

Ocean106 · Fantaisie
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56 Chs

Chapter 5

"Welcome back, Prince Simon Eric." A shadow appeared on the top of the stairs, her hairs reflecting in the rays- a hint of red. Her hands clamed as a shell as she spoke. The high heels she had, made her appeared longer and slimmer. As she walked downstairs, Amy could have a better view of her. Pointed ears and nose, her cheeks bones were visible as she breathes heavily. The grey dress she wore fitted like a glove on her tiny curves. A sense of naughtiness reflected in her tones and eyes as she smiled at them.

Her fair complexion gave Amy shivers. It was like one of the models that cat walked on the famous stage of the Miss Universe, was now standing in front of her. Lightly pink mascara and long black lashes, cheeks rose with a shiny blush and her eyes dark green. A thin pendant around her naked neck. Her hairs thick and long blond mixed with red, tied up. "Good to finally see you again." Her accent thick and proper. "I thought you would never make it." And with it a small French accent. He already knew who she was.

"Greetings as well Chimera." Simon added drily. Amy could sense the tension in his tone. It was really revealing. "I see you've finally got what you wanted." He was now glancing at her physical self that really seemed to impress him. "Who gave it to you?"

"Let's just say that one does what one can." Her footsteps echoed as she paced closer to them. "But in your case my lord I can see it didn't work out for you." Her glance moved from him to Amy. "See that you've brought back a companion with you?"

Amy knew that expression. Chimera must be judging her already seeing the jeans partly thorn she had. "Chimera…may I introduce you to Amy, my friend. And a mortal." He held her hands.

"I doubted it as well."

"Amy, Chimera is in charge of all the activities that happened between the walls of this castle." Simon added with a distinguished tone.

"Pleasure, Chimera." Amy finally finds her voice back. She was too shocked to speak any other word. Still having rumble in her mind why Simon never told her about his royalty. Maybe he wanted to keep a low profile. She knew she couldn't judge him.

"Pleasure's all mine." Chimera bowed. "I dare say that nothing can escape from my sharp eyes and mind. I'm in charged of the discipline of this castle." A proudest attitude. "Your Majesty, you might as well tell me if you have already got the permission from the council to bring her here."

"No, not yet. But I wouldn't have come otherwise. She is here because I took the pledge for her." Simon explained. His grabbed harden on her tiny hands.

"Your Majesty, I dare not oppressed myself unto your decision but allow me to say that her presence here will not do anything good."

So rude.Amy chuckled. How could she be so certain that her presence here will bring them trouble? Simon did tell her that Mortal is very much welcome in their world, provided they prove themselves. Maybe she should prove herself to them. But how was she going to do that? "Chimera, I took the pledge already. And now she is my responsibility. If that's a problem I can confront the council as well." His hands were hot as heat now. Amy could feel his anger right through his eyes. He was quite annoyed and disturbed. He couldn't be that annoyed because of her?

"I can see that a quite strong bond between you two." She added lazily.  Her eyes narrowed as she speaks. "I'm sure I don't need to show you around. Miss Amy, please come with me, I'll show you to your room."

"No need. She will stay in my chamber." Simon interrupted.

"If she must!" Chimera added and stepped aside and allows them to walk toward the staircase.

 The stairs twisted on sides, one ended on the first floor and the other one leading to another floor. They marched across the long corridor. Red walls, with statutes that seemed to be stalking them as they walked past.Pictures done by famous painters and portrait of royalties. Amy had the feeling that she was walking in a historical museum. "Is that the Mona Lisa?" She found her feet stumbled.

"Oh Yes. Leonardo Da Vinci belonged to our world. And he wanted to portrait magic world wide that's why he left. But his legacy lived on. Even here." Simon explained with dedication.

"Wow. Mona Lisa is one of the most magical painting ever!" Amy agreed. "All these paintings, The Madona of the Rocks, the Scream, The last supper…." She stood wordlessly staring at the wall. "Are they real?"

"No, the real ones are in the human world. And here it is just hologram of those paintings. So we could remember them forever." Amy touched the one of the painting, her fingers went through. "Love, I will show you some of the interesting chamber we have here."

"There are chambers more interesting than these?"

"Well you might be surprised." He simply smiled faintly. Amy nodded knowing that he had many things to say…and she will listen and understands every single one of them.

They finally reached one huge door, structured with mythical designs. It took Amy less than one moment to figure what was on the other side. "My chamber."  Simon closed the door behind him and let her walk wordlessly inside. It was almost the size of her bedroom, her kitchen and her living room joined together. One round bed on the left side, with heavy silk and cotton drapes. The balcony he had captured the view of the green garden they had at the back. And the Shiras Ranges. Amy could spot rainbow and some clouds on the right side of the ranges.  The sky was red crimson and yellow, almost twilight.  Cold airs was looming around. The chamber had no other door or windows for that matter. Just heavy red curtains, dragged from around the four pillars on the balcony.

One chandelier was lighted. But when one looked closer they would noticed that they were floating candles and stones that helped rebounding the lights all over the room. He had no wardrobe, but a walk in closet on his own. Robes and pants different color and styles to be worn at every occasion.

Amy settled on the bed still mesmerized by the grandiose beauty of the heavy dark brown tiles. Of course, a prince must have his comforts. "Quite comfortable. So tell me why you never told me about your bloodline?"

"Bloodline?" He chuckled. "Now that is one heavy word, love." He sat next to her. "Amy I might be royalty but I'm not proud of it." He casted a broken glance at her, wondering if he should let go or not. Will she understands him, if he does?

"Why would you say that?" Amy sighed and ran her fingers on his hairs. "Simon, you can tell me everything you know!" They were always good at that. Consoling each other and mend their broken heart. It was one thing that keeps them bided. One thing that she would give anything to keep.

"Amy, I'm not the one you think I am." He started. "I am a rebel. I have always liked to do things the way my folks never expected. That is why everyone says that if ever someone should have the throne, be crowned the king of Bewix, it should be my brother. Because he was everything a king should be. Perceptions….freewill maturity….." He paused and brushed away his concern in his eyes. "I studied the perfection to expand my powers inside me. I don't need any wands or special spells or potion to get what I want. I have years of trainings with fire, how to control it and use it for as my source of magic. And maybe that's why I never bothered the fact that he was chosen to become the next ruler of Bewix. But one day they decided something that I couldn't bear." Another painful thought past through his mind. His eyes still was facing down and he was abashed. "They gave him the only thing that mattered more than my own life. And I will never forgive him for that."

Amy knew that Simon was always right. But a rebel? She couldn't possibly project him as one. He was always kind and understanding. Even though he had that dare full personality. Why would he just give up? Something has happen and he was not ready to tell her more….maybe she should let him some more time. But she had to know. "How could they see you as a rebel?"

"As I said they always fancied my brother. But still that never stopped me from loving him." Another hint of sadness loomed in his tone. It was clear that he was quite fond of him. Maybe that was the loop point she was hoping for. It might help bring both of them together.

"So maybe we could talk to him?" Amy suggested.

"No, not anymore." He added with a shrugged. "I can't bow to him. And beside that what once belonged to me, is no longer mine. Now it belongs to him." He walked toward his balcony and stared at the green surrounding. He took another long breath. "I remember when I made that room. I especially choose it for that view." He held her hand.

"Sure, it is one beautiful view." The cold air caressed her cheeks, leaving a clumsy shiver on her arms.  "It's so open and cold. Is it that why you chose this room?"

"Yes. I always fancied freedom." He cupped his hands and a ball of fire appeared. He closed his eyes and took a longer breath, allowing the fire to be absorbed into his nerves. Finally his eyes glowed and he touched her hand gently. The heat was projected into her nerves and she felt her normal heart pace now.

" Wow.You never did that before."

"That kind of magic requires the special occasion." He smiled. A sincere one this time.

A gentle knock startled them. Simon sighed and shrugged. It was certain that he knew who was there. He clapped his hand. The door split into two as three men entered the room. Two had their eyes bind. Their body was made of rock, it was certain; they resembled the statue at the entrance. Except they were charcoal black!  They had a shiny face and they were both carrying a wand with them. They stood proudly their head straight up as their body posture strict and formal. And the third one had a shiny coat with a velvet hat. He had white long hairs and he was shorter than the two. At least he was a human, mostly. His lips mixed with a color of dark red and purple. And green pale veins as wrinkle on his small round face."His majesty Prince Simon is convicted in the judging room at the council." His voice was sure and right. It was certain that he was bounded by the law.

"To what possible reason?" Amy asked. She could see that Simon's face hardens. His cheekbones were clearly visible. And it certainly proved her point that Simon was annoyed.

"His majesty has been accused for bringing a mortal to our beloved Bewix." The short one added. The two other ones were silent. And yet they seem quite ready.

"You said that mortal could come into your world." Amy protested. He was still looking at them with a dubious look. "Simon?"

"Amy, why don't you take a shower and rest a little bit?" He rubbed his fingers on her arms and engulfed the latter into a warm hug. "I'll send some food for you. The bathroom is in my closet." He disposed a quick kiss on her forehead. And he walked away with them. The two guards walked side by side to him.