
Ben 10: WTF?

I'm HIM! I don't own "Ben 10" or any related content used in the fiction.

THEARACHNID · Anime et bandes dessinées
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9 Chs

Chapter 5

I never had a loving family. My parents, both of them, were drinkers, abusing substances as much as they were abusing me and my younger siblings. My father loved to use his long and short-range weapon, a belt. He was beating up all of us without mercy.

As the oldest sibling, I had to protect my brothers and sister, but I could not do so often. I dropped out of school when I was 17. They didn't let me finish school. I had to work my ass off so they could enjoy their daily dose of alcohol. These motherfuckers!

I had scars all over my body because of my father's merciless beating. The same went for all of my siblings. We were always bullied by others too.

Being alone, and feeling lonely, I just wanted to kill myself. But I wanted to protect my siblings. I had to!

I remember when my father died. It was the birthday of my second brother. He turned eight. There was no celebration of course. Why? Because parents wanted alcohol. My dad came home drunk with his belt already in his hand. Did my brother do anything wrong? NO! He was just sitting there, playing with a car I bought him that year.

My father took his toy and threw it away, screaming: "You have no right to be happy when I am unhappy with my life."

My little brother started crying: "What did I even do Dad?"

"Shut up you filthy rat!" My father screamed at him and hit him with the belt.

That was when I opened the door that led me to the living room, where all of this was happening. My blood froze when I saw my brother lying on the ground. There was blood leaking from his head. He wasn't moving and this asshole was still hitting him with the bloodied belt.

"What have you done!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

"What? He deserved it! Do you want some too?"

I rushed towards him. My father swung his belt in my direction but I dodged it and punched him in the liver. He bent over, so I grabbed his head and started to smash it with my knee. One, two, three, four... I lost count after that. I was kicking him, punching him throwing his body around the house. The last thing I did was grab his face and start to mash his head on the floor until it became flat, as flat as the floor itself.

The adrenalin and rage wore off as I looked at my hands. I had blood on them, not only on them, I had blood all over me.

I looked towards my brother's body. It was still lying on the ground, not moving an inch. I slowly approached him. I placed my two fingers where his carotid artery was supposed to be located to check the pulse. There was no beating. His skin was as cold as the ice in the winter. He wasn't breathing. My mind went blank again and I started crying as loud as I was able to. 

I assume I was crying for about an hour because when my consciousness came back, I was still holding my brother's lifeless body in my now numb arms.

Police were already at our house calling out my name. I knew what was coming for me so I lifted my brother's body and started to move towards the door.

"I have no weapons on me! Don't shoot!" I said loudly as I exited the door. "Please take my brother to the morgue. There is also one dead body inside the house."

They took my brother's body from my hands and cuffed me. I didn't say a word. I knew what I did.


The day of the court came and I turned out as innocent. My crime was seen as defence or self-defence or something, I don't remember.

I came home to find my brother and sister hiding in the corner of the bedroom.

"Hey, what's wrong? Why are you hiding?"

"It's mom. Something happened to her after Dad passed away. She became more violent and angry. Please calm her down."

I was shocked to hear that but I guess this was inevitable. Another alcoholic taking up the mental of the "Strict parent".

"Okay kids, listen here. I want you to pack your bags and leave the house. Go outside. I'll calm Mom down and come with you too." I said as I patted my brother on the head.

Guess what happened after the kids left the house? I knocked my mother out with a fucking left hook.

We ran from that cursed house leaving my mom unconscious on the kitchen floor. We were changing places every month. I was working my ass off so I could support my siblings. They were going to school and were actually happy. Everything was going well until I got fired from the job. Apparently the manager didn't quite like me, so he replaced me with a taller and more handsome guy. That motherfucker!

I Took my last monthly salary and went home. But my damn life had a surprise for me. To get to the apartment we were living in, I had to go through several alleyways. In one of them, I saw some guys. Some of them were wearing dark purple clothes and others were wearing dark red ones. They were trading something for cases of cash. When they noticed me they immediately pointed their guns at me. But I was a chill person, so I raised my hands up:

"Hey, don't shoot. I'm neither a cop nor an FBI agent. I'm just trying to go home to my siblings."

"Yeah, like we'll believe that, fucker!"

Long story short, I got shot straight in the head. Like, what were you thinking when you approached those assholes? My life was never good, so why would it be now? I just regret not being able to say my final goodbyes to my siblings. Poor kids, how are they gonna live now?

I was thinking that when I got transported in a galaxy-like thing. I always liked stars, but there was something weird going on in here. There were two giant green masks right in front of me that resembled a man and a woman

"Welcome Arthur, the new wielder of Omnitrix!" The man's face said.

"We shall grant you a new life in a new world. You will be able to do whatever you wish!" The woman told me.

I looked at them with a million thoughts running through my mind.

"Hold up. Pause! So you are saying that you guys killed me just to give me a new life? Did I ask for it? Do you even know what you did to my siblings? And what the fuck is an Omnitrix?!"

"You're asking too many questions child! Now hush and get ready for your new life!" The man's face said with an angry expression.

Something snapped and I wasn't able to talk anymore. This motherfucker took my ability to speak?!

And just like that I was floating in the space-like thing for a long long time.


I heard a whisper from a long distance. It was getting louder and louder.

"Ben, hey, hey wake up!"

"C'mon Tennyson! Wake up already!"

I opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was that emo face of Kevin's.

"What happened to the spaceship?" I asked.

"It took off dumbass, what could have happened?"

Shit, I lost to that white alien. Now, I gotta find him again and deliver some justice to his ass.

"Ah, fuck. My back hurts. Okay, Kevin get the car. I gotta beat that white alien's ass as soon as possible."