
Bleach: Challenge Soi-fon, Start with Ultra Instinct

In the mystical realm of the Shinigami, Su Li embarks on an extraordinary journey as a student at the esteemed Spiritual Arts Academy. However, after a year of rigorous training, Su Li finds himself facing the harsh reality of his limitations, he's still too weak to make his mark. But just when hope seems lost, a dormant power within awakens,the guidance of a small frog-like companion. Determined to shatter expectations and leave an indelible impact on the Soul Society, Su Li sets his sights on an audacious challenge: to go head-to-head with the formidable Sui-Feng and send shockwaves throughout the realms. As the Shinigami ranks stand unprepared for the spectacle that's about to unfold, a new force emerges, Su Li possesses abilities that transcend convention. With Ultra Instinct mastery, the might of the Eight Inner Gates, the grace of the Marine Six Styles, the enigmatic power of Ultra Ego, and the devastating force of Destructive Energy at his command, he stands unmatched. Even Aizen, known for his mastery of illusion through Kyōka Suigetsu, is left astounded by the unfathomable prowess of Ultra Instinct, which pierces through even his deceptions. Even Yhwach, the omniscient being, finds his vision fallible against the speed and precision of Su Li's movements. Amidst these staggering revelations, Su Li's smile remains serene and resolute. But here's the twist, is he truly a mere Shinigami? No, for he is destined to transcend the realm of Shinigami, ascending to become the very embodiment of destruction itself, the God of Destruction! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Read the original novel here: https://mtlnation.com/novel/shinigami-challenge-sui-feng-start-with-ultra-instinct* *Warning: Cover and characters are not mine*

Martrigg · Anime et bandes dessinées
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20 Chs

Chapter 6: The Chase of Lightning, Su Li VS Soi-Fon

"I accept your challenge!"

"If you can defeat me, the current captain of the second division, then the position will be yours!"

Soi-Fon's expression was stern, her eyes ablaze with fighting spirit.

This declaration instantly ignited the audience.

"Damn it! Seriously?! Captain Soi-Fon is actually accepting the challenge?!"

"Is the graduation assessment turning into a battle for the captaincy?! This is beyond huge news!"

"Fresh graduates challenging the sitting captain?! This Su Li is utterly insane!"

"With the audacity to take down the vice-captain in a single kick, who's to say the captaincy isn't within his grasp?!"

"From where I stand, this guy's strength is at least that of a vice-captain, maybe even a captain-level!"

"Unbelievable! When did our academy produce such a fearsome genius? How did I not hear about this earlier?!"

Excitement buzzed through the student audience.

In the stands, Gotei 13 members exchanged words animatedly.

"Did you see that clearly just now? His move?"

"No, it happened so quickly. Omaeda was defeated in a flash, and I couldn't follow it."

"When he attacked, there was no fluctuation in Reiatsu, as if he were an ordinary person..."

Gotei 13's expressions were mixed with awe and complexity.

"This kid would be a great fit for our Eleventh Division!"

Madarame Ikkaku's eyes gleamed as he gazed at Su Li on the stage, his fighting spirit ignited.

"Remarkable talent like this is perfect for our Eleventh Division. We have to inform Captain Kenpachi right away!"

Ayasegawa Yumichika grinned, pulling out a communicator with a charming smile.

Members of various divisions began to stir, eying Su Li on the stage with newfound intensity.

Such prodigious and gifted potential shouldn't slip through their fingers. A bit of nurturing, and he'd undoubtedly become a formidable asset to any squad.

The stands grew restless as teams seemed poised to extend offers to Su Li.

Amusingly, the graduation assessment wasn't even over, yet squads were already attempting to poach talent.

Sensing the brewing excitement behind her, Soi-Fon let out a cold snort.

She was well aware of their intentions.

However, her engagement with this young man was far from concluded.

Before her instruction with this boy concluded, interference from others was out of the question.

"Hey, boy, what's the matter? I accepted your challenge, not going to say anything?"

"Or are you scared?! In the end, just a braggart, huh?"

Soi-Fon held her head high, coldly locking eyes with Su Li as she sneered.

Su Li's smile remained serene.

"Let's begin, Captain Soi-Fon."

Soi-Fon's expression shifted from cold to excited, her fighting spirit igniting.

"Excellent! I like people with backbone!"

Witnessing this, the audience fell silent. They hadn't anticipated that the two on stage would actually engage in a fight.

"Boy, your specialties are White Hits and Shunpo, right? Well, those are mine too."

"Since you won't use your Zanpakutō, to make it fair, I won't either."

"We'll fight using White Hits and Shunpo."

"I want to see what level you're at, you genius with perfect marks in both subjects."

Soi-Fon's voice dripped with sneer as she took a combat stance.

"Oh, and let me remind you..."

A playful hint crossed her features.

"While you may have taken out Omaeda in one strike, he's the weakest among all vice-captains."

"Standing before you now is a true captain-level presence."

"If you're fortunate, you'll lose miserably, because I won't hold back."

"So, do give it your all."

Su Li's response was a calm smile.

"Understood. Thanks for the advice."

As Soi-Fon gazed at the composed young man by the ancient well, a shiver ran down her spine.

She couldn't decipher him.

And without any forewarning, in the next instant...

Soi-Fon vanished from sight in a blur of motion.

The lightning-fast Shunpo carried her in front of Su Li in the blink of an eye.

No "ready, set, go."

Soi-Fon launched an attack without a single hint.

The unexpected move sent shockwaves through the audience.

To the audience's surprise, in the showdown between a graduate and an active captain, it was the captain who initiated the attack first.

And what an unexpectedly precise and clean strike it was!

The crowd at the scene was taken aback.

But on closer thought, it wasn't that hard to comprehend. As the leader of the second division, Soi-Fon was entrusted with overseeing the Soul Society's most potent combat division. Her nature was to act swiftly and decisively.

Devoid of any flashy maneuvers, Soi-Fon's fist surged forth towards Su Li.

The tremendous force behind her blow caused the very air to howl.

Hearts collectively raced, expecting the young man's fragile frame to be struck and sent sailing across the field like a kite severed from its string.

Many spectators found it hard to watch and closed their eyes.

However, in the ensuing heartbeat, they witnessed an astounding spectacle.

Soi-Fon's fist struck empty air!

A puzzled expression graced Soi-Fon's face as she gazed at the void before her.

Yet, in the blink of an eye, her expression morphed into one of disbelief.

Su Li's form materialized behind her.

Soi-Fon was dumbfounded.

Her own Shunpo—unrivaled among the active captains—had been outpaced by this young man!

Soi-Fon bellowed, pushing her momentum to the limit. She contorted her posture forcefully and launched a swifter assault at the Su Li now behind her.

Again, Su Li vanished, and Soi-Fon's fist found only air.

Moments later, Su Li's figure emerged five meters away, wearing a faint smile.

Observing the serene expression on the young man's face, Soi-Fon's fury ignited. She engaged Shunpo once more, attacking with even greater velocity.

Once again, Su Li vanished from his spot.

In the blink of an eye, their figures danced back and forth across the martial arts stage.

Within just ten seconds, their flurry of Shunpo exchanges numbered in the hundreds.

The spectators in the audience were captivated by the rapid display.

The figures onstage blurred, making it nearly impossible to distinguish between them.

Soi-Fon's exhortations echoed intermittently.

"Insolent boy! Do you plan to flee forever?"

"Have you the courage to confront me head-on?"

Soi-Fon's heart was racing, almost reaching a point of frenzy.

She was exerting Shunpo to its utmost limits, yet she couldn't even graze the edge of the youth's form. The speed at which he moved rendered her utterly impotent.

In her years of service, there had been just one person capable of eliciting this sensation from her—a person she held in the highest regard: Shihouin Yoruichi, her former captain.

"Could it be that this kid's Shunpo has reached the level of Yoruichi-sama?!" Soi-Fon's mind raced with disbelief.

Below, the audience was equally stunned.

"Damn! Captain Soi-Fon, acclaimed as the fastest in active service, can't even lay a finger on Su Li?!"

"Is this the prowess of full-scored Shunpo?! It's beyond terrifying!"

"Um… Am I the only one feeling like this guy is toying with Captain Soi-Fon? Captain Soi-Fon seems anxious!"

The onlookers were astounded by the spectacle of the furious chase.

Abruptly, Su Li came to a halt, revealing his figure. However, Soi-Fon, lost in her own momentum, nearly crashed right into him. She managed to halt herself just in time, her expression a mixture of anger and confusion as she tried to comprehend why he'd stopped so suddenly.

Before she could voice her bewilderment, Su Li began muttering something to himself.

"Improved speed and reaction time… Now, let's test strength…"

Unbeknownst to Soi-Fon, during their Shunpo chase, Su Li had been using her as a gauge for his speed and reflexes.

Unaware of his intentions, Soi-Fon blushed, ready to demand an explanation for his sudden halt.

And then, her gaze was caught by Su Li slowly raising his fist.

In an instant, Soi-Fon's eyes ignited with renewed vigor. This boy seemed finally ready to face her head-on.

She sneered, her own fist rising to meet Su Li's.

But before she could react, Su Li's fist was upon her with surprising swiftness.


There was no time to dodge, and Soi-Fon's world exploded in a burst of impact.

A spurt of blood accompanied her expulsion from the arena, her figure resembling a tattered kite, torn and sent soaring through the air.