
Black n Beautiful

A young girl, named Analia Reed , who has experienced the loss of her parents and now facing the world on her own, with no one to protect her. She constantly thinks of herself as the problem of her parents death since she’s the only one who is still alive. She is a foster child, living with her racist foster parents; miserable and unhappy, trying to to survive another day. Constantly, being tortured by them, with no one to ask for help. Until her life changes.

Ahoeforyallosers · Teen
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7 Chs

Man, Fuck your pride

"Whoa, you just had to bring out my government name," Kelly's hand shot up to her chest, feigning offence.

"Well, you decided to bring my ears into this conversation so obviously I'm gonna bite back" Angie folded her arms, scoffing loudly.

"Well, they areee small. Like really small. Miniature, i might add. Disappointing, you wouldn't be able to see it with that lion mane attached to your scalp," she reasoned, matter of factly.

"You just mad because my hair actually grows longer than your weave. It's ok boo, they've already seen your monstrosity excuse of a forehead. Such a shame it's exposed this way...putting human beings to extinction after the dinosaurs," her hands were clasped together as if she was saying a prayer to god. I bit my lip to refrain myself from laughing at Angie's insult. I've got to admit she is amazing at defending herself.

"So are you gonna let me in? Or is your huge ass whale forehead going to take up the living room too?" she added, with a little bit of anger pouting out of her.

"Um..." her finger rested on her chin as she pretended to think of something interesting. "...no" grinning villainously, slamming the door in front of Angie.

"Did she just close the door on me?" turning her body towards mine with an annoyed expression plastered on her face. I shrugged my shoulders since i knew she wouldn't handle my sarcasm and might have an actual chance of beating me up.

She immediately turned back to the door and started battering the expensive gateway furiously. "Bitch! I know you did not just close the door in front of me,"she yelled.

Resulting a response from the tall woman behind the door, "oh, but i did and you watched" laughing loudly at Angie's aggression.

"Ok. It's like that," Angie stepped away from the door and grabbed her phone from her pocket. I watched her fingers tap on the red play button app as she typed something in the search bar. What is she doing? I grew even more confused when a feminine voice surfaced the crisp air and before i knew it, angie was belting out the lyrics.

"I like big butts and I cannot lie. You other brothers can't deny," standing in a thug-like position with her arms folded in front of her as she leaned to the side, nodding her head along with the beat.

"That when a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist and a round thing thing in your face, you get SPRUNG" ditching her thug look to jump back, like she's dodging a bullet.

"Wanna pull up tough 'cause you notice that butt was STUFFED." Her hands carving out an ass delicately as if it was made out of glass. This girl has hit the high end.

"Deep in the jean's she's wearin. I'm hooked and I can't stop staring," fake binoculars were moulded by her hands, zooming onto something behind me. My ass.

"Oh, baby, i wanna get wit'cha and take your picture." How have the neighbours not woken up yet? This woman is literally chanting the whole song for the ants to dance and celebrate.

"My homeboys tried to warn me-

"But that butt you got makes me so horny" The door opened abruptly, Kelly's voice chanting along with Angie. She started to mimic Angie's actions, ever so graciously but failed in doing so. Her smile was so wide, it could radiate the whole world. I watched the two best friends act wreck-less with each other , without a single care in the world.

"Little in the middle but she got much back!" they harmonised so effortlessly. I gave them a round of applause as they each bowed their heads in courtesy of their spectacular performance.

"Thank you. Thank you very much," angie imitating Elvis Presley in the best voice she could.

The peaceful moment was then interrupted by a sneeze that erupted from my mouth. Kelly's and Angie's heads' wheeled towards my direction, their eyes widening seeing my shivering.

Angie walked over to me, "Honey, why didn't you carry a coat?" pulling me into her embrace.

"The l-last coat I've o-owned was when i was se-seven. Gabriel didn't want me to have nice things because he says I'm t-too grown. I didn't t-think it w-was going to b-be this cold, s-s-sorry," my teeth chattering continuously, in response to the Siberian weather.

"Who's Gabriel? Is he your boyfriend?" Kelly joked. "Is he like the protective type? Cause those ones are hard to get rid off. I would know bec-

"Kelly! Not the time." Angie snarled in a low voice, noticing how rigid the girl was in her embrace. Kelly looked at Analia with sympathetic eyes, unaware of the man's relation to her. "Sorry" she muttered, shifting her gaze onto the ground.

"You guys are welcome to come in now, I'm sure you guys are very tired," dropping the subject, stepping inside her house, followed by the other two.



You know when something is just so beautiful, you have no words to say or use. You don't know how to express the delicate designs or art with your words because nothing comes to mind.

That's how i feel with Kelly's house...like damm, sis pulled through. My eyes peered at the intricately shaped chandelier that hung above me. I stared at the numerous shadows of light spread like fire and enhance the room, broadcasting the muted details. The plain walls were displayed dull and boringly, yet fitting into the neutral theme like a missing jigsaw piece.

I wanted to see more of this house so I decided to take off my shoes and explore the house. I was about to the living room but i got immediately pulled back.

"Slow down racer. You still have time to go on your atypical roaming, but for now you need to go to bed," Angie voiced out.

I huffed and gave in, " okay, fine. I'll do it in the morning." Turning to kelly, "Sorry, if i come off as bratty and spoilt, I don't mean to come off as that. I just want to explore your house."

Kelly waved it off, "It's fine. I've come to a realisation that my house is well loved by others and I don't intend to interrupt their fascination."

"Man, fuck your pride." Angie shook her head, as if the woman was crazy. Finding it funny how Kelly used to brag about how beautiful and gorgeous her house was going to built for her perfect family. If it looked ugly, she would simply decline and dismantle it in a millisecond.

"Anyways" loud enough for angie to hear but not so loud to wake her child and husband. "I'll show you where your sleeping for tonight so this lazy bugger can get out of my house and i can finally go back to sleep," her thumb casting towards the other woman.

Analia chuckled at the two best friends foolery.

"W-wait, you're not s-staying?" cautiously asking the social worker so they don't mock her for the stupid question. Not only is she left with THE kelly rowland but she's left with people she barely knows. Strangers.

Fear starts to build up and fill her body, replacing the happy mood she was in earlier. She doesn't want to intrude and be a problem like she's been with Gabriel and Jocelyn. She wasn't too keen on staying in a celebrity's house as it may not end well, 100% of the time.

"Sorry Anz, i have to go. I can't stay, i have to do some important errands in the early morning. I'll be back to come and pick you up tomorrow afternoon, it'll be okay," immediately pulling her into her embrace, rubbing small circles on her back to get the young girls breathing in rhythm. "It's just one night, bubz. You'll be okay" advising her, feeling the teen's arm wrap around her tighter.

"One day," Analia sighed, repeating the phrase in her head to calm herself down. "You'll be back tomorrow?" looking up at the woman. She had to make sure so another name isn't added to list of people who had left her. Angie nodded,  still rubbing her back.

"Ok, I'll see you tomorrow" nodding, hoping for the best that Angie doesn't mislead her. Her arms gives a last squeeze around her waist, before she pulls out of the embrace.

"See you tomorrow, smart ting," smiling apologetically at the teen. She really didn't want to leave Analia by herself without her because she knows the child will have a panic attack but she had important errands to do which she couldn't miss.

She left Analia's side and embraced Kelly in a hug before closing the door and leaving.

"Follow me, let's go to the room," Kelly instructed.


The room was absolutely beautiful. It was anything a girl could ask for. Especially ones that are strangers.

Right now I'm laying ontop of blankets that were piled on each other, staring at the plain wall trying to gather my thoughts. Kelly already gave me one of her old tops that she doesn't use anymore, seeing that it would make a dress on me since I didn't bring any clean sleepwear. This bedroom had a bathroom so she allowed me to clean myself up and just go to bed. Now I'm thinking about how quick this day has gone.  Amazed at how everything was moving in slow motion as every waking minute passed by, yet too quick to process.

Gabriel got arrested today after one insight, that was happening in my life. Jocelyn is nowhere to be found and I'm finally free but got no place to go.

A home is where happiness and love is, someone once told me. Those things seem to be foreign to me.

The only object that can represent those feelings are my stuffed nemo. A gift given by those who aleft me to fend to the enemies. A memory engraved in my head, too powerful to leave. The only object that worthies my presence even if I'm quick to apologise for my bad actions. The one person that only knows me for me and seen me cry on my vulnerable days. This is my nemo.

Nemo is a very important accessory to me. No matter, how many times i got bullied for it, he was always by my side. Even on the tragic day of my loved ones, he was by my side. The only friend willing to be mine. The only person i can talk to without being judged, he made me feel safe. Just like my mom and dad.

The comfort was then stripped away from me on the most tragic day that ceased to happen. Nothing ever felt the same again. No love can replace the love that was once there.

A loud growling noise erupted from my stomach, signaling my desperate need for food. The only time i ate food was yesterday morning, guess that's why my stomach is telling me now. I didn't get to eat food when I arrived here because I didn't want to make it a hassle since i knew Kelly was too tired to make anything. Make others comfortable before making yourself comfortable; so i kept quiet, now regretting my masked actions.

After 15 minutes being lost in this maze, I finally reached the kitchen and fixed myself a plate of chopped fruits in a bowl along with a small bottle of strawberry banana smoothie. Having cold fruits at midnight is just refreshing.

I made sure to bring a book with me downstairs to entertain myself since I didn't have a phone anymore.

Too intrigued in the chapters, I didn't even notice the figure sitting next to me. "What are you reading?" He asked out of curiosity.

"The hunger games," Peeling my eyes off the page to meet the man's gaze.

He looked quite tall, but then again he was sitting down so i might've been wrong. You could see his muscles sucking in the navy blue t-shirt on his forearm. Athletic, I thought. This must be Kelly's husband Tim, which Angie informed me about.

"You're the girl that Angie told us about."

"Y-yup, this is she," I nodded.

"My name is Timothy but i go by Tim because I'm not that raccoon that goes to school," he chuckled as I laughed out loud. "I'm Kelly's husband if you're wondering, not just some random sexy man living free in this house," he paused, taking a sip of his whiskey. The smell was familiar to my nose since the second man in my life had an inclination for it. "We also have a son, named Titan and he's the most shady and adorable human ever" He gushed while giving me a 180 of the happy family.

"Those are peculiar synonyms to put together," Closing by book after marking the page, seeing that I'm not going to finish this.

"Well he's a peculiar boy," he sighed heavily. "Wanna know a little story about him, on behalf of those synonyms?" Finding myself quickly nodding, because i love stories. It may sound stupid and childish but they're nice to hear.

"Ok, you eager beaver," i smiled heartily at the nickname. "Titan is known as an open book. He wars his big heart on his sleeve, literally. If you tell him one mean thing, he'll cry so you have to be EXTRA sensitive around him."

"One day, we had to get titan out of school to get some flu jabs. It's basically nothing serious but this guy had to start acting up. He was hella scared of the thought a sharp needle being poked into your skin so he started crying. He bawled his eyes out in the waiting room. I just didn't get why he was crying that much since it was just a small and easy jab so i asked him why he was scared and let me tell you what this man said," Grinning widely at the memory. "He said he was scared because he didn't know that jabs were injections. He thought they were just lollipops you get after you've finished school early. This little boy got excited for lollipops to be gifted to him because he finished school early. I found this so funny because i just remember thinking who lied to my poor innocent son."

"So we tried to calm him down by telling him he had nothing to worry about but he refused to believe us. He also asked us if we could give him drugs; the same ones pregnant people use when giving birth." Tim laughed and used his free hand to take a sip of whiskey. "So i replied saying, 'my guy, when is your baby due?' And he started crying again. I just laughed at his silly antics cuz this was too funny to be real."

"What did Kelly do?" Knowing damn well she wouldn't let her husband laugh at her son.

"Well..she hit me multiple times on my arm and then proceeded to make a promise to Titan that if he behaves he can have anything he wanted for the whole 24 hours."

"After many hours in the local town; shopping and eating. We came home and i swear this guy was faking his pain." He looked at me like a mad man, trying to prove his point. "...Cuz when I accidentally put pressure on his utilised arm, he didn't feel anything. Don't start telling me that's crazy because you know how little kids get when you touch their injured arm.." He went on.

"They normally act sulky or get mad because you touched the forbidden part of their body," I nodded because i knew that children like to act overboard over small things.

"So i asked him 'does it hurt when i touch you there?' He replied saying no..so i was like ok. Then i asked him a question saying 'Did it ever hurt?' Very slowly to build tension cuz you know ur boy was curious

N intrigued...Anyways guess what this boy said. He said 'No, i did it for the free gifts and now my job is done. Imma skedaddle to bed.'"

We both burst out laughing, and me wiping my tears. "So you mean to tell me that this 6 year old conned you with your money and Kelly didn't notice?"

"Not a zilch..she thinks he's too precious to even think of those actions." He replied

"I hope she's fully aware that her son can be an international spy." I pointed out.

"Certainly not to her oblivious ass." I bursted out laughing again, this is too funny for my mind to comprehend.

We then fell into a comfortable silence, listening to the grasshoppers chirp nosily to each other. This was the first time i felt comfortable sitting in silence with someone, without worrying or getting anxious that someone is going to shout at me. It felt nice.

"So how come you didn't freak out when you found out that you're staying at THE Kelly Rowland's house?" His voice broke the silence as he studied the cup in-front of him.

"...Well I didn't wanna scare Kelly or freak her out. She'll just be on edge every time she talks to me because she'll know that I'm a fan; which I don't want to happen. Celebrities are their own people..people who have feelings too..so freaking her out in her home - making her feel unsafe and cautious- just doesn't sit right with me y'know?...You've got to make others comfortable before you make yourself comfortable." I reasoned while taking a bite of the chopped pineapple. Glad that he was blunt with his questions because she hated when people beat around the bush whenever they want to know things.

"That's the most wisest thing I've ever heard. Your parents must be proud that they raised a smart daughter." He said.

"I hope so.." I muttered, glancing down at the marble stone counter.

We then shared moments of our lives that were important for us, except the ones that were hidden deep in my memory. Those weren't ready to be shared.

"....I think that people who choose to be hateful are just people who have lots of insecurities. They project their mean feelings onto beautiful people who have everything they wished for; they're too scared to admit that they can't be the perfect daughter/son for their parents. The idea of it scares them so they look for a distraction" I yawned, resting my head on my palm.

"I think you need to go to sleep missy, you can't fight against it." He stood up to put the empty dishes in the sink.

"But i wanna talk to you...otherwise you'll just be alone wide awake..." My voice getting quieter as my eyes closed slowly losing its battle to sleep.

Next thing i felt was two strong arms, wrapped around me, lifting me off the chair while my legs swung in the air. I propped my head on Tim's chest and closed my eyes and dosed off into a sea of darkness.



The crispy breeze brushed passed me as i laid on the bed. The warmth of the blankets were no longer there. It must've of fallen off in the middle of the night.

I heard feet shuffling around the room persistently, as if they were looking for something that has been misplaced. An object..? Their hands move rapidly on the shelves, knocking stuff onto the floor; failing to keep quiet.

Soon i was met with an ear piercing scream that boomed off the walls. My pillow being snatched away from my head; thrown onto the floor along with the other fallen items.

"WAKE UP!!!"

The voice said as they clashed the two metal cups together, making a rhythm.

Why would someone do this? Ruin my perfect nap, that I haven't had in a long time might i add?!! Inconsiderate piece of sh-

Hold on.

I recognise the voice. The voice that belonged to one person who she trusted with everything.

It simply can't be her.

The girl who got adopted anonymously and left to live a happy life with her new family. The same one who cut her off. The same one she needed the most when she was hurting.
