
Bleach: Challenge Soi-fon, Start with Ultra Instinct

In the mystical realm of the Shinigami, Su Li embarks on an extraordinary journey as a student at the esteemed Spiritual Arts Academy. However, after a year of rigorous training, Su Li finds himself facing the harsh reality of his limitations, he's still too weak to make his mark. But just when hope seems lost, a dormant power within awakens,the guidance of a small frog-like companion. Determined to shatter expectations and leave an indelible impact on the Soul Society, Su Li sets his sights on an audacious challenge: to go head-to-head with the formidable Sui-Feng and send shockwaves throughout the realms. As the Shinigami ranks stand unprepared for the spectacle that's about to unfold, a new force emerges, Su Li possesses abilities that transcend convention. With Ultra Instinct mastery, the might of the Eight Inner Gates, the grace of the Marine Six Styles, the enigmatic power of Ultra Ego, and the devastating force of Destructive Energy at his command, he stands unmatched. Even Aizen, known for his mastery of illusion through Kyōka Suigetsu, is left astounded by the unfathomable prowess of Ultra Instinct, which pierces through even his deceptions. Even Yhwach, the omniscient being, finds his vision fallible against the speed and precision of Su Li's movements. Amidst these staggering revelations, Su Li's smile remains serene and resolute. But here's the twist, is he truly a mere Shinigami? No, for he is destined to transcend the realm of Shinigami, ascending to become the very embodiment of destruction itself, the God of Destruction! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Read the original novel here: https://mtlnation.com/novel/shinigami-challenge-sui-feng-start-with-ultra-instinct* *Warning: Cover and characters are not mine*

Martrigg · Anime et bandes dessinées
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20 Chs

Chapter 13: Meeting

Captain Yamamoto's hand rested firmly on Jakuhō Raikōben, the mere release of his Reiatsu proving enough to immobilize Soi-Fon, leaving her unable to make the final move.

Soi-Fon's finger hovered a mere hairbreadth away from the trigger of her weapon, but that slender gap remained insurmountable.

"Are you so determined to lay waste to my venerable academy?" Captain Yamamoto's voice was calm yet resonated with an undeniable authority.

Upon recognizing the newcomer, Soi-Fon's momentary frenzy abated, her sanity returning.

"Captain Yamamoto, I..."

Soi-Fon faltered, her words failing her as she cast her gaze downward.

Across the stage, many of the aspiring candidates still bore expressions of shock and unease, their faces reflecting the lingering fear of the recent turmoil. Even the veteran members of the various divisions carried a semblance of trepidation.

In that moment, Soi-Fon confronted the reality of her own impulsive actions, feeling a deep sense of shame.

Why had she allowed herself to act so irrationally today? Such behavior was entirely out of character.

With a resigned snort, she quietly raised her head, her resentful gaze fixated on Su Li.

Observing Soi-Fon's resentful expression, Yamamoto couldn't help but sigh inwardly. He then addressed the assembly.

"This year's graduation assessment concludes here."

"Members of each division, return to your respective units. The allocation of new recruits will proceed as planned."

"For the division captains, please assemble in the conference room. The Gotei 13 plenary meeting will commence shortly."

Yamamoto paused, his gaze shifting towards Su Li.

"And you, young man, will join us as well."

The shock that rippled through the assembly was palpable.

A Gotei 13 plenary meeting, and Su Li was to be included? The astonishment was shared by many.

Captain Yamamoto's directive to include Su Li in the meeting left the entire assembly with bated breath.

Their collective gaze fixated intently on Su Li, an air of eager anticipation surrounding him.

Su Li, while slightly puzzled by the attention, nodded in acknowledgment.

With the efficient guidance of the academy staff, the examination room gradually emptied as participants filed out.

Su Li followed the captains of the Gotei 13 to the designated meeting location.


It didn't take long for the once bustling academy playground to fall into silence.

Then, a sudden squeak echoed through the air as a hurried figure appeared on the scene.

It was none other than Zaraki Kenpachi.

He glanced around at the now-empty battleground, a rare expression of confusion marring his rugged features.

"Little Yachiru, it seems we're late. The assessment appears to be over..." Zaraki Kenpachi mused aloud, a hint of frustration creeping into his voice.

Yachiru, reclining on Kenpachi's shoulder, idly nibbled on her finger, her demeanor oddly cute.

"Annoying..." Kenpachi muttered, covering his face with his hand and heaving a sigh of vexation. He felt thoroughly dejected.

He had been the first to leave the academy examination, yet somehow, he had ended up being the last to arrive at this meeting.

It was a situation that truly grated on his nerves.

But then again, it wasn't entirely unexpected, considering that he was the captain of the Eleventh Division, known for its unconventional and unpredictable nature. Moreover, his vice-captain, Yachiru, was even more unreliable than himself.

During the morning hours, the two of them had aimlessly wandered Seireitei, engrossed in their own peculiar antics.

As the breeze rustled the leaves, Zaraki Kenpachi stood alone in the middle of the empty playground, an air of desolation surrounding him.


Meanwhile, within Seireitei, specifically in the conference room of the Thirteenth Division, the captains were gathered in two opposing rows.

Byakuya Kuchiki, with his characteristic air of aloofness and elegance, appeared as coldly handsome as ever. Notably, he hadn't been present at the graduation assessment.

Mayuri Kurotsuchi, always characterized by his eccentricity and penchant for unorthodox experiments, displayed his usual insidious and bizarre demeanor. He held little interest in events like the graduation assessment, remarking that observing children's fights was not as entertaining as conducting experiments.

Soi-Fon had draped an additional turban over her head, discreetly concealing the unsightly fingerprint mark.

Inside the conference room, the atmosphere was solemn and serious, with one notable exception.

Su Li, positioned at the end of the line of captains, couldn't help but exude an air of childlike curiosity. His eyes wandered around the room like an inquisitive infant.

"This is the Thirteenth Division's conference room! It looks exactly like in the anime!"

"Tsk tsk, the decor, that screen, and even that bonsai, it's all so impressive!"

Su Li couldn't help but mutter in hushed tones, his eyes gleaming with excitement, his face brimming with wonder.

This behavior drew the attention of several captains.

Standing next to Su Li, Kurotsuchi Mayuri was growing increasingly irritated.

"Hey, could you please keep it down, kid? You're making so much noise!"

Mayuri Kurotsuchi snapped impatiently.

"Ah, my apologies," Su Li responded with an apologetic smile.

On the other side of the room, within the captain's office, the environment resembled more of an open dojo than a conventional office, devoid of any extravagance.

A massive space with nothing but a desk occupied the room, and Captain Yamamoto sat behind it, studying Su Li's past intently.

"The child's parents disappeared during a ronin disturbance a decade ago..."

"Afterward, he lived with relatives, and six years ago, he entered the Spiritual Arts Academy. His academic performance was mediocre at best, consistently ranking at the bottom of his class..."

"His classmates have described him as reserved, unsociable, and challenging to approach..."

Kneeling on the ground before the desk, Chōjirō Sasakibe conveyed his findings with utmost respect.

"It's not surprising that he'd become withdrawn given his background of parental loss and dependency on others," Yamamoto acknowledged, nodding, and signaling for Sasakibe to continue.

"Yes, that's what my subordinates thought as well..."

"However, about a year ago, this child underwent a sudden change in temperament..."

"Not only did his training regimen become notably rigorous, but his overall disposition also became significantly more cheerful..."

"While his academic performance still lagged, his attitude had transformed..."

"Our assumption is that the child may have encountered some life-changing experience."

Chōjirō Sasakibe concluded his report, laying out the details of Su Li's transformation.

Yamamoto absorbed the information thoughtfully, his gaze focused on Chōjirō Sasakibe. Memories of their past encounters resurfaced in his mind. More than two thousand years ago, a young and promising Chōjirō Sasakibe had stood before him. Back then, he had shown no signs of underestimating the young officer.

Yamamoto couldn't help but recall the astonishment he had felt when Sasakibe had learned Bankai within a month, a feat that had left a lasting impression on him. Perhaps, just like Sasakibe, this young Su Li had encountered someone or something that compelled him to prove his mettle. Talents like theirs were rare and had to be nurtured.

Innocence was a key attribute to join the ranks of the Gotei 13. The organization was the Soul Society's paramount force, and its members had to be guided by a sense of duty and moral uprightness.

"So, it appears that this young man's background is untarnished," Yamamoto declared.

With a deliberate and unhurried motion, Yamamoto rose from his seat. He knew that true talent often lay hidden and required the right conditions to flourish. Su Li had not only discovered his innate potential but had also displayed an exceptionally high level of talent.

This realization brought a measure of satisfaction to Yamamoto.

"Indeed, Captain," Chōjirō Sasakibe affirmed respectfully.

"Very good," Yamamoto acknowledged, a slight but unmistakable sense of contentment etched across his features.

With measured steps, he moved toward the door.

"Have all the division captains arrived?" he inquired casually.

Sasakibe hesitated before responding, "Um... except for Captain Zaraki Kenpachi of the Eleventh Division, all others are present."

Yamamoto couldn't help but sigh at this response. He wasn't surprised by Zaraki Kenpachi's tardiness.

"Go, locate someone to bring him here. We don't have the luxury of time to wait," Yamamoto instructed firmly.

Chōjirō Sasakibe acknowledged the order respectfully.

With a firm stomp of his cane, Yamamoto activated the mechanisms in the wooden door, causing it to swing open in response.