
Being Loved Too Much by a Yandere Little Sister!

Susumu Shindo was always being pushed around by his sister-in-law, Shibata. His daily life, which he thought would never change, changes drastically when a mysterious beautiful girl transfers to his school. This is the second work. I want to erase it.

Kinzinho · Horreur
Pas assez d’évaluations
33 Chs

Episode 30: Another Person

The hospital room was quite luxuriously decorated, as it was a special room.

The bed was big, and there was a room for the attendant next to it. There was also a bath and a kitchen, and it felt more like a hotel suite than a hospital room.

"This hospital has thorough security measures in place, as well as safety management, so you can stay here without worry."

Shomei said to me as I lay in bed.

"I'm sorry you had to prepare such a large private room for an injury that required ten stitches."

I replied.

"I could have left the hospital right now."

"What are you talking about, brother!"

Shiori shouted as he peeled the apple.

"It's a serious injury and will take a month to heal. The doctor said that light exercise will be fine. What if the stitches reopen?!"

"No, that's why I'm fine now..."

"No, you can't. I'm the one who caused this, so I won't leave you alone for even a moment until the stitches are removed!"

Shiori's eyes were red and he was angry. He seems to have gotten a lot better now, but at first he was so depressed that he looked more seriously ill than I was in the hospital.

"Yes, yes, I'll leave it to you. And what about your mother?"

"My mother-in-law is coming to visit later."

"I see."

"I'm planning to talk to her when she comes."

"With my mother? What?"

"I've apologized for a lot of things. Of course to my brother, but I'm also sorry to my mother-in-law. I don't think this will erase my sins."

"I see."

My mother won't feel guilty because of my wounds. I wanted to say that, but I stopped myself. Shiori is at least becoming more positive now. I don't think I need to give him any more advice.

"Even so, he's being discharged from the hospital so quickly. I hate studying, so I don't want to go to school."

"Oh come on, big brother."

"That's right, Susumu. You're dumber than most. If you delay any more, we won't be able to graduate together."

Shomei spat out his venom with a grin.

I looked towards him.

"By the way, Shomei. I have one question for you."

"What is it? Ask me anything, my best friend."

"How did you know that place? Honoka is your childhood friend, but you didn't know about that abandoned factory, did you? It's a place that even the locals rarely go to."

"Oh, that's it. The answer is simple."

"You mean?"

"While I was searching for Miss Shiori, I happened to find Miss Honoka. I was going to call out to her, but something seemed strange about her. I followed her, and ended up at that abandoned factory."

"I see. I have one more question for you."

"What is it?"

"When you came in. I thought the timing was too good, but you couldn't have..."

"Oh, you noticed?"

Shomei scratched his head and laughed.

"Sorry sorry. Actually, I got there about ten minutes early. I was looking around inside and that's when I came across that scene. If I'd gone in a little earlier, maybe things wouldn't have turned out like that. Well, I got to hear Susumu's once-in-a-lifetime speech, so I guess it's all good."

"Oh, I see."

At that time, I had felt something was off about Sho's strangely calm attitude, but now it all made sense.

Now that I understand, I suddenly wanted to strangle Sho.

"You can go ahead, Shiori."

"Yes, bro!"

As soon as I gave the signal, Shiori went behind Sho and applied a chokehold.


"If you hadn't looked inside! You wouldn't have had to get hurt!"

"That's why I'm apologizing~kyuu~"

As expected, his face was turning pale, so I urged Shiori to let go of my arm.

But what's "kyuu"?


Shoukai suddenly muttered.



Shoukai suddenly bowed his head to me.

"Your wound is deep. I did my best, but it looks like there will be stitches left behind."

"Oh, that's it. But it's not your fault..."

"No. It's all my fault, just like you all said. I predicted this would happen. I was just curious to see how you would sort it out. If I'd stepped in a few minutes sooner, this wouldn't have happened... I can't help it if you all hate me."

"Shoukai, that's not true."

When I said that, Shoukai looked up.

"It's the opposite. Thanks to you being there, neither I nor Shiori had any serious problems. I'm grateful, but I don't hate you."


"So you know, go back to your usual self. If you behave like that, it'll upset me."

"...Do you want to blame me or not?"

Shomei laughed. He looked a little bit like he was crying.

"It's not really either. I mean, you're such a nuisance on a regular basis. You should do something good for me sometimes."

"That's mean. When have I ever caused you trouble, even though I'm a genius?"

Shomei said with a bashful laugh. This time, he had a normal smile.


Instead, Shiori looked at me with a face that looked like it was about to cry.

"Don't cry, Shiori. I've told you so many times."

When I called out to him, Shiori's shoulders shook as if he was trying to hold back his tears.

"What you did was wrong, but it's over now. There's no point in regretting it forever. Be more cheerful."

"B-but, the scars on your brother--"

"They will remain. But I'm also at fault. So you don't have to feel responsible. If you care about me, then you should recover and smile like before. Okay?"


When I said that, Shiori finally showed a small smile.

It seems to be okay now. I gently stroked Shiori's head.

"Shomei. Did you look into what I asked you the other day?"


When I asked, Shiori answered right away.

"It wasn't that hard to look up the place."

"I see. Then I have to go with him as soon as I get out of the hospital."

When I said that, Shiori looked up and asked me.

"Brother, who is that guy?"

I answered.

"There's one more person I'd like to help."