

She's been waiting to see if it was some kind of comedy show, but they seemed to be serious about It.

"Dad?" She turned to Declan and called. "what's the meaning of this? Is this a joke or something?"

"Nina...I can explain. Just do as they say for now.

"And what am I expected to do? Get engaged? Are you kidding me dad?"

"Nina please"

"What's going on? Am I really this useless to you that you'd make a joke out of me?"

"It isn't a joke, Nina..."

"Yes it is and it has to stop!" She replied raucously and started walking away.

"Nina, you can't leave!" Declan called out.

"This is crazy, dad and I'm not going to be a part of it" she faciled angrily and ran away.

Theo turned to his parents who gave him an unexplained look. He shook his head negatively and walked away.

Nina boarded a taxi, heading home. For someone of her status , she knew it was dangerous taking a public transport but it was a good thing she arrived safely.

She ran into the house and locked herself up in her room, letting out the depressed tears.

Now she understood what her father meant byby telling her she didn't need love in her case. Now she understood why he wanted her back from Spain.

Now, she understood everything! He wanted to use her to practicalize some stupid tradition!

But why would she be treated that way? Why would she'd be forced to someone she barely even knew? Why wouldn't she be opportuned to make a choice like every other lady? And why Theo Sidney of all people?

She wept more bitterly as she buried her face In her palms.

Just then, she heard a knock on the door and knew it was her dad.

"Nina please, open up. We need to talk" he pleaded.

"Go away, dad. I wanna be alone" she cried out.

She had locked the door and had the keys with her and she felt there was no way he could come in.

But, surprisingly, she heard the knot turning and the door went open. He had the spare keys with him.

"Nina!" He called immediately he jumped in and when he saw she was still okay, sighed with relief.

But it tormented him she was crying.

"Nina, I can explain..."

"Explain what dad? Explain the fact that you want me to get married to a guy I know nothing about?"

"Theo's a nice guy and..."

"Seriously? A nice guy? You can only say that because you don't know what I went through in school because of him."

"I'm...I'm sure he'll change" he paused and sighed.

"I'm sorry Nina. I'm sorry if it's coming as a shock to you, but that was part of the rules. It wasn't meant to be announced to the couples until the night of the engagement." He continued dollfully.

"But why me dad? Why not someone else? Why do I have to be the unlucky one?".

"I'm sorry Nina, but it's hard to explain. Theo had been your betrothed."

"But dad, I'm just eighteen. This isn't possible".

Declan sighed again and held her palms softly.

"I got married to your mom at the age of 21.she was 19. I'm really sorry, Nina about all this. I know you don't want any of it , but this is what it has to be. It's supposed to be done every fifty years and unfortunately, it fell on your tender age.

"Forgive me, Nina, if I can't get you what you want. If it were to be money, jewellery, clothes, or even the world, you know id do anything for it. But this, this is inevitable. You need to accept it. I'm sorry".

"But dad..." she whimpered and buried her face in his chest, weeping profusely.

"Nina, they're here" Declan said and left in a rush.

She took her eyes back to the mirror, trying to act like she didn't hear a thing. She couldn't believe she was still going to succumb to the rule after all. She didn't want to.

Theo and his parents had just arrived to complete the engagement process and that was eating Nina up. She didn't want to get married; not at that time and not to someone she didn't love. She was just eighteen and Theo was nineteen. What kind of married life was she to have with someone like him?

The door opened again and Declan walked in; feeling perturbed.

"Nina what's wrong? They're waiting for you" he said to her as he drew closer.

She bent her head and sniffle.


"I don't want to do this, dad" she whimpered softly. "I'm not ready to get married".

"Nina...I thought we've talked about this?"

"We haven't dad. Why do I have to bend to a tradition at the expense of my own happiness? Why does my life have to be this complicated?"

"Nina, you have to wave these thoughts aside and do what's necessary. This rule has been going on for generations and it can't be ruined now; at least not by my own daughter. The Sidney family are powerful and violating this rule might tear both families apart. You have to do this."

"It isn't that easy dad. Don't you care about my feelings as well? Well, I don't think I'm surprised .if it were mom I'm sure she'd understand!"

Declan felt a twinge of pain as he plonked on the bed, holding his chest.

"Dad!" Nina shrieked in fright as she ran to him on the bed, supporting his back.

"Dad, I'll...I'll get you some water" she gobbered and tried running out of the room, but he held her back by the wrist.

She stared at him with a troubled look as he also stared back at her, weakly.

"Nina," he started morosely. "I may not be opportuned to be a mother, but don't ever question my love for you. I'm ready to buy the world for you just for your happiness. But they're certain things that simply can't change because money can't afford them. So, me tying to fulfill an obligation doesn't mean I don't love you, Nina; I do. Too bad you don't trust me that much."

Nina suddenly felt bad as contription gripped her. She didn't realize she's also been hurting his feelings.

She sat beside him on the bed and held his hands.

"I'm soory, dad. Forgive me" she apologized sadly.

"Then support me, Nina. That's all I need - your support."

He brushed her hair with his palm, making it more relaxed.

"I promise you, everything will be fine. Okay?" He said with a frail smile.

"Okay dad" she replied factfully.

He took her hands and stood up with her, leading her out of the room.

As they climbed down the stairs to the sitting room, Nina stared at him - Theo. He was sitting next to his dad and Nina could notice he was nervous.

He had been operating his android phone , but the moment he heard the sound of her heels climbing down the stairs, he lifted his sparkling eyes to look at her.

He was brightly garbed and as his flaxen hair fitted his fair complexion and his pink lips.

Theo had also been shocked when he got the news of his engagement with Nina. Although, he's heard of the tradition, he never thought he could be a participant. But his parents had explained everything to him and told him he needed to accept it and so, he had no other choice. He had to accept it.

Nina and Theo didn't realize they had been staring at each other the whole time until she got down the stairs. .

"Good evening, ma'am; good evening sir" Nina greeted Mr and Mrs Sidney, bending a little.

"Good evening, darling."

"How have you been?"

"I'm fine, sir. Thanks". She replied and sat next to her dad on the couch.

She was only trying to act normal for her dad.

"So...I think we should go straight to the point" Mr Sidney started without faltering.

"Nina and Theo, I know both of you are still shucked over the sudden news, but I want you all to understand it's for the best and it's going to favor you. And although it was contemptible to had run away from your engagement party, but we've decided to pardon all that because you were clearly under depression.

"So we've come to complete the process so we can go on with the wedding plans as soon as possible."

He paused and brought out a small jewelry box - the same as the previous night - and Declan also brought out his.

"Theo, put the ring on her" Mr Sidney said as he opened the box and gave it to him.

Theo stood up and approached Nina and Declan prodded her to stand up as well.

They both stood in front if each other, trying not to stare.

Theo kept thinking of the best way to put the ring on her. Was he to kneel down or something? Or kiss her hands or just slip it through casually?

Nina kept staring at the floor and her eyes caught the sight of the designers shoe he was putting on. It was the latest fad in the country.

She was still admiring them when she felt a soft hand touching hers. She lifted her eyes and they met with Theo's who was slipping the cold

ring through her finger.

Indeed, his eyes seemed to have some sparkles in them.

She noticed he sighed after putting the ring on her. It was more like a heavy burden had been lifted up his shoulders.

"Your turn, Nina" Declan said and handed the second ring box to her.

She felt twitchy as she pulled out the ring and slipped it through his finger and immediately, her dad and Theo's parents started clapping.

She remained standing with him, awaiting further instructions.

"That was brilliant from both of you" Mr Sidney said in excitement and adjusted his medicated glasses.

"Good job. Now, the wedding will be held next month and as for the actual date, it'll be discussed and agreed upon by both families.

"So, now you're finally engaged, we'd want both of you to get know each other and also get along well. And please, we'd want this to remain a secret as much as possible. We wouldn't want outsiders getting involved.

"So, we'll be giving both of you some privacy to discuss and ask some questions, okay? Have a good time" he concluded and stood up with Mrs Sidney and Declan.

"Nina," Mrs Sidney called and embraced her. "I'm so happy to have you as a daughter in law. You're such an amazing lady." She smiled and turned to Theo.

"We'll be waiting outside." She said to him and left with the others.

Nina couldn't belive they had left her all alone with Theo. She didn't find it reasonable having a conversation with him.

They both sat back on different seats, probably having different thoughts running through their minds.

"Uhm...Nina," Theo started nervously, trying not to fidget his legs. "First, I want to apologize for being so rude to you in school. I had no idea you were Nina Wesley."

"So, every other lady who isn't fortunate enough to bear my name doomed, right?" She asked with a serious stare.

"It's not just that. I was only..."

"You were only showcasing your attitude of being arrogant? You feel you're on top of the world and every other person who isn't related to you means nothing?" She berated at him and his countenance changed.

"Hey, hey, listen up" he flared. "Do you really think I'm having fun being here? I'm only doing this because my parents want me to ,okay? And not because I want to get married to a mannerless lady like you".

"Seriously?" Nina asked and chuckled. "Look who's talking about being ill-mannered. For someone like you, I think you'll need a private tutor to impact some respect in you."

'And for someone like you, I think you'll need a foreign tutor to stop you from being a dumbass".

"A what?" Nina shrieked and got on her feet. "How dare you say that to me?"

And Theo also got on his feet.

"I belive we have nothing else to talk about. And I have more important things to do than bicker with an empty skul" he said belligerently and started towards the door.

"Perfect! So don't ever show your ugly face to me again!" Nina barked behind him and he stopped to look at her, giving a cranky smile.

"I think you should talk to our parents about that." He said bluntly and walked out of the house.

Nina's face had grown with rage as she kicked a chair and ran up to her room.