

The widow Margo Needy prepared to send her adopted son Elliot off to Paris to a college program for high intellects. Left alone in the wilderness mansion of her late husband, college basketball coach Darryl Needy, she opted to let her son's young friends rent spare rooms to feel safe. Let her secrets and theirs lead Momma Margo down a gloriously erotic path that goes darker by the day. It was time for Margo to let it all hang out. Just like it was time for those boys to become men. BIG TIME! Sex Contents: Much Sex

tenii_ara · Fantaisie
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7 Chs


Waking up in another man's arms seemed strange to Margo Needy, it had been a while. Not since her late husband Darryl had she felt so relaxed and cozy. Having slept with nineteen-year-old Cabot Ross all night after they had showered together. they both talked until they passed out. Margo first having dosed up on muscle relaxers. The scent of a man left her speechless as she inhales his chest, palming his muscular pecs to feel his heartbeat. Afraid to move her head for fear of waking him so early, her eyes look up to see him lying there with an arm over his eyes. Smiling she nestled in for another twenty minutes.

In her relaxed state her mind was all over the place. Having heard and seen many new revelations yesterday she didn't know what to make of things. Firstly, knowing for a fact all four of her son's former classmates fantasized about her made her the happiest she had been in a year. Her grieving period was over after losing Darryl to his car crash. With her son off in France that allowed Margo to explore new options. Loneliness was not going to keep her down. Not anymore. Cabot had given her hope. Not that she wanted more than he gave her yesterday, but what he did offer was incredible. She had never experienced so many orgasms in a given day. That was a lie, but it was fun to think of it as true. Just thinking about his loyalty her eyes sparkled with a newfound zest.

Curious, she carefully pinches the sheets on Cabot's bed, which covered them from the light chill of the night. Lifting the sheet, she discovers morning wood. Eyes marveling at his girth she feels a sudden urge. Easing away from his armpit she begins kissing his chest. Light tender compressions moved lower with each planted wetness. As her journey continued, he stirred a bit making her pause. Holding her breath smiling, she waits to see if he would wake up. With no further activity she returns to her quest. Reaching his pubic hair, she rubs her cheek in its softness and eyes his magnificent cock, peering up at its swagger inch by inch until seeing the thick crown above.

Scooting her body lower without jolting him she nuzzles his cock with her nose and dares to kiss it. His body trembled at her approach, which meant he was waking up. Before he could officially discover the truth of the matter, she opens her mouth wide and swallows four inches of a magnificent seven. That made him revive. As the sheet lifted away from her concealment, she found herself refusing to look at him. His hand caressing her hair was enough appreciation. Margo Needy wanted to make Cabot happy. His cock growing thicker in her throat made her suck on him that much harder, her left hand moving down to cup his balls, fingers kneading at them. They were full even after a night of many detonations.

"That's it mom. Suck that cock." She winces at the term mom. Technically, she was not even old enough to be his mother. Sinking her teeth into his meaty cock made him chuckle. "Okay! Point made. You're in a good mood this morning."

"You make me happy. I hope that you all do." She lets up to sigh, then flicking her tongue over his urethra.

"Let's not talk about my buddies right now. Focus on me."

"I intend to." She puckers her lips over his crown as she stares up at him with mischief. As she slowly draws in his cock, she winks at him. At five inches she chokes slightly. Seeing this Cabot gets bold and palms her skull and encourages her to take him deeper. She turns beat red as he holds her firm. Glorious was the word of the day. Her mind worshiped his forceful expectation.

"That's right Wonder Woman. Take all seven inches." He comments imagining Gal Gadot whom Margo distinctly resembled sucking him off. She didn't resist, he could tell she was quite happy that he was forcing her deeper. Her tonsils out as a child was her only savior, allowing more room to devote her throat to accommodate his lengthy beast. He didn't care if his aggression ruined this moment, he wanted to see if she would get mad. Testing her was his only way to know how far he could push her. So far so good. At six inches he nods, "Almost there. You can do it."

Doing her best, he also found her grip on his balls increasing. The feel was really unpleasant. She was getting even. He toughed it out sneering at her. She gagged and struggled a bit but dammit she made him proud. Releasing her head, he waited to see if she would rush to escape his torture. Shocking him she held firm and moaned the best she could. Nodding his respect, he brushes the hair from her eyes.

"Never give up. Always make me proud of you." He dared to sound with authority. For a brief instant she envisioned Darryl the one to tell her that. Hearing his attempt at praise she squeezes his balls even tighter and starts sucking him off with vigor. Losing three inches only to force her throat full again time after time. His throbbing veins on her tongue was building up her desire to finish him off. As he approved, a distraction came over the phone. Pointing at her to keep going he looks at his cell.

"It's Brian. Don't stop." She had no intention of stopping until she drained him dry, curious if he would brag or keep his word, she narrowed her eyes.

"Mornin' Bro. Yeah, I slept like a baby. Little weird in the new room and not my own bed but until I can borrow your truck to move mine it will do. Margo? She and I made a frozen pizza. She took some muscle relaxers and went to bed. No, I didn't sneak into her bedroom. Dude! Like I told you we have to show her respect, or she won't let us stay long. I know Bro. I want to fuck that MILF too. All in good time." She smiled with her mouth full choosing to rise and remove his monstrosity from her throat in favor of licking his foreskin to make him crazy as he talked. "When are you coming out with your stiff? Stuff!"

Listening he decides to put him on speaker to let her hear his words. She paused as she heard Brian's voice. "Leaving here in an hour. I'm bringing my own bed. I hope there's room for a King. Just think Bro we can all pile in on my bed and destroy that MILF's holes."

Her eyes flare at the possibility, while Cabot winced. "Don't push things. This has to progress slowly Bri. One wrong move and we hit the road."

"Not once she has a taste of my footlong."

The flare becomes a look of sheer terror. Cabot frowns and shows him through measuring hands that Brian really meant 9 inches, maybe 10. In reality that hardly spooked her. Realizing it sounded awkward he points at Margo with a scrutinizing glare. She shrugged and continued swirling her tongue around his crown. That made his gaze soften up.

"What time you gotta work at the restaurant today?" Brian asked.

"Noon to 8:00. She's all yours, until then." He sticks his tongue out at her. In response she bites his crown showing teeth and uses her ivories to crease back and forth over the bridge of his crown. Teeth gnashing, he tensed up and feigned stretching to counter his groan.

"I'll watch myself Cabbie. Might need help carrying my bed upstairs though."

"I'll help Margo take the old bed out of your room. After I help you carry yours up, I'll have to hit the road." The chat grew boring, so Margo intensified her torture by sucking his dick really fast. Between her mouth thrusting down and her grip on his balls he was resisting hard to avoid moaning. His happy ending was coming quick.

"Dude, you sound breathless. Are you working out?"

"Yeah, using my dumbbells while we talk." He made excuses.

"You should tag Margo and get a real workout."

"That would be awesome but not gonna happen. Someday maybe." She runs her free hand up over his belly trailing her nails back toward her to make him even more edgy.

"I keep watching that shower video of her. Man, how I'd love to fuck her up against that shower wall. Damn that steam obstructing our view." Without pausing her starvation quest Margo winced, she now had her answer. As if watching that video with Cabot last night was not confirmation enough. She had a hunch Brian had been in her room.

"It sucks." Cabot points at her smirking, she nearly snorted at his pun. "I watch it a lot too. I love how she got off on that shower wand. I still don't know how you snuck in there to film her and not get busted. Even more how you found that shaving cream under her sink to use on Elliot's bed."

She lifts away sneering at Cabot before whispering, "I knew he did that."

Cabot puts a finger to his lips to quiet her, she swiftly returned to tormenting his cock. Deeper and faster this time Cabot nearly drops his cell as he arches his back.

"I know, right?" Brian laughs, "I even went through her underwear drawer and sniffed every pair of panties she had in there."

Margo growls at her suspicions being true. How could she trust a snoop? She now knew better than to leave any valuables around. Regardless, she adored the cock in her throat. Someday soon she would scold Brian Hancock for being nosey. Once her games were over and they all knew what the others had done with her, she would enforce some rules. Hopefully, they listened to her.

"You're crazy. Don't be doing that once you move in. She has to trust us if we're going to remain living here with her."

"I know that. I just couldn't resist. It wasn't like I was casing the joint to rob her blind. Dude! I like Margo too. Even though I want to eat her ass out, I'll always respect her for being who she is."

"Same here Bri. Listen I want to snooze a little longer before you drive out." Cabot needed to cum.

In response to that Margo wags her finger in a negative manner. She wanted to make him climax over the phone. He offered her an evil glare then set his cell aside on the mattress. Placing his hands behind his head he embraced her persistence. Margo was deep throating him like a pro. After three minutes of casual conversation Cabot Ross who had been holding his breath cascades her throat in a massive load of cum. His immediate snarl sounded painful.

"Everything alright Bro?"

"I just pulled a muscle I think."

She grins showing him a mouthful of cream while jerking him off to splatter her chin with leftovers. Margo pulled the muscle, not him. Groaning Cabot tried not to laugh.

"Dude! Don't hurt yourself lifting more than you can handle. I can't carry this mattress upstairs without you." Brian seemed concerned.

"I'll ice it. Let me nap. See you when you get here." He lifts his cell, as soon as Brian consents, Cabot severs the call. "FUCK THAT WAS BADASS. Swallow that shit, and get up here."

Shaking her head, no she does follow up climbing across him to lay directly over his body. He enjoyed her massive 40D enhancements over him, eternally aroused nipples grazing over his. At his face she stares him in the eye before opening her mouth to show her tongue still containing his load.

"Kiss me Cabot."

"HELL NO." He laughs trying to avoid her. She palms his face on both sides and shows him how serious she was. He winces with a disgusted look but caves. Shockingly, his taste was not so bad. Her tongue wrestling with his led to ten minutes of making out. She was a damn good kisser. Any other girl would not have succeeded in getting him to do that. Tasty or not, he never wanted to do that again. Well, maybe with Gal Gadot here.

"Was it that bad? Darryl and I used to do that all the time. He loved it."

"Not what I expected. Please don't do that again though."

"My roof, my rules Mister Ross." She kisses his chest.

"Whatever! See? I played along with your game. Did I tell Brian anything about what we did?"

"No. Thank you for that. You only have to remain quiet a week or two. Let me have my fun, then all four of you can have your fun." She licks his pectoral and eyes him over her brow.

"Once they all know you're never leaving your bed. We're going to keep that pussy busy."

"Mmm! I can't wait."

"Are you going to overlook my suggestion to wait in fucking Brian? I'm telling you, he's unpredictable as hell."

"I don't know yet. I want to achieve this in order of you boys moving in. If I don't then I risk one of you discovering us before I get the chance to tease all of you separately. Do you think the others will keep it a secret like you're doing?"

"Eric, I'm pretty certain won't betray you. Heath questionable, his ego is really getting bad. Brian? He's going to call me the second he's alone. Trust me he's not going to keep it quiet."

"Darn it."

"Risk you take Gorgeous."

"I know. Let me figure it out. Cabot?"


"Are you going to be able to share me?"

"No problem. As long as I get to make love to you whenever I want, I'm not clingy. I just desire the fuck out of you."

"I love being with you too. I just ... want more."

"More men or more sex?"

"More." She hides her face in his chest grinning.

"Aw hell! Four young cocks won't be enough, will it?"

"It will suffice." Not even close.

"Can we have a few weeks of just us five?"

"Yes. I'll do my best to make you all very happy."

"I believe you. You like taking my whole cock down your throat?"

"If I'm being honest, I would have done that on my own. Darryl used to force that on me, he was equally as large as you. Eight inches and much thicker. I accepted every challenge he ever set out for me. So yes, I enjoy a soft cushion on my chin."

"Biggest dick you've ever had in you?"

"I plead the fifth." She blushes.

"Before you got with Darryl?"

She hesitates to ponder revealing more, then admits, "During our marriage."

"Whoa! Cheating on the Coach?"

"No. He would ... share me on occasion. We were swingers. When Brian mentioned footlong it brought back memories."

"You've had a footlong in you?"

"Yes." She hides her face laughing, "I thought I was going to get vaginal tearing. They..." Fanning herself before answering she exhales vibrantly, "They were all three very talented."

"Three footlongs at once? Wow! Scream like a banshee?"

"For hours on end. Darryl sat back and watched them fuck me for over three hours. They had to carry me to our car."


"No. The gentlemen with the big dicks. Oh my God! I can't believe I'm telling you this."

"You can tell me anything Margo. Tenant, lover, good listener."

"Thank you, Cabot. Should we get up if Brian is on his way?"

"Naaa!" He roughly rolls her over and fucks her for twenty minutes longer nonstop. Margo Needy fell in lust with that most amazing cock. Wore out she lets him fall asleep on top of her. She held him another fifteen minutes before she heard a vehicle pull up outside, a horn sounding. Patting Cabot to revive him, she directs him to the engine noise.

"I think Brian's here."

"Shit! Did I fall out?"

"No. You're still inside me."

"I meant did I pass out on you?"

"Yes. You were tired. I'm fine with that." She giggles.

Peeling their heated flesh apart he reclaims his dick, watching every inch ease out in a thick spew. She lifted her head to share in his amazement from a different angle. Just his girth alone made her jaw drop. It was a thing of beauty, almost as if a flower blooming before their eyes. As the crown crested amid her labia she shivered dramatically. Whimpering she pouts at its departure. "Nooo!"

"That was awesome." He looked up grinning.

"I'll miss that in me."

"Oh, it's in you every day if I can help it."

"If I can fit you in." She sticks her tongue out at him. "Get dressed before he rings the doorbell. I'm going to take a shower and get ready. Try and keep Brian from sneaking in on me."

"Shit! Still haven't tore the other bed down."

"Just bring his bed in and sit it in the foyer. After I clean up, I'll join you in tearing it down and setting his bed up."

"Alright." He kisses her passionately one last time then vacates his bed to get dressed. She crawls out behind him and pinches his ass on her way by. "I will pinch you back."

"I know." Another razz she sprinted to her bedroom.

Enjoying her shower, she cleans her pussy thoroughly and basks under the hot water. Having washed her hair of oil and cum last night, she donned a shower cap to keep her hair from getting wet. While the cascade was met with smiles her thoughts were lured toward Brian. What could she do to him to get him energized over her? Should she listen to Cabot and omit Brian until after Eric and Heath? Her desires were peaking so quickly with Elliot gone. Too fast might be a big mistake. UGH! Indecision.

Ending her shower, she dries off and prowls her bedroom. Hearing voices outside she moves across the hall in order to see her front yard, standing at an opened window behind a towel held to her chest. She focused on their voices worried that Cabot might still ruin her game plans. Boys were hardly trustworthy when it came to getting their dicks wet. Bragging rights was a natural threat. Yet, he seemed to be talking only about his job, and feigning that pulled muscle. So far so good.

Leaving the window, she returns to her bedroom to decide on her days attire. Something conservative yet appealing to the eye. Normally, she might choose a dress, hating pants unless it was necessary. While not pants, she handpicked a pair of yoga shorts in black and white, the legs stopping at mid-thigh. The white being in the crotch and ass, the black over the rest of the material. Skintight she found cameltoe aggressively recommending a good long stare. The waist band of the yoga pants designed to hug lower on her hips than traditional yoga pants.

From there she moved to a different dresser for t-shirts, selecting a plain sleeveless red crop top that dangled barely below her tits by two inches, her nipples proudly sticking out to force the shirts hem to stand clear of touching her tummy. Worn together she looks at herself in the mirror and caresses both hands along her belly to tease herself.

"This should get them both worked up. Dare I?" Taking a deep breath, she fans herself before charging out the door. Hearing voices below carrying in the box spring of Brian's bed she stops at the head of the stairs to greet them. "Hello Brian."

Brian looks up and literally drops his end of the box spring leaving Cabot to curse at the sudden weight exchange.

"JESUS CHRIST." Brian lowers his jaw as his sweats instantly start rising in the crotch. He had nothing to hide. Like Cabot he had dared to go commando beneath shorthand cut sweatpants and a blue muscle shirt with both sides exposing all the way down his ribcage.

"What the fuck dude?" Cabot might have actually pulled that muscle.

"Sorry Bro." Brian stares yet managed to mumble. "Hey Mrs. Needy. Wow!"

"Did you hurt yourself Cabot? You did suffer a muscle strain earlier." She hurries down the steps, her chest bouncing with every footfall. Rushing to Cabot she fawns over him a bit making Brian quiet. How did she know about the pulled muscle if Cabot had just woken up?

"I'm fine. Just caught me off guard." He calms her with a wink.

"Brian?" She leers over her shoulder to see Brian staring at her exceptionally tight ass, her butt crack digging deep beneath the yoga shorts. "Brian?" Fingers are snapped to regain his attention.

"Huh? Oh, shit! Bro, I'm sorry. I just ... Mrs. Needy ... fuck." He lowered his gaze shamefully if only a bluff.

"Worry more about others than drooling over me young man." She scolds Brian stepping directly in front of him to point at his chin. "You could have hurt him."

"It doesn't weigh that much. It's only half the box spring. There's two sections." Brian winces with a hint of whatever behind his words.

"He's right, Margo. It wasn't the weight of his drop it was just the shock that he did it. Can you blame him? You look great." Cabot compliments her.

"Right! Fits like a glove momma." Brian becomes smug.


"Your ... pants."

"Oh!" She looks down at herself, "They are pretty tight, aren't they?"

"Sucking right up..." Brian starts to say what he was thinking until Cabot clears his throat.

"I'm not sucking up to anyone." She frowns finishing the sentence. "I'm only defending what I see is wrong here."

"So not wrong." Brian stares at her camel toe.

"Chill out guys." Cabot stands between them, "Let's go tear down the other bed."

"I'll grab a screwdriver to remove the headboard." Margo wiggles away grinning from ear to ear. In her thoughts she finds amazement in Brian's sudden lockup. "Not a footlong my ass. That dick is dangling down his leg." She was wet all over again.

Out in the foyer Cabot fist bumps Brian, "Way to go Bro. Rile her up before you even get settled. What part of keep things on the down low don't you understand?"

Dude! She has camel toe. Her nipples are huge. How can you not be staring at her?"

"Because I'm trying to gain her trust."

"By ignoring what she's wearing?"

"She's covered up. If she were wearing less, I'd be wiping my chin on my shirt every three seconds. Get a grip Bri."

Brian grimaces and grabs his cock, "Satisfied Bitch?"

"Cover that junk up before she comes back."

"There's no way she didn't notice it. I'm not going to apologize for what she's doing to me."

"Found it." She returns holding up a Phillips screwdriver.

"So did I." Brian faces her holding his beast through his sweats. She ignores him and starts up the stairs. With her back to him he lowers his sweats and wags his cock at her. Cabot turned away before seeing it firsthand.

"You're ate up."

"She wants it." Brian put his pecker away and followed Cabot up the staircase. It was pretty amusing.

Reaching the second of four open bedrooms they find Margo already at work, having pulled the full-size bed back away from the wall. Kneeling she bends over to unscrew the left side of the headboard. Her perfect heart shaped ass looking primed for doggy style. In her bent forward stature, her shirt fanned open revealing the underside of her 40D's. Nipples pointing downward.

"Fuck." Brian stood behind her again lowering his sweats to expose his cock, stroking it within two feet of her. Cabot shook his head trying not to laugh. "How's the screwing coming Mrs. Needy?"

"These beds haven't moved in ten years or more. The screws are in there tight."

"Need help?" Brian kneels behind her touching his crown on her yoga shorts right between her thighs. She felt a faint pressure but ignored him.

"Maybe. Stand by until I give up."

"Right behind you mom." He leers back at Cabot with a shit eating grin. Jacking off slowly he admires her ass up close. As she growls at being unable to loosen the screw she rears back against Brian unexpectedly, his cock lifting up with her butt compressing against it. He released his grip just as she looks back at him. She played it off not realizing his dick was out.

"Oh! You startled me." She smiles then raises the screwdriver for him to claim. "Brian?"

"I got this." He takes the driver and squeezes her shoulder to move her aside. As she does, he leaves his pecker dangling while she repositions next to him. Cabot was holding his mouth to avoid busting up. What a dumbass Brian was.

Margo looks up at Cabot who points out Brian's big dick. Her jaw drops and she too has to cup her mouth as she resists a giggle. Hearing Brian struggle she leans down on all fours beside him, her chest rubbing along his shoulder. "Not so easy, is it? Do I need to get some WD40 to lubricate it?"

"Spit works just as good." Brian chuckles.

"It does?" She smirks and winks at Cabot. "Learn something new every day."

"It's coming. All it takes is patience." Brian jokes, "Here, hold this one." He goes for broke and hand one screw of two under his belly to see her reach under and obtain it, her palm a mere inch from his cock. Brian sure was ballsy. She knew her hand was close. Screw in her palm she leaves her hand hovering there awaiting another screw from the same headboard leg. Brian merely strained to remove the screw. Finally overpowering it he passed the other screw to her but intentionally dropped it at his knees. She rolls her eyes and crouches lower to retrieve it. His monster stared her right in the face. Eyes bulging, she exhales loudly letting her breath cascade over his penis. Lifting away she pats his back.

"Nice." He winks back at her.

Blushing she frowns, "Yes, it was." From there she stood up and winks at Cabot, "I think you boys can handle this on your own. I'm hitting the yoga mat. Have a good day at work Mister Ross."

"Thanks, Margo. See you tonight." His eyes watched her ass dart from side to side all the way down the hall. Once headed downstairs Cabot returns to Brian's side. "Put that damn thing back in your pants, she's gone."

"Dude! She exhaled on my dick. She had to have seen it."

"If she did, she sure didn't let on. You really need to stop taking chances like that."

"I can't help it. She's a Goddess."

"I get that, but I want to live here at least a few months."

"We'll win her over stop worrying. Now help tear this bitch apart."

"I only have forty minutes."

"Then take the mattress into the hall."

Heaving to drag the full-size mattress from the bed Cabot manages to remove it from the room. Once in the hall he hears singing coming from below. Margo had turned on some music. Britney Spears singing the song "3" made both boys stop everything. Brian abandons the bedroom hugging the door jam, "What's she doing?"

"She said yoga mat. I'm guessing she's just jamming while she's doing it." Cabot looks over the downstairs railing, "Must be in the living room."

"Fuck the bed I gotta see her contorting."

"You're on your own. I have to shower and get ready for work. Try and keep your dick in your pants." Cabot passes by the leaning mattress and heads to his room. Laughing as he closes the door; he knew Margo was going to ignore his suggestion. "Have fun MILF."

Brian raced down the stairs to the main floor and followed the music. The sexiness of Britney Spears voice made him clutch his tented hard on. Where was Margo? Not in the living room. Not in the kitchen. Not in the dining room. Not the basement. She had to be outdoors. Going to a set of French doors leading to the pool he finally found her. She was standing on her hands with her feet in the air.

"Daaaamn! Margo's really flexible. Too bad she's not facing me, her shirts down to her armpits. Her tits have got to be hanging out." He observes her spreading her legs while still maintaining balance on her hands. Spread eagle she literally does pushups in her position. "Fucking A! Bitch has talent." Brian Hancock could not help himself. He slid the door open softly and exited, closing it again. Moving toward her he spots a lawn chair six feet behind her back and heads to take a seat. Dick in hand he jerks off just out of her field of vision. Tilting sideways he captures a side view of her 40D's in all their glory. "Ohhhh, yeah! I'm gonna cum all over those ladies.

From spread eagle she crosses her legs teetering a bit but firmly holding her handstand. Her Britney Spears song moves into another Britney called Piece of Me. Nodding Brian grinned, "Oh, I want a piece of you." He was jerking off really hard without care. To him she was oblivious. She knew he was there, peripheral vision clued her in. Smiling she lets him think otherwise. Lowering slowly to her shoulders she levels out with her ass failing to touch the yoga mat, legs pointing straight out. Her tits cresting high in the sky like perfectly round mountain peaks. This game she was playing was intoxicating. Every new position she contorted her body into was with her back and side to Brian. The taunting never ended.

"Mmm! Stroke that footlong, Brian. Cum for me." She snickered under her breath even though yes it was indeed only ten inches. Close enough in her fantasy world. Standing up she parts her legs wide and bends over with her ass pointing at him, as if thrusting her hips toward him. Her shirt finally sifted lower to mask her tits.

"Damn it's HOT out here." He calls out as the music switches songs again. Hearing him she stands tall and turns to face him. Boldly his cock was still in hand.

"BRIAN? Put that away." She sneered hands on her hips.

"Don't stop because of me. Finish your routine. So will I."

"Is this any way to start off our rent agreement?"

"Wanna kick me out?"

"No, but this is going a bit far, don't you think?"


"What would Cabot think of you doing this in front of me?"

"I do what I want. Right now, I want to see more yoga."

Fanning herself she tries not to stare but found his cock too irresistible. "Brian! Please stop that. I can't concentrate."

"Not until I shoot my load. Go on continue your yoga. Don't mind me."

She frowns heavily and shakes her head, "You're going to make me regret renting to you. Do NOT move from that chair." She threatens him. Smug as hell Zac Efron's twin stands up and drops his sweatpants to the concrete. His shirt whips over his head, then he sits down to resume jerking. "OH, MY GOD!" She turns her back to him just as the next Britney song starts up. This time it was Breath on Me. He chuckled recalling her exhale on his dick earlier.

Shivering at his extreme boldness she turns facing him in a swift 360. "STAY RIGHT THERE. Let me make certain Cabot's gone." He shrugs and lets her step inside the house leaving him alone in his own little world. Racing inside she darts upstairs to find Cabot ready for work, keys in hand.

"You alright?"

"Brian is outside by my pool jerking off to my yoga."

"Awww man! I warned you. He doesn't care about anything. I have to go before I run late. You going to be, okay?"

"Of course." She giggles, "Go. Shoo. Be on your way."

"Alright. Call me if you need anything."

She follows him out and down the steps. At the front door she makes certain Brian wasn't skulking about before throwing Cabot against the front door and kissing him hard. He melted at her insistence. As she peels away, she flashes her tits giggling. Off she went to face the music. Cabot growled then headed out the door to work.

Returning to the pool area she finds Brian as arrogant as ever. Approaching him she circles him in his chair, "What I let you get away with remains our secret Brian. DO NOT TEST ME." She trails a nail along his shoulders giving him the chills.

"I'm not really good at keeping secrets."

"Then get the fuck out of my house."

"You don't want that."

"No, I don't. However, I do not want your friends to just assume they can do what you're doing in front of me. I will not tolerate it." Of course, she would.

"Sure. You like my cock, don't you?"

"It's ... attractive." She sighs, "Do NOT presume you're going to put that in me. I'm not afraid to defend myself. I know Tae Kwon Do." Not really. Only a few moves.

"No shit? I know Tae You Up."

Swallowing at his commanding attitude she became speechless. Shaking her head, she wiggled away back to her yoga mat. Facing him this time for safety reasons she sits down on her mat and intentionally puts both of her ankles behind her head. In her pretzel like head lock she eyes him growing interested in her position.

"You should try that naked."

Grinning at him she tilts her weight back and uses her hands to tug at her yoga shorts until the material moved forward allowing him a peek at her butt cheeks. He sat forward a bit nodding.

"See ... you want me." He begins to stand up but gets cut short.

"SIT DOWN." She snarled. Humoring her, he sits and smirks. Once she felt ready, she releases her ankles and rolls backwards to point her toes at him, her butt held from the mat as before. Her yoga pants in the front were clinging to her pubic area. In a strength performing stance she lifts her legs in the air and begins another handstand. From the back she risks not keeping a close eye on him. Legs pointing at the blue sky above her shirt again collapses revealing her breasts out of his visual. All he saw was butt crack to shoulder blades, enough to get his hand moving again.

"Turn around this way so I can see you."

"Stay in your seat."

She again pries her legs spread eagle, her yoga pants stretching to reveal more of her ass crack. She heard him growl, "Fuck that's nice." In her overconfidence she doesn't see him stand up and quietly walk over to her. Daylight casting his shadow behind him didn't give her a clue. As her legs come together, she points her toes to the sky again. In a breath she feels his hands on her hips pulling her yoga shorts upward.

"I told you to stay seated."

"Not gonna happen." Her yoga pants climb to her knees revealing her bare bottom. "Let's just get rid of these yoga pants." She lets him remove the pants from her toes. Tossing them away he snatches her ankles and guides her legs wide. Eying her pussy gasping for air he nods greedily. "That's one delicious looking cunt."

"Brian..." She whimpers trying to maintain her handstand with him splitting her wide. At a full spread-eagle Brian Hancock leans forward and licks her pussy. "Dammit Brian."

"Yummy. Let's just see how long you can hold yourself up like this without me assisting you." He gently releases her ankles but plants his tongue up inside her hole. Feeling it wiggle about inside her she moaned. This was certainly a challenge trying to keep from falling. She loved his tongue sampling her without weighing her body down. Never in her life had she been in this position. And she had been in every position imaginable at one point or another. Just not any yoga pose such as this while being eaten out. Another challenge off of her fuckit list.





She felt herself losing strength. He catches her legs just before she collapses and literally lifts her off the ground still eating her out. Her hands went to her chest immediately clutching them and pinching her nipples. She could hear him growling and biting at her clit. Yelping she decides to abandon her shirt while suspended upside down. Margo Needy was naked outside of tennis shoes.

"I knew you couldn't resist me." He lets up then buries his face again, savagely tearing at her pussy like a starving beast.

"FUUUUUUCCCKK!" She rallies at the top of her lungs, her voice vibrating at his terrorizing tongue.

Proving his strength, he lifts her higher until she felt his cock rolling across her spine between her shoulders. Tempted to prove her own determination she arches her back and tries to reach his cock. Capturing it she strokes him to his satisfaction.

"Hands on the ground." He prompts her to do so in order for him to turn her body to face him. Once achieved he returns to eating her out. Moaning along with his hunger she snatches his cock up with both hands massaging his near footlong boa constrictor. Deciding further in her territorial madness to lay his cock between her breasts and let him titty fuck her upside down. She was blown away by his strength. In her trembling she goes for more and sucks his dick arching her back to cup his swollen balls. "Fuck that feels good."

He rears back to absorb her attentions. She was ravenous suddenly. With his own legs shaking he knew he needed to nut. She just wouldn't relent. Owning her in the moment he chose to lick her asshole this round. That made her convulse in his arms, cumming beneath his chin at his tongue insertions. Seconds later he floods her mouth with jizz, lingering there to let her suck it all out. Her grip on his balls squeezing every drop surging from his funneling beast.

Lowering her slowly to her hands he guides her legs down to her mat. Dropping flat on her back she catches her breath. Feeling cocky he turns his back on her staggering toward the house. That was not making her happy. Summoning all of her strength she leaps to her feet and chases after him. Catching him off guard she leaps on to his back and wraps her legs around his waist.

"You're not done Brian. Fuck me."

"Naaaa! I'm tired now. Maybe after I take a nap. Wait! My beds still in the back of my truck." He grins carrying her on his back in through the French doors then out the front door. Laughing, she clung to him tightly. He literally hauled her to the bed of his truck and moved his mattress flatter into the truck bed, the other portion of box springs leaning to the side of a fender well. Climbing up into the truck he hurls them both on to the mattress. Slipping from his back he rolls over on top of her and sneers. "Spread those legs, Cougar."

"Spread them for me." She sticks her tongue out.

"Get ready to scream." He mounts her, not bothering to ease in slowly. Lining his mushroom up he stabs deep making her immediately roll her eyes back into her head, spine arching to accept the depth of his plunge. Stunned she couldn't even breath. Ankles gripped he rips her legs wide then proceeds to push them back. She felt his cock burrowing ever deeper. No way could a footlong penetrate her balls deep, but he sure tried.


"Get used to it MILF."

"Brian ... ooooooooooooo ... I'm going to cum already."

"Sucks to be you. I'm far from finished." He tugs her head back by her hair and kisses her throat. She quaked as if the Earth around her was coming apart. She dug her nails into his hips until she drew blood, yet he wasn't stopping over it. A massive gusher flooded the bed of his truck. "Elliot's mom screaming like a college girl. Lovin' it MILF."

"Bri ... aaaaaaaan." Another gusher beneath his steady rhythm. Kissing her neck made her crazy. "You know what I like." She whimpers huffing at his assertiveness.

"Tell ole Brian that you want this every night."

"YESSSSSSS! I want you every night." Her game was coming unglued. He was too damned good in bed. "Please Brian! Our secret. I don't want the other boys expecting this. Just you and I ... PLEASE."

"Probably not. They all want you."

"They ... they do?" She plays ignorant.

"Fuck yes, they do. I think they should hit this pussy too ... don't you?"

"Noooo! Only you."

"Good luck with that."

"Dammit Brian. I can't."

"So, kick us all out."

"NOOOOOO! All of you stay ... just ... God I can't think straight. Cum inside me Brian."

"Getting there." His destruction never ending, she screams over and over until she orgasms so hard her brain short circuits. Spasm after spasm she quakes yet still, he destroys her. Finally, she blacks out just as she had with Cabot. Waking up he was still fucking her. Lights out. Reviving to her hair pulling her head back roughly she screams louder than ever. "ALMOST THERE."

In and out of consciousness she choked on her screams until Brian finally fires into her. Like stinger missiles entering her airspace her eyelids rip wide and her screaming goes mute. Brian fired a second round sending Margo's eyes rolling back into her head. Lifeless she lays back as he releases her, Brian crawling out of the bed to watch her convulsing dramatically. For five long minutes he observed her fondling her body as if searching for her sanity. As her intense multiple orgasms faded, she rolls to her knees and throws her arms around his neck with the fender well between them.

"Don't ever leave me." She melts. "Oh my God! That was the best sex I've ever had." Again, a blatant lie. Not bad though, pretty close to being accurate.

"I snap my finger you drop everything and spread those legs."

"Slow down Brian. You don't own me." Only Darryl owned her.

"I will."

"You're so full of yourself."

"You're full of me too." He laughs.

"You're right. I still feel your cum trickling down my legs."

Moving away from her clutches he climbs up to sit on his tailgate, "Hop on. You're too weak to walk. Crush those fucking titties against my back." She sighs and clings to his shoulders as he rises with her. Legs entwining his waist she kisses his shoulder lovingly.

"Brian? We need to form an understanding."

"I heard you the first time. Don't tell the other guys. I'll shut up for three days. No longer. I'll play dumb toward the others, so they don't think we did anything." Maybe longer if it was amusing enough.

"Three days ... is all I ask."

"By next weekend you're fucking all four of us."

"I'll consider that."

"No. You'll seduce every one of us and beg to be fucked."

"Stop being so cold."

"Our slut."

She sighs, "Fine. Just pay your rent on time. Don't use me and let me lose everything."

"Long as you have us, you're in the money Beautiful."

"Thank you." She hugs his neck and kisses his cheek.

"Y'know what? I'm going to act like this never happened. I want the guys to all think they tagged your ass first."

"Sounds fun. I'll seduce them, then afterwards you can break the news. Deal?"

"Hell, yeah! Why not?"

"I adore you, Brian." She kisses him repeatedly on the cheek as he winces.

"Just remember who fucked you the best."


"Damn straight."

His Kingsize bed was together by nightfall. She even made his bed for him. The other bed that was torn down? In a few weeks' time it would be put back together outdoors. She would sunbathe on it between men. A tarp over it when raining.

Two more boys to go.

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