
Black Fortress Prison

Faye Woodland and her girlfriend Skyler Ray are both facing a drug trafficking conviction. They were sent to Black Fortress Prison, a prison known for dangerous women. Skyler is no new face to the facility, what happens when Faye is confronted with her partner's past life? What will she find behind the hidden door Skylar has yet to reveal?

Karla_Chico · Sports, voyage et activités
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9 Chs

Chapter Four

Faye's Point of Veiw:

The next day, everyone stayed in their units. Until someone came forward to the Cheif our Rec and yard time had been suspended. We were only allowed in our units, library, cafeteria, and showers. I just wanted to stay in bed all day, I didn't want to leave my cell. Skylar came to see me a few time, asked if I could go to the library with her but i decided against it. "Hey, how are you?" Ivy said stepping into the cell alone. "Oh I'm good. Just feeling tired." I laugh. Truth is I was miserable. I wanted to go home, and see my big brother. My mom didn't even know I was here yet. I couldn't tell her, she'd be so angry with me. "Look, between us I have no problem with Skylar. Shit happened in the past but now we're here." She said sitting down on the floor and throwing her hands up. "Where is she?" I ask feeling worry bubble in my stomach. "Shes just outside. She knows I'm here." Ivy laughed raising her knees to her chest. "What I did for you wasn't because of my deal with Sky. It's because those fuckings pigs don't deserve the light of day. Here the women don't stand for it. So just know the women involved are being moved into protection. They wont be a problem." She finishes. "Oh alright. Uh thank you." I say sitting up. "Yeah so you can quit hiding in your room."she laughed. "Oh, oh no. It's okay, I'm just feeling a tad off." I chuckle looking down at my hands. "Yeah, yeah, whatever." she shakes her head hopping to her feet. She whistled while walking out. I buried my head in my incredibly thin pillow, and blinked several times to stop me from crying. I hate this bloody place. I closed my eyes and hummed My love by Claire Wyndham. I imagined I was back at home on the ranch with momma and Seth. Seth was my older brother, I was the last kid momma had before tying up her tubes. I imagined I was in the dining room playing under the table with Seth. At the time he was 12, I was only eight. That night momma made her tuna salad and fish for dinner. I missed the taste of mommas fish, it had been three years since I been home. Right now i just wanted my bed, and the blanket my dad bought me before his passing. I opened my eyes and looked at the dull white cell around me. Skylar has drawn me a picture of a teddy bear and stuck it to the wall with gum. I jumped down and walked out into the unit to see Skylar talking with what I'm guessing is the Cheif. His uniform read Cheif Hamilton. "So you have no idea what happened to those women?" He asked her with two police officers at his side. "No of course not. Have they made their statement?" Sky crossed her arms and leaned back in her chair. "No, they all say they didn't see who." The Cheif said shaking his head. "Then we're done here, yeah?" She laughed standing up. "We cannot launch an investigation without an official report, now can we?" He said gritting his teeth and escorting the officers out. "Whag was that about Sky?" I asked anxiously. "About Nancy. They dont have a case, no reports were made." She said stretching her arms above her head. "You feeling better love bug?" She asks pulling me into a hug. "Yeah I am. Can we just lay down? I just want you to hold me." I whisper. She takes my hand and walks to her cell. The other girls in the unit were watching tv. It was a cooking show channel, they all liked that. "What ever happened about Bellas stuff?" I asked. "Ivy took care of it." She shrugged. "I've also got a meeting with my lawyer in three days." She said playing with my hair. "That's great, I haven't heard from mine yet." I laughed. I laid my head on her chest and listened to her heart beat. "Hey, remember when we went to hotel Mortality in Pennsylvania? The sushi was so gross." I laughed looking back at those memories. "Yeah it was." She laughed. "So I've been talking with Ivy. I was thinking about some stuff." She said rubbing my back, I didn't say anything so she countinues. "If I do finish a deal, she'll get us moved into the same cell." She finishes. I let put a breath I didnt know I was holding in. "What deal?"I ask sitting up. "Just rough up some girls." She says. The way she said it so causal rose a flag. I couldn't shake the feeling of knowing this part of Sky. "No babe. It's alright, remember our only goal is to get out of here togther. Don't go getting into anymore trouble." I said kissing her then standing up. "Okay love bug." She whispered in my ear. I picked up the Harry Potter book from my cell and began from where I left off. Skylar was drawing, she had a special talent for it. Back at the apartment I had an entire wall of the pictures she drew me. "Faye let's go. The chief wants to see you." Guard Robin says.

Skylar Point of Veiw:

She looked over to me but I nodded and blew her a playful kiss. I went to one of the girls cells, her name was Olivia. "You need something?" She said staring at the ceiling. "I heard you got some bud and booze." I says leaning in the cell door way. "One for a favor, two for 10, three for 15. And the booze is twenty." She says sitting up. "I'll take three and one bottle." I say handing her the money. "Word of advice, if you share with Ribin he'll take you to the yard at night time." She said handing me three joints from her curtain. "Alright thanks."I say putting them in my bra. "When is comassary opened?" I asked. "Every morning during breakfast, and every afternoon at 5." She says laying back down. I nod and head to my cell. It's already 7, but they wouldn't let us go because of lockdown. I walked into Trish cell, "hey feel like lending me a hand?" I ask her. Shes looking down at a scrap book she kept. "Of course girl, what's up ?" She says setting it down. "Who stocks up on snacks from com?" I asked. "A few of the girls." She laughed shaking her head. "Think you can score a few paydays?" I say tossing her a joint. "I think I can do better than that." She says grinning down at the joint. "Alright." I wink and walked back out to watch some television. Animal planet was the only thing on, which sucks.

"Faye's Point of Veiw "

"Have a seat Faye." The Cheif says. Hamilton was written across his door. "We're questioning the women about Anna and her crew. Do you happen to know anything about that?" He says offering me a glaze doughnut. "Uh no actually. I wasn't around when they were attacked." I say feeling my heart pound in my chest, I even convinced myself he could hear it. "Mm..how did that happen?" He points to the brusing on my face. "Tripped playing wall ball." I say chewing on my bottom lip. He raises his eyebrow but doesn't say anything for a minute. "If you were to let's say help us out, I could move you into protection. None of the girls would bother you in there." He offers. I remembered what Skylar did to them and shuddered. "I don't know anything. If that's all I'd like to go back to my Unit." I say standing up. He sighed annoyed but called Robin to take me back.  When I got back to the unit Skylar was sitting in her cell drawing. She looked up with a smug face, "hey love bugg!" She says pulling me down with her and kissing me. "Oh god what have you done now?" I laughed. "It's a supriseee!!" She said. "Stay awake tonight, itll be worth it." She winked. I nod and braided her hair then upbraided it. She hair was so long. The orangy red was beautiful with her blue eyes. "Can I try a mermaid tail on you babe?" I ask her. "Long as your gental." She laughs sitting up. "Aye Roxie!!" She shouts from her cell. Roxie comes in with her hood up. She'd been drinking, but seemed alright. "What can I do you for?" Roxie says leaning against the wall. "Aye you look like shit. Rox, why don't you stay in here and sleep it off? " Sky offers. "Ah sure why not." She says laying down. "Wanted to ask if your sister is still in Unit J, with Ivy? " I ask. "Viv? yeah she is, why?" Roxie asks. "No worries, just wanted to say hello later is all." She shrugs. I focused on braiding her hair loosly making sure it wasn't too tight. "She's in Becks crew now. We don't talk much anymore." Roxie says crossing her arms over her chest, and closing her eyes. "Almost done love." I say and kiss her cheek. " After a while they announced for a call and a cell check. I stayed up just like Sky had asked me to and eventually a guad came to unlock sky and me outta our cells. "What's going on?" I asked her. "Ha don't be spooked. We're just going into the yard." She said holding a pillow case. We went outside and sat at a table, "it's a nice night, isn't it?" Guard Robin says. "Look at what I've got." Sky dumps her pillow case on the table, snack and candy bars come flooding out. Then she holds up two joints, she hands one to Robing and lights the other. "I figured it'd help you sleep." She said pulling me into her chest. "You are insane!" I laughed. I took a hit off the joint and coughed, smoking weed wasn't my thing. I did like yo sometimes though. I grabbed a payday from the bag and unwrapped it. "Mr.Robbin, what would it take to leave us alone for a while?" Sky winks. "Don't push it, Sky." She says taking a hit off the joint. "Come on now, what would it take?" She winked. He paused for a minute, "you got a 45 minutes before my shift is over." He said and walked away. "We'll talk later then, will we?" She laughed. After he left she kissed me slow at first, then a little rougher. I pulled away for a sec but she grabbed my by the back of my neck and yanked me back. My heart jumped.I kissed her back, but this time it was different. It wasn't bad, just different. Her kisses trailed the side of my neck, then she put a hand on my waist. My lips reconnected with hers and she pulled me on top of her. We laid down on the table and looked up to the stars. "Kiss me like that more often." I say laying on her chest. "Maybe I will." She says.