

Project BIOHUMAN was supposed to be a quiet project that tested to see if they could create superhuman beings. The Creator, Dr. Vang Chang created the Numbers, ten individuals who took the BIOHUMAN serum and came out different. Countries caught wind of this and demanded the Creator to disperse the serum to strengthen the humans. The BIOHUMAN serum was shot into the sky and dispersed all over the world. Little did anyone know, it changed Earth and everything living on it. Plants, animals and humans were genetically changed forever. 25 years later, the Creator's son, Lee Seng Chang is a high school student without any Biohuman powers. The serum had given him almost no Dark Matter and only increased his overall human abilities to a super-Biohuman level. Even with that, the power standing only made him seen as the weakest amongst everyone. Picked on because of his powerless status, Lee Seng was left by all of his friends and labeled powerless. He desperately tries to keep going with a smile on his face. Lee Seng one day gets an option from a man with a Fox mask. "Awaken your power but at a huge price." Lee Seng takes the deal and watches as the world he knew quickly changes and isn't what it seems. Put under the pressures of his Father's status and his new profound power and changes, Lee Seng battles the demons within him and the unknown coming for him. ---- Thanks to my friend, lechingu, for his help with the Cover Art! Check him over on Instagram @lechingu --- Golden Tickets Chapters -- The end of the month, there'll be a mass release of X amount of chapters based on the Golden Tickets you invest to the book! Hit the goals for the end of the month and you'll get a mass release of X amount of chapters! 15 GT: 1 extra chapter 25 GT: 2 extra chapters 40 GT: 3 extra chapters 50 GT: 4 extra chapters 60 GT: 5 extra chapters 70 GT: 6 extra chapters --- Power Stone Extra Weekly Chapters! Power Stone extra weekly chapters! Vote and get chapters for every weekly milestone you hit! Any chapters not released, we'll be released at the end of the week! 10 votes/ 1 extra chapter 25 votes/ 2 extra chapters 50 votes: 3 extra chapters 100 votes: 4 extra chapters 200 votes: 5 extra chapters 400 votes: 6 extra chapters 600 votes: 7 extra chapters Follow me on Instagram and Twitter! @reiverus_

Reiverus · Urban
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993 Chs

Protocol XI

[Recharge is starting. Necessary measures will be taken. Protocol XI is starting.]

Lee Seng shot into the sky at a fast speed. He could feel the force pushing him away. The ground became smaller and he could see the destruction of the city. People were fighting and small green specks of Goblins were being downed.

As Lee Seng pulled out of the city and higher into the sky, he could finally grasp the destruction he caused. His gravity power was destructive and a realization popped into Lee Seng's head; his power was immensely stronger than most people.

Lee Seng came to an abrupt stop as the woman chimed in again.

[The necessary measures have been taken. User will now Recharge.]

An burst of energy surged outwards of Lee Seng. He yelped in surprise, watching the energy take form of blues and reds. The energy swirled outwards from his body and started to create dense rings of reds and blues. The rings slowly began to spin in different directions. Small energy particles started to form from the rings and slowly move towards Lee Seng.

[Notice: User can choose a Path. Would User like to select a Path before Recharge ends?]

"What's a Recharge? What the hell is happening?" Lee Seng shouted.

[Recharge allows the User to grow stronger. Meeting the correct requirements through Project XI will allow the User to become stronger.] The female voice responded.

"What's Project XI? Does this have to do with my Fox appearance?"

[Notice: I am unable to understand what you mean by 'Fox appearance'.]

[Notice: I am unable to answer what Project XI is. You have not met the requirements.]

[Would the User like to choose a Path?]

Lee Seng's mind raced with questions. He didn't know what to do. Frankly, he was more afraid he would fall to his death from this height. He couldn't even see Akio or the lightning man anymore. Despite all the questions, whatever the female voice was doing, seemed like it was in his favor.

'What if this is apart of my... power?' Lee Seng thought. Red and blue particles slowly entered his body. He could feel the energy was dense but light at the same time. They seemed to be harmless and if what Lee Seng heard from the female voice, it would benefit him.

[Would the User like to choose a Path?]

Lee Seng sighed when the woman repeated her question.

"I guess I have no choice. What're the options?"

[User has two options.]

[Joker: A master of none is often better than one. This Path allows the User to bend all possibilities to their will. A Joker is often the laughing stock, but hides their true intentions behind a mask. Control the battlefield in any way you see fit.]

[Spell Trickster: Bend the capabilities of your powers to distort the battlefield. Quick and agile, this Path focuses on melee capabilities.]

Lee Seng's mind was racing. How could he choose one of these? He scratched his head as the red and blue circular lines began to pulsate.

[Recharge is 99% done. Would the User like to choose a Path now?]

"Oh!" Lee Seng exclaimed. "I don't have to choose now?"

[Negative. User may choose the Path at any time. Do note, the longer you hold off your Path, your capabilities may be limited. Please choose as soon as possible.]

"So I still have to choose..." Lee Seng muttered. "I guess it wouldn't hurt to choose." Lee Seng ruffled his hair and sighed.

[Notice: Recharge has finished. Protocol XI has ended. Redirecting User to safety.]

Lee Seng felt his body fall. The air pushed him in retaliation and Lee Seng began to scream. The ground quickly grew larger and larger.

"I don't want to die!" Lee Seng screamed as the destroyed city ground grew close. Lee Seng suddenly stopped midair, five feet from the ground and continued to scream.

[Safe distance has been achieved.]

Lee Seng felt himself start falling again and face planted into the ground.

"Oof!" He screamed. He could taste the dirt in his mouth and groaned. He pushed himself off the ground, bits of dust and debris on his jeans and in his hair. He began dusting himself off, remembering he was still shirtless.

"What the...?" He muttered. The image of a lightning bolt hitting him popped up in his mind and he nodded. "That's right." He glanced around and didn't see Akio anywhere. The battlefield had grown quiet. Cars beeped around him but he didn't hear any voices.

"I wonder where Akio went..." Lee Seng pondered.

'Lee, are you alright? What happened?' Keng asked.

"I have no clue. I was pulled into the sky by some protocol and then... I fell on my face before I knew it was over."

'Huh.' Keng said. 'Interesting 'cause whatever happened, I think it made you stronger.'

"What, how?" Lee Seng asked, surprised. He began to look at his body, but noticed nothing out of sorts. He had dust all over him still but he didn't feel any different.

'Not physically, stupid. You're Dark Matter condensed a bit and became... tighter.' Keng tried to explain. 'I can't really explain it but... your Dark Matter feels more... refined.'

Lee Seng puckered his lips together and nodded. He didn't understand anything that just happened but whatever the Recharge was, would hopefully show up somehow.

"Oh yeah, the Paths!" Lee Seng remembered.

'What Paths?' Keng asked.

"The woman said I reached the requirements to choose a Path. I think it was either a Joker or Spell Trickster. I'm not sure what to pick."

'Hmmm, that's odd.' Keng replied. 'Are you sure you're just not... dreaming this all up?'

"N-no! I remember hearing it. I think almost falling to my death made me worry about my life than what she said exactly."

Keng chuckled. Lee Seng was more confused about all of this. He had Keng because of something he couldn't remember and then this woman's voice showed up out of the blue.

'What am I exactly then?' Lee Seng pondered.

"Lee?!?" Akio's voice shouted. Lee Seng snapped out of thought and looked around.

"Akio?!?" Lee Seng shouted. "Where are you?"

"Stay where you are! I'm coming to you, okay?!?"

Lee Seng nodded and kept on searching for Akio. Cars and buses sprawled across the road. Helicopters were starting to make their way towards the battle site. The sounds of people in the distance caught Lee Seng's attention, turning him towards the area.

Lee Seng took a step back.

'What if others mistake me as an enemy?' Lee Seng thought. 'I can't get caught.' Lee Seng began to back up, turning to run when someone grabbed him.

"Let go!" Lee Seng screamed. He began to thrash in the grasp of someone who might just kill him.

"Hey, hey, hey! It's okay. It's me!" Akio said. Lee Seng confusingly looked up and recognized Akio. Lee Seng let out a sigh of relief and turned to look behind him.

"There's .. there's.." Lee Seng stuttered.

"There's what? You'll be fine, okay?" Lee Seng turned to look at Akio and noticed there were police and adventurers behind Akio. Someone stepped up to Akio and Lee Seng immediately took a step back, pushing Akio's hands away.

A woman in a police uniform stood next to Akio with something in her hand. She looked at Lee Seng with a worried face and turned to look at Akio.

"Number 10, here's the shirt you requested." The police officer said. Akio thanked the woman and took the shirt. "I-is he okay?"

"He'll be fine. I think he's spooked about what happened earlier. If you guys could, uh, give us some space..."

The police officer nodded and turned around. "Everyone, let's give them some room!" The police officer shouted. Police officers and adventurers began to scatter and Lee Seng worriedly watched. When most had dissipated, Akio sighed and lifted the shirt for Lee Seng to see.

"It'll be fine, 'kay?" Akio said. "I asked for a shirt cause you had yours burnt." Akio took a step and watched Lee Seng who nodded slowly. Akio made his way towards Lee Seng and handed him the shirt. Lee Seng slipped the t-shirt in and let out a breath he'd been holding in.

"What happened to you? Where did you go?" Akio asked. Lee Seng turned around. He could hear people in the distance chatting and moving about.

"Akio," Lee Seng started. He turned back to look at Akio with a worried face. "I don't know what's happening to me. A woman spoke to me about a protocol and a project. She said it was something about XI."

Akio's worried face turned serious. He lowered his head towards Lee Seng and out his hands into his shoulders.

"XI?" Akio asked. "Did she exactly say Eleven?"

Lee Seng nodded, confused. Akio's demeanor changed quickly and Lee Seng didn't know if what he said was something he wasn't supposed to say. Akio sighed, letting Lee Seng go and rubbing his temples. He began pacing. Lee Seng knew this to be potentially bad. Every time Akio paced, he was either thinking or about to deliver something not so pleasant.

"Okay, here's what's gonna have to happen." Akio stopped his pacing and turned to look at Lee Seng again. "Don't mention anything about Project or Protocol XI to anyone at the lab, okay?"

"W-why?" Lee Seng stuttered. "Is it that bad?"

Akio covered his face with his hands and sighed loudly.

"I thought you were in the clear..." Akio whispered.

"In the clear about what? Akio, you're worrying me."

"Listen closely, Lee." Akio spoke in Japanese. He turned to look around before continuing. "The Creator and the lab workers can't find out about Project XI. You need to keep quiet and make sure you pass the Academy's Entrance exam, alright?"

"W-what, why? What does the Creator-- no, Dad, what to do with any of this?"

"Just promise me this, okay?" Akio switches back to English with a worried face.

"O-okay..." Lee Seng whispered. Akio looked around and then settled back onto Lee Seng.

"I can't tell you fully now. Just know I'm doing this for your sake. You deserve to become an adventurer like you wanted." Akio put a hand into Lee Seng's shoulder. "Just focus on passing the exam and in time, I'll tell you."

Akio turned around and began scanning the area. "I should handle the rest of the affairs here before I take you home." Akio said. "I'll take you to the medical camp for a check up and then we can put you somewhere a bit... less populated."

"I-I'll be fine at the camp. You should do your job." Lee Seng said.

"You sure you'll be fine?" Akio turned to ask. Lee Seng nodded and smiled.

"I'll be fine."

"Alright, let's go together then." Akio motioned. The two slowly wandered off towards where Akio appeared.

Hi everyone, thanks for reading today's chapter. Lee Seng has a lot of information dropped onto him and he has some options to pick from.

Let me know what you think in the comments below. If you want to support me, vote with your power stones. If we hit 10 votes, I'll put out an extra chapter at the end of the week!

See you in the next one!

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