
Black Rinnegan In The Rain Village

PerSiMa · Anime et bandes dessinées
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22 Chs

13 - The Chakra Dance

Holding his stance, Inara says.

"Okay... good, let's go to the next step, now I need you to hit me, as hard as you can" Inara says, creating a wall of ice behind him.

"Hyōton: Suishōheki" Inara says.


An ice wall rises behind Inara.

Kosuke ceases his confused suzaku.

*Tchlak Tchlak Tchlak Tchlak

"Huh?" Kosuke exclaims.

"Come on, hit me" Inara says.

"Hm... okay sensei, you asked for it" Kosuke says and prepares to throw a punch.

"Ahhhh" Kosuke shouts.



"Ahhhh" Kosuke shouts in pain.

Even Inara with his eyes closed dodges Kosuke's punch, causing it to hit the ice wall.

"Ouch ouch ouch" Kosuke grumbles.

"If you were yelling like that, I'd know about your punch from miles away" Inara says.

"Son of a bitch", Kosuke thinks angrily.

Kosuke doesn't react to Inara's provocation, but in an attempt to catch him off guard, Kosuke throws a quiet punch.



"Ahhhhhh" Kosuke cries out in pain again.

Inara had dodged again.

"Slowly" Inara says in a tone that hardly cares.

"Ahhhhh" Kosuke loses his mind and starts to hit him with high frequency.

*Tum tum tum tum tum tum tum tum tum tum.

Kosuke continues to punch deftly while Inara effortlessly deflects each of Kosuke's punches.

Kosuke gradually slows down his punches and sighs.

"Oof oof" Kosuke exhales.

Inara pokes Kosuke in the forehead with concentrated chakra.


Kosuke is thrown into a tree a few meters away.

"If you use your energy irrationally, you die, now it was a poke, but it could literally be a kunai to your forehead Kosuke!" Inara says in a reprimanding tone.

"Oof Oof" Kosuke breathes out.

"What am I supposed to do man? I don't have enough speed to hit him..." Kosuke thinks.

"Use your head Kosuke, because I can read his movements even with my eyes closed?, think about it, I don't have any doujutsu at hand, no little red or white eyes that let me see with my eyes closed" Inara says in a mocking tone.

Kosuke approaches Inara and hits his calmly, trying to use force at the last moment.

"Ah" Kosuke exclaims.


Kosuke's punch lands in Inara's face.

Inara doesn't react.

"Ah... hm... sorry sensei" Kosuke says worried.

Inara says.

"I didn't feel anything, you managed to hide the presence of your blow, but you made it weaker than a child's punch" Inara says.

"Again!" Inara orders.

Kosuke throws a series of unbalanced blows at Inara, sometimes Kosuke hits the blows but they are too weak and when he doesn't it's because the blows were without fighting discipline.

Kosuke keeps this up until one of his blows moves Inara's body slightly.


"Hm" Inara mutters.

"All right, let's move on to the next step, learning" Inara says.

"Kosuke, you have to focus on your chakra control again. Do you think this training is about learning to physically hit harder?" Inara asks.

"Uhh... I think so Sensei" Kosuke answers.

"Aff" Inara sighs.

"You have to have control, you have to understand where a ninja's strength comes from, and you have to understand that a shinobi's strength comes not only from his physical control but also from his inner control" Inara explains.

"It doesn't matter how much muscle you have if your chakra control is poor, with the power of natural chakra energy, you can do much more than with your natural muscle strength" Inara says.

"If you rely on your kinetic strength or in short, your physical strength of movement, you're only using about 10% of your true strength capacity" says Inara.

Inara prepares a long punch and hits the ice wall.


*Crack crack crack

Inara hits the wall, creating many, many cracks along the length of the wall, but it still stands.

"Woww" Kosuke exclaims.

"Amazing, huh?" says Inara.

"Hyōton: Suishōheki" Inara says immediately.

Another wall of ice rises, much bigger.


The wall rises.

Inara positions his fist millimeters away from the wall and says.

If this power surprises you, you don't know what your chakra potential holds.

Inara concentrates on his fist and delivers a super-fast micro punch.


The wall shatters into pieces, pieces that fly everywhere, Inara without any expression was able to break an extremely dense ice rock compared to the last one.

Kosuke is stunned.

"Woahhhh" Kosuke says startled.

*Tum tum

As the rocks fall, Inara says.

"The kinetic force of the energy is infinitely greater than physics, I don't have to nerd out here at light speed for you to imagine this power, but I think this way I can give you an idea of the real power you have" Inara explains.

Kosuke couldn't believe his eyes, the huge rock had shattered with a blow that Kosuke hadn't even been able to observe.

"That... is... unbelievable Sensei" Kosuke said completely stunned.

"I'm glad you liked it, let's continue then" Inara said.

"Hyōton: Suishōheki"

Inara creates another dense wall of ice, like the first one he made before.

"First, I'm not going to ask you to control the waste of chakra, but I want you to use the kinetic force of your inner energy, not your muscular strength, think of the process of concentrating chakra as a game of rhythm" Inara says.

"Every blow, every attack, your every intention in combat must be done with your chakra accompanying you, not acting as a consequence within you, but as one" Inara says.

Kosuke puts his hand millimeters away from the ice wall.

Inara looks more positive when he sees that Kosuke has understood the intention of his advice.

Kosuke takes a deep breath and exhales, takes a second breath and when he exhales, Kosuke says.

"EY !" Kosuke exclaims.


The wall shattered into small pieces.

From the brief moment of impact of Kosuke's chakra concentration, Inara was able to observe that Kosuke's chakra had turned white, creating a moment of impact as strong as the one Inara had made before.

Inara was surprised but refrained from expressing himself so as not to overestimate Kosuke.

"The boy's theoretical learning is much better than his practical learning... so I think I can teach him better and faster...", Inara thought.

After finishing the blow, Kosuke shifts his focus to the eyes of the teacher.

Inara stares at him for a moment and says.

"That's all for today, good job" Inara says.

Kosuke feels fulfilled.


Author note

10 chapters ahead at p@treon.com/persima