
Blackbeard's Conquest : Reign of Shadows

From the shadows emerges Ryuga, now Blackbeard incarnate, fueled by the malevolence of the Yami Yami no Mi. With a system driven by the spoils of conquest, he leaves a trail of destruction, his heart set on a sinister ambition: to subjugate the world under his tyrannical rule. In "Blackbeard's Conquest: Reign of Shadows," witness the eclipse of morality, where the screams of the vanquished echo through the darkness, and evil knows no bounds.

Ethan_Storm · Anime et bandes dessinées
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11 Chs

Hot Spring

"Ahoy, mates," Blackbeard's booming voice resonated through the air as he stood at the helm of the Ark Maxim, his gaze fixed on the horizon. "I've heard tales of a splendid hot spring island nearby. What say we make a pit stop and indulge in some well-deserved relaxation?"

As the steam rose from the soothing waters of the hot spring island, Blackbeard and his male crew reveled in the relaxing atmosphere, allowing the warm embrace of the natural springs to wash away the fatigue of their travels. Meanwhile, Blackbeard's female crew indulged in their own secluded section of the hot spring, sharing laughter and camaraderie as they basked in the rejuvenating waters.

However, the tranquil scene was interrupted by the unexpected arrival of three formidable figures: Van Augur, Doc Q, and Jesus Burgess, three notorious pirates whose reputations preceded them. At the sight of these renowned individuals, tension rippled through the male crew, their hands instinctively reaching for their weapons in anticipation of a confrontation.

Yet, to their astonishment, Blackbeard's response was not one of hostility, but rather one of invitation. With a calm demeanor, Blackbeard addressed the newcomers, inquiring if they sought to join his crew. The three pirates, recognizing the opportunity presented before them, immediately knelt before Blackbeard, pledging their allegiance to his cause.

Blackbeard listened intently as Van Augur, Doc Q, and Jesus Burgess recounted their unusual encounter and the series of events that led them to the hot spring island.

Van Augur began, "We all found ourselves with the same bounty, nursing our wounds in the same hospital room after a particularly grueling encounter. It was there that Jesus shared his recurring dreams, visions of a figure cloaked in darkness rising to godlike status."

Doc Q continued, "At first, we dismissed it as mere fantasy, but then we realized we were all experiencing the same dreams. Dreams of you, Blackbeard, ascending to power and us standing at your side."

Jesus Burgess nodded in agreement. "We knew then that it was more than just coincidence. It was fate guiding us to seek you out, to join your cause and fulfill our destinies."

Blackbeard's expression remained unreadable as he processed their words. "So, you believe that our meeting here is no accident, but rather the will of destiny?"

Van Augur nodded solemnly. "Indeed, Captain. We believe that you are the key to our future, the harbinger of a new era."

A faint smile tugged at the corners of Blackbeard's lips. "Very well. If fate has brought us together, then let us embrace it fully. Welcome to my crew, Van Augur, Doc Q, and Jesus Burgess. Together, we shall carve our path through the seas and seize our rightful place in history."

Then Blackbeard got up and went to the other side of the hot spring were the girls were.

In the tranquil waters of the hot spring, Blackbeard reclined as the warm embrace of the natural springs enveloped him. Around him, his female crew members tended to his every need, their skilled hands working wonders on his weary muscles. With each soothing massage, Blackbeard felt the tension of his adventures melt away, replaced by a sense of blissful relaxation.

The girls worked diligently, their efforts not merely for the pleasure of their captain, but also with the hope of earning favor and status within the crew. They had witnessed how Conis, once a humble islander, had risen to prominence in Blackbeard's eyes, receiving gifts and special treatment. Similarly, they had observed how Crocodile and Enel spoke with deference to her, acknowledging her elevated position.

Determined to secure their own place of respect and influence, the girls spared no effort in attending to Blackbeard's needs, lavishing him with attention and care. Their laughter echoed through the steam-filled air as they indulged in playful banter with their captain, their interactions tinged with a mixture of admiration and ambition.

For the girls, this was more than just a simple act of service; it was a strategic move to assert their value and importance within the crew. And as they continued to pamper Blackbeard, they knew that every touch, every gesture, brought them one step closer to achieving their goals.

After indulging in hours of playful antics and intimate moments with the girls, Blackbeard and his crew returned to the Ark Maxim, their spirits lifted by the rejuvenating experience of the hot spring. Inspired by the bliss they had found in the soothing waters, Blackbeard resolved to make this relaxation accessible to all aboard his grand vessel.

Utilizing the powers of the Baku Baku no Mi, Blackbeard orchestrated the remarkable feat of integrating the entire hot spring into the Ark Maxim itself. With precision and finesse, he transformed a portion of the ship into a luxurious oasis, complete with a deep and expansive hot spring. This feat allowed every member of the crew to indulge in the rejuvenating waters at their leisure.

Within the confines of the Ark Maxim, each crew member now had their own private quarters adorned with a small hot spring, providing a personal sanctuary for relaxation and rejuvenation. Additionally, a larger hot spring area was designated for communal use by the male crew, offering them a space to unwind and bond together.

However, Blackbeard's generosity extended even further, as he reserved a super-sized hot spring exclusively for himself and the girls. Nestled in a secluded corner of the ship, this extravagant hot spring offered a haven of tranquility where Blackbeard and his chosen companions could luxuriate in privacy.

With separate quarters for both male and female crew members, Blackbeard ensured that everyone aboard the Ark Maxim could enjoy the restorative benefits of the hot spring in their own preferred company. And as the soothing waters embraced them once more, the crew reveled in the unparalleled comfort and opulence that their captain had bestowed upon them.

As Blackbeard continued his relentless spree of plundering kingdoms, the repercussions of his actions reverberated across the seas. With each conquest, his notoriety grew, drawing the attention of both rival pirates and the World Government alike. The Navy, recognizing the threat he posed, issued a staggering bounty of 500 million berries for Blackbeard's head, alongside bounties of 250 million berries each for Crocodile and Enel, his formidable allies.

Meanwhile, aboard the Whitebeard Pirates' ship, the news of Blackbeard's escalating bounty reached the ears of Ace, the fiery and determined son of the legendary Whitebeard. Fueled by a desire to confront the man who had betrayed their father, Ace leaped from the deck with a resolute determination, declaring his intention to capture Blackbeard and deliver him to justice.

With a keen sense of strategy, Ace calculated Blackbeard's likely targets, deducing that the Spade or Heart Kingdoms would be next on his list of conquests. Determined to intercept Blackbeard before he could strike again, Ace embarked on his mission, propelled by a fervent resolve to avenge his father's honor and bring Blackbeard to account for his crimes.

As Blackbeard orchestrated his plunder of the Hyuga Kingdom's treasury, he encountered an unexpected complication that threatened to disrupt his plans. Amidst the chaos of his conquest, he seized the throne and claimed the kingdom's riches for himself. However, his attention was soon drawn to the king's three daughters: Hinata, Hanabi, and Himawari.

These three young women, bearing a striking resemblance to characters from the tales of Naruto, were now unwitting captives in Blackbeard's grasp. Despite their similarities in appearance, each possessed her own unique spirit and demeanor, adding to the complexity of their predicament.

Hinata, the eldest and perhaps the most reserved, exhibited a quiet strength that belied her gentle demeanor. Habi, the middle sister, displayed a fiery determination, refusing to bow to her captor's will without a fight. Himawari, the youngest and most innocent, retained a sense of childlike wonder, her spirit unbroken by the tumultuous events unfolding around her.

Within the confines of his chamber, Blackbeard found himself in the company of the three sisters: Hinata, Hanabi, and Himawari. As they indulged in their newfound captivity, Blackbeard observed their playful antics with a mixture of amusement and intrigue.

As they shared their stories in the dim candlelight, Blackbeard listened intently, drawn in by the candid revelations of their past. The sisters spoke of their unconventional upbringing, regaling Blackbeard with tales of familial dysfunction and clandestine escapades. With each anecdote, the bond between captor and captives deepened, forging an unexpected connection amidst the confines of their gilded prison.

In the intimacy of the moment, boundaries blurred and inhibitions faded, allowing the sisters to express themselves freely in Blackbeard's presence. Their shared laughter echoed throughout the chamber, a testament to the camaraderie that had formed between them

As Blackbeard contemplated his next move, the presence of these three remarkable women served as a stark reminder of the human cost of his ambitions. Despite their shared fate, each daughter possessed a distinct personality and presence, adding depth to the narrative unfolding within the confines of Blackbeard's harem.

In the midst of their intimate encounter, it became abundantly clear that Himawari possessed a voracious appetite for pleasure, her insatiable desires driving her to seek ever greater levels of intensity. With each impassioned plea, she urged Blackbeard to unleash his full strength, to indulge her deepest fantasies without restraint.

As the night progressed, the boundaries between captor and captives dissolved completely, giving way to a whirlwind of carnal indulgence that left them all gasping for breath. Himawari's uninhibited passion set the tone for their shared escapade, igniting a fiery passion that consumed them all in its wake.

With each thrust and moan, Blackbeard found himself transported to new heights of ecstasy, the pleasure coursing through his veins like wildfire. The combined allure of the three sisters, coupled with the presence of the rest of the female crew, created an intoxicating atmosphere that fueled their desires without inhibition.

For hours on end, they reveled in the hedonistic abandon of their shared passion, their bodies entwined in a dance of raw desire and primal lust. Blackbeard, the master of his domain, surrendered himself completely to the intoxicating allure of their collective embrace, losing himself in a haze of pleasure that knew no bounds.

As dawn broke on the horizon, their fervent union showed no signs of waning, the flames of desire burning ever brighter in the dim light of the chamber.

As Blackbeard made his way through the shadowed streets of the Spade Kingdom, his presence cloaked in darkness, he felt the weight of his ill-gotten gains pressing against his chest. With each step, the anticipation of the riches awaiting him fueled his resolve, driving him forward with unwavering determination.

Beside him, Crocodile moved with silent grace, his steely gaze fixed on their objective with unwavering focus. Together, they navigated the labyrinthine alleyways and hidden passages of the kingdom, their movements swift and purposeful as they closed in on their target.

Meanwhile, Enel and the rest of the crew executed their own tasks with ruthless efficiency, swiftly relieving the nobles of their prized possessions with lightning speed. As the night wore on, the sound of their plunder echoed through the streets, a chilling reminder of the crew's unstoppable advance.

With the treasury in sight, Blackbeard's heart quickened with anticipation, his mind racing with visions of the wealth that awaited him. As they breached the final barrier standing between them and their prize, Blackbeard's grin widened with predatory delight, his eyes gleaming with the promise of untold riches.

But just as victory seemed within their grasp, a sudden commotion erupted from the darkness, the sound of approaching footsteps echoing ominously through the night. With a curse, Blackbeard's hand instinctively went to the hilt of his blade, ready to confront whatever threat dared to stand in their way.