
beware of the dutchess moon

the dutchess has claimed Drift wood city in an attempt to make her own territory

kellymoon69 · Fantaisie
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19 Chs


in the beginning, there were two worlds, the physical and the natural. the natural world consisted of intangible beings, the leaders of these intangible beans were called elementals and possessed such great power that their influence leaked into the physical world. the natural world cannot directly touch the physical world. Some can you use inanimate objects as a means of visiting the physical world but with, higher power requires living beings to do so and must strike a deal with living beings in exchange for power. they carve out a piece of the representative and leave a piece of themselves that peace grants them immense power but forces them into the responsibility of acting in the name of said elemental. there are many elements out there. so many in fact that many of the physical worlds won't know all the elementals but will know a common few in Lady Lunar's case she is the least known elemental but is known in some circles due to her being the leader of the night alliance however not as well known as her brother the leader of this day alliance. another important thing to note is that all elementals lack one trait for lunar. that is pain. She cannot feel pain and therefore anyone who is set to represent her must give up their pain to connect with her. the less one feels the missing trait. the more they are connected to their elemental but also the more power they are given in exchange. another thing to note is Lord Mesh the elemental of the swamp. there's not a very well-known elemental but is also a member of the night alliance and just so happens to be a supporter of generally most criminals. the thing he lacks is a spine and will generally fold to anyone's request. returning to where we left off. Darleen and Breck had been clearing floors each time they enter the floor. there was some goon doing something weird causing property damage left and right. they cleared up the mess and restrained the thugs causing problems but soon they be reach the penthouse apartment on the top floor. The door was guarded by two men the word sitting idly by the entrance board and wanting to do something. be trying to get smoke going but his lighter seemed out of fuel. Darleen looked over at break, holding up her pistol and giving a very wicked smile. Breck grabs the barrel of her pistol and tries to get her to lower it. seeing no reason to make the situation worse for everyone, the two began to suddenly bicker over how they should handle the situation as if they were both telling each other things psychically. they began giving each other strong. as if they were right and the other person was wrong and just being stubborn. eventually, one of the guards noticed some movement down the stairs and decided to take a look. moving down the stairs you can see a huge mess and some knockout guards before he has a chance to notice Breck and Darleen bickering in the corner Breck punches the guy's lights out then drags him into the corner for which Darleen slips away a gun ready to shoots the guy square in the pancreas and then runs through the door. Breck not having time to stop her decides to give pursuit as he runs into the door, he decides to kick the one guard shot in the pancreas down the stairs to Make sure there's the distance in case you recover the entire apartment was rather large and hadn't been used for a while but do goons everywhere. tearing down walls and stuff at the center of the room where two guys sitting on old furniture left behind by the previous renter. One of the guys was the man with the morning star from earlier and the tattoo next to his left eye. however, there was another guy with long hair in a ponytail who had a tattoo on his right eye. Both of them had yellow. armbands.

Breck: okay, I'm going to ask this once. is everyone in crocodile tears in this little operation of yours?

The bald guy with the mace looked over the guy with the long hair shoulder to see the entryway where Breck stood he looked like oh it's you again

Orlando: is that how you treat your old pal? Orlando, I mean you're being kind of rude considering I'm your senior who have you forgotten your roots? now that you're all big and stuff.

Breck crossed his arms looking very frustrated but some part of them. he doesn't admit that things are complicated now that Dutchess recognizes him The other men around the room began laughing at him. mockingly to Darleen, the whole room stunk of resentment and she held off on her slide to be a witness to what was going on. the man with the mace got up and walked towards Breck.

Breck: you don't have enough knowledge that things are a bit more complicated than that, and I'm pretty sure you're too afraid of Dutchess to be pulling stunts like this.

Orlando gave a good laugh. lowering his mace to the ground

Orlando: funny, you should mention that we all had a nice long chat with Ren. He agrees with us. we can't do anything about the Dutchess considering she's some sort of natural disaster but you're just the designated disaster captain. and we don't remember electing you. so we're thinking about going up management and getting that position for ourselves. of course, if we just show up empty-handed we'll probably going to get ourselves killed, which is why we're getting the boss lady a little something. something a sweeten the pot.

Orlando chargers around at the walls of the apartment. The reason for his confidence and their recent desire for construction on the penthouse apartment was as following three years back there was a nobleman who was cheating very heavily on his wife and his wife wasn't someone who would take it sitting down. so to cover his tracks he brought an entire apartment building in Driftwood City. he would let people rent out all of the apartments but leave the penthouse for himself there. he and his mistresses would do their deeds and let them live there as part of the deal. but his mistress was getting very suspicious and he couldn't afford to make any mistakes. at some point, he started to notice that some of his mistresses weren't feeling too well not being able to bring them back to his estates. he had no choice but to prepare money for his future bastard children. word got around though that supposedly he hid a whole bunch of cash somewhere in the apartment building. One year ago people started looking for it by giving up after it turned into a giant gang war and then when the duchess came around the time that the second gang war was about to kick up, things shut down. now it would appear that Ren's crocodile tears are currently destroying the building in hopes of finding the money, but there is something that Breck knew having lived there for years that nobody from any other game did and that was.

Breck: yeah so you're after the old nobleman's money huh? where didn't get around when the old cheater finally got done in by his wife but what he left behind was not money. see about the time that I moved in which was 2 years back. I was there when that man's lawyer came around to announce his death to the woman he was cheating with. each of them was promised one of his estates that he had bought with a title specifically for his bastard children. each of the women took their titles and left all except for one who had already died from drug addiction. that one was the only one not claimed. of course, I don't know what happened to it, but there was never any cash stored in the apartment complex.

Orlando looked at him like he was full of it of course you would lie. so if it wasn't money if they could find the money and then buy their way into a position of equal or higher status under the duchess they wouldn't have to listen to a thing Breck said which was a great thing for them. but the thing is Breck wasn't lying. the situation did go down. he had mentioned the lawyer had presented each of the still-living mistresses with a piece of land and some titles that he had bought under the table. but what he's not mentioning is that he was also bribed to secrecy that if the gold was ever revealed to be false, the widow who killed her cheating husband might go after the other women and the children that they would possess his blood. so for their safety, the truth about the gold not being real must stay hidden but Breck telling the crocodiles here gang would only breed problems later on, and of course, this group wouldn't believe him considering he banned them in favor of going with the alley cats, but that's a story for another time. but now the tension is high because Breck would rather not have his apartment complex ruined by a bunch of greedy morons over non-existent gold everyone gathered around Breck and Darleen everyone had some from a weapon whether it be a baseball, bat, crowbar, iron pipe, etc. and Orlando had his mace ready but strangely the other guy with the long hair didn't move from the spot. he just chilled there with his sunglasses on soon. so like he was confident that his gang was more than enough.

.... to be continued?