

"people say knowledge is power but I believe people get power from the right motivation some people get their thrones through bloodshed and some inherit the throne, but they forget when you mess with the Dragon bloods your clock starts to click because like a phoenix they will rise and destroy you" looking at her bloodshot eyes, the girl he had labeled as incapable was betraying him he felt a sharp pain on his chest " Titus you made one big mistake you messed with a mother 's love for her child and now you will pay" he looked at her he was shocked she was one of the royals plotting and planning to destroy him under his nose and now she was getting what she wanted he was at her mercy but something was topping her would she want to return back to a life were she was meant to be seen and not heard even after her son grew up he would look at her as if she was worthless just as it is meant to be in the life of the Dragon Bloods no freedom for women