

‘Rachael this is a surprise,’ Diana smiled welcomingly at her sister.

‘Good afternoon,’ Rachael hugged her sister.  ‘I hope I am not visiting at an inopportune moment.’

‘No, not at all.  It is just me home right now,’ she smiled apologetically.

‘Stanton revealed something rather disturbing,’ Rachael’s eyes looked troubled.

‘What about?’ Diana tucked her arm through Rachael’s and guided her to the sitting room.

Rachael looked around nervously.

‘The servants are in the kitchen,’ Diana assured her.  ‘I was just about to call for tea.’

‘Tea can wait,’ Rachel pursed her lips.  ‘Stanton told me he saw Earl Swain’s carriage at a rather disreputable establishment.’

‘What on earth was Stanton doing in such a place?’

Rachael shook her head and smiled.  She had asked that very question.  ‘He was in his carriage driving past, when he observed the earl’s carriage stationary, outside I think he called it the “

‘The Diana corrected.  ‘Good heavens it is a place of debauchery, harlotry and worse,’ she injected sharply.  ‘Only commoners attend there to pay for their sordid pleasures.’

‘So what was the earl doing there?’ Rachael asked in alarm.

‘We should not make accusations without facts or witnesses,’ Diana cautioned.

‘The earl seemed to be a nobleman of high standing and of unquestionable reputation,’ Rachael provided.  ‘Madison has not one negative word to say about him.’

‘I have also noticed his impeccable manners.  He is of good standing in Cricklewoods, and is a respected peer,’ Diana added.

‘I am confused,’ Rachael looked troubled.  ‘I do not want my only child being trapped in a dangerous marriage to a potential psychopath.  After all Madison is an attractive catch to any suitor, with the more than generous dowry she would take to the gentleman she marries.’

‘I know what you mean,’ Diana reached for Rachael’s hand.  ‘I would hate for my Sarah to be in a similar situation.  ‘What is Stanton doing about it?’

‘Nothing just yet,’ Rachael was staring into space.  ‘But he said he would discreetly seek counsel on the matter.’

‘I am rather thirsty after this disturbing conversation, Rachael.’

‘Yes, please call for tea.’

         ‘Dora!’ Rankin bellowed from the top of the stairs, just outside his bed chamber.

‘Yes my lord,’ Dora ran to the bottom of the staircase breathlessly.  She feared it was going to be a long night tonight.  It was close on midnight and the earl was summoning her.  It could only be for one reason, she groaned, dreading what was to come.  If only she could find another job and be rid of this beast.  But times were tough, she could not allow her family to go to bed hungry each night.  As long as it was just her that suffered and not them, it was a small price to pay.

‘I cannot sleep,’ he grinned wickedly. He was in a night gown.  She was certain he was unclothed beneath it.

‘Shall I come to your chamber my lord?’  She prayed he would answer in the negative.

‘Of course.  What do you think I require a glass of hot milk?’

‘No,’ she proceeded to climb the stairs.  Rankin returned to his chamber to wait for her.  When she walked in, he was completely naked and fully aroused.  He grinned devilishly.  Fear engulfed Dora as she saw the rubber whip in Rankin’s hand.  He was playfully smacking his one palm with it.

‘Undress yourself,’ he leaned against the chest drawer, placing his hands behind him.

Dora nervously removed her uniform.  Her shift and drawers followed her uniform to the floor.  He studied her from head to foot.  His greedy eyes returned to her breasts and lingered.  She saw the dark desire reflected there. 

‘Turn around,’ he commanded.  Slowly Dora turned around and faced the bed.  He seemed to delight in her rather voluptuous behind.  She did not hear him approach her.  He pushed her forcefully.  Her hands fell forward onto the bed.  Her feet were still firmly on the floor. 

‘Just the way I like to have you Dora,’ she heard his depraved laugh.  She expected his unwelcome hands to splay her buttocks, but all she felt was sharp pain as the rubber whip sliced across the bare flesh on her buttocks.  She cried out from the agonizing pain.

‘Yes Dora, yes,’ he thrust his fully aroused shaft into her without warning.  ‘I like to hear you scream Dora.’  He lifted her so her knees were on the bed.  He leaned over her spine, his huge hands closing painfully around her breasts.  He squeezed tightly, until the pain had Dora pleading for his mercy.  His erect form was ramming into her violently.

‘Please---my lord.  You are hurting me,’ she sobbed.

‘You love it, do you not Dora.  This is exactly how you like me to please you, don’t you?’

She did not answer.  If she answered in the affirmative or negative, it brought pain.  She thought it was all over when he drew out of her, but the agonizing pain again whipped across her naked buttocks, searing her flesh painfully.  A heart wrenching yelp escaped her throat.  Dora felt his spent body collapse on her back.   She summoned all her strength and reached for the brass tongs, mounted near the fireplace.  With lightening speed, she hit the unsuspecting Rankin on his head.  He moved quickly to disarm her.  She kicked at him.  He stumbled and fell.  Repeatedly she pounded the brass thongs over his back and his knees.  He screamed like a wounded animal.  For good measure, she swiped it forcefully over his elbows that were protruding out, blocking his wretched face.

‘You sick bastard!’ she hissed.  ‘I hope Lady Madison never marries you.’

‘I will kill you if you repeat anything to her,’ he snarled. ‘I am a nobleman.  You are but a commoner.  Nobody shall believe your lies,’ he smirked.

‘shall die,’ Dora swiped the thongs across his head.  Rankin seemed to have found a new burst of energy.  He sprang to his feet.

‘I quit this job, you filthy animal,’ Dora picked up her clothes and his trousers and rushed to the door.  ‘Find yourself another willing victim.’  She removed the key and locked him inside.

‘Oh I am marrying her,’ Dora heard his cruel laugh.  ‘She will appreciate the whip more that you do, you stupid cheap whore.’

‘I hope you rot in there,’ Dora screamed at him.  She searched inside his trousers and found three bags filled with money. She put all three of them in the secure inside pocket of her uniform.   

‘Open this door!’ Rankin banged on the door helplessly.

‘I’m setting the place on fire,’ Dora laughed pleasurably.   You’re going to die you cruel bastard.’

          Chadwick looked with surprise at the note Buttons handed to him.  ‘Thank you Buttons,’ Chadwick nodded courteously and slipped the sealed envelope into his pocket.  He longed to tear the envelope to shreds and see what the content of letter was about, but he would wait until he could do it in the privacy of his library.  He hoped it was from , but he knew she would never write to him.  His parting words on the dance floor had challenged but he had known she would not call his bluff.  She would never accept his frivolous challenge.