

Nina walked into the glittering field with her hand wrapped around her father's. The place was pucing with life as sparking flowers were decorated around and different lights went round and round, accompanied with cool romantic songs.

Immediately they walked in, Mrs Sidney, Theo's mom, ran up to them, her face crinkling up in smiles.

"Hello there! Look whom we have here" she said in jubilee as she embraced Nina and gave her a peck.

"Wow! Declan , she really takes after her mom, doesn't she? She's so prett" she exclaimed more delightfully.

"Thanks ma'am. Good evening" Nina replied, putting on a smile.

"Oh darling! It's a pleasure getting to see this pretty face of yours. So Declan, how are you?"

"I'm good , Mrs Sydney. It seems you're getting younger". Declan replied and gave her a warn handshake.

"Oh please. Drop the flatters, okay?" Mrs Sidney replied and Nina could notice she was blushing.

"Nina! She heard her name from behind and turned to see one if her cousins scuttling towards her.

"Rejoice! " she reciprocated and they embraced each other.

"Oh my God! You've grown so big..."

She left with her funny cousin who had taken her to meet with other relatives who were present at the party.

She got to meet with her grandparents and aunties and uncles and cousins.

The Wesley family was very large, just like the Sidney family and so, the place was kind of filled up.

She also got to make eye contact with the brat - Theo. He was looking charming, actually , but she gawked at him and quickly took her eyes away.

Theo caught her staring, but it was only for a short time as she quickly stared away.

She was looking breath-taking, arrayed in a red glowing gown that swept the floor and a light make up that fitted her outfit.

He stared at her for a moment and finally took his eyes away so she wouldn't get him staring and think otherwise.

Nina kept wandering what the gathering was meant for. Was it just to get acquainted with the Sidney family?

After sometime, she noticed her dad had gone missing from the crowd. Oh, not just her dad, but Mr and Mrs Sidney as well. They couldn't be seen anywhere but after a short time, they all returned at the same time.

She was about good to meet with her dad when someone from the Sidney family climbed up the stage, seeming to make an announcement.

"Good evening, everyone; those from the Sidney family, the Wesley family, those present and those away, good evening to you all k" he said buoyantly and few laughed.

"First," he continued. "I want to do the honors of welcoming you here tonight. I know most of us do have tight schedules, but you fixed out time just to make it here. On behalf of the Sidney family , I say a big thank you.

"And secondly, I want us to make a toast to this great union between us. We all know for generations the Sidney and Wesley royal families has been inseparable. So , I'd want us to make a toast to that, asking for more grace to strengthen our friendship".

He paused to await everyone to take a glass of drink for themselves. He already had one for himself.

"So, a toast to the everlasting union between the Sidney and Wesley family. May it continue to flourish and never die off. Toast everyone!" He said audibly as people toasted their glasses with another and drank from it.

"Okay, that's great. And thirdly, we have an important event tonight." He paused and smiled, releasing a little suspense.

"My dignified family and friends, we mustn't forget the bond that strengthens the royal friendship. For years, as we all know, love has been one of the strongest elements that's been keeping us together.

"A long time ago, when the royal friendship began, it was agreed upon that a female from the Wesley family and a male from the Sidney family would come together and wed after every fifty years in order to keep the connection strong and honored.

"So, tonight, ladies and gentlemen, it's our greatest surprise to acknowledge the fact that it's been fifty years since the last union was practiced by Molly Wesley and Peter Sidney and so, we're here to announce the new union between both families.

Sidetalks and whisperings could be heard from every corner. Nina listened with less concern, but not until she heard her dad's name being mentioned.

"Please , Mr Declan Wesley, I'd what you to walk up here to the stage" the gentleman announced and Declan dauntlessly walked to the stage.

"And I'd what Mr and Mrs Albern Sidney to walk up here as well".

Nina flinched and wandered what plans he had for them.

"And finally, I'd want Nina Wesley and Theo Sidney to walk up here as well".

"Huh?" Nina blenched.

What was going on?

She turned to look at Theo and noticed he also had a fazed look on. She could hear people whispering and could bet it was all about her.

"Nina? Theo? Please walk up to the stage" he repeated and Declan beckoned on Nina to come forward.

She sluggishly walked out with Theo, still trying to understand the drama going on. They got to the stage and Nina could notice her dad was avoiding her gaze.

Immediately, someone walked upto them with two jewellery boxes and when they were opened, they were two crystalline rings in them.

"Our honorable ladies and gentlemen, it's our greatest pleasure to bring to your notice that Nina Wesley and Theo Sidney will be wedded according to the family's tradition. The wedding preparations will commence immediately, but for now, let's bless the engagement of both families." Mr Sidney announced and few started clapping.

The others just stared in surprise, but ended clapping as well.

"Theo," he continued after the short ovation. "Take up the first ring and put it on Nina's engagement finger".

"What's the meaning of this?" Nina finally asked with a gutted look.