

Ocean106 · Fantasy
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56 Chs

Chapter 30

"You do realize that you were not in our world while you were conversing with Vacova!" Jon asked.

"Yes, but I don't see…"

"Don't understand?" Mark smiled. "That's the trouble sir."

"Tell me your majesty, what do you know about the Edam spell?"

A word that he wanted to forget. He blinked twice and nodded. "Come on it is no time for a pop quiz on history, my friend." Mark taunted.

"Are you scared that his majesty is too sharp for you."

"Why, are you such a nuisance?" It reminded him of Jack. Even though he doesn't show it, he surely misses Jack more often.

"Sorry just trying to make you realize that you are missing someone in particular."

"I'm not missing Jack at all." It took him a few minutes to realize that he was already manipulated by the latter.

"See your majesty; you can crack even the deepest secret of all, if only you know how to ask it." His hands still crossed, he took a long breath.

"What's the catch Jon?"

"No catch sir. Just the answer to my question."

"It's the most powerful spell my ancestors created."

"And what would happen if two people do that spell and one of them dies?"

"As it is the spell that binds the two of them, it might be possible that the spell on the one who is alive, might bring the one that died back to life, or it could as well happen that the one alive could lose her life." Simon explained.

"Nice." Jon simply added.

Simon's head still was lowered down, unable to think about any other thing. A question like that could send anyone into a frenzy of reflection. "One should ask the right question to get the right answer." Mark advised. "And the correct question is how did you escaped from the door of hell, what one thing dragged you out from the temptation of hell?"

"One more time sir, everything we see is not always the truth."

The water had been falling on her naked self for a long time now. She missed it! It felt like forever she swam freely against the rough waves. Yiana felt all her nerves at ease- at last! She signed and closed her eyes, cherishing her bath in the sweet water of the enchanted lake. Water falling on her body, was coming from the waterfall, joined with the sea. She knows it, because she could feel the sea water as if her own blood in her nerves. After all, it was her home. The only place she knew she would feel at home other than the sea is in his arms. But now that he is denying her, she finally knows that she doesn't have anything to do in this world.

She brushed her fingers on her the small clam shell on her naked skin, partly broken with pain. The blood line was still visible and fresh. A drop of tear fell from her eyes and rolled down her cheeks, it felt hot as it descended with the pace of the water falling on her. As soon as the tear touched the water from the lake; it transformed into a piece of shinny stone, shaped as a heart before it finally rest at the bottom.

"Why you never told me?" Simon was seated in front of her, on the wet rock, his feet slightly drenched into the water. He was watching her with a sense of guilt and shame.

"About what?" She tries to stay calm in the water. Trying to ease up the pain she was enduring inside herself. She tries to cover her naked breast deeper inside the water, not because she was bashful to be naked in front him, more or less it was because she didn't want him to see that clam shell she had on her heart.

"That clam shell on your heart." He said, "…is really beautiful!"

Yiana, cleared her throat. And she now understands why he came to talk to her. "Jon told you?"

"That's not my answer. Why you never told me?" He insisted, his eyes still locked into hers.

"Because you never gave me the chance." She simply said, her eyes still lowered, she played with the water. "That night when I came to your room to talk into the matter, you chose not to listen and closed the door on my face!" Sadness loomed into her tone as she spoke. Her eye lashes drenched, unable to say if she was crying or was it just the water.

"What happened when I left." He dared to ask, knowing that for a mermaid, titled to be pure and right, it was certain that she was taunted for using such a spell on herself without marriage, or at least without the one she done it for.

"My folks refused to give me access to my kingdom." She felt another tear off her eyes. "Alex accepted me and promised me that if I ever overcome my grief, he'll be there ready to accept me as his wife. So I stayed at the palace." She paused, to watch his expression. He appeared to be really confounded. "If it weren't for your mother, I don't know what I would have done."

"My mother?"

"She spoken to my mother and explained to her why I did that spell on me." She explained, and Simon understood- for his mother had the power to peek into any one's heart. He remembered the first time he felt something for Yiana, it had been his mother to know it first and make him believe in that love.

"I'm sorry!" He ultimately added. "Yiana, please forgive me. I didn't …."

"That's fine Simon." She sighed. "When you returned, I thought that if I romance you like before and talk into it with you, you'll…perhaps you would change your mind. But I was wrong! Seems like your Edam spell has been healed with the love Amy gave you." She smiled and nodded.

"Is that what you feel?" Simon felt a loud disappointment in his nerves. Maybe it was his fault that she felt that way. He did gave her the impression that he forgotten her. Now he considered, maybe that's why he felt so much pain, because an Edam spell had been done in his name.

She chuckled and swam closer to the rock he was seated. She brings herself closer to him and whispered. "Let's forget about it. I can't take it anymore as it is." She added as she swam away again. "I have suffered enough. Not anymore! I'm just happy that you finally have someone to heal up your heart!"

"There are thousands of books in here." She said again as she walked up the stair case; the legends of the seven light of the sun, the shapes of the moon, stardust and falling star, the third part of the universe, the enchantment portal of the Bermuda world; she read as she passed by. All the books she never anticipated that ever existed. If she went through all these all secrets of the universe would be revealed to her. All appeared larger and thicker than the other.

A green book one with dark red edge and golden ornate calligraphy spelled the Edam world caught her eyes. The spell that seemed to be the most crucial one on the magic land. Maybe she could find some time to go through it once. "I should find something with the history itself." She whispered. A thub noise startled her, and she watched as one book from the other side of the room flew to her and stood in the middle of the air, waiting for her. Amy, nervously took, the book and waited, nothing happened.  It was a white book with blue shimmered edge and pinkish words on it. The path. She read.

"You asked for something that was with history itself. And what could be the best way to history?"

"A path!" she finally understood.  She opened the book. It was mostly papyrus paper and the heavy structure of it; was really heavy to lift. She sat on the stairs and eagerly opened the book;

"It was decided from time that a path should be drawn to balance the life of gods dear child. That path should be the way to righteousness if ever ones failed.

As Amy was about to read the book, a white figure flew next to her. Small in nature and almost like little pixie. But she was sure that it wasn't one, for Simon did told her once, about pixies, small green wings and blond hairs. This one was smaller in nature with white icy wings, tiny fingers, and an oval head. Pointed nose and ears, like an elf. Its eyes were navy blue and shiny crystal were stick on its wings. It had no feet but just mist as from its hips.

It stopped just in front of her. It looked at her for a few moments and finally clapped its hands, it was certain that it was happy to see her. Amy thought that it was the cutest creature she encountered ever since she came on this land. 

"Ah see that you've met Piccha."

"If that's how you would call him." Piccha, gestured its head as soon as Amy finished talking. A red shimmer moved around him, and his eyes changed color as well, it was now red as ruby.

"Her." He cleared his tone. "She is a girl."

Finally, it nodded and smiled at her. "Am sorry, I didn't know." It took her just a few moments to be at normal again.

"Piccha, is a  pizzard. She is the guardian of the stone of destiny. Of one particular person."

"Pizzards as in the Viallge of Pizzards?Why is she here?"

"She guards the book of him and himself!"

He blocked her way, refusing to let go. "Simon!" she exclaimed. Without any further ado, he dragged the latter into his arms and pressed her against the tree. He waited for another moment and finally bushed his lips softly on her lower lips. He murmured slowly; I have been waiting to do that ever since I stepped here. Having you in my arms is all what I had been wishing for."