
Black n Beautiful

A young girl, named Analia Reed , who has experienced the loss of her parents and now facing the world on her own, with no one to protect her. She constantly thinks of herself as the problem of her parents death since she’s the only one who is still alive. She is a foster child, living with her racist foster parents; miserable and unhappy, trying to to survive another day. Constantly, being tortured by them, with no one to ask for help. Until her life changes.

Ahoeforyallosers · Sports, voyage et activités
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7 Chs

We can make it if we try


She needs to get out of this house.


Angie's Pov:

We're still sitting here, talking to eachother. So far, we've talked about how she is doing at school. I can tell she's at the top of her class by the way she talks about her work. She just needs to stop doubting herself.

"Do you think you deserve to move up a grade? y'know because you're smart and all that?" watching the girl shift uncomfortably in her seat.

"Umm." playing with the strings from her leggings "No, not really." she said.

"And why's that..?" raising my brow, questioning her rejection.

"There are downsides that come with it" she shrugged.

"Such as..." prompting her to answer.

"Stuff." She deadpanned, wanting to keep her thoughts to herself because she didn't like sharing them. People always judged her for that, she didn't need another person to add to the list. Especially, the one she considers her friend.

"Regarding...?" struggling to see why she was becoming closed off, all of a sudden.

"Well.. what if I'm not ready for the huge amount of work that is set? What if i make a fool of myself when answering the questions asked directly by the teacher and the students laugh at me. What if they make fun of me because of how young i am? Even worse what if i fail every test and be put back in my previous grade? That is the definition of first hand embarrassment. No explanation," yabbering on, in one breath. Her eyes growing wide at every possibility of the question.

"Or...What if the teacher hates me? What if i get all my homework answers wrong and the teacher shows them off to the whole class. I'll be known as "the girl who is too dumb to do her homework." I'll be the laughing stock...i mean at least I'll get recognition. But...for the wrong reason. Imagine I'm the girl-

"Okay...ok..ok..Sssh...sh...Sh" Cutting her off, seeing that she was going to explode with more questions, losing herself in the process.

Leaning forward, taking her hands in mine. "Look at me, analia" tenderly, to get her attention. Soon, her glossed brown eyes met mine, "I'm sorry i asked the question, in the first place. I didn't know that it will cause this much pressure on you and I'm truly sorry. You don't have to worry about it now since it's not that big of a deal right now. The question was just out of interest, if i had known about the troubles that come with it and had stopped provoking you to answer, I wouldn't have asked the stupid question. Don't stress yourself out, okay? This pretty face is too young to get wrinkles."

She blinked the tears and let out a long sigh, before she started talking. "It's fine..it's just no one has never asked me that and I didn't know how to answer it. My mouth just spoke what my heart expressed. It's like someone pressed the 'go' button without any warnings and it kind of freaked me out, a little."

"This is just a suggestion, not a command...but have you ever thought of going to a therapist? Y'know to express your feelings to and calm your nerves down because I can tell when someone is about to have a panic attack. And..lemme tell you girl, you were a ticking bomb waiting to fulminate," squeezing her hand gently, letting her know that I'm here for her.

She chuckled, "Yeah...i have thought about it but I don't think Gabriel or Jocelyn will agree with my proposition."

"But..i do have a journal to write how i feel so I don't keep them bottled up. I read on online that it's good to have them because it allows you to be free from your continuous thoughts and it relieves your stress. Oh! and it's a great way of communicating if you don't wanna voice out your thoughts.." she informed me, shortly noting the despairing look in my eyes.

"That's not bad, not as good as a therapist but its a good start. If it helps you with your panic attacks, then I'm fine with that," smiling at the teen, before letting her hand go. A frown was instantly illustrated on the girl's face but quickly replaced with a smile. What was that about?

"It's getting dark, now and I have one final question before i have to make some calls." saying to the girl.

She nods, indicating that i should continue, "Have the carers, in the household you're placed in, ever abused/harmed you in any way?" Knowing the obvious answer as I remembered the marks templated on her prized skin.

"Abuse? ... Like-

"So, there wasn't any pepsi drinks in the fridge, there is only coke. I hope that's okay," a deep voice stumbled into the conversation, entering the room.

He put the can on the table and then sat in his previous seat, "So.. What were you guys talking about?" he asked.

"We were just talking about issues regarding abuse or harm. Has it that been utilised in this household?" filling him in, watching him in amusement as he formed his fists. He knows that i'm onto to him.

"No, it hasn't," shaking his head.

"Are you sure?" suspecting why this man decided to lie. It's not like he was making it any better.

"Yes, i am," he calmly stated, boring his hazel eyes into mine.

"Ok. But just answer this question.." crossing my arms. "What would one say if they suddenly saw red marks and cuts appearing on a child's body, in a house that you claimed that doesn't use abuse or harm?" glaring at the tanned man.

"I don't know. Kids can be clumsy," taking his eyes off me to look at the child positioned on his lap.

"Kids can be clumsy," i mimicked quietly, loud enough for myself to hear. Was this man serious? Unless your kid is piglet from Winnie the pooh, i doubt that a kid can be this clumsy.

"So...you're telling me..that, clumsy kids get clumsy marks all over their body?" saying the dumb idea, out loud so I don't think I'm crazy.

"Exactly," agreeing with the statement.

Bullshit. Absolute psycho in a nutshell.

"Ok." I breathed out, still keeping up the charade.

"Ok?" uncertain, to why i agreed to his answer.

"Yes. Ok. I believe you," i declared to this man as i watched his fists slowly unfold. He stared at me for awhile before returning his gaze to the tv. "Now, if you don't mind I'm going to go make some calls," standing up, stretching my limbs.

Analia's Pov:

I watched as the social worker leave the room. Once again, left alone with Gabriel Cohen.

"What did you tell her?" he bitterly asked, his eyes strained on the individuals on the tv. They were dressed in blue scrubs with a large white coat draped over them. I think they are doctors because they were in a hospital, following a short middle-aged black woman around, listening to her as she read off the ipad. I'm guessing it had tasks for them to complete.

I remembered that Gabriel asked me a question, it'd be rude to ignore it. "She asked me about school, my life in this neighbourhood and my hobbies" I skipped out the part on where I almost had an anxiety attack, to save myself from the criticism.

He then nodded again, taking in what I've said. "What did you say about the abuse?"

"I didn't get to answer because you came into the room," I truthfully claimed, my heart still pounding against my ribs.

His face remain unaltered. It was like he wanted to say something, but something was stopping him. I waited for his outburst to arrive. But nothing happened, he just watched the show in silence. My shoulders collapsed with relief.

Seeing that i had no business here, i rose from his lap. Until i felt a grip on my waist, tugging me down roughly. "Your presence is still needed. Sit here and look pretty until she leaves this property," he whispered in a harsh tone.

So that's what I'm doing, sitting here with no moral ground. Like a sitting duck. bored.

Sirens then echoed, not so far in the distance. I could still hear angie's conversation on the phone, so i thought nothing of it until the bell boomed throughout the house.

"Go open the door" he ordered, behind me

I groaned internally as i lift myself from his lap and towards the door, cursing under my breath. This is not even my house and I'm made to open the door? How.fricken.rude.

I was met with two officers standing in front of the door. "Hello, can we talk to the owner of this house?"

"Are you going to arrest me? Am I going to die? Did you finally found out if Kanye and Jeffrey are a real couple? If so, is the world going to end?"

Laughter then filled my ears, like a boombox. I stared at the officers as their head leaned back, laughing harder. Did i miss something?

"No shawty" one of the officers said, gasping for air. "We're not going to arrest you and you're not going to die unless you get second hand embarrassment from seeing Janye"

"So, can we see the owner of this house?" the other officer inquired, called Garcia, reading from her name tag.

I nodded as i turned back on my heel, walking towards the living room. Seeing that Gabriel has remained in the same spot, i stood in front of him.


"Um..i-i came to tell you that, uh, the police a-are here and they want to see you" mentally beating myself for stuttering, avoiding his gaze. Why does this guy make me hella nervous?

"What do they want?" He spat angrily, tight fists present.

"I don't know, that's kind of the point of why they made me get you," I reasoned.

"Don't try to fucking sass me" he retorted, standing up from his position and heading towards the door. It was exhausting trying to not sass him but everyday god decides to test me.

So I'm nosy as hell. So..what am i going to do, to entertain myself? I'm going listen to the conversation. Call me nosy and inconsiderate, I don't care. You're literally reading me as i do it.

"Hello, I'm Gabriel, you asked for me?" He stated in his usual deep voice. I scoffed, why is this man deciding to be nice now?

"Mr cohen, I'm placing you under arrest for committing domestic abuse and violence in this household. Anything you say will be charged against you in court" wrapped handcuffs arounds his wrists, forcefully leading him to the car.

I watched the whole scene with my jaw dropped to the floor, sweeping the insignificant spots of dust. My eyes widened in shock, seeing the tall man being dragged away from his house. What is going on?

A pressure on my shoulder jolted me back to life. I shifted my gaze onto the lady who stood behind me, with her hand resting on my shoulder. "Didn't any tell you not to get involved with grown folks business?"

"I didn't have anyone left to tell me that. Sorry.. for eavesdropping" angie shot her an apologetic smile. It made her heart dishearten that this child had to deal with this terrible news by herself. She had no one in her corner..to protect her from this problematic system, we call 2020.

"It's okay, I didn't know" grabbing her phone from her pocket. "Why don't you get all your stuff and meet me outside?"

She nodded her head and raced up the the stairs. Wow, someone is eager. "Now, who should i call first? My ride or die...or ..my food combustion black Bird" heading towards the door, dialling their numbers.

Analia's pov:

I know i should happy, now that I'm leaving but i just feel like everything is going to go downhill from here. Like... where am i going to go? Its too late for the service homes to be open. You can't go home with social worker because that's illegal...so.. I'm basically homeless...and I'm not even pregnant.

Right now, I'm packing my clothes and belongings in a trash bag since I don't have a lot. Jocelyn and Gabriel haven't bought me clothes in a long time so I'm stuck with these small ripped ones..such a shame if you ask me.

I turned around, to look at the room i accommodated in. The room where i hid in from Gabriel. The room where i wrote about in my journal. The room where i could be me. This is the last time. This is my last time.

I switched off the light and headed downstairs.

I walk up to angie, who is now scrolling through her phone. " I'm ready"

She whipped her head to the familiar voice, with a small smile. "Ok, let's go," waltzing towards the black car.

"Damnnnn...This your car?" as i investigated every minor detail of the masterpiece. "You must be rich rich" i confessed, still amazed.

"Yep" she chuckled "..I'm not rich, i just work hard for what i want," pointing me to the door so i could get in.

"Wow, the inside looks just as amazing than the outside," feeling the soft fabric, inside the car with my hands.

"Thanks" starting the engine, "buckle up girlie, I don't want a dead person in my new car." She pulled out of the cohen's driveway. I turned my head to look back at the house. Saying a silent goodbye to the estate that abused me. Watching it stay still and empty, from afar.


A whole new change.

"..so where are we going?" I asked, watching as the trees go by while resting my head on the window pane. "Because i know you can't take me to your house cuz it's illegal and you don't do illegal" i pointed out.

Shaking her head, chuckling softly "you know me so well smart girl." She glanced briefly at the time, silently grimacing at how extremely late it is. "To answer your question, we're visiting a good sister of mine. She's not really my sister but we were basically raised the same since we were always together all the damn time. That bi- uh...i mean superstar is like the wing to my chicken, the bun to my hotdog..u get it right?" recalling the happy moments she spent with her best friend. Always causing troubles in the house, just for grandma Tina to whoop their asses multiple times. But they didn't care because they always had each other's back.

"Yeah.. i used to have one like that" agreeing with the older woman.

"If you don't mind me asking, what happened?" raising her neatly done eyebrows, displaying confusing.

"She got adopted by an anonymous." i sighed "She had a little sister which made us the unbeatable trippy trio. We loved to pull pranks on adults and give them hard times because they wouldn't give us a nap time" laughing at the genius pranks we pulled 24/7.

"Damn. You guys did that for a nap time?"

"Well..nap times are underrated" shrugging my shoulders with exhaustion. "People always seem to forget that teenagers also need their sleep as well as little kids. We're always told to look after little kids when the parents want to go somewhere by themselves so they can relax with no disruptions..while we're left with the rugrats that get their energy from sucking crayons or sumn. And we get no reward..except for thanks..which I appreciate but sometimes we just want to sleep because kids are ALOT. They start to act up because their parents are not present to tell them off..which is EVEN worse because they're like drunk horses trying to walk on two legs." finishing my monologue with a loud yawn.

"Whoooaa..that's alot, you've been holding on to. I can tell you've wanted to get that off your chest for a long time, right?" getting a muffled response from the young teen. She looked at the child who was on the verge of deep slumber. This girl needs a nap , she thought.

Angie's pov:

I parked the car in the familiar driveway i grew fond of and turned off the engine. It's 11pm..yikes. I hope i stay alive because i know this women is going to fry me alive.

"Analia" shaking the girl, gently by her arm. "Analia, baby, it's time to wake up" shaking the girl, more.

"Angie? Is that you?"

"No, it's shalissa" she tensed, pausing her actions. "I'm joking, it's just me, angie. We're here, come on" opening the door, stepping out onto the pavement.

"Gosh, give me a warning before i get a heart attack" she mumbled before she followed angie's steps.

We finally reached the front porch after struggling to see in the dark. I exhaled shortly before i knocked on the door.

"Huh..." silence was all i could hear. "Maybe they're asleep?" she suggested.

"Nahh...she can't get rid of us that easily. Her husband might be a heavy sleeper but i know she sure as hell isn't" pounding deliberately on the door, not caring if the neighbours wake up.

The door creaked open, showing an annoyed person in her nightwear. "Girl, it's 11 pm. Why the hell are you knocking on my door this loud? Are your ears that small to hear the commotion you're causing?" her southern accent slipping through her words.

"Shutup, kelendria. You knew my ass was coming. You could've at least be ready" revealing her real name, because i know she hates it. Don't hate the player, hate the game.


Whoa. This took too long.

New character is hereee....!!!! U excited??? Who do you think Analia was talking about? Hint: UH

Bye,,, I'll be back in 2 wks.🥳🌚