

Project BIOHUMAN was supposed to be a quiet project that tested to see if they could create superhuman beings. The Creator, Dr. Vang Chang created the Numbers, ten individuals who took the BIOHUMAN serum and came out different. Countries caught wind of this and demanded the Creator to disperse the serum to strengthen the humans. The BIOHUMAN serum was shot into the sky and dispersed all over the world. Little did anyone know, it changed Earth and everything living on it. Plants, animals and humans were genetically changed forever. 25 years later, the Creator's son, Lee Seng Chang is a high school student without any Biohuman powers. The serum had given him almost no Dark Matter and only increased his overall human abilities to a super-Biohuman level. Even with that, the power standing only made him seen as the weakest amongst everyone. Picked on because of his powerless status, Lee Seng was left by all of his friends and labeled powerless. He desperately tries to keep going with a smile on his face. Lee Seng one day gets an option from a man with a Fox mask. "Awaken your power but at a huge price." Lee Seng takes the deal and watches as the world he knew quickly changes and isn't what it seems. Put under the pressures of his Father's status and his new profound power and changes, Lee Seng battles the demons within him and the unknown coming for him. ---- Thanks to my friend, lechingu, for his help with the Cover Art! Check him over on Instagram @lechingu --- Golden Tickets Chapters -- The end of the month, there'll be a mass release of X amount of chapters based on the Golden Tickets you invest to the book! Hit the goals for the end of the month and you'll get a mass release of X amount of chapters! 15 GT: 1 extra chapter 25 GT: 2 extra chapters 40 GT: 3 extra chapters 50 GT: 4 extra chapters 60 GT: 5 extra chapters 70 GT: 6 extra chapters --- Power Stone Extra Weekly Chapters! Power Stone extra weekly chapters! Vote and get chapters for every weekly milestone you hit! Any chapters not released, we'll be released at the end of the week! 10 votes/ 1 extra chapter 25 votes/ 2 extra chapters 50 votes: 3 extra chapters 100 votes: 4 extra chapters 200 votes: 5 extra chapters 400 votes: 6 extra chapters 600 votes: 7 extra chapters Follow me on Instagram and Twitter! @reiverus_

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The Third Voice

"Dammit, let go!" Lee Seng screamed. The Goblins had surrounded him and started to claw at him with their tiny hands. Lee Seng screeched in pain as the Goblins held his limbs down. Lee Seng pulled his arms up with all of his might and the Goblins loosened their grips on him.

He quickly swung and the Goblins quickly jumped on him. Their tiny claws ripped apart Lee Seng's outfit. Lee Seng's body starts to vibrate and glow bright white. The Goblins continued their attack as Lee Seng desperately tried to knock some Goblins away from him.

'Conditions met.' Keng announced. Lee Seng's eyes started to flicker two different colors. A red iris and a blue iris. 'Lets see if you can handle it.' A huge amount of energy exploded outwards from Lee Seng. Smoke and debris blew outwards in all directions and the Goblins went flying, screeching.

The white energy enveloped Lee Seng and Lee Seng's body jerked and he flipped off the ground and onto his feet. Lee Seng felt the immense energy enveloping him and his body began to heal the scratches.

"What the hell is happening to me?" Lee Seng asked in a distorted voice.

'Our agreement.' Keng answered. 'Your gravity powers are a fraction of your true power. You and I are truly one in this form.' Lee Seng lifted his hands and saw the white energy. He moved his hands around in the smoke.

"Only a fraction?" Lee Seng muttered. Goblins and civilians screeched. Lee Seng snapped out of it and grabbed the katana a few feet away. The white energy started to envelope it and the sword began to vibrate.

"It's vibrating." Lee Seng muttered. A Goblin rushed at Lee Seng. His body twitched in anticipation and he quickly dodged right as the Goblin swung its metallic club down. The club bounced off the metal car. Lee Seng quickly grabbed the katana with two hands and quickly slashed the Goblin across its body. Blood gushed out and Lee Seng quickly turned and plunged his sword into the Goblins chest.

[Goblin Soul] has been acquired.

You have [1 Soul].

A female AI voice spoke to Lee Seng.

"What's this, Keng? Do you hear her say something about a soul?" Lee Seng asked.

'Her? I don't hear anyone, but souls are good for us!" Keng happily responded. 'I hope we can collect a lot!'

Lee Seng sighed. The smoke started to clear up and Lee Seng could see the chaos. Goblins were chasing after people, some already injured while others were fighting for their lives. Sirens sounded as reinforcements arrived.

The police force and military numbers had dwindled as the result of monsters becoming a thing in their world. The fiction world had become a reality and many people grew curious about the new world.

People began adventuring out of their homes to see the new world, only to know the fear that came with the truth. The world was even more ruthless and many died from adventuring. Many connected cities became dangerous in between and that's what started the Adventurers Association.

New careers opened up to claim back the world and how it used to be. The Adventurer's Association oversaw the guilds that formed underneath them and maintained well standing partnerships with the police force as well as the military. Together, the three protected the civilians and cities.

Lee Seng let out a sigh of relief. The chaos would eventually stop, but he had to do whatever he needed to make sure he would be alive by the end of it. He glanced over at Akio's direction. Akio was handling the last of the Direwolf Riders.

Akio quickly blurred into nothing and in an instant, black tendrils ripped the Direwolf and Goblin into pieces. Akio appeared behind the remains of the Direwolf Rider and turned to look towards Lee Seng.

"I told you to stay in the car!" Akio signed in American Sign Language. Lee Seng rolled his eyes and nodded.

"Stay in the car and have Goblins rip me to shreds?" Lee Seng signed back. "I can handle myself."

Lee Seng's ears twitched. Something was coming at him. He quickly dodged to the right as a barrage of arrows punctured the car. Lee Seng rolled onto his feet and quickly turned to look right. Arrows began to shoot at him and he quickly deflected the arrows. Lee Seng could feel his senses were heightened in this state. A club swung towards him and he quickly dodged and turned and slashed.

The katana collided with the metallic club and Lee Seng grunted. He lashed out a kick and the Goblin quickly jumped away. Another Goblin popped out behind a wrecked car and shot an arrow at Lee Seng. Lee Seng was ready to deflect it when it multiplied.

"Oh shi--"

The arrows hit Lee Seng, sending him flying. Lee Seng crashed into a wrecked car and groaned. He felt warm blood oozing out of him. Arrows protruded out of him. He began pulling arrows out of him and quickly felt his wounds close. Three Goblins rushed towards him and Lee Seng glanced at his katana. He was starting to feel tired and groaned.

'Is it always this tiring?' Lee Seng thought to himself. He stood up and braced himself for a fight with the Goblins when lightning hit the Goblins. The Goblins screamed and fell dead. Lee Seng sighed and pulled another arrow off him.

"Goblin steel." Lee Seng muttered. He had remembered learning about Goblin steel. When the world changed, Goblin's sprung up from trash factories. Annoying small creatures guarded their territories and quickly began to loot everything around them. While Goblins were ruthless in numbers, they were quite weak.

Goblin steel was quite sought after, but it involved raiding Goblin camps and getting to the heart of the camp. Goblin steel was sharp enough to puncture cars. It was well sought out with the Adventure's Association as one of the higher basic tier equipment.

Lee Seng tossed the arrow to the side, looking where the lightning came from. A man in lighter armor garb slid to a stop, lightning arcing off his body. He turned to look around and then noticed Lee Seng. Lee Seng's white aura casually moved around him, but the man's gaze wasn't at the aura, but his tail. The man lifted his staff towards Lee Seng.

"A humanoid creature amongst the Goblins? You must be behind this." The man said. Before Lee Seng could even speak a word, the man's staff coursed with lightning and shot towards Lee Seng. Lee Seng's body twitched and he barely dodged the lightning. It made contact with the car and started to arc towards him. The lightning hit him and Lee Seng screamed in pain, rolling on the ground.

The man turned and pointed his staff at Lee Seng. Lee Seng groaned and felt his body paralyzed.

'Move, damn it!' Lee Seng screamed. Lee Seng felt his body vibrate. Everything began shaking around him and the man watched carefully. Lee Seng's body erupted with energy, pushing everything away from him. Cars, debris, and Goblins flew away. The road ripped into shreds and Lee Seng felt his body seize up.

[Goblin Souls Acquired. You have killed 26 Goblins.]

[27 Soul Acquired.]

[Requirements met! Recharge Available.]

[Negative has been cleared.]

Lee Seng's body suddenly became light and he let out a sigh of relief. He pulled himself off the ground and saw the destruction around him.

"Lee!" Akio shouted. Lee Seng glanced as Akio appeared a couple feet away from him. He looked surprised. "What the hell happened?" Lee Seng shook his head.

"I don--"

A lightning blast shot out towards Lee Seng impacting into Lee Seng. Lee Seng grunted as he rolled away from Akio. He bounced a couple of times before sliding. The smell of ozone and fire engulfed Lee Seng's senses. His chest had a huge burnt mark. His body was paralyzed from the blast. The man slid to a stop, lightning arcing off his body with a smug smile. He pointed to the staff at Lee Seng.

"Goodbye!" The man smiled as lightning started to course through the staff.

"Stop!" Akio screamed. A huge wave of shadows grabbed the man and pulled him backwards. Akio quickly reappeared between Lee Seng and the man. "He's not an enemy." Akio shouted. The man felt the tendrils of shadow grasp him tightly. He tried to wiggle out of it and looked towards Akio. His serious face suddenly changed to fear.

"N-n-number Ten!" The man stuttered. Akio's cloak of shadows billowed around him as he pulled the lightning user closer.

"This is why I told you to stay in the car. Our people will mistake you as the enemy." Akio turned to look at Lee Seng. Lee Seng groaned and flipped himself into a sitting position.

"I-i'm so sorry, I didn't k-know!" The man profusely stuttered. Lee Seng groaned as his chest began to heal. His shirt was scorched off and he rubbed his neck.

"God that hurts." Lee Seng cursed. He stood up and stumbled around. Akio quickly ran towards Lee Seng, grabbing him. Lee Seng felt no energy.

"Aren't I lucky?" Lee Seng whispered. Akio quickly scanned Lee Seng and noticed scarring on his chest. He turned to the man and narrowed his eyes. "Akio..." Lee Seng was forced out. Akio's gaze stayed on the man. "It was just... a mistake. I think I need to... rest."

[Recharge Available. Would you like to use it?]

Lee Seng's vision blurred.

'What's up with this... girl's voice?' Lee Seng thought. 'Keng, do you hear it?'

'I don't know what you're talking about, Lee. Are you okay? Are you sure you aren't just tired?'

Lee Seng chuckled softly. His body ached with each chuckle.

'No, I'm not crazy. It's asking if I wanna recharge...'

[Recharge starting]

Lee Seng felt his body jerk away from Akio. Akio clawed for Lee Seng, but a huge pressure of energy shot his hand away from Lee Seng.

"Lee!" Akio shouted. Lee Seng was starting to float upwards in to the sky. His vision was starting to turn dark.

[Recharge is starting. Necessary measures will be put into place. Protocol XI is starting.]

Thanks for reading! Let me know if you have any ideas about the female AI voice! What kind of things are hidden behind Protocol XI?

Reiveruscreators' thoughts