

Ocean106 · Fantasy
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56 Chs

Chapter 55

"And you said that when we go back it will be without pain of love. How would you do that?"

"Let me show you my secret." She ordered for her tea. Some moments later a small girl came in with a teapot in her hand, she bowed.  She looked so innocent. Maybe she was around eight or ten years. "Did you make the tea?" she nodded. "Excellent."

Right after the lady of love took the teapot with her; she walked blankly towards the door and closed it behind her. "Amy?" she offered her one cup. "If you want to ease your pain of love, drink it. You will see all the pain will vanish."

"Isn't she a little too young to be a servant?"

"Is she?" she nodded. "I have to tell you Amy that this tea requires a lot of special ingredients. Including the one making it."

"What I don't understand."

"You will once you understand a certain things."

As she touched the cup with her lips, a clumsy sensation grew inside her. It was like she was everything was eased up. All the pain she felt in her heart faded. And yet she felt emptiness.  As if she let someone far behind and she wants to return to that person. "What is this magic?"

"This Princess is no ordinary magic. It is a special magic that only I know how to do it." she sipped more of the tea. I do it every once in a while, for me and my sisters. As we have been betrayed once. And that pain lingered into us forever. And this special tea is nothing but a  way to ease up our pain."

"And why is it forbidden to any other one."

"Because it is only for those who deserve It." she simply said. "Anyway, I asked you to meet me here, because on each self of this library lays the answers to your question. So feel free. You have lots of question yet to be answered. And this place is perfect to begin with. I shall take my leave. Amy, I promise you that, the moment you feel that all your answers have been found, that moment I shall tell you the special ingredients for the tea."

She closed the door behind her, leaving Amy alone in the library on her own. She was sure that the questions Amy will ask will only bring her to her goal. After all, her sisters were losing patience now. She knows that the Ngami Stone will react on her emotions. And by making her drink the tea, she will feel freer from the question she asked herself about her love. And once she stopped asking question on love, she will automatically turn herself towards logic. This will eventually turn her revenge side stronger.  

"Good afternoon Ian." They all greeted as he entered the room. He really looked tired. His body was filled with hickey. "Hey guys!" he yawned.

"Well, well, well!!!" Simon stood up and crossed his hands. " Look who is back from the dead."


"Yes. That's what we all thought." Jon teased. "When you didn't turn up for breakfast."

"We know that you would never dare to miss breakfast." Jack said.

"We can't judge him, now can we?" Mark got out of the bathroom. Water tripping off his hair. "Our friend is longer ours. Ian, we always knew you were good flirting, but we never would have thought that you could be a sex toy."

"What?" he had to admit that they were somehow right. "My friend, you mean a dominating sex toy." He smiled.

"Huh!!!" Jamie shrugged. "Question who is the dominating one?"

"Because it's definitely not you." Alex noticed. "Considering everything we seen. And all those hickeys on your body while the lady of love, taking everything leisurely."

"Not to mention that she demanded that Ian should be well feed on so that he gets lots of energy for tonight." They all smirked at his blank expression. "My friend you've always pretended that you knew more than you've shown, but we can see that it's was nothing but your pride talking." Jack added.

"And might I add, you've really shame us all." Jon sipped his tea.

"Ha, Ha, Ha….!" He annoyingly shrugged. "What do you guys expect from the Lady of love? Of course being the goddess of love herself, it was natural that she would be energetic."

"Could you confirm that Jon?" they all stared at him.

"Why do every time, I have to be the center of attraction?"  He pried.

"Maybe the day you stop taking the seat in the middle, with your cup of tea in your hand, no one would bother ask you anything." Mark suggested.

"I should try it." he agreed. "Anyway, Ian how was it?"