
Chapter One

So comfortable. As I floated along a gentle river all I felt was serenity. Time didn't seem to make sense and I couldn't even tell if I was asleep or awake anymore.

Until I heard a single crack.

Like thunder, it startled me awake from my peaceful state and forced me to open my eyes. Light and sound assaulted my senses. I could make out two extremely blurry faces but the light was just too much, so I tightly shut my eyes.

I felt myself being lifted and bathed. Feeling liquid against my skin reminded me of my gentle river. How I longed to return. I was then wrapped in a soft blanket and put on an extremely comfortable surface. What an exhausting day. I let the memory of my gentle river carry me off to sleep.

'What do you think Kibito? Do you find the lifeform to be a threat?'

Kibito sat in thought. A week after he had discovered the strange egg, it emerged. he had never seen anything quite like it. It had a mess of black hair and pointed ears. Its skin wasn't too pale but extremely fair nonetheless. On its arms were green bio-gems. And for the split second it opened its eyes he saw that they were red. From its back, he saw a tail covered in brown fur.

'I... don't find it to be a danger, Supreme Kai. It seems like a relatively harmless infant.'

'I agree. As for its race...that tail seems to be a trait of the Saiyan race but those bio-gems would suggest he isn't from among them. How curious.'

As Kibito made to respond, an earth-shattering cry and a burst of energy the likes of which he hadn't sensed before assaulted him.

'Is that...?'

'Yes. Seems like the child has awoken.'

'Damn. Already?'

'Tend to him Kibito.'

I woke from sleep in a state of confusion. Where was I? I looked at my hands and froze in shock. My hands were so small and on my arms were some strange green things on something resembling a vambrace. Except it was part of my skin. It was my skin.

Overwhelmed and disturbed I let out a cry of surprise. I felt my yell release energy from within me. This new information startled me once more. Before I could make sense of it. I heard the sound of a door opening and rapid footsteps as a giant red man loomed over me. He reached down and effortlessly lifted me from my bed.

'Why do you cry child? Did you have a scary dream?'

His question fell on deaf ears as I stared at him. He was familiar. For some reason, he looked a lot like Kibito from Dragon Ball Z. All of a sudden I remembered. that strange robotic voice and the choices that I made. I was really in the world of Dragon Ball. I continued to stare at the fictional character before me in fascination and murmured,
