

Ocean106 · Fantaisie
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56 Chs

Chapter 31

She stood wordlessly, unable to say assume anything. Her eyes still fixed on the latter, she smiled and gasped. She lowered her eyes slightly, accepting every move he made. She felt pain or excitement, she wasn't sure of herself.  After all, it was everything she wanted. It was just here, in his arms. Her small fingers tucked on the thin cloth of his shirt, as he deepens the kiss. His hands moved from her small hips to her thighs, he lifted her up as she wrapped her legs around him. Her robe she was wearing glided off her soft shoulder, leaving her naked body completely to him. He moved his lips alongside her neck, sending shivers all over her nerves.  They could finally felt that their Edam spell healed. Giving them an urge to be in each other arms forever. Simon could feel the strength of the spell. Every kiss he gave her never seemed to be enough. Their spell finally found their perfect match.

"Oh dear." Jack said as they approached the visible barrier that surrounded the village.

"The Shiras kingdom!" Ian finally sighed. The ranges were visible all around them. "What the hell we are doing here?"

"Did my friend really forget the path or he is just pretending to be a novice, which is quite the old game, I should add." Jamie commented. He was the first one to walk nearer the barrier.

"Do you think we should let go?" Alex asked quite exhausted at some extent. "I've never been to that part before, my aunt always defended us, said that Shiras were deadly to anyone who would tried to venture in their land."

"So true."

"You see I didn't lie when I assumed that beauty can be fatal!" Ian winked at the latter.

"Beautiful from the view of them but fatal if they sang!" Jamie whispered. "It's like walking into heaven but end up into hell!"

"That's really nice Jamie." Ian threw a sharp and amused look at the latter, "So much to prove that you are romantic, that was so poetic and full of emotion, but still that doesn't change the fact that we are going to die if we misbehave."

"Let's try to be at our best then." Alex suggested.

The look that Ian gave him answered his suggestion. A look so shocked and disgusted. "How absurd sir! Telling the lord of naughtiness to behave! Now that's a curse that I would never wish for." 

"What should we do then?"

"We have no choice; we have to go through it. We have to find Amy." Jamie pointed out the ice path that grew on the grass across the village.

"We could find another way to pass through it!" Ian added, taking a step next to the latter. "Delia, my love can you….."

"No!" she prompted. "For one I'm not your love! And second, I can't open a portal in the Shiras Ranges, in case you've forgotten that it was decided by lord himself that the Shiras should have a civilization on their own. And that they are not to be binded by any of us. So any magic is worthless on their land. As they are the protectors of the pizzards world as well."

"Of course we know all these, why do you think that we are so against going in there?" Ian nodded. "Maybe it was a trap as well."

"What would you mean?"

"Think about it, the Shiras's magic source is the ice of the pizzards, residing in the second valley on the other side of the village. Not abided by any other law!"

"Except for one." Jamie whispered, "Follow me!" He opened a gap on the barrier with his magic,  as they stepped on the land, a strong wind blew on them sending thousands of shivers through their body.A pain that one would feel if their soul were being taken away.A pale lime green were the trees and colorful flowers surrounded that village. A misty figure spotted them and flew to them; the only thing that they would notice was the charcoal black tresses that flew behind her. " Behind me, now!" he instructed as everyone stood behind him.

The figure stopped as soon as she approached the latter, looking impress waited for another moment and finally cleared the mist slowly off herself. A simple innocent face, pink cheek. Her eyes reflected a dark coffee brown and her lips as freshly mown berry. Her tresses long and thin as silk.And shiny."Trespasses?"Her voice, hard and sounded really sharp. It echoed on  the nearby trees. "How dare you stand in front of me?"

They had to place their palm to their ears. Her voice was causing tingle in their ears. Except for one, Jamie appeared normal. "My lady," he said with politeness. "I personally apologize for that. Allow me to introduce myself, my good name is JamizAltrano, Prince of Ngami."

She considered. "Prince Jamiz? Do you have any proof to prove what you are claiming?" her chin still up and proudness loomed in her glance of death and pain.

"As a matter of fact." He took the pen in his hand and produced it to her. "The pen of glim!"

"Ah!" She finally nodded.  "The pen of Glim.Made from the dust of Ngami stone. Proof that ngami will emerge."

"It will happen soon." He assured her. "As the one who were lost is finally back."

"When I saw the ice on the ground, growing through my village, I've already had a hint that maybe; our wish would finally be exhausted." She added, as she flew on the ground, without touching the land. "It's high time we have our queen back."

"Why the Village looked so deserted?" Ian dared to ask. "The shiras turned to Jamie. And she finally stares at where they were standing. "What's her deal?" A shiras had only two reason to smile, either they are smiling from their heart or is she wanted to have someone's soul. For it was said that Shiras were the angels that sinned and were sent to hell. The legacy, proclaim that it was a way for hell to give them a chance to live up their life and maybe revenge for the wrong that happened to them.

"Nice move to hid your friends into the abyss of mist." She complimented.

"I took their pledge. It was certain that I would protect them." He humbly responded. His head still lowered he smiled.

"Your answer do raised my curiosity." She agreed, but this time she walked around him. Taking a good vision of his appearance.His short hair and sincere eyes. "I just feel a little bad, that I couldn't make acquaintance with your friends. We get quite lonely in these valleys."

"Oh believe me lady, there is no need to meet them." He insisted. "No great personality either." If the shiras was to see Alex and Delia, she would probably kill them. And they had nothing to protect them. Their magic would not work at all on their land. They hated the sight of angels. And Alex would pay the price for the sin his father once committed- he supposed.

"Your resistance is really sincere my lord." She turned over to the empty abyss in front of her. "Should I understand that you are hiding someone from me?"

She was cunning. Of course it was certain at some point that he is hiding someone who wasn't supposed to be here. Jamie, took an exasperated breath, knowing that he has to cover it somehow, at least till he reached the end of the other side of the village. "Maybe, my lady, sometime hiding something is the best way to win a battle of justice."

"It would seem so."

"What is it?" Alex whispered.

"Jamie used that abyss of mist to camouflage us."


"Because they hates the angels and I can't imagine the penance if they find out that one is trespassing on their land." Delia, confirmed.

"I can't imagine how awfully beautiful they are." Jack added. "Mesmerized beauty."

The Shiras smile grew wider. "Pray tell your friend that his comment is appreciated."

"I will!" Jamie blinked. He frowned and said. "I would appreciate it if they recognized that I'm saving their life and stop talking!" His tone harsh and exhausted.

"Ah that's our hint." Ian added.

"My sisters and I have lived in this world, we have been given. Alone and sad. Sometime we sang but no one to listen, if we talk no one to answer. When we are sad, no one to comfort!" she looked away, looking dramatic and depressed.

"No wonder they are that rusty." Ian snorted out.

"What's that even mean?"

"Oh, just a comment I'm passing."

"So you are passing a comment without knowing why you've passed it?" Delia looked from Alex to Jack. "Is he always that annoying?"

"Mostly." They both agreed.

"Maybe that's why I liked it when your friend commented. After all we were once an angel, and we deserved every compliment coming from a true heart."

"Maybe I'll come by sometime, my lady and we could have a real conversation!" Jamie proposed.

"Did he just ask a Shiras to have sex with him?" Ian blinked twice. It was impossible, as they were cursed by the lord himself that they would never be able to have any physical contact with anyone. That was when the hell gave them the gift that they could have anyone soul with just a simple smile.

"What?" Delia grasped on Ian arms harden and she could feel the heat from her palm now.

"Ouch!" He winced. "You are burningly hot, my love!"

"Is it true?" The Shiras asked. "Would you have sex with me?"

"No!" Jamie bellowed back. He laughed- uncertain of what he can say next to cover it. "That's completely out of conversation. I just wanted…."

"Why do you refuse prince? I can be really sexy." She answered. "I haven't had sex in like forever and I pine for those moments. Those panting and kissing. From my neck to my….." her hand moved down to her breast.

"Now that's sexy." Jack nodded.

"Ok! Everyone, think wise. Any thinking like that could get us into real trouble!" Jamie chuckled. "And besides, I'm not ready for sex yet. I don't even know how to proceed with it."

"Huh! At least we know now Delia why he left you in the garden." He crossed his arms. "I can't believe that Jamie is still a virgin."

"Am not a virgin!" He snorted out. "And for god sake, stop talking."

"Guys please!" Alex whispered. "He must have an idea that's why he was talking like that."

"Not even whispering!" Jamie smiled broke and he finally realized that they were surrounded by misty figures. And he was not sure that if he could count them all. "Come on, we could talk into it; we are so closed to find peace and justice, you can't think of revenge right now."

"As the lord, Prince Jamiz," she continued. "You should have known that when we were sent on this land, my sisters and I received powerful gifts from hell so we could protect ourselves and most crucial of all we could revenge our pledge." She approached closer to the latter. "We smelled the bad blood that came with you prince. Hence we are giving you another chance, three of you can cross our land, but I'm afraid that two of you should stay."

Without any further ado she raised her hand and demanded that the spell should be lifted. They were all visible now. And they were all ready to fight. Even though their magic wouldn't work on their land. "Don't peak into their eyes!" Jamie said. As he took his pen of glim and gestured it in front of them, a white protection barrier made of ice appeared. The Shiras opened their mouth to sing. The song that could curse anyone who listen to them. Behind that barrier it was certain that they were protected but for how long. They were surrounded now.

The Shiras beautiful face was now a reflection of horror. Her mouth was still opened her eyes green as a cat's eyes, her lips black with dried blood and her hairs jiggles as small snakes. Her fist still opened as she was still focused on them. All her sisters were there as well, hoping to finally get what they want. The death of the son. And revenge on another angel. Their wrinkled face brushed and lays of fungus on them. They put the effort it really needs to break that spell.

"Ok now we know…..it's our last breath we are taking." Jack took another longer breath, but still chocked.

Their magic poisoned the air, and it was aspiring their soul slowly, they could feel it. "If we take one more of this air we might lose our life." Alex remarked.

"My good lord, help us." Delia prayed.

"I can't hold it anymore." Jamie let go and a white light engulfed them. Giving them the urge to fall hopelessly on the ground, unconscious in death.

"Tell me piccha… as the guardian of destiny stone can you feel mine?"

She gestured her hand and nodded, before he flew closer to Amy and leaned on her heart. Amy found an attachment and pain altogether inside her. He then moved upwards and placed her tiny fingers on her cheeks. "I'll take that as a yes." She disposed a small kiss on her tiny fingers. As soon as she was done, a pink shimmer shinned on her. Amy chuckled and this time her smile was true.

"I see a lot of bonding here!"

"Maybe you might choose to help me, instead of commenting on anything."

"I have said before. The best choice is to ask."

"I did ask, but it gave me just a book that revealed the path of Bewix. Remember!"

"Maybe you should choose your words carefully. Are you certain that there's not any particular question you've been asking that you want to crack."