The widow Margo Needy prepared to send her adopted son Elliot off to Paris to a college program for high intellects. Left alone in the wilderness mansion of her late husband, college basketball coach Darryl Needy, she opted to let her son's young friends rent spare rooms to feel safe. Let her secrets and theirs lead Momma Margo down a gloriously erotic path that goes darker by the day. It was time for Margo to let it all hang out. Just like it was time for those boys to become men. BIG TIME! Sex Contents: Much Sex
Wildwood, Pennsylvania. Somewhere in the Poconos. Middle of nowhere.
"Elliot's mom is hot as fuck." Nineteen-year-old Brian Hancock stares at his friend Elliot Needy's mother, as she runs on her outdoor treadmill. Her beauty even under duress had a lot to offer the eye. It would be difficult for any man to not maintain a steady gaze at Margo Needy. The woman in her youth used to be a fashion model. As an added bonus her deceased husband Darryl Needy modified the goddess when they married. A reasonably wealthy basketball Coach for a Big Ten college, he demanded a trophy wife. Being somewhat naïve, as well as dedicated to Darryl, she fulfilled his requirements, possibly his fantasies. From fashion model to swimsuit model in her prime, Margo maintained her looks even as age chose younger models. She was the Cindy Crawford that got away.
At Darryl's request she endured a busty boob job going from 36C to a perfectly rounded 40D. Money spoke, not even a scar to tell that anyone had touched her up. Adding in a tad of silicone butt cheek implants she was blessed with the perfect twerking ass. It was all just to satisfy her man, her world, Margo was in reality not all that egotistical about herself. She just wanted to please Darryl.
Trying to have children nearly ended their marriage, learning that she couldn't grant Darryl a baby they chose adoption. There came young Elliot. Not so young anymore of course. He's nineteen now. Darryl and Margo fell in love with seven-year-old Elliot at first introduction. Darryl noting the boys build as athletic gave him the hope he might grow to be a future sports star under his tutelage. Unfortunately, Elliot didn't have what was necessary, no matter how hard he tried. The positive of that negative was that Elliot's brain just wouldn't deactivate his thirst for knowledge, his ACT's before graduating from High School were off the charts. Valedictorian and winner of a very prestigious grant to study abroad. Elliot ended up a skinny, shy, yet highly intelligent prodigy. They were still proud of the lad.
Darryl at the time of adopting Elliot was 36, Margo 21. Even though their age range seemed awkward they became a close-knit family. All through high school he barely had friends until meeting Brian Hancock, and Cabot Ross. Through them other friends followed. Before graduation Brian had brought in his own buddies Eric Crowe and Heath Talbot into their inner circle. Elliot was the odd man in though. There was a reason they befriended poor Elliot. Have you seen his mom? All it took was for the boys to see Margo to become obsessed with her. A secret pact among friends would come to fruition in less than a week. Of course, Elliot had zero knowledge of the pact his so-called friends were setting in motion.
"Stop staring or our plans are going to go bust." Cabot Ross elbowed his buddy. "We've gotten this far let's not blow it. Margo thinks we're the best thing since chocolate pudding. Minus the Cosby."
"I know, but damn dude. Look at her in those yoga pants. Any tighter and I'll rip out my own inseam."
"Here comes Elliot. Chill!" Cabot knuckle swatted Brian's bicep. Both boys were athletes in school, Brian wrestling, while Cabot ran track. Now with the bunch graduated and enjoying the summer before deciding their fates, they were in pure slacker mode, outside of jobs. Spending as much time with Elliot as tolerable, just to keep in the good graces of Margo. She adored the boys for making Elliot feel like one of their own. Almost brotherly.
"Quit looking at my mom." Elliot sped by on his longboard. He wasn't dumb. Well, halfway there on a social level. Even though they stared at her, they had always acted respectful to stay on her good side. That and the boys all knew the wounds of losing her husband less than a year ago left her emotional, and vulnerable at times, sinking every waking moment between being with her son, and fitness to keep herself active. Sane for a better word. That was a daily ritual with Darryl, something she grew to love, that would never fade away. Fond memories of working out side by side with Darryl led her to continue his legacy.
"Sorry Bud." Brian looked away and changed the subject. "I can't believe your mom is letting you go to Europe by yourself. Aren't you going to feel bad about leaving her alone?"
"She's tough. Mom knows I'll never get another chance to study in Paris if I don't go now. We'll Skype every week, so she won't miss me as much." Elliot pops the front wheels on his skateboard up like a professional, then he lost his balance. Maybe not so professional after all.
Cabot tries to steal the skateboard chuckling, "Does Margo even go out? I've never seen her leave the house. No friends?"
"All of her friends have busy lives. My dad kept her at home to finish raising me. Now that Dad's dead she just mopes and does cardio. I think fitness just keeps her from losing her mind. She refuses to even drive after Dad's car crash. If she needs anything she, has it delivered. It's crazy, even after Dad being killed in his SUV, we have two more sports cars out back in the garage that go to me when I come home from Europe. She just refuses to drive them."
"Maybe she should sell them." Cabot points out, "I recall you saying she needs the money."
"I want them. She used to be a fashion model and she's gotten offers to model again, but she knows what they want from her. Swimsuits and lingerie. She feels too old."
"Not like she even needs to work, your dad was loaded."
"Not that loaded. He had some insurance policies. That and his Coaching contract was waved toward her until it expires, which is just under a year before he would have had to up it. I know Mom is worried about money but she's still grieving. My going to Europe probably isn't the best timing, but she refuses to let me miss out on the grant I got. I do worry about her being alone she really has no one. Her family lives out in Cali. Heck, I even told her she should get a dog. She's just not the pet type."
"Big house all by her lonesome." Brian keeps a concerned face, his thoughts his own.
"I even suggested she should rent out a room. Save the rent for a rainy day. She's just not very trusting of people. That, and other women annoy her. Guys would only try and hit on her."
Cabot expressed understanding through empathy, "Tough situation Elliot."
"Guys? I know your intentions are good, so I have a favor. You volunteer to do stuff around here just to be helpful all the time, and Mom appreciates it. Can you drop by and check on her now and then?"
Brian's eyes light up looking at Cabot. Before Brian can react further Cabot cuts him off. "You know we will Buddy. Heck, I'll mow the yard once a week. Save her having lawncare come out."
"It's a big yard, but there's a riding lawn mower, old tractor too. I kept it up pretty well. Even though Mom won't drive a car she does mow."
"Right. I can chauffeur her around in my truck if she needs to go anywhere." Brian jumps in.
Cabot "I'm sure Eric and Heath would agree to that too. Give her our cell numbers."
"She already has them, for when we all hang out. She's just never needed to use them. I'm always home by curfew."
"Cool. Three more days Elliot." Cabot fist bumps the lanky young man. "You better keep in touch. Let us know if you're hitting any French pussy."
Blushing Elliot rolls his eyes, "Why is it you guys talk dirty around me, but not my mom?"
"Mad respect Bro. We know your mom is pretty conservative." Brian bluffs.
"Yep, and she's like our mom now too." Cabot agrees, "Just like you're our brother."
"Thanks guys." Elliot blushes, "I know I'm nothing like you guys are physically, but I'm proud to have you as brothers too."
"Pretty cool knowing our Sports idol, even if it was for only a couple months. He was awesome dude."
"Dad was better than awesome. He didn't expect me to be like him, he treated me good."
"Dude! Don't get us crying or I'll throw you in the swimming pool." Brian uses the threat to secure another healthy look at Margo as she finishes up her treadmill run. She had stopped the belt and found her way toward catching a breath. Wearing white and lavender yoga pants she bent over to obtain a towel and a bottled water from a portable cooler, between her treadmill and a lawn chaise. Noting the boys, she smiled and waved. That required a jest.
"Was that five miles?" Brian called out, "It looked like three to me."
"Four and a half." She shyly dried her forehead and beaded sweat from her chest. Brian and Cabot both tried not to look obvious that they were checking her out. She wasn't teasing, but with a body like hers it was difficult not to seem as if she were. Her lavender shirt was baggy with a wide collar that hung over her left shoulder and offered more cleavage than normal. Under normal circumstance this type of shirt should have a sports bra worn under it, but Margo just didn't feel like wearing one. It wasn't as if she were showing off. Still, during her run it certainly challenged her in keeping it from drifting dangerously low. She just wanted the comfort no matter the cost.
"Come on guys." Elliot picks up his board and leads them toward his Mom. Brian and Cabot were all for that, the closer the better. Reaching Margo, she lifted her sunglasses and squinted at their arrival, adjusting her shirt a bit to not appear slutty. The closer her son got the more emotional her expression got. Lifting her arms for a hug she pulled him in for a tight loving embrace.
"I'm going to miss you around here my world traveler."
"I know. I'll miss you too Mom. You can let go of me now, it's kind of embarrassing."
"If I must." She releases him but snatches up his cheeks to kiss him on the forehead.
"Awww! That was too cute." Cabot chuckled, "I wish my mom cared enough to kiss my forehead. I barely get a pat on the back."
"Yeah, I'm jealous too." Brian lifted his arms as if expecting a hug. Shaking her head at them Margo did the unexpected. She actually moved in to hug Brian as she had Elliot. Elliot found it amusing. Her breasts crushing against his chest made her blush. Brian, not even remotely shy did put on an act to make it appear he was. Before she moved to Cabot, he lowers his face toward her and points at his forehead. If only to look at her tits.
Margo smirked and went with it, kissing Brian on the forehead. "There. Happy now?"
"Yeah." Brian laughed unable to look her in the eye. Mainly because he favored looking at her tits. She knew, but let it go.
"Come here Cabot. I owe you one too."
Cabot jumps at the chance to hug her and feel her massive chest against his. She kissed his forehead before the hug ended. Smiling at him she opts to praise them. "Boys? I want to thank you for being here for Elliot and me. After..." She tears up slightly, "Darryl passed it has been..."
"You don't have to say anything Margo. We know. Like we told Elliot, he's, our brother. You're like our mom."
"I'm not quite that old, but I'm happy you feel that way."
"We know Heath and Eric feel the same Mrs. Needy." Cabot adds.
"Elliot says you have our cell numbers. You can call us anytime you need anything." Brian aims for sincerity. In his thoughts he hoped for phone sex.
"Yes, I have them. I'll be alright ... give me a week to cry my eyes out once Elliot boards that plane this weekend."
"Oh! Seeing as you don't drive, I'd be glad to take you guys to Philly." Brian offers casting a thumb at his extended cab F-150 with suicide doors just beyond the fence line.
"That's sweet of you Brian. I was going to call an Uber, but I wonder if they could even find the house out here in the sticks."
"That would cost a fortune." Cabot winced.
"No problem at all." Brian held a hand up, "We all took the day off to go along and see our boy off anyway. It might be a little cramped, it normally sits five but there's six of us."
"I'm not sitting in another guy's lap." Elliot hisses.
"You can ride in the bed." Brian punches Elliot's arm laughing.
"Isn't that illegal?" Margo shakes her head giggling.
"Brian's truck has got more room than any of our cars." Cabot points out, "I guess we could pull our cash together and rent a van maybe."
"If we can all fit, I'm not opposed to riding in someone's lap." Margo scowls. If they only knew her thoughts on that option. She did offer a sheepish grin with eyes that sparkled.
"If either of you volunteer, I'm punching you out." Elliot grumbles.
"She can sit in your lap then Punk." Brian playfully acts as if ready to spar with him like a boxer.
"That's awkward."
"You could sit on my lap. Like you did when you were younger." Margo sticks her tongue out at him.
"We'll figure it out when the time comes Bro. As long as you get on that plane and out of our hair." Cabot winks at Margo. She knew he was playing tough but, he was charming, in a young Brad Pitt kind of way. Lowering her gaze for a brief instant she turns her attention toward her son.
"You know they're going to miss you. Don't you think any differently."
"I'll be glad to be rid of these assholes."
"Elliot, that's not nice." She smirks, her top slipping a bit lower on her chest at not keeping tabs on her movements. Her cleavage was sexy with a faint gloss due to sweating.
Brian dares to clear his throat and step forward within range of Margo and reaches up to pull her blouse higher. Margo peaked both eyebrows at his boldness. Even as Brian steps back holding his hands in front of him, "Sorry Mrs. Needy. You were..."
"It wasn't that revealing, was it?" She lowers her chin to examine the cleavage.
"Getting there. Sorry if I ... just ... I'll shut up now." He turns away even as Margo shared a grin with Cabot.
"That was ... thoughtful of you I suppose." She hesitates with a second glance down at her cleavage.
"Dude! Don't touch my mom." Elliot winces.
"Would you rather I had let her accidently expose herself? I think not Me Amigo." Brian offers a queer expression.
"It was harmless enough Elliot." She felt confident that Brian was only being a gentleman. "I need a shower anyway, so I'll just go change into something more appropriate. I wasn't anticipating company today."
"You look great Mrs. Needy. No one is embarrassed, but you. "Cabot attempted to alter her thoughts on Brian's secret temptation to just be near her.
She inhales briskly and flares her eyes. "Only a wee bit embarrassed. Have fun boys." She turns and walks away. Once she does both Brian, and Cabot antagonize Elliot instead of watching her wiggle away. At age 33 Margo Needy was unstoppable in her sway. She heard the boys wrestling and turned just enough to see them ignoring her. Something within felt upset by that. Maybe it was her modelling days returning to challenge her. Back in the day, guys couldn't stop looking at her. With Darryl gone she needed to feel appreciated. Ending her thoughts on the situation she headed inside and up to her bedroom.
The Needy home was a massive Victorian style home that was built in the late 1800's. Remodeled to a vast degree inside and out, it had six bedrooms, two massive living rooms, four bathes, an indoor sauna, fitness room, and so much more. The rest of the estate included a large outdoor swimming pool, an 8-car garage for extra vehicles, including snowplow and a tractor. An old barn was still solid far off to the left of the property. Timber on three sides, small pond to the east for geese. The homestead was certainly breathtaking.
She hated the idea of losing the home but, she had run out of options. Boarders just seemed too risky. A private woman with a rich history in magazines, there would always be the inevitable recognition. The only magazines she didn't appear in were porn. Darryl discouraged her into going in that direction, mainly due to his own reputation. They did however have many secrets. Only she knew about those now that Darryl was gone. At least she presumed so.
Often compared to Gal Gadot with a hint of young Sophie Turner by Elliot's friends, she enjoyed the subtle attention they showed her. Careful inspection over their actions and their vocal meanderings, she had long ago concluded that they respected her way more than young boys should. Called Mom or not, she expected eighteen and nineteen-year-old boys to be perverted and straight forward. Part of her was glad that they treated her with respect, yet, as a woman of beauty she wondered what she might be doing wrong. Of course, she was 12-13 years older than all of them.
Having entered her bedroom, she removed her shirt and stood for a moment in her vanity mirror to inspect her perfect breasts. You would think she would be used to her 24/7 nipple erection as designed by her plastic surgeon, yet she still marveled at their opinion on life. Beaded sweat still on her tits she gently wipes them away before envisioning the hugs she had recently bestowed. The shiver of an ever so temporary thrill gave her goosebumps. Informing her inner morals to remove her thoughts on the male connection she began to wrestle with her yoga pants. As the waistband slides over her butt she catches a movement in her mirror and freezes to peer over her shoulder. Realizing she had left her bedroom door ajar she pulls her pants back up, and covers her chest with an arm. Stepping cautiously to her door, she ducks her head out to listen for voices. Elliot and the boys had ventured indoors, and she heard Cabot talking to her son. There was no Brian in the background though. Hearing the doorbell ring she tensed up. More voices were greeted by Elliot. His other friends Heath Talbot and Eric Crowe had finally arrived for their last few days spent with Elliot. She sighed at their bond.
Preparing to shut the door something in her resisted. Trembling at her inappropriate thoughts she knew there was a possibility the boys might bring things upstairs to Elliot's room. If they did..., what was she thinking? Shaking her head at her improper thoughts Margo closed her door. Convinced she was being stupid she undressed, prepared to hit the shower. Hair pinned up her into a bun she turned on the water in her all-glass shower. After shutting her bathroom door, she turned, then paused. Returning to the door she left it wide open. Something just made her do it.
Entering her steamy shower, she soaped herself up from head to toe, cooling herself down. A mere fifteen-minute refresher she hummed and enjoyed the cascade. Eying her showerhead extension she found her thoughts lured toward it. Removing the head, she adjusted the water to use it between her thighs. In moments her mind grew lost in lust. Margo Needy used it to masturbate. Careful moans filled the air, followed by a squeal or four. Cumming with one hand over her mouth she fell back against the shower wall to catch her sanity. A strange breeze rolled over her making her shiver. For a split second she thought there might be someone in the bathroom with her. That shiver made her use the wand a second time, whimpering louder than before. If someone had been nearby, she gave they at the very least, a show through fogged up glass.
Finalizing her time of need she dried off and wrapped her towel around her. The cloth barely hid her assets. Unpinning her hair and shaking it out she steps into her bedroom catching a cool draft that made her pause to look around. It was then that she spotted her door ajar. She knew that she had closed it. Maybe it wasn't latched all the way. Daring to open it and peek both directions down the hall she heard what sounded like an aerosol can spraying. Once it stopped, she heard her son's door open up. Out stepped Brian laughing as he gently shut Elliot's door. On his way toward her down the hall, she stepped back in and left her door as she had found it. For some reason her heart pounded in her chest. Knowing the possibility that Brian could have stepped into her own room made her bite a nail. Brian Hancock was a taller, buff Zac Efron, even she referred to him as that when talking to Elliot about the boy. Curious if he might look inside while passing by, she stepped out into view of the opening and held her breath. Part of her wanted to be caught. Part of her felt guilt. As she saw Brian walk right on by without looking, she shrugged with a pouty face. After a moment of sadness, she sealed it once again, making certain it clicked this time.
Exploring her wardrobe for something to wear she opted on a shoulder less summer dress with flower patterns that flared a bit in the skirt. Before putting the dress on she went to her panty drawer and explored for the perfect matching pair. Normally very neat she wondered why her panties were wrinkled. It was almost as if someone had moved them around. Surely not, she concluded out of paranoia. Of course, her door was ajar, Brian had been upstairs alone. Stunned by the thought that he might have actually invaded her privacy she held fingers to her lips. That led to nibbling a nail with a giddy expression.
"Stop it, Margo. You're reading way too much into this."
A bright blue lace thong was chosen. It somewhat matched the floral pattern on her dress. She liked to be color coordinated. Dress on, she places her towel back into the bathroom and decides to journey out into the rest of the house.
"I wonder why the boys are so quiet?"
Checking Elliot's room, curious as to why Brian was in there by himself, she found it empty. What she did find though made her eyes bulge. His blankets were covered in shaving cream spelling out the words, "Cya Loser." Her eyes located the can of shaving cream and realized something. It was the brand that she used for shaving her legs. Trembling she darted her eyes from the can on the dresser toward the door. "Oh my God. Did Brian really sneak into my bathroom and steal the shaving cream? If he did, that would mean..." She leaves Elliot's room in a hurry and returns to her bathroom. On her hygiene rack hanging from her shower doors exterior, she discovered her can. It must have been coincidental that they had bought another can of the same brand. She knew it wasn't Elliot's, the boy couldn't grow facial hair for anything in the world.
"Get it together Margo. You're just imagining things." Fantasizing might be a better word for it, "They're just razzing Elliot before his trip." Shivering, she folds her arms and glares at herself in her dresser mirror. Her cleavage was monstrous in this particular pose. Admiring herself, she smirks before uncrossing her arms, recalling Brian pulling her workout shirt up. Something within her stirred yet again. Deciding to experiment with her dress she lowers the upper hemline of her dress to allow more shall we say substance. Her breasts were large enough to hold it in place without fear of it falling. Dare she?
She didn't want the boys to think badly of her if she were imagining their mischief, countering their deeds with a tidbit of her own. Especially Elliot. "My son will just have to get over it." Chancing it, she left it lowered, marching out the door confident in her behavior.
Heading downstairs she hears whispering and pauses to listen carefully. Brian and Heath stood behind the living room sofa looking over the shoulders of Cabot and Eric who were seated. Where was Elliot? Curious what they were up to she slips closer, hovering right behind Brian and Heath.
"What are you boys up to?" She whispered.
Their reaction was to jump and move defensively, bicep to bicep in hiding whatever was going on with Eric and Cabot. Cabot stands tall and turns to face Margo, the couch between them.
"We were..." He holds his cell up with a guilty look, "You busted us. We were watching porn."
"Oh, really?" She offers a shocked expression that loosens up, leading to a sheepish, beguiling smile, "In my home? Are you being a bad influence on my son?" She realizes Elliot wasn't there. "Where is Elliot?"
"Taking a dump." Brian holds his nose pointing toward an adjoining half bath.
"TMI." She frowns.
"You asked." Brian chuckles.
"I like your dress Mrs. Needy." Heath compliments.
"Thank you, Heath. It's really warm today so I chose to dress cooler. I wish I could afford to run the air conditioning, but I'm budgeting what few pennies I can."
"Elliot told us about your finances. I hope you don't have to sell your house. I love this place." Cabot fidgets.
"Time will tell. Did Elliot tell you he wants me to get a roommate?"
"Yeah. Lots of crazy people out there. Be careful if you do." Eric adds.
"I don't think I could live with any strangers." She frowns, "I'll manage somehow."
"Dudes!" Brian raises his voice enthusiastically, "What if...? Naaaa!"
"What?" She invites ideas.
"I know where you're going with this Bri." Cabot holds a hand up to silence Brian, "Let's not make Margo uncomfortable."
"Well, if you boys decide to risk that, I'll be in the kitchen. Iced tea sounds delicious." She tugs at her short skirt which unintentionally pulls at her cleavage a tad more, all of the boys noticed that the ladies were shivering.
"Dudes!" Brian persists, "It would help Mom out."
"What exactly would help me out?" She narrows her eyes, halting sideways to offer a delicious profile.
"I got this." Cabot moves around the sofa and puts his cell away long enough to lean back beside Heath against the back of the sofa. "What Brian is suggesting is that we rent your spare bedrooms. We were all going to share an apartment somewhere anyway now that we're out of school. Living at home just has too many rules."
"And living under my roof wouldn't?" She snickers. "I don't know boys. I adore you all, but wouldn't that seem ... strange without Elliot?"
"Probably in the beginning." Cabot reaches, "You know we care about you Mrs. Needy ... Margo ... Mom. At least we're not perfect strangers. You know we respect you."
"While watching porn in my home?" She giggles.
"Sorry. We're men. We do things like that." Cabot winces with one eye.
"I understand that. I'm not scolding any of you. I'd just rather you not put thoughts into my son's head." She ponders the idea of their suggestion regardless, tempted by finances, but shirks it off feeling it improper. Then the toilet flushed in the connected powder room. Water running to wash his hands she listens to Brian mention further possibilities.
"You don't drive anymore. I could chauffeur you when you need it."
"We can pitch in on the grounds keeping too." Cabot brought up an earlier option.
"I don't know." She sighs. All four boys were holding their breath hoping she might cave and say yes. As she frets a bit longer Elliot leaves his hiding place and steps out to face everyone. "I heard you talking. Mom? You know I would feel safer if you didn't live way out here by yourself. The guys all have summer jobs that pay decent. Charge them what they can afford and budget their money. My ... brothers know I'd kill them if they did anything..."
"You can try asswipe. Why do you have toilet paper on your shoe?"
"What?" Elliot looks down to discover a bluff, then flips Brian off.
"Made you look."
Margo enjoyed their banter. Maybe having the boys here would keep her entertained. It was an option. One that she needed to examine carefully. Just earlier she found herself thinking bad thoughts. She was over that for the most part, but the question remained, could those thoughts stay buried? Could they truly be trusted with Elliot out of the picture? Food for thought.
"Did I just see you flip your friends off?" She suddenly became stern.
Elliot frowns, "Sorry Mom."
"GO TO YOUR ROOM THIS INSTANT." She points dramatically. In doing so her chest bobs about with all eyes discovering it, including Elliot. Before he could say another word, she points again. "NOW!"
"Umm! I'm nineteen Mom."
"What the hell?"
"Do I need to have the boys help me wash your mouth out with soap?"
"Oh, I'm so game." Brian chuckles.
"Nooo." Elliot hangs his head and walks past her. She winks at the boys letting them in on her own bit of mischief. As soon as Elliot stomps his way upstairs, she whispers, "Wait for it?"
"Oh, we've waited for over a year now." Brian winks back chuckling. Heath backhands his belly shutting him up. Margo merely shakes her head listening for a door to slam. Not long afterwards they all hear a loud, "MOTHER FUCKERS." He had found the message in shaving cream.
"Nice touch Boys."
Brian as bold as ever steps over to Margo and scowls, "Quit showing off."
"What?" Margo looks surprised as she stares into his amazing eyes thinking, "Shake it off Margo." She shivers, becoming even more shocked when Brian tugs her shoulder less hemline up over her tits more.
"Twice in one day Mrs. Needy. Show some respect." He winks and turns his back to her. With a devilish smirk Brian watched his friends grit their teeth, worried that might have ruined their chances at a new home.
"I'm sorry." She fidgets exploring their expressions, "Did I embarrass you boys?"
"NOOOOOOO!" Came the overall consensus. Eyes flaring, she sticks her tongue out at them playfully. If she could read minds, she would know that all four of them wished that tongue was licking their balls. To avoid her taking things wrong Cabot stepped up to change the subject fast.
"It's your house Margo. If our idea helps you, we're all game. If not, we totally understand." Cabot performs damage control. "We only want to help you." He really meant help themselves. Hopefully to her.
"I'll consider it." Margo plays with her long brunette hair drifting over her shoulder. Trying to maintain authority she frowns for their benefit, "There will be rules."
"Made to be broken." Brian laughs.
"Just think about it Mom." Eric adds hoping to prey upon her parental instincts.
"No shenanigans?" She winces, "If I do invite you in?"
"Invitation accepted." Brian throws his arms out for a hug. She shook her head as he shuffles goofily toward her and hugs her himself. His hands rub her back briskly which entertained the hemline in lowering all over again. She patted his back and frowned toward the other boys. As Brian steps back, Eric charges forth to replace him. She just knew all four boys were being silly. His own rub to her back continued the hems descent. Heath next in line attempts a hug but chooses to play French first, holding her by her biceps in both hands, while leaning in to kiss each of her cheeks. She merely rolled her eyes. His hands on her biceps encouraged her dress even lower. In a mad charge all four boys surrounded her for a smothering hug.
Daunted by their attention she flared her eyes. "BOYS! I can't breathe." Releasing her she realizes her dress drooping low, the hem nearly revealing areolas. She quickly covers up and blushes heavily, "Now it's really warm in here."
"We can blow on you." Brian blurts then grits his teeth, "Sounded bad. Sorry."
As she repositions her hemline to limit but not hide her chest, she sighs, "Trial run for one month. If we all can live together without tension, you can stay. Deal?"
"YESSSSSSS!" Brian gravitates with clenched fists.
"Chill out Efron." Cabot grunts.
"Swimming pool and everything. Better than we'd get renting anywhere else." Eric expressed excitement.
Margo giggles at their enthusiasm, "You get to be the pool cleaner then."
"As long as Hancock doesn't borrow one of your bikinis to lay out in." Eric puts him down.
"My bikinis are off limits."
"Awwwwwwww maaaaaaaaan. I even envisioned how I'd look in one." Brian returned her earlier tongue razz. Margo for the briefest of seconds pictured him licking her pussy. It became a battle of tongues as she did it to him in response. Before long all five of them were getting a little carried away with their tongues.
"I'm sure you would look ... silly." She smiles breaking the razz session. "I'm going to go help change Elliot's bedding now that you've soiled them. You boys make yourselves at home." Taking her leave she wiggles away without looking back. Watching her head upstairs Cabot brings his cell back out and opens up a video.
"Too bad the shower glass is steamed over. She looks sexy as fuck masturbating with that shower wand." Cabot chuckles.
"Dudes!" Brian grinned, "We just pulled off the fantasy of a lifetime."
"You have gotta watch what you say Bri." Eric points, "Don't kill the thrill. Everything we do that first month has to be played out as if we're aiming for Oscar gold. If she even gets the wrong idea we're gone."
"We just play dumb. Brian's specialty." Heath fist bumps Eric.
"This MILF is ours."
Brian just knew it.
Maybe they all did.
Margo sitting with Elliot on his bed lets him know of her decision. He wept knowing she was in good ... hands. Yeah, right. Not even close. She wept along with him. Even as Elliot rests his head on her shoulder, she felt untimely sensations. Her eyes dropping to her cleavage to peer between the canyon gap separating them, she sighs.
"What did I just agree to? Oh my God, it's so hot in here."
It wasn't from the temperature; Margo knew that much.
She still hadn't gotten her glass of iced tea.