they'll be plunged headfirst into the world of the shinigami as their lives are changed forever

MiTcH_67 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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64 Chs

Chapter 56: Kido Training

"Hey wake up it's time for day two of training" Mitch stood over Ania who was fast asleep as he sighed "I guess the training from yesterday took a lot out of her". "Still" he placed a hand on her head "Destructive Art 11: Tzuri Raiden" a surge of electricity flowed through his arm and shocked Ania causing her to spasm and roll out the side of her bed onto the dirt.

"Morning sunshine" Mitch stepped back as she glared up at him a slight twitch happening from the leftover current. "It was either use that or a water based kido spell and trust me I think you would've been more annoyed waking up wet" an eyebrow raise from Ania was ignored by him as he shunpoed away "Come find me at the training grounds when you're awake and changed".

Ania found Mitch standing in the middle of the training grounds doing pushups as she sighed "I thought this was training for me?" "I need to get my own training in where I can". "Today I'll be teaching you some more advanced kido spells, then after I'll teach you how to create your own custom made kido spells if you want to make any".

The next few minutes were spent with Mitch teaching Ania the incantations and then the basics on crafting custom spells before he sat back and watched her practice them repeatedly until she collapsed to her knees from exhaustion. "Alright take a break and recover your reiatsu for an hour and then after I'll let you go about making your own spells" "I assume you'll be doing your own training in the meantime?" "Of course, I can't just sit around and do nothing" smirking Mitch shunpoed away while Yoruichi took a seat next to Ania "That boy and his training".

"Mitch needs to hurry back I can only sweep the training grounds so many times before it becomes monotonous and boring" Tom sighed placing the broom up against the wall. "Not to mention training by yourself is no fun as you can only swing a sword back and forth so many times" he recalled Mitch would train against the clones of himself which would help immensely fighting against something that could fight back.

"Why didn't Mitch teach me that ability, I'll have to remind myself to learn that from him" Tom stretched his arms out letting out a sigh "I guess there is only one thing left to do when you have so much free time and that's enjoy a few drinks at the bar, hopefully they haven't drunk all the sake".

Mitch arrived back to find Ania sitting deep in thought as he knelt "Decided to create any custom kido spells?" "Yes, care to be the test subject?" Before he could even answer the question Ania crossed her right hand over her chest as a bright green light started to glow "Vicious vines of the earth entangle and ensnare the enemy, Binding Art 32: Snaring Vines". Whipping her hand out forward 4 long thick vines erupted from her palm wrapping around both of Mitch's arms and legs holding him in midair "Any destructive arts?"

Still holding her hand outstretched a smirk appeared on Ania's face "Leaves from the tree fly like the wind and slice my opponents, Destructive Art 29: Leaf Shuriken" a whirlwind flew out from her palm with hundreds of leaves rotating around inside as Mitch was engulfed inside the wind while the leaves slashed all across his body leaving multiple cuts.

As the spell subsided she released the vines holding him as he stared down at the multiple wounds not deep but still blood was trickling out of them "How exactly do you plan on hurting the enemy if you only give them tiny superficial wounds?" "It's not meant to damage more to distract them so I can utilize an opening, not every destructive spell is meant to cause immense damage they can be used strategically" Ania shook her head as Mitch shrugged his shoulders "Then they'd be called diversion spells, anyway that's enough kido training for now we'll finish for today and tomorrow I'll teach you some other skills that are useful in battle".

Sitting by the fire Mitch decided to explain to Ania what was going to happen when they got back to Seireitei "Once we arrive I'll grab Tom and introduce you to the rest of the team" "Wait there is more than just Tom and myself on the team!" Ania was shocked assuming it would just be the three of them. "I mean of course usually when it's the lower seats going out in teams we have around 4 or 5 people to make up for the lack of strength" "Do you even know 4 or 5 people" Ania sarcastically said recalling back in the real world Mitch wasn't exactly Mr. Popular more the dark and silent type.

"I'll have you know I've been alive for a while so I've made plenty of friends during that time" "So who are the other people joining our group?" "Hanza is one but considering he's more about reconnaissance on the enemy he'll probably be busy most of the time, the other two well they're a secret that you'll have to wait and find out about" Mitch said before looking over to see Ania pouting "I'm too impatient just tell me now!"

"Always so impatient…" sighing Mitch shook his head "Fine there's a boy from the 6th squad called Ryu and then Yan from the 4th squad, both of them are 10th seat but they know their shikai's and can hold their own in a fight". "Just don't expect me to keep an eye out for a bunch of little boys on the battlefield" Ania waved a dismissive hand walking over to her bed as Yoruichi laughed "Should I tell her that those 'boys' are probably twice the age of her" "It'll take her awhile to get used to how shinigami's age I think".