
BLACK & WHITE: Finding My Way Home

Two siblings who got separated when the other was still an infant. The older one Lost it's sister and tried to find it in the three realm, but didn't have any luck. A thousand Years Later and the Baby grow into a fine Young lady, and will Know about her sister, Wil she decide to Look for her sister? Or she will for her sister to find her? If you want to know her decision please join me in their both adventures in the Land of Immortals.

Ms_Yang · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Who Is Your Master?

"Who are you?" Xiao asked pointing her sword in the mans neck. The man gulped a little and Stand up making her gripped her sword tighter.

"No need to point a sword to me, miss I am not a threat" The man said and touch the tip of the sword with his finger and lean it to the side. Xiao put her sword down but didn't sheathed it.

"I asked you a question" she said in a serious voice, looking at the man fixing his Black and red red robe.

"Chang Yu" He simply said making her eyebrows arch. She pointed the sword again to his neck making him Widen his eyes and gulped.

"What are you doing in a forbidden place like this?" She asked again, the man tried to touch the sword again when she put the sword near his throat.

"Answer or die?" She threatened making the man raised his hand in the air gulping.

"Alright, alright I will tell you" He said. Xiao Put her sword down and sheath it. "Talk" she simply said making the man sighed.

"I'm with my master, Looking for something, no someone" He said as he put his arms on chest and lean on the Tree.

"This Place has a barrier, are you the one who tried to breake in?" Xin Yi asked in a rude voice. "A-Yi" She warned making the latter Rolled her eyes and went beside her.

As for the man, well His spacing out while looking at Xin Yi, At the moment he laid his eyes on her everything seemed to stop as he could only see Xin Yi.

"A devine fairy" he blurted out all of a sudden making them both Creased there forehead. And Xin yi just look away, her cheeks turned pink as she saw him looking at her.

"Ehem!" Xiao fake a cough and glared at the guy.

"Huh?" He simply said. She Arched her eyebrows.

"Maybe, Maybe Not" He said. Xiao Creased her forehead and Xin Yi then asked.

"What kind of an answer is that?" She said annoyed. The man explained and tell them that Before they could reach the place they already saw a Man in a Cloak trying to broke the barrier together with some other Man.

"Master Felt something fishy and so Master talked to them, but who knows they are a bunch of Bad Guys who attacked my master and drove me away from them by cornering me, making me fight all of them. So I got separated With him" He explained. "They even put a bruise on my Handsome face" he said in an agrieved tone.

"You call yourself handsome when your face looks like a monkey" Xin Yi Whispered to herself. "Monkey? This face!" He blurted out.

"What? Isn't it true? You brag yourself in front of two ladies, hm! Such a-" she said but didn't finished it when Xiao Hit her gently making her rolled her eyes again.

But Xiao didn't pay attention to it and asked the man why was he lurking behind a tree and the man explained That his waiting for his Master to come back, which Xiao Find it lame for an excuse but didn't bother to tell him. She's just gonna tell her Master about what this Man said.

"Who's your master, anyway?" She asked after a minute. The man was about to answer when their master and Senior brother arrived looking for them.

They both looked at the two man and then to the Man they were talking but when they looked again the Man disappeared.

"Huh? Where did that monkey go?" Xin Yi asked. " It doesn't matter for now we need to tell shifu about what he said, It's confusing, his Alibis are lame but I don't feel any threatening aura in him" Xiao Said.

"Let's go" She said and walked towards their master.

"A-Yi, A-Xiao where did you go" Their Master asked.

"That doesn't matter for now, Shifu What did you find?" She asked.

"We only saw General Chao" He said making her creased her Eyebrows.

"Isn't General Chao Supposed to be at the Heavenly Realm to guard the Portal fields?" Xin Yi said.

"That's what I was thinking " their master said.

"What about you too why do you look like you've been running?" He asked.

"We spot someone lurking behind a tree and went after him"Xiao explained. "We caught up to him and had a conversation, he said that a man in a Cloak was trying to Get in and break the Barrier but didn't Succeed when his Master Stopped him" She added.

"That's true, but what's weirder was his Aura I can't pin point it but there is something in him that's telling me He is not a simple Man" Xin Yi said. Making Xiao look at her.

She also felt about that mans energy, He has a strong aura but don't have an aura of someone who has bad intentions. She's thinking about the man when Xin Yi nodge her.

"Hm?" She said and Xin Yi pointed to her master.

"Sorry, Shifu" she apologized and her master just Nods.

"I need to talk to The empress about strengthening the barrier of this mountain" Master Xuan said and Started to walk.

"Shifu, what is in that mountain for the empress to put a barrier in it?" Xiao asked. "It's the home of her Majesty's Bestfriends Fen Hua and Jiaoxan"

The names her master said made her halt. Why does it sounds familiar. She continued to walk with her Master and didn't talk.

"What happened to them?" Xin Yi asked. " A couple of thousands of years ago They're family were killed by an unknown army, no one knows the reason behind Their deaths, even the heavenly Empress is still looking for their Justice until now" he explain making the latter nod.

Xiao on the other hand is silent the whole time. Thinking about the family that lived there, Why does it feel like she has to go there too and tried to break in. She shake her head to get her thoughts out of her mind.

"What's wrong Shijie?" Xin Yi ask as she looked at Xiao who only shakes her head and smiled.

"Just hungry" she simple Said, good thing her stomach did growl after saying that. Her master Smiled and so as the two.

"Let's go to the nearby Village there's an inn restaurant there, we can go and rest in there for the rest of the night and we will go back tomorrow Morning" Master Xuan said.

They all decided to agreed since it is also getting dark. After a long walk they arrived at the Misty Village which is just on the foot of the mountain.

"Shifu, this village is just in the foot of our mountain why didn't I see this earlier when we went down" Xiao asked, eyes roaming around.

"We were at the other side of the mountain earlier that's why you didn't see this village" Zhou Li said making her nod and say 'Ah'.

"Shifu, Can I explore a bit while we walk to the Inn?" She excitedly said. When her master nodded she happily run around the stall and Shops she could see.

"A-Yi, Come!" She called her Best friend. She picked up a Cherry colored Hair Pin and put it in Xin Yi's hair. Which really suited her.

"It suits you!" Xiao said and clapped. "How much for the Hair pin?" She asked the seller.

"Three silvers" The woman seller said smiling. Xiao was about to pay for it when someone pay for it before her. They both looked at the man and saw Chang Yu, the man they encountered earlier at the forest.

"What are you doing here?" They both asked. " Ouch! Isn't everyone allowed to go here especially when it is a market?" Chang Yu said and looked at Xin Yi making Xiao understand why his here.

"You look beautiful in that Pin, Miss?" He complimented and Asked for her name. Xin Yi blushed a bit and tell him her name.

"Xin Yi?" He said putting his hands on his chin as if thinking about it. "What?" Xin Yi asked.

"Nothing, it's beautiful and it suits you As well gotta go, bye" he said and run didn't give them a chance to talk.

"What's wrong with that guy" Xiao said and Xin Yi just Shrugged her shoulders.

"Shijie, thank you for the gift, I like it" She said and looked at herself in the mirror besides the Jewelries.

"I'm not even the one who paid for it" Xiao said chuckling. "Even if you're not the one who paid for it, you still chose it for me" She said and smiled.

They both continued to explore when they passed through a Clothing shop, Xin Yi then Dragged Xiao inside, and started to choose while Xiao just watched her.

As Xiao was watching her someone bumped into her accidentally making her almost fall to the ground when a hand encircled her waist, preventing her from falling down. They stayed like that for a minute before the Man who Bumbed her stand straight again while assisting her to stand properly.

"Sorry, Miss" he said and walked away from her into the clothing shop. She didn't saw the man's face as it was wearing a mask which confused her but didn't bother to think about it.

"Shijie?" Xin Yi called. "What's wrong?" She asked making her shake her head and tell her she's fine. Xin Yi then Dragged her into the woman's clothing section and Shove her a piece of Mint Blue dress.

"What Am I-" She was cut off her words when Xin Yi pushed her into a room and tell the Maidservants of the shop to help her Change, Even if she refused it didn't help as there are 3 maidservants who assisted her and she can't use her martial arts ln them just for this, so she just Gave up and let them.

Xin Yi was walking back and forth waiting for her to come out and minutes passed before she came out with the Mint Blue dress. Xin Yi can't help but to let her Jaw dropped as if she saw a Goddess who came out of the room.

On the other hand Xiao saw her reaction and still didn't move an inch after she is Infront of her so she just slapped Xin Yi's forehead a bit to wake her up.

"Can I take it off now?" She asked. "You know how I hate buying stuff" she added making Xin Yi rolled her eyes.

"You're just Saying that because you didn't buy one for yourself since, and You're not the one who's gonna pay for it anyway, come on" She said and dragged her to the cashier and pay for the dress.

"Ugh!" She complained. "What now?" Xin Yi asked. "Nothing let's just go to the Inn master might be waiting for us" she just said and see herself out. Xin Yi followed her and they went to the Inn together.

On the other hand, two man on the dark side of the room who's been watching the two Ladies smiled.

"Beautiful" The masked man Complimented. "Yeah, I know right" The man opposite to him replied making him Glared at the man.

"Why are you glaring at me?" He asked, but then laugh when he realized it "Master, The one I complimented was the Girl with the cherry colored hair pin not the other one" He explain teaseng the other who Just hissed at him.

"How was your mission today" he asked. "Didn't see him there again after what happened but I'm sure the other two men Saw him but find an excuse for them to not be suspicious" he explained. "I didn't stay there longer because I was caught lurking behind a tree by that two maidens so I just left" he added. The Masked man just nod and took a sip of a wine.

" Zheng Yuhan" A woman showed from behind them making the other jumped and hold his chest.

"It's been two thousand years, you promised me you'd find my sister" she said in a sad voice. " I did" he said.

"Then where is she" she said in a desperate voice. " I already found her, but now is not the time yet" He said. "Focus on your training and Cultivations first to wake up what has to be awakened" He explained.

"But-" She was cut of when The man called her name. "Fine, just please Protect her while I recuperate " she said and went out.

"She's still scary" the other man said. "I heard that, you monkey!" She yelled making him choked by a peanut. "I am not a monkey!" He shouted back and slam the cup after drinking.

"Let's not stay here any longer let's go back " the man said and stand up before he went out of the shop. The other guy leave a big amount of money to the shop owner for letting them stay there fo a bit and went after his master.


I didn't know typing a story would be this hard.

My head hurts 🤧 but it'll be worth it when Someone would read my story even if it's still on going.

Enjoy reading


This is my First ever story by the way. Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Ms_Yangcreators' thoughts