

Ocean106 · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
56 Chs

Chapter 56

"So?" he questioned him.

"As the lord and lady of love, could you guys be a little less shameless." Yiana interrupted. She entered the room followed by Delia and Chimera.

"Boys will be boys!!" Chimera let go.

"Wait, it makes me think now, Simon I hope that you haven't tell anything about our private moments."

"No. why would i?"


"What about you Jamie?"

"And jack?"

"No." they both replied at once.

"I doubt that Jamie has anything to even share about." Ian noticed. "But Jack on the other hand I'm sure that there are more under his sleeves than he pretend to."

"Shut up."

"And please ladies, don't feel upset. It is just something I told Ian to verify for me that's all." He justified.

"And that is?"

 "Jon asked me to check if the lady of love still inspired love or lust." Ian throw himself on the bed. His back was filled with nails marks, dried blood. "As you can see. It was purely pleasure."

"Wow…!"  At this Jon frowned. "I doubted it."

 "And he goes again pondering, while sipping his tea." Jack teased. "Seriously dude, stop; it makes you so mature. And it doesn't really go with our image."

"Maybe, you should listen once in a while Jon. People will start thinking that the council is boring." Ian added, leaning on his hands, sideway he stares at the latter for more information.

But the latter was still looking blankly down. His forehead slightly frowned. "What is it Jon?"

"We need to find the answer and get out from here as soon as possible." He simply said.

Meanwhile Amy was still pacing through the books.  She wondered if what she was searching for was here or not.  According to Simon's mother the Ngami was never a stone. And she will have to discover that before she could know what her next step should be. Now the question was how the hell she was going to call out for that book, without letting the lady of love know it? After all, it was certain the all the books here was connected to her somehow. She could see it, the way the lady of love was calling out for the books she needed. She found the section of science and logical equation. So being the lady of love, the only books that were supposed to be in her library was love potions and legends about love. But here she had everything, books about science and human behaviors. Potion making, path of bewix and truth. Wait, truth? –That's what they were supposed to look for.

Amy took the rolling ladder and climbed on it. She reached out for the big crystal color book, with red and marine blue writing.  She reads; Truth is virtue!

She hurriedly disposed it on the table. It was really heavy and cold. Looks like she was holding ice. Her palms were moisture.  As she opened the cover, a shivering chill went alongside her arms. The page was blank, as expected. And this was what she was looking for. She had realized that the only best way to get answers were to ask.  But the trouble, if she asked verbally, there were a high chance that the lady of love would hear. Then was she going to do? She had to find a way to it. Or look for occasion when the lady might be busy with something then she would ask.

"What do you mean?" Yiana asked.

"The lady of love is now inspiring only lust, which is considered a sin as per the council tradition." He explained.

"Isn't lust born by love?" Simon asked.

"No, it is just a choice binded with love. Love is by emotional and physical, and lust is only physical." Mark added. "And if the lady of love herself deploys lust, then what will happen to the emotional feelings?"

"Love is considered as a prayer for heavenly people and lust is worshipped by hell." Jamie understood. "So if love itself was to turn to lust, then…."

"That would mean hell would rule all over. Both spiritual and material world." Alex whispered.

"And heaven won't let that happen."

"Oh dear. Maybe we should return to our world now." Delia suggested. "Not all of us, but few of us. At least we can prepare our folks if a battle is preparing."

"No worries, Kasumi have already been briefed about that." Jon said. "She said that she will happily help us."

"Well I should say that we are safe here, at least here the lady of love won't be able to hurt us." Chimera said.

"Of course we are no fool to let her tame our mind and change our love." Yiana added.

"Yes and no." Alex said. "What about Amy?"

"She is the most vulnerable right now." Ian bit his lips. "It is very easy to misjudge her. With the powers of the Ngami stone, it will be a piece of cake to lure her into the world of darkness."

"She is with the lady of love, in the library, could it be that she…." Alex didn't wait for another words from Jack, he ran off the door. They all followed him. He pushed opened the large French door. "Amy!" he called out. 

"What is it?" A faded voice was heard from beneath loads of books lying on the table. She was seated on the chair, her eyes glancing each of them. "What?"

He let out a sigh! "Thank god you are all right."

"Anything I should know about?" She asked again seeing everyone expressionless face.

Ian walked back to the room; the lady of love was in her secret chamber, talking with her sisters again. He threw himself on the bed. Feeling a pain throughout his body, and anger in his mind, thinking about his conversation with Jon a few moments before ;

"Are you sure you aren't asking for a little too much?" He said as Jon said that it is his duty to keep the lady of love busy, while Amy use the book of truth to get the answers she needs.

"No. You should know that this is what the council is meant for." Jon added, while the other stood watching Ian weakly staring at the latter. "When you joined the council, you agreed to do anything possible to keep it intact. You should know that it is an opportunity to carry your duties at the fullest."

"You could have just said that it is my duty to do so. Obviously I would have understand it." Ian replied annoyingly. "No need to stretch it that far."

"Yeah it could have save time as well." Jack said after him.

"Again Jon, please work on your way of convincing people. Because it is boring when you do it like that." Mark suggested.

"Anything wrong my love?" His thoughts were interrupted the moment the lady of love appeared in front of him, with just a towel wrapped around her wet body. She looked so cute and sexy that he forgot what he was about to say. Water tripping off her wet hairs. "I hope that you are not having second thoughts about our love."