

‘You are leaving already baroness?  May I dance with Lady Madison before you leave?’

Madison’s head swung up.  

‘Madison?’  Her mother enquired of her questioningly.

‘I am tired mama.  I would like to leave.’

 ‘Baron Sanford is not with us Mr. Rochester.  I would like to get Madison home safely,’ Rachael spoke.

‘Allow me the pleasure of escorting you and Lady Madison home, baroness.’

‘I do not want to trouble you.  You may not have recovered sufficiently.’

Madison glared at the glass of scotch in his hand.  He pretended not to notice her disapproving glare.

‘You took very great care of me, my lady,’ Chadwick addressed Rachael.  ‘I would like to return the favour.’

‘Very well then,’ Rachael smiled.  ‘If Lady Madison does not mind to dance with you, then we may leave whenever you are ready.’

‘My lady?’ Chadwick smiled and held out his hand. 

Madison’s eyes were cold as she directed a frosty look at him.  She could not very well deny him. Not in front of her mother without arousing suspicion.’

Chadwick was not surprised at her haste to leave.  He had felt a cad, when he had seen the hurt in her eyes.  She was an extremely proud lady, yet had asked him to dance.  And what did he do?  Stupid mule that he was, he had gloated as he rejected her.  She had been graceful in walking away with her head held high.  He watched her stealing away through the balcony.  He had wanted to go after her and apologize, but his stupid pride held him back.

 ‘Thank you,’ she grudgingly placed her hand in his.

‘Why are you so quiet?’ His voice was a whisper, his eyes mocking.

‘I thought you did not want to dance!’ her icy look could not melt his disarming smile.

‘Am I not allowed to change my mind?  Or is that only a lady’s prerogative?’

Somebody had opened the balcony doors.  The breeze picked up in the ballroom.  Chadwick’s fresh clean scent stirred her senses.  Her stomach wound in a tight knot.  Desire washed over her like a burning flame out of control.  She willed her mind to focus elsewhere.  In her periphery, she saw other couples gracefully moved around the dance floor.   The music soft and romantic could not warm her cold heart.  He had hurt her earlier.  All she wanted to do was cower in her chamber.  She wished she was already home.  She held him at arm’s length, willing her body not to respond to his magnetic charm.  She let her eyes travel around the room, so she did not have to look at his brooding eyes or worse his sensuous lips. 

Chadwick inhaled the sensual scent from her body.  He shut his eyes remembering the soft feel of her flesh against his heated lips.  He longed to take possession of her luscious rosy lips right this minute, but propriety forbid such scandalous behaviour.  He had to have her, or he would go insane.

‘Name the place,’ his seductive voice broke into her thoughts.

‘I beg your pardon?’ Her eyes met his uncomprehendingly.

His caressing eyes undressed her.  His grasp at her waist tightened.  She knew she was in trouble when she could not tear her eyes away from his.

‘I want to make love to you.’


‘You know you want me as much as I want you.  Let us stop pretending.’


‘What do you mean “no”?’ he hissed.

‘I---we---you and I ---.’

‘Can you stop babbling and get to the point my lady,’ he turned her around rather roughly in his arms.

‘I am not making love to you,’ she spoke with dignity just as the music stopped and there was silence around the dance floor.  Madison glanced around to observe if she had been heard, but nobody was paying her any undue attention.

‘Fine,’ his fingers pierced her wrist.  ‘you want me, ycome to me,’ he dragged her back to where Rachael was waiting.  ‘We are ready to leave if you are baroness,’ Chadwick smiled courteously, his face masked.  His anger at Madison concealed.   

‘You enjoyed your dance dear?’ Rachael smiled at Madison.

‘Yes, thank you mama,’ she lied.

Chadwick had wanted to sit with the driver in front, but Rachael had insisted he join them in the carriage.  He sat silently, occasionally glancing at Madison.  She pointedly ignored him, staring out the window.  She could see nothing in the dark.  Save for the outline of the trees from the dim glow of the lantern guiding the driver.

‘Why do you not invite Earl Rankin to lunch tomorrow Madison?’ her mother proposed, trying to break the tangible tension in the air.

‘You forget mama; we are going to the race fair tomorrow with Anthony and Sarah.’ 

Ladies were not allowed in the racing Tattersall’s, but this “Fair” was a fund raising event and the general public was invited.  Neither Madison nor Rachael had any interest in betting, but they had agreed to attend with the rest of the family.

‘Oh yes, I did forget.’

‘You should bet on my filly in the seventh race,’ Chadwick bragged.  ‘She is going to win.’

‘I'm not a betting person,’ Rachael laughed softly.

Chadwick removed a gold coin from his pocket, ‘inside tip,’ he grinned, handing Rachael the coin.  ‘Place it,’ he offered.  ‘She shall make you a fortune.’

Madison and Rachael stared at the coin with surprise.  Surely it was frivolous to spend that amount of money on a

‘I can’t---,’ Rachael shook her head.

‘You’re not going to lose it,’ he held the coin out to her.  ‘My filly is running her maiden race.  I tested her against the best times of the other winning horses.  She has beaten the record by two lengths.

Madison watched his animated face.  He was so confident.  She did not doubt that his horse would win.  She believed with all her heart that his horse would win.

‘Okay,’ Rachael reached out and accepted the coin.  ‘I have nothing to lose,’ she smiled.

‘I like your spirit,’ his eyes turned to Madison.  She knew that comment was accusingly aimed at her.