
Better To Be The Villain

In another world vastly different from our current one the world of “Flora” is in danger being ruled and thrown into chaos by the all powerful Demon King “Verrain” who is currently in a power struggle with all the gods and has thrown there world upside down. Humans, Beastmen, Demons, Angles, all races alike were all threaten by the demon king and his unfathomable army and power. So as a last resort the humans did a forbidden spell called the ‘Hero Summon’ to call upon a heroic set of individuals to save their world and bring peace an balance. A group of people were summoned to their world, amogn them was a young man. At first glance he looked frail and weak, his magic slower seeemd almost nonexistent, his combative capabilities were mediocre at best, and his worth to the kingdom was nothing short of useless. even the people he was summoned with seemingly deeemd him worthless, but they’d try to encourage to do better. but unknowingly to everyone in this world, the gods, the demon king, and even to the hero’s. This young man was truly remarkable. his work behind the scenes, his plans set into motion, and his ideology displayed for those to see. his manipulative carnage starts now. ——————————- Series By: Aldric_ & TK15

Aldric_ · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
6 Chs

{Indifference Of His Magic}




The cheers of the townsfolk echoed throughout the nation, it would appear they are celebrating.

Lucious merely stood upon a wooden bar watching down from up above on the porch. He smiled seeing the many people move about chattering and laughing having fun.

"Like little ants~"

Lucious spoke tranquilly to himself, as the wind blew a small gust of cold wind. Suddenly he heard a knock.



"Hello?, hey Lu! Are you in there?"

The voice came from a woman, he sworn he's heard the voice before. He walked from the porch to the front door of the room , to open it and meet the gaze of a woman.

Her hair color was a light valentine-pink, her eyes are a light peach color, she wore a maids outfit, and she held a couple of books and a cart with tea and other snacks. Overall she came prepared, Lucious smiled and took her by the hand bringing her and the cart inside.

"Thank you and welcome, Ms.?"

"O-oh how informal of me!, my name is 'Talia Arvin', I will be your personal maid from here on lord Foster"

Talia bowed while placing the books and tea on the table neatly brushing off any kinds of dust. Lucious stood their a bit absent minded, and morbidity curious of her affinities.

As luck would have it, he wanted to try something he learned from reading several arts of magic, one being…


Lucious felt his eyes gain a boost in sight not only that he could see a sort of Bright blue & yellow aura around Talia. He smiled and uttered the words.

"Now then, 𝕰𝖝𝖕𝖆𝖓𝖉!"

The feeling of Mana flowed through more into his eyes allowing him to see farther and farther, he could see multiple signatures of 'Mana Aura's' in the castle and throughout the nation. Lucious however didn't care much for the things he was seeing but mainly..

"The distance…230 Meters at best huh?, guess I'll have to work on this spell~"

"U-um, lord foster?"

Lucious thoughts were interrupted by the sudden subtle voice of Ms. Arvin, he focused his attention on her as she began to speak again.


"Oh!, Um well it's just that I heard you were studying magic..and I took it upon myself to bring you these books upon the natural flow, writing, and casting of magic..I-if you well..wanted.."

Lucious took a step over to the table looking at each cover of the books Talia brought with her, he couldn't imagine books like these were easy to come by. Talia looked at him as if she was waiting for some kind of word of approval. Lucious however let out a sigh and smiled at her.

"Thank you Talia really, I needed something like this"

"O-oh!, really!?"

"Yes, you have my gratitude~"

Lucious bowed his head graciously to Talia, but she'd try her best to make him stop that.

"By the way, there's really no need to be so formal just call me what you did at the door..what was it again?, ah yes! Lu!"

"Y-yo-you!, HEARD THAT?!"

Lucious nodded happily. The oh so formal maid stuttered with her words trying to apologize while her face gleamed a bright red.

"Haha, yes I did it's quite the sweet nickname you gave me~, thank you"

"I-i, ohhh, I should've kept my mouth shut then!, -but…if your okay with it..then I look forward to working with you ..Lu.."

Talia smiled widely her cheeks a bit Rosey red due to embarrassment. Lucious smiled deviously, and patted her head.

"Oh?, the feeling is mutual and don't be embarrassed I like the nickname…and as for the work, I'd like your help with a spell I fabricated"

Talia's head tilted in confusion, while Lucious merely continued smiling. Time passed as Lucious explained the details of the spell he was about to demonstrate.

"A-are you sure this is safe Lu?"

"Don't worry, this spell won't cause any sort of affect on you nor cause harm..in all honesty I'm just curious if I'm right about how magic works here is all"

"..o-oh!, Ok then!, then I'll do my best as support!"

"Thank you Talia~"

Lucious smiled while waving his index finger in a circle then horizontally, finally adding in a pinch of his Mana to the mix..once again swirling his finger..this time into a hexagon leaving nothing but a symbol floating in the air made of pure concentrated Mana.

Talia's heart raced fast as cold sweat dripped down her cheek, anxiously waiting for the spell to be casted onto her. But as she looked to be sure one final time, Lucious shrunk the concentrated Mana and smeared it onto his lips, and made his way over to Talia.


"I-y..yes Lu.."

Lucious cupped his hands around Talia's face and pulled her in close causing her to open her eyes suddenly meeting the overwhelming gaze of Lucious. Their lips were touching pressed so close to each other, Talia felt her head spinning but she didn't even try to pull away..instead she slowly began to kiss back, she couldn't even look away from his gaze that only fixated itself onto her.

Lucious finally parted their lips from one another, giving Talia some time to recover..her face looked spaced out and all flustered. Lucious only smiled as he merely embraced her in a hug bringing her back to her senses.

"A-ah!, sorry Lu!, I..zoned out there didn't I?"

"No worries I finished testing my spell anyways, you are an excellent help Talia thank you~"

Lucious calmly whispered into Talia's ear with so much conviction it made her feel all weak in her knees and a bit flustered and confused, but if she had to some it up into one word it be….



Some time had pass while they chatted, Talia helped out with the natural order of which the books should be read about for magic, while Lucious continued to tease and bully her in his own notorious way.

And when the sun finally set, Talia cleaned up the table with a smile. Lucious yawned smiling looking satisfied with the knowledge he'd gain about magic.

"Well then Lu, if you'll excuse me"

"Hold on a moment Talia, I wanna give you something to commemorate the time you've spent helping me and for future times we'll have~"

Talia looked at Lucious confused as he walked over to her. He then leaned closer over to Talia and held her in his arms catching the Maid off guard, his grip felt tight and warm, and the subtle cold and warm exhales of his breath near her cheek made her happy for some reason.

Suddenly he kissed her cheek and whispered a few words.

"𝕭𝖉𝖎𝖙𝖊𝖑'𝖓𝖞𝖞 𝖌𝖑𝖆𝖟"

A small magic circle could unnoticeably be seen on her right cheek this is another one of Lucious's newer spells bditel'nyy glaz it's Russian meaning 'Watchful Eye'. Lucious licked his lips gently, as a red shade appeared slowly on his cheeks looking directly at Talia. In order to fool her he purposely made himself look flustered by easing his body temperature, with the Mana flowing through his body.

"Forgive me for being so touchy~, I have this habit of being a bit possessive of useful individuals~"

"N-no I don't mind it at all Lu.."

Talia spoke silently under her breathe. Lucious tried to ask what she said , but his sentence was cut short due to her suddenly exiting through the door and bowing her head in respects to only leave closing the door behind her.

Lucious stared at the door then to the window blank faced, but a grin could be seen creeping itself across his face. He walked over to the window to open it and hop out of it making his way all the way to the top of the castle standing above everything the nation had to offer, he was admiring the scenery and the people scouring around.

As the wind echoed and blew past his ears and body, he smiled.

"The King, Kyra, Talia,..more and more I'll need plenty more people like them to help put my plans into action..heh~"

Lucious eyes had this bright amber glow to them, watching everything form a birds eye view laughing to himself.

"..but..for the time being, I'll do as the 'Hero' does and save them like I promised..but I think the word 'transgressor' fits me more~"

He gazed over the nation with a cold stare smiling as the moon silhouetted his prodigious prepotent shadow up from above.