
Bite Me, Darling

Welcome to Metamorphosis, a city whose name is less charming than the bloodsucking residents. Here, the nightlife is as neon-drenched as your nightmares, and the only predictable thing is the rhythmic grumbling of undead stomachs. Enter Callista, a young woman with emotional baggage exceeding lost luggage allowances and a past as dark as her eyeliner (but hey, who doesn't?). Thrust into a world of the supernatural with a past as murky as swamp water, Callista must navigate the treacherous landscape of the undead like an emo Barbie with a grumpy side-kick —resembling Mr. Darcy with a perpetual migraine (and a healthy dose of exasperated sighs). Their quest, however, takes a sharp turn when Callista discovers the line between hunter and hunted blurs faster than you can say "vampire academy." Think Hogwarts meets Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but with better fashion sense and an R-rated twist (think fangs instead of first kisses). Except, are the vampires truly the villains in this twisted fairytale? Is the world as black and white as it seems? And what does the enigmatic Queen desire besides, say, an apocalypse… right now?

CosmicTapestry · LGBT+
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48 Chs


The soft orange glow of dawn crept through Natalia's window, painting streaks of warmth across the room. Melissa knocked softly, the silence inside broken only by the rhythmic tick of a grandfather clock. An unsettling silence, actually. Natalia's roommate, the perpetually grumpy human Astra, was usually the first one awake, and her absence hung heavy in the air.

Natalia's voice, laced with sleep, drifted across the room. "Come in!"

The door creaked open, revealing Melissa with a playful glint in her eyes. "Ready for breakfast, sleepyhead?" 

Natalia stretched, her eyes crinkling at the corners. "As always. Any chance you could charm the cooks into making pancakes today?"

"Sure, and…" Stepping closer, Melissa leaned down, brushing a soft kiss against Natalia's temple. "By the way, about Saturday, 6:00pm, what do you say?"

Natalia's cheeks flushed a rosy pink. "Dress code?" she murmured.

"You look good in anything," Melissa admitted with a wink.

Natalia's heart fluttered. "We owe Astra a thank you," she mumbled, the warmth of Melissa's nearness spreading through her.

Melissa's sapphire eyes softened. "Indeed," she agreed, her voice a husky rasp. She lingered a moment longer, savouring the touch.

Suddenly, Melissa's phone buzzed with an urgent alert. It was a simple "SOS" from the library. Her smile faltered, replaced by a flicker of concern.

"You should head down to the cafeteria," Melissa said apologetically. "I'll meet you there soon?"

Natalia protested weakly, clinging to Melissa for a moment longer. But with a gentle laugh and a quick peck on the forehead, the nymph slipped away.

Melissa hurried towards the library, the familiar scent of aged paper and leather replaced by something sharper, more primal – blood. Pushing open the heavy oak door, she found Queen Eydis. The ruler's regal bearing remained, but exhaustion etched on her usually flawless face. Her brown hair cascaded down her shoulders, the picture of a warrior queen. Yet, a flicker of something unreadable, clouded her usually steely gaze.

"Orion is hurt," Eydis said, her voice surprisingly devoid of its usual imperiousness. "Can you help her?"

Melissa, momentarily stunned by the urgency in the Queen's tone, simply nodded. As she rushed to Orion's side, a low sizzle filled the air. Tendrils of white energy pulsed ineffectively around a gruesome wound, refusing to close.

With practised ease, Melissa focused her power, channelling a vibrant blue light from her palms. The wound sealed shut, leaving a faint pink scar behind.

"Hunter blade? I thought you were better than this, General," Melissa said, a hint of concern lacing her voice.

Orion, usually radiating confidence, offered a weak snicker. "Just a scratch. I was about to shift, but someone..." She cast a pointed look at Captain Lionel, who stood stiffly by the window.

"Your ability remains a secret, Orion. Lionel did the right thing," Eydis interjected, her voice firm. "Rest. Take a week off."

Orion shook her head stubbornly. "I can't afford to raise suspicion. But perhaps," she added, her voice dripping with seduction, "a little help with my mobility wouldn't go amiss."

Eydis's brow furrowed, a flicker of annoyance crossing her face – a reaction that surprised Melissa. Weren't the Queen and Orion close? 

Now, Melissa found herself caught between the Queen's imperial glare and Orion's simmering rebellion. But through the escalating tension, a single, fluffy thought kept rising to the surface: pancakes. Looks like today's diplomatic mission involved a different kind of negotiation - securing the fluffiest souffle pancakes Natalia had ever seen. Blackmail or bribery? Those were just details. This was a mission of the utmost importance.


The stifling summer heat clung to Callista like a second skin, no match for the air conditioner's feeble attempts. Fanning herself with her shirt, she unbuttoned another, revealing a sliver of annoyance. Secluded in the library's corner, Callista knew no one was watching.

Her encounter with Amelia had unearthed two jarring revelations. First, Amelia wasn't Eydis, sending the Watchers into a frantic scramble to rework their strategy. Second, the vampire mentioned a Royal Decree, a phantom document absent from the Watchers' vast library. She glanced down at her hand, the gash from the fight faded to a faint, pink line, a constant reminder of her body's uncanny resilience.

Callista slammed a dusty tome shut, frustration etching lines on her face. Here, surrounded by archaic creation myths, the elusive Royal Decree remained hidden. The Watchers thrived on cutting-edge technology, while this academy clung to antiquated beliefs. A cynical laugh escaped her lips. 

Could a God who created bloodthirsty vampires like the one she hunted truly be benevolent?

An unwelcome image flickered in her mind: Athena, eyes blazing with a predatory hunger Callista had never witnessed. Yet, despite the intensity, the princess had pushed Callista away with a surprising resolve. Then, Natalia's voice echoed in her mind, a gentle whisper: "sustenance is more important than the hunger." Hope, a fragile flame, flickered against the chilling voice of reason. "Plaything," it taunted. "Stay away." And she had.

Ever since that drunken night fueled by frustration, Callista had regretted seeking solace in Athena's warmth on that rickety bench. She'd pretended to sleep, savouring the unexpected tenderness despite the bitter memory of their last encounter. Jealousy had fueled her hurtful words, pushing Athena away. 

"Focus," she muttered, forcing her attention back to Amelia and the decree. Grasping another worn volume on supernatural lore, the familiar stories offered no comfort.

The creak of her chair sent a jolt through Callista. Melissa, the nymph, stood before her, her blue summer dress shimmering in the afternoon light.

"I…," Melissa began, her voice laced with uncertainty, "Thank you."

Callista raised an eyebrow. "For what?"

"For getting Red… I mean, Natalia, to come out of her shell a little," Melissa offered, a smile gracing her lips. It was the first genuine smile Callista had ever seen directed at herself.

"Way to go, Nat," Callista mumbled, a flicker of envy twisting in her gut as she saw the lovestruck glint in Melissa's eyes. She needed to refocus. "Hey, you're friends with Amelia, right?"

Melissa's smile faltered, replaced by a guarded expression. "Yeah, what about it?"

Callista adopted a nonchalant tone. "Just curious. She's been missing lately."

"Heard about your, uh, date with her," the nymph smirked. "Thought you were straight."

A low growl rumbled in Callista's throat, momentarily forgotten with Melissa's teasing laughter. "Kidding," Melissa continued. "But seriously, how can you be anything but straight and not… falling for Natalia?"

Callista blinked, a slow smirk spreading across her face. "Sounds like you're already a lovesick puppy, smurf." But Melissa's words echoed her own embarrassing confession to Indigo. A groan rumbled in her chest. Maybe Melissa wasn't the only lovesick one here.

"Hey, who are you call—"

Their playful banter was severed like a snapped violin string. A glint of gold from the window speared Callista's heart. There, gliding through the throng of students, was Athena, a vision of regal grace. Clad in a knee-high royal blue dress, the fabric skimmed her figure, the high slit revealing a flash of toned leg with each graceful stride. A cool white opal necklace adorned her neck, catching the afternoon light and sending a faint shimmer across her collarbone. Diamond earrings winked in the sun, adding a touch of regal sparkle.

This time, there was no loyal werewolf companion at her side. Instead, Athena walked arm-in-arm with another woman. A gasp escaped Callista's lips, a strangled sound that mirrored the dying embers of hope within her.

It was Orion, the shapeshifter, her emerald eyes burning bright with an intensity Callista couldn't decipher. Possessively, Orion's hand rested on Athena's shoulder, while the princess leaned into the touch, her arm wrapped around Orion's waist in a gesture of surprising intimacy. Despite the summer heat, Orion remained clad in long sleeves and dark pants, an unsettling detail that snagged on Callista's attention.

A primal, guttural growl erupted from Callista's throat, a sound so raw and primal it ripped through the air. Even Melissa flinched, her eyes widening in shock. The playful banter, the fleeting warmth – all vanished, replaced by a desolate chill that settled over Callista.

"Another?" she muttered, the word a viper's hiss laced with venom. Her voice, once bright, now crackled with a barely concealed fury.

Following Callista's gaze, Melissa's eyes widened a fraction before snapping back to Callista's face. A tight smile pulled at her lips. "They...are complicated," she offered cryptically.

"The list… it just keeps growing," Callista choked out, the words scraping against her throat like broken glass. Tears welled up in her eyes, blurring her vision. She buried her face in her hands, a strangled sob escaping her lips, muffled by her palms.

This wasn't a jealous pang, a fleeting envy. No, this was a white-hot rage that pulsed through her veins, each beat echoing the unanswered questions that roared in her mind. Just how many people did Athena hold close? 

Was there… could there ever be… a place for her, Callista, within that circle? 

Shame burned alongside the fury, a bitter cocktail that choked her. She hated this vulnerability, this raw ache that threatened to consume her.

When she finally dared to peek through tear-streaked fingers, Melissa's wide, concerned gaze met hers. A tense silence stretched between them, broken only by the distant murmur of oblivious students. Melissa's eyes flickered towards the window, then back to Callista, a silent question hanging in the air.

Callista followed her line of sight. Her breath caught entirely. Frozen amidst the bustling garden stood Athena, her golden gaze locked directly on them. A kaleidoscope of emotions – confusion, hurt, maybe even a flicker of possessiveness? – played across the princess's face. Her grip on Orion's waist slackened, a subtle shift that spoke volumes. Her gaze darted between Melissa, who was undeniably leaning a little too close to Callista, and the raw vulnerability etched on Callista's face.

Callista's heart plummeted. Had Athena seen everything? The tears, the possessiveness twisting her insides? Callista wanted to disappear, to rewind time and shove down the torrent of emotions that had spilled out in front of Melissa, and maybe even Athena.

The princess's expression hardened, a mask of icy composure replacing the fleeting vulnerability. With a determined stride, she began to walk towards the library. Orion, surprised by the abrupt shift, watched her go with a frown etched on her face, a flicker of her own simmering anger evident.

Sensing the impending storm, Melissa placed a gentle hand on Callista's arm, a surprising counterpoint to the turmoil raging within. "She… doesn't have lovers," she whispered urgently, her voice barely above a breath. But the urgency in her tone spoke volumes, offering a sliver of hope, a lifeline Callista desperately clung to.

Yet doubt, her ever-present shield, remained firmly in place. A humourless scoff escaped Callista, laced with disbelief and a tremor of vulnerability. "And I'm supposed to believe that?"

Melissa's jaw clenched for a fleeting moment, a flicker of frustration battling with her empathy. "Believe it or not, Astra," she said, her voice low and firm, "the… Princess isn't… promiscuous. If that's what you're implying. I've been her healer for a very long time. I know."

Callista's anger sputtered out, replaced by a surge of concern that overshadowed the lingering suspicion. "Healer? Does she get injured often?"

The weight of unspoken secrets seemed to press down on Melissa. The nymph's gaze softened with a sudden understanding. This human, hopelessly smitten with the Queen of the Damned. Then, a flicker of movement in the periphery caught her eye. By the towering shelves stood a figure – Eydis, no, Athena, she reminded herself – her regal posture hinting at controlled fury. One sharp eyebrow arched in silent question.

A mischievous glint sparked in Melissa's eyes. Leaning forward with surprising boldness, she brushed a quick kiss across the corner of Callista's lips. "Consider the favour repaid," she whispered. Before Athena could react, Melissa slipped past her at the doorway, their shoulders brushing ever so slightly, a silent challenge.

A barely audible sigh escaped Melissa's lips as she stole a final glance back at Athena's face. It was a mask of warring emotions – surprise, anger, and a flicker of something deeper and more unsettling – jealousy? Melissa desperately hoped her gamble would pay off, for her own sake as much as Callista's. The weariness in Eydis earlier this dawn wasn't just about Orion's injury. It was a weariness born of a deeper concern, a concern Melissa couldn't decipher but one that hinted at a connection between the Queen and this perpetually grumpy human. Perhaps, something was changing, a dynamic Melissa couldn't quite grasp. But one thing was certain: the stakes had just been raised.

Callista, left speechless by the unexpected kiss, could only stare after Melissa as she sauntered away. Her breath hitched as she met Athena's gaze once more. A storm of emotions swirled within those golden depths. It mirrored the tempest raging in Callista's own heart, leaving her breathless and utterly bewildered. But before Callista could even process the whirlwind of emotions, Athena spoke, her voice laced with icy control.

"Astra," she said, each word a deliberate step closer, "we need to talk."