
BLACK & WHITE: Finding My Way Home

Two siblings who got separated when the other was still an infant. The older one Lost it's sister and tried to find it in the three realm, but didn't have any luck. A thousand Years Later and the Baby grow into a fine Young lady, and will Know about her sister, Wil she decide to Look for her sister? Or she will for her sister to find her? If you want to know her decision please join me in their both adventures in the Land of Immortals.

Ms_Yang · Fantaisie
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14 Chs

Who Is Your Master? 2

The two girls arrived at the Inn and Roam their eyes around to look for their Shifu, they found their Shifu Together with Their Li Shixiong sitting at the corner quietly drinking tea—must be waiting for them.

The both of them walked towards the two men and greeted them lifting their hands slightly bowing their upper body to guve a gesture.

"Shifu, Li Shixiong" they greeted, Their Master only Nods while their Shixiong Gestured them to take a sit which they Accepted politely.

"The new clothing suits you well, A-xiao" Her Shifu noticed making her Smile widely and thank her Complimentor.

"Indeed, I assume A-Yi choose it for you?" Zhou Li guess. The both of them nod happily. All of them new that Xiao isn't fond of buying herself anything— Specifically clothes that's why she still doesn't know how to choose the best clothing that might suits her.

Thanks To her Shimei for dragging her into the shop and choose one for her, she got a new look which shows her natural beauty without even trying, making almost all the men in the Inn Restaurant look at their way, making her a bit Flustered.

Shaking her Flustered feeling mentally He looked at her shifu and Asked about his Plan for the Mountain they just visited.

"I might discussed the matter to The Heavenly Empress as it concerns the Home of her Best friends" Her Shifu said in a low and calm voice, which made her think about the familiarity she felt about the place.

She shook it off her head and just nods before digging into the food after it was served. They all satisfied their own stomachs in a Graceful and elegant manners.

The moon shining Brightly at the darkness of the night, wind blowing sending chills to ones skin. On the room where a window is open Two ladies sleeping together, One was awoken by a faint cries and scared whimpers, head toss and turning side–to–side.

"Shijie?" Xin Yi called and tried to tap the cheeks of the sleeping Lady gently but didn't wake up so she Gently shake her while calling her name.

"No!" She said as she sprang up her bed sweats dripping from her forehead, Breathing fast for air.

"Shijie, You're having a nightmare again" Xin Yi said in a worried voice as she gently tapped her forehead to wipe the sweats away.

Xiao Sighed and positioned herself into a sitting position where she crossed her legs together and closed her eyes calming her nerves down and started to meditate for about an hour.

It was already midnight when she finished meditating, stood up and went to the open window leaning forward as she put her hands on the window cill feeling the cold wind on her skin making her hair sway in the air a bit.

"The moon's shining brightly tonight" she said as she looked up at the sky smiling.

"It is indeed" Xin Yi Agreed as she went near the window besides her. Xiao Sighed and Left the window and decided to jump off and went to the roof, a minute later and Xin Yi was already with her.

"Aren't you afraid shifu might get mad again" Xin Yi said, Xiao only laughed softly. Her Shifu won't get mad at her but Will be a bit pissed with her by sneaking out of her room In the middle of the night just to stare at the Moon and stars.

They were both staring at the Shining moon and burning stars for a while until Xiao decided to take out a fine bamboo flute and put it on her lips as she closed her eyes and Start to play.

The music quickly made the night more relaxing yet a bit of sadness is visible in the tone as if the player the Instrument is feeling that way, making Xin Yi look at her Shijie and felt pity at the same time felt a bit happy for her as she still managed to go this far of her life despite the lack of self information even though she was raised by the Empress herself.

In the room where their master in quietly meditating heard the Music and fell into a deep thoughts. When Master Xuan Met the Empress a couple of thousand years ago when the Empress asked him to Put a barrier around the Mountain together with other Gods He met Xiao The same day. That also same day The Empress Ask him to be Xiao's Shifu and Make Xiao His Disciple.

To avoid Xiao from any danger they both decided to kept the information of her family to her for the time being and Told the witnesses to Not Talk about the incident that day so that no one could know that There is still A descendants of Hua's Family Left.

And so The Empress the day she Got Xiao to the Palace Only spread a rumor that she found her by chance when she was Taking a walk by a river bank thinking about the incident at The Everlasting Peaks. Until then no one else dared to ask any more questions when the Empress and her Husband decided to Adopt her since They don't have a daughter but only there own Crown Prince.

As the flute come to halt Master Xuan opened his eyes and sighed before deciding to went back bed as he knows this his disciple might stay late even if he said not to as this was their usual routine every night.

"Shijie, since when did you learn to play A flute that beautifully?" Xin Yi asked and she just Chuckled and Tell her that the Empress taught her how to play it before she became Her Master's Disciple making Xin Yi nod.

"Huh?" Xin Yi blurted out and Was Looking at a distance, She followed her gaze and her eyes Darted to a person Standing in plain site who's waving at them making her raised her eyebrow and Leap down the roof towards the Man followed by Xin Yi.

"You again?" Xiao asked after she set her foot on the ground. "Are you stalking us or something?" She said suspiciously making the man a bit nervous.

"Listen here, monkey face We might not feel any Bad aura in you but that doesn't mean we will let our guard down and let you do whatever you want" Xin Yi continuesly blurted out.

"First of all Miss Xin Yi I wasn't stalking you, second could you please Stop calling me monkey faced? I am already deaf hearing that words by a woman in my place I don't want to hear it in another lady's mouth" He said pissed making the first one to rolled her eyes.

"So what if you do? No body cares" Xin Yi said rolling her eyes. "Many Would as I am A good looking Man" he said proudly.

" Proud of himself for being a monkey" Xin Yi Whispered making Xiao hit her gently making her Hissed in pain a little.

"Sir Yu, would you Mind tell your reasons why you always showed wherever we are, I am not a wise person as My Shifu and the others in the Realm, But I am also not stupid to not notice that wherever we go You always follow us since the day at The Everlasting Peaks Mountain" Xiao said in a serious manner as if one wrong answer and the man will be in a bad Situation.

"Miss, I hate to break it to you But I really did just passing by" He explained. "I just heard a beautiful music coming from a flute and got curious about it and ended up seeing you both on the rooftop, and I got caught up by someone's rare beauty, that's why when Your Friend here notice me I didn't know what to do so I just waved my hand" He explained Shrugging his Shoulder.

"I will believe you this time, but once we will meet again in this kind of time or even in a most confusing way, like you lurking in somewhere and I noticed it, please forgive me for I will be rude and won't hesitate to teach You a lesson" She warned and Flew back to the window together with Xin Yi and closed it leaving the man jaw dropped.

After a minute passed he was still spaced out and only diverted his gaze away from the window when his Master appeard.

"My Lord, Please don't send me anymore, she's just like that Sadistic Disciple of yours" He said nervously but the Man didn't paid him attention.

"Who says she's my disciple, I just merely saved her that day to repay someone's kindness they gave me back then" He simply said before leaving with the man.

On the far side of the place where they were hiding, stand a man in a Black mask, eyes glaring at the closed window before glaring at the two man who just left, his upper lift form a slight curved forming a devilish smile before leaving the place like a gast of wind.

The sun rises and the Four of them are already awake, the two ladies obviously didn't sleep well last night as they were both have like a panda eyes. Black encircling their eyes making the two man just shake their heads as if saying it's their own fault.

"After this we will be heading home, we will have to walk until the Entrance of the Cloudy Mountain. We have to walk since it is difficult to Fly over it than going down from it" Master Xuan Said.

"Yes!" They all replied and eat their breakfast.

"Shifu, are you going to the Heavenly Palace the time we arrived?" Xiao suddenly asked. Her Shifu looked at her before answering.

"Yes, as soon as possible I need to discuss it with Her Majesty to avoid anymore complications on the barrier" he said seriously making them nod then Xiao asked if she could come with him.

"Alright, but do please behave like a fine Woman don't cause any trouble" He agree with a warning making Xiao smile and nod.

"Zhou Li, Since Xiao will be with me, you should probably come as well before going back on your mission since Xin Yi will surely be coming as well, we need to Look after this two" Master Xuan Said with a sighed making the two ladies pout.

"Yes, Shifu" Zhou Li Replied and continued to eat.

"Shifu, Before we leave I have to go buy something please wait for me" She said and was about to Go when Xin Yo stopped her.

"Shijie, let me come with you" she suggested.

"No need, A-yi I won't be long I just need to buy some presents for our Visiting at the Palace" She said and run quickly.

"Just wait for me at the Village's Gate!" She shouted and so they start to walk to the entrance gate of the village and wait for her there.

Xiao on the other hand went into a shop and bought something after a little while of battling what to buy for her present.

What she bought was a gold hair Tassel That was refined with a rare kind of Jade which caught her attention the other day, good thing it's still intact and didn't got bought, well it really is a bit pricey which she is really Thankfull that she brought some Gold and silver with her.

After buying the present she then leave the shop but halt when someone bumped into her making her Tripped a little but was caught. She looked up and was mesmerized by a handsome Young Master in a Green Robe.

"Be careful, Miss or your beauty might get to waste if you fall down on your face" The words that came out from the man's mouth was a compliment but didn't sound exactly like it when it reach her ears, which why she struggle to free herself and raised an eyebrow.

"Thanks for catching me before I fall, but please Sir next time, do look around you first before entering a building without a care as if you own the place and it's only you around, I was very careful with my actions and so it is your fault" She said in an arrogant manner and left the man stomping her feet. Didn't even apologized first before blabbering nonsense hmp!, she thought to herself while she walked.

"What's with the sour face, Miss?" Someone asked and she didn't have to look twice to recognize the man's face. She raised her Eyebrows as she looked at the Man.

"It's you again?" She said more pissed. "Why does it have to you again, didn't I tell you that I beat your ass if you won't stop following me or won't stop showing your face to me?" She said in a serious but not arrogant way. (well she did say he'll beat his ass)

"No need to do that Miss, his with me" A man said from behind her and she heard the Man Infront of her called him Master. She raised and Eyebrow again. (So he's his master) she thought and her eyebrows creased.

"Aren't you the one who I bumped into at the Clothing shop yesterday?" She suddenly asked, the man seemed to be surprised as he was wearing a different kind of mask yesterday.

"How can you be so sure, Young miss?" He asked. " I can't be mistaken you might be wearing another mask but I can still recognize you just by looking at your eyes...." She said and stopped, the man was about to speak when she hurriedly said That she has to go but then came back.

"I'm sorry for bumping you Yesterday, here's a piece offering Apologize Young master but I have to go, bye!" And she Ran as fast as she could thinking about how stupid she is when she said something about that man's eyes.

The man in a mask just watch her disappear, only then did he Open his palm and saw her "piece offering" to him.

"Hm?" Was all he could say and glared at the man Infront of him when he heard a 'pft' sound.

The man's laugh was stuck in his throat and swallow it before faking a Cough. The mask Man started walking and so he followed his Master.


Sorry for the late Update busy reading my favorite novels.

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Lovelots 💋

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