
Beyond the screen

"Man, I've been having a blast playing Roblox today! It's been a great way to unwind." "Whoa, what's this? 'Cursed Battleground'? It looks kinda sketchy, but hey, let's give it a shot." "Haha, these bugs are crazy, but I can't stop playing! It's like a weird rollercoaster ride through glitches and mayhem." "Finally, a curse mark! I've been hunting these for hours! It's the rarest thing I've encountered in this game." "Wait, where am I? What happened to my room? This doesn't look anything like home." "And what the heck am I now? I feel... different, like I'm not even human anymore."

DaoistYd5XlP · Bandes dessinées et romans graphiques
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17 Chs

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

The dimly lit room was filled with an unusual sense of tension. Gojo sat beside his former teacher, Principal Masamichi Yaga, who was meticulously sewing another teddy bear. The rhythmic sound of the needle piercing through the fabric was the only noise in the room.

For a while, they remained in silence, both lost in their thoughts. Gojo knew that this meeting was inevitable after his recent encounter with the mysterious cursed spirit known as Augus.

Finally, Principal Yaga broke the silence, his voice carrying an exasperated tone. "Satoru, you know, I was hoping you'd grow out of this reckless behavior."

Gojo leaned back, a mischievous grin playing on his lips. "Oh, sensei, you wound me with your lack of faith. I'm just adding some excitement to our lives."

Yaga let out a long-suffering sigh, his hands still working on the teddy bear. "Excitement? More like problems."

Gojo chuckled, "Potato, potahto."

"Satoru," Yaga's eyes narrowed, "I have to ask. Why didn't you kill that cursed spirit?"

Gojo leaned back, a mischievous grin playing on his lips. "? Well, it's simple. It wasn't bothering anyone, and It wasn't killing people. So, I figured, why not let it be for now?"

Yaga's response was far from what Gojo had expected. Instead of understanding or even a mild scolding, the principal's reaction was explosive. He abruptly placed the half-sewn teddy bear down, his shoulders trembling with restrained anger.

"Let it be?!" Yaga repeated Gojo's words, his voice quivering with frustration.

Gojo raised an eyebrow, his casual demeanor unchanged. "Yeah, you know, let him enjoy his cursed spirit life without causing trouble."

Yaga's face reddened as he stood up suddenly. Gojo found himself in an unexpected and unforgiving chokehold, his teacher's strong hands closing around his throat. Panic filled Gojo's eyes as he struggled for breath, his air supply cut off.

"Choking," Gojo managed to rasp out, his voice strained. "Not... breathing..."

But Yaga ignored his words and tightened his grip, his expression a mixture of anger and frustration. He leaned in closer, his breath hot on Gojo's ear, and spoke between breaths, "Because of your reckless act, the higher-ups are in full-blown panic mode. And worse, I'm the one taking all the heat for your actions."

Gojo, still gasping for air, managed to wheeze, "You... know... sensei... this... is..."

Yaga's grip remained firm, and he ignored Gojo's attempts to speak. Instead, he put even more pressure on Gojo's throat, causing the younger sorcerer to turn a bright shade of red. Gojo's eyes widened in alarm, and he tried to signal his distress with his flailing arms.

Finally, as Gojo's vision started to blur, he managed to choke out, "Not... breathing..."

Yaga's expression remained unyielding as he continued to exert pressure on Gojo's throat. He was clearly not in the mood for jokes.

However, Gojo's sense of humor remained undeterred, even in this dire situation. He croaked out, "This... is... a... real... choking... situation..."

Yaga's frustration reached its peak, but he didn't release his grip. Instead, he continued to choke Gojo, who was now turning an alarming shade of purple.

With one last desperate effort, Gojo managed to whisper, "Okay, okay, sensei, I get it. Serious talk now."

Yaga finally released Gojo, who gasped for air, clutching his throat and coughing violently. Tears welled up in his eyes from the lack of oxygen.

Yaga paced back and forth in the dimly lit room, his anger still simmering. "The higher-ups want you to find that cursed spirit and exorcise it before it becomes a problem. Do you understand, Satoru?"

Gojo, now on his feet and finally able to breathe, nodded vigorously. He wiped away the tears that had welled up in his eyes during the choking incident and reassured his former teacher, "Don't worry, sensei. I can take care of it. After all, I'm the strongest."

As the tension in the room began to subside, the two men locked eyes, their unspoken understanding echoing through the silence.

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Augus found himself in a rather peculiar situation. His former life as a formidable cursed spirit seemed like a distant memory as he lay on a bed, staring at his mobile phone. He needed a job, and he needed it soon. Despite having a considerable income stashed away, he knew that it wouldn't last forever. The problem was, without proper papers or identity, finding a job in the human world would inevitably lead him to jail.

As he contemplated his predicament, a notification chimed on his phone. Augus raised an eyebrow and tapped the screen. To his surprise, a strange system interface appeared, displaying icons over certain people nearby. It was as if the system was guiding him towards something or someone.

Curiosity got the better of him, and he decided to follow the closest icon. Soon, he found himself in front of a couple who looked like they were in the midst of a crisis. Both of them had pronounced eye bags from lack of sleep, and they seemed constantly on edge, as if they expected something to jump out of the shadows at any moment.

Augus approached them with a calm and friendly tone. "Hey there, folks. You seem like you could use a hand. Is everything alright?"

The man, clearly taken aback by Augus's sudden appearance, stuttered in response, "Wh-why would you think we need help?"

Augus observed the couple carefully and pointed out the signs of distress he had noticed. "Well, for starters, you both look like you haven't slept in days. And you're both on edge, like you're expecting trouble."

The woman, looking relieved that someone had noticed, chimed in, "He's right. We've been going through some really weird stuff lately."

Augus leaned in, his curiosity piqued. "Weird stuff? Like what?"

The man hesitated for a moment, then began to explain, "Our things have been moved around or gone missing. And sometimes, my fiancée feels like someone's watching her during baths or even touching her."

Augus's eyes narrowed as he considered the possibility. "Sounds like they might have a cursed spirit problem."

The couple exchanged worried glances. 

Sensing their desperation, Augus made an offer. "I can help you with this. I've dealt with these things before."

The couple looked skeptical, understandably wary of a stranger offering assistance. Augus could sense their hesitation and decided to reassure them. "Look, you've got nothing to lose except your home and your peace of mind."

After a moment of deliberation, the couple realized they had little choice. Their lives had been turned upside down by whatever was haunting their home, and this stranger, Augus, might be their only hope.

The woman nodded, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "Okay, fine. You can come with us to our apartment. But please, be careful."

Augus flashed a confident grin, a stark contrast to the grim situation they were facing. "Don't worry, I've got your back."

With that, the unlikely trio set off towards the couple's apartment, where mysteries and danger awaited them. Augus knew that his newfound role as a protector of these humans was a far cry from his days as a cursed spirit, but sometimes, fate had a way of leading you down unexpected paths.

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As Augus followed the couple through the dimly lit corridors of the apartment building, he couldn't shake the feeling of being a fish out of water. He was regular guy until yesterday and now here he was acting like some profesional.

The couple's apartment door loomed ahead, and Augus couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation. His gamer system had guided him here, and he was ready to put his unique abilities to the test.

Inside the apartment, the couple led Augus to the living room, where the atmosphere was heavy with unease. Augus took in the surroundings, noticing the disarray of scattered belongings and the faint sense of foreboding that hung in the air.

With a calm and measured tone, Augus addressed the couple. "Alright, let's start by talking more about these strange occurrences. Have there been any patterns to when or where these things happen?"

The man, his nerves still evident, began to explain further. "It's random, really. Sometimes it's during the day, and sometimes it's at night. We've tried to keep track, but there's no discernible pattern."

Augus nodded, absorbing the information. "And you sure the police didn't find anything?"

The woman nodded. "Yes, they came, but they couldn't find anything. They suggested it might be a break-in, but there are no signs of forced entry."

Augus's eyes flickered with understanding. "I see. Well, it's possible that you're dealing with a cursed spirit. They can be quite tricky to deal with."

The couple exchanged worried glances once more, but this time, there was a glimmer of hope in their eyes. Augus's presence had given them a sliver of optimism.

The man finally spoke up, his voice tinged with gratitude. "If you can help us, we'd really appreciate it. We don't know what else to do."

Augus offered them a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, I'll do my best to figure this out. Just stay here, and if anything unusual happens you guys make a run for it immediately."

With that, Augus began his hunt into the mysterious occurrences that had plagued the couple's home. 

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As Augus cautiously entered the apartment's living room, an unsettling chill gripped his body, making him shiver despite the absence of cold. Something was seriously amiss, and his gut told him that danger lurked nearby.

Summoning the Cursed Nail into his hand, Augus took measured steps, his eyes scanning the room for any telltale signs of the cursed spirit's presence. It didn't take long for him to spot it—a peculiar trail of energy twisting through the air, a silent indicator of the spirit's malevolent activities.

Augus couldn't help but mutter to himself, his voice tinged with a mix of curiosity and wariness, "This cursed spirit's been quite busy, hasn't it?"

Just as he was about to venture further into the room, a spine-chilling noise disrupted the silence. Augus instinctively turned his head to the source, only to see a knife hurtling towards his eyes with deadly precision.

His reflexes kicked in, and he raised his hand in a desperate attempt to protect his face. The knife plunged straight through his palm, eliciting an involuntary scream of pain from Augus. But to his astonishment, there was no pain, no injury—only a strange, surreal sensation as his hand healed almost instantly, as if the wound had never existed.

"What...?" Augus blinked in disbelief, staring at his regenerated hand. "Okay that's cool."

A sinister laughter echoed through the room, sending shivers down his spine. He turned to face the source—a grotesque humanoid blob with a multitude of shifting, contorted hands.

Augus couldn't hide his revulsion at the spirit's repulsive appearance. He couldn't resist taunting it with a mocking, "Buddy put the 'ugh' in Ughly."

The spirit's response was a chilling grin, and it emitted a malevolent chuckle that sent shivers down Augus's spine. Each of its numerous hands assumed a different, menacing formation, ready for whatever battle lay ahead.

Augus took a deep breath, unsheathed the Cursed Nail, and assumed a fencing stance. It was a surreal feeling. His body seemed to move with an eerie sense of familiarity, as if it had retained the skills of combat despite his previous existence.

The spirit's grin widened as it continued to toy with Augus, its myriad hands dancing through the air, forming intricate, almost hypnotic patterns.

The two adversaries locked eyes,  Augus understood that this would be a battle not only of physical prowess but also of wits. They stood in a tense standoff, each waiting for the other to make the first move.

Augus tightened his grip on the Cursed Nail, preparing for the inevitable clash with this enigmatic and malevolent entity.

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The room crackled with tension as Augus, with a deep breath, launched the first move. His 'time skip' ability engaged, he blinked out of existence and reappeared instantly in front of the cursed spirit, catching it off guard. With surgical precision, he plunged the Cursed Nail into the grotesque entity, causing it to screech in shock and pain.  This spirit is cunning, and I can't afford to give it an inch

"Gotcha," Augus muttered, his voice laced with confidence. 

Wounds manifested across the spirit's form as Augus continued his relentless assault, utilizing the limited duration of 'time skip' to his advantage. Each rapid strike landed with pinpoint accuracy, exploiting the entity's vulnerability.

In a desperate attempt to retaliate, the spirit swung a wild punch, and Augus, in response, activated 'time skip' once more. He disappeared, leaving the spirit's fist to punch through empty air, its frustration evident.

Augus wasn't one to rest on his laurels. He summoned his 'blood chain gun,' a crimson chain with a razor-sharp blade emerging from his palm. With surgical precision, he thrust it into the cursed spirit's body. The entity struggled to pull the chain out, but it remained firmly lodged, eliciting frustrated screams.

With a fierce determination, Augus yanked the chain toward him, unleashing his 'violence barrage' skill—a rapid series of punches and kicks, all delivered from the same hand holding the chain. Each blow struck with devastating force, creating deafening booms that shattered windows and sent glass shards hurtling.

The relentless onslaught showed Augus's tactical prowess, as he maintained unyielding pressure on the cursed spirit. With a final, thunderous strike, he propelled the entity through the window, sending it hurtling outside.

But the cursed spirit's resilience proved formidable. It unleashed its own supernatural might, slashing the air with its multitude of hands, causing a rift to tear open. Augus cursed under his breath as he was forcefully pulled toward the rift, unable to resist its gravitational pull.

The young protector tumbled through several rooms, his body colliding with walls and furniture, leaving destruction in his wake. Yet, his resolve remained unshaken.

With a determined glare, Augus managed to stabilize himself on one of the walls, despite the cracks forming from the impact. He locked eyes with the spirit, his determination unwavering.

Deciding to seize the initiative, Augus propelled himself with astonishing speed, bouncing from floor to ceiling to wall in a dizzying, unpredictable pattern that left the spirit bewildered.

As Augus's figure blurred, he charged at the cursed entity with relentless momentum. With another 'time skip,' he struck the spirit repeatedly, each stab finding its mark. He then delivered a powerful kick that sent the spirit tumbling backward.

Augus couldn't resist a taunt as he watched the entity struggle. "That all you've got?"

The cursed spirit's response was a menacing grin. It formed another grotesque hand formation, each limb taking on a different shape. 

The spirit lunged forward with its hand formations, attempting to overwhelm Augus with a barrage of strikes. Augus activated 'time skip' to evade, moving with precision as he dodged each attack effortlessly.

As the battle raged on, Augus couldn't help but marvel at the versatility of his newfound abilities. His mind raced,for a strategy to defeat the cursed spirit. 

With a sly grin, he taunted the entity. "You'll have to try harder than that!"

The cursed spirit responded with a howl of rage, its attacks growing more frenzied. Augus parried and countered with swift, calculated strikes, never missing an opportunity to exploit the spirit's vulnerabilities.

But the cursed spirit had one last trick up its sleeve. It unleashed a devastating punch that Augus couldn't evade in time. The force of the blow sent him crashing through a wall, leaving a gaping hole in its wake.

As Augus picked himself up from the rubble, he couldn't help but grumble, "That was unexpected."

Despite the setback, his determination remained unwavering. As Augus emerged from the hole he had crashed through, the cursed spirit may have landed a punch, but it was far from over. He clenched the Cursed Nail tightly, a gleam of determination in his eyes.

The grotesque entity, on the other hand, reveled in its momentary victory, its misshapen form pulsating with malevolence. 

Augus couldn't help but smirk as he taunted the spirit, his words laced with confidence, "Nice hit, but you'll have to do better than that to take me down."

With a burst of speed, he charged back into the fray, utilizing his 'time skip' ability to dodge the spirit's relentless attacks. Augus's battle IQ was on full display as he analyzed the cursed entity's movements, seeking weaknesses to exploit.

The spirit's hands morphed and shifted, forming ever-changing shapes, but Augus remained undeterred. With precision, he delivered calculated strikes, targeting the spirit's vulnerable spots. Each blow landed with a resounding impact, causing the entity to howl in agony.

But the cursed spirit was far from defeated. It retaliated with a flurry of strikes, attempting to overwhelm Augus with its sheer ferocity. Augus couldn't resist another taunt as he continued to evade and strike. "You'll need more than brute force to beat me!"

The spirit's response was a furious screech, its form contorting as it unleashed an onslaught of supernatural attacks. 

With a calculated move, he sidestepped one of the spirit's wild lunges and delivered a powerful counterstrike. The Cursed Nail pierced through the entity's form, causing it to shriek in pain. Augus knew he had to keep the pressure on, not giving the spirit a chance to recover.

Augus ducked, dodged, and parried with precision, always staying one step ahead of the cursed spirit's relentless assault.

The room bore the scars of their ferocious battle, with shattered walls and debris strewn about. Augus was relentless as he sought to defeat the cursed entity once and for all.

The cursed spirit, despite its resilience, was gradually weakening under Augus's relentless onslaught. It had underestimated its opponent, and now, it paid the price.

With a final, decisive strike, Augus pierced through the spirit's core, causing it to let out a deafening, anguished wail. The grotesque entity disintegrated into nothingness, its malevolence fading away.

Augus sheathed the Cursed Nail, his chest heaving from the intensity of the battle.

A notification on his system indicated his reward for exorcising the spirit—a sum of 500 Japanese Yen. Augus couldn't help but crack a triumphant smile, his first successful exorcism as a protector of the human world.t in the shattered surroundings, a testament to the intensity of their struggle.

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