
Bleach: Challenge Soi-fon, Start with Ultra Instinct

In the mystical realm of the Shinigami, Su Li embarks on an extraordinary journey as a student at the esteemed Spiritual Arts Academy. However, after a year of rigorous training, Su Li finds himself facing the harsh reality of his limitations, he's still too weak to make his mark. But just when hope seems lost, a dormant power within awakens,the guidance of a small frog-like companion. Determined to shatter expectations and leave an indelible impact on the Soul Society, Su Li sets his sights on an audacious challenge: to go head-to-head with the formidable Sui-Feng and send shockwaves throughout the realms. As the Shinigami ranks stand unprepared for the spectacle that's about to unfold, a new force emerges, Su Li possesses abilities that transcend convention. With Ultra Instinct mastery, the might of the Eight Inner Gates, the grace of the Marine Six Styles, the enigmatic power of Ultra Ego, and the devastating force of Destructive Energy at his command, he stands unmatched. Even Aizen, known for his mastery of illusion through Kyōka Suigetsu, is left astounded by the unfathomable prowess of Ultra Instinct, which pierces through even his deceptions. Even Yhwach, the omniscient being, finds his vision fallible against the speed and precision of Su Li's movements. Amidst these staggering revelations, Su Li's smile remains serene and resolute. But here's the twist, is he truly a mere Shinigami? No, for he is destined to transcend the realm of Shinigami, ascending to become the very embodiment of destruction itself, the God of Destruction! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Read the original novel here: https://mtlnation.com/novel/shinigami-challenge-sui-feng-start-with-ultra-instinct* *Warning: Cover and characters are not mine*

Martrigg · Anime et bandes dessinées
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20 Chs

Chapter 9: Free and Extreme, Omen!

Kyoraku Shunsui and Nanao Ise swiftly arrived at the Spiritual Arts Academy, immediately encountering the overwhelming Reiatsu at the scene. The sight of struggling candidates and sweating team members unsettled them both.

Reacting quickly, Kyoraku addressed Nanao with unprecedented seriousness. "Nanao, set up a barrier immediately!"

Responding to her captain's urgency, Nanao shifted her focus and began erecting a protective barrier. The academy's instructors soon joined in, and in mere moments, a golden enchantment enclosed the martial arts platform. The oppressive Reiatsu was finally contained, bringing relief to both the examinees and the team members.

With the tension alleviated, Kyoraku shifted his attention back to the competition on the stage. The scene before him left him breathless. Two figures were engaged in a frenzied chase, their Shunpo at an astonishingly exaggerated speed. Even someone as experienced as Kyoraku Shunsui was taken aback by the velocity of their movements.

Kyoraku's surprise wasn't so much directed at Soi-Fon's speed; after all, she was renowned as the "Strongest Shunpo in Active Duty." Instead, it was the fact that her opponent matched her in speed that astounded him. The young contender's Shunpo was on par with Soi-Fon's, a feat that seemed almost unbelievable.

Jūshirō Ukitake and others joined Kyoraku at his side. They were followed by other captains and vice-captains who also made their way to the examination room. Sharing a similar astonishment to Kyoraku, their gazes were locked onto the fierce pursuit unfolding on the stage.

Each leader's thoughts echoed Kyoraku's surprise. "It's astounding that this candidate's Shunpo can rival Captain Soi-Fon's," Komamura Sajin remarked, his tone filled with amazement.

"Despite that overwhelming Reiatsu, he appears unaffected. He's an astonishing individual,"

Unohana Retsu's face mirrored the astonishment shared by those around her.

"A prodigy like this would be a fine addition to our third team," Ichimaru Gin commented, his fox-like smile playing on his lips.

Jushiro pondered for a moment before interjecting, "However, they aren't on equal footing."

Kyoraku Shunsui acknowledged him with an approving glance, adding depth to the discussion.

The captains, prompted by their exchange, redirected their focus to the two figures in question.

"Despite their apparent similar speeds, you've overlooked a crucial detail," Kyoraku Shunsui continued, perplexing the other captains.

"What you're forgetting is that Captain Soi-Fon has activated her Shikai! Meanwhile, that young boy remains in his base state."

"As far as my knowledge goes, Soi-Fon's Zanpakutō, Suzumebachi, not only grants her the ability of rapid-stinging bees upon Shikai's release but also augments all her attributes."

"Both her speed and strength receive a substantial boost."

"Hence, with her Shikai active, Soi-Fon is undoubtedly faster than that boy."

The captains listened, their expressions transitioning from puzzlement to realization.

In an instant, their amazement grew deeper.

Kyoraku Shunsui continued, "The key distinction is that Soi-Fon holds an advantage solely due to her activated Shikai. This margin is slender, but it's ultimately what places her ahead of the candidate."

"And in a scenario where both are in their base states, Soi-Fon might not even give the young boy a chance to compete."

This revelation resonated throughout the captains, each grappling with the implications.

"Who would have thought that Zaemon's report held truth? Soi-Fon truly did lose to that young individual in their previous clash," Komamura Sajin marveled, his astonishment profound.

The other captains shared his sentiment, having received similar accounts beforehand.

It was only witnessing the spectacle firsthand that confirmed the validity of these reports.

In this moment, Kyoraku Shunsui's contemplative expression remained unchanged.

"While the difference may be negligible, it's merely a matter of time before it's bridged."

"Young man, how do you intend to address such a situation?" he pondered aloud.

On the stage, Soi-Fon had already taken note of the captains' presence, although she paid it little mind.

However, deep down, she hadn't truly entertained the idea of ending Su Li's life.

Her purpose centered around using this competition to instill a humbling lesson in his opponent and quell the overbearing arrogance he exuded. So long as the contest remained equitable and unbiased, there would be little room for objections.

Hence, Soi-Fon's complete focus was fixated on Su Li.

To her astonishment, Su Li remained impervious to the weight of her Reiatsu, his speed undiminished.

Nevertheless, this wasn't a concern. Upon activating her Shikai, her Shunpo's speed had undergone a remarkable augmentation.

Gradually, she began to narrow the gap, edging closer to her target.

"Ha, you insolent brat. When I finally catch up to you, you're in for a world of hurt!" Soi-Fon seethed through clenched teeth.

Their pursuit continued, the distance between them gradually diminishing.

By the 107th Shunpo, Soi-Fon's fingers brushed the fabric of Su Li's attire.

By the 146th Shunpo, Suzumebachi's blade nicked the edge of Su Li's cuff.

By the 178th Shunpo, Suzumebachi's edge sliced off a single eyelash, dangerously close to Su Li's eye.

Soi-Fon's slim lead was slowly eroding, inch by inch.

At times, Su Li narrowly dodged by the skin of his teeth.

Soi-Fon's determination surged, her exhilaration becoming palpable.

"Little pest, I'm closing in! Just a bit more!" she gloated between rapid Shunpo maneuvers.

The spectators' expressions transformed from shock to a growing sense of anticipation.

The once-astonishing battle seemed poised to conclude.

Su Li's performance had exceeded even the loftiest expectations.

His prodigious talent was deserving of the title "the most exceptional graduate in history."

In the midst of this spectacle, conversations beneath the stage turned light-hearted and animated.

Of course, the predominant topic was none other than Su Li.

No longer were concerns raised about Soi-Fon's intentions towards him. Such an extraordinary prodigy would never be forsaken by the Gotei 13, condemned to whatever fate Soi-Fon might devise.

Even if Su Li were to consent, the division captains would unanimously object.

Consequently, speculations swirled regarding which division Su Li would eventually join.

After all, his challenge against Soi-Fon had carried the implicit threat of ascending to the role of Second Division Captain.

As the events unfolded, it became increasingly evident that Soi-Fon was destined for victory, and Su Li's dream of becoming the captain was all but dashed.

Moreover, with the situation escalating between them, it was foreseeable that Su Li's path would be fraught with challenges should he end up on the Second Team.

Considering this, it seemed wisest for Su Li to pursue a different avenue within the Gotei 13.

Indeed, the prevailing sentiment among onlookers was that Su Li had lost his chance.

However, in a remarkable turn of events, Su Li defied these assumptions yet again.

Abruptly, he came to a halt.

"It seems I've reached my current limit," he mused aloud.

Soi-Fon matched his pause, her expression a mix of amusement and condescension.

"What's the matter, feeling the fear now? Ready to throw in the towel? Hahaha!"

"Perhaps you should consider apologizing to me!"

Soi-Fon's tone was laced with superiority, her pride in full display.

Su Li remained silent.

Previously, he had been operating with a level of ease, not fully unleashing the potential within him.

But facing the challenge posed by Soi-Fon's Shikai, it was evident that he needed to exert himself more than he had.

It was at this pivotal moment that Su Li resolved to utilize his full strength.

While he hadn't yet attained complete mastery over the next state he aimed to achieve, he recognized that his current condition represented the pinnacle of his abilities.

And so, he decided to use Soi-Fon as his testing ground.

He wanted to ascertain how formidable he could become by activating this new state.

Gradually, Su Li closed his eyes.

A subtle, but perceptible warmth emanated from his form.

His hair took on a faint silver hue.

The collective gasp from the audience echoed in response to the transformation they were witnessing in Su Li.

Even Soi-Fon appeared momentarily taken aback.

All eyes were fixated on Su Li as he gradually opened his eyes.

A surge of energy rippled around him, creating an intense gust of wind.

"Feel at Ease · Omen!" Su Li announced with an air of determination.