Lee Seng stuck close to Carter as they navigated through the building and into the test area. Lee Seng plucked at the bowstring strapped across his chest, trying to ignore the looks he got as he passed.
"So is the next event the last one?" Lee Seng asked.
"Huh?" Carter glanced over at Lee Seng before weaving himself through the crowd of students filtering into the hallway. Lee Seng tried to keep up with Carter, but got lost as soon as he tried to figure out where Carter went. He sighed as he pushed through the crowd. Everyone stared at him and let him through.
He popped out of the crowd and saw Carter standing a couple feet away from the crowd. Lee Seng stuck close to Carter, again, and they continued.
"What did you say earlier?" Carter asked.
"Oh, uh, I was wondering how many more events there are before the exam is over." Lee Seng answered. Carter nodded and lifted a single finger up.