
Big Nappa at marvel

Charles when he died managed to roll the roulette wheel and become a character drawn, unfortunately he became Nappa but was taken to the world of Marvel and not to the world of dragon ball

Gazeli_Gazeli · Films
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nappa arrives

Charles was sad, his luck was not good and he was drawn for the "model" nappa, his new body

After being hit by an ice cream truck, he found himself in this strange space with a large roulette wheel.

The instructions were in his mind so he understood that it was his chance to reincarnate, among all the badass characters like Vegeta, Seiya and others, his luck gave him a Nappa

Although he is a Saiyan, Charles is very doubtful of the potential he will have, even more so in a world with such a high level of power.

"okay, I'm not going to complain after all I can live again, I'll just find a weak planet and become king there and live in peace" Charles decided

His whole body started to become light, and soon he was ready to go to goku's world.


Charles opened his eyes again, he saw that he was in a small spaceship, when he looked at himself he saw a huge body in strange armor.

"so I also showed up old?" Charles sighed

he still had some hope of appearing as a baby, as he would have decades to train and his potential would not be limited

Nappa didn't know the destination of his ship, he just closed his eyes and started to learn to use his Ki, the information was natural and came along with his body.

"7 thousand of fighting power, it's not even low and as long as it's not bad luck I can live well" Nappa

5 hours later, Nappa saw his small ship entering the space body of a strange planet


City of Alkabrar - Planet Zen-Whoberi

Thousands of green-skinned beings live in this city, all humanoid in appearance and most even beautiful by human standards, but green.

Unfortunately the city was ugly, with tons of garbage piled up, skinny people begging and all the poverty was visible.

Collecting garbage at the famous city dump, there was a little green boy who looked to be 8 years old but was already 14, his malnutrition was serious

his name is Luther, he was just another normal in his miserable life

however, when he looked up, he saw a strange egg-shaped object falling from the sky.

Luther quickly ran his wedged feet towards the object, he thought it was another old satellite falling and could make money.

However when he arrived at the place, that strange ship opened, from inside came an extremely tall and bald man.

Luther felt the bald man looking at him, for some reason he felt strange.

"52 fighting power? not bad for a kid" said the bald man while looking with his weird glasses

Luther wanted to run and warn the mayor of the city, but his instinct as a warrior of his race made him give up, he knew he couldn't leave.

The bald man walks towards him

"hey boy, tell me what race you are and the strongest on your planet" bald

"we are the Zehoberei,.....the strongest I don't know" Luther

Nappa watched the little boy and thought he wasn't lying.

'Zehoberei? the name is familiar, but I can't remember which moment it was in dragon ball, whatever my fighting power meter didn't detect anything too strong' Nappa

Nappa before landing tried to observe as much as possible, he noticed some strong beings with 1 to 2 thousand in fighting power, but he is much stronger, so he decided that he will live here and train

"come on boy, take me to your town, the big nappa has arrived" nappa

As Nappa put his plan of conquest into practice, he could not imagine that a huge galactic fleet was coming.

a purple giant was drooling over genocide