
Being Loved Too Much by a Yandere Little Sister!

Susumu Shindo was always being pushed around by his sister-in-law, Shibata. His daily life, which he thought would never change, changes drastically when a mysterious beautiful girl transfers to his school. This is the second work. I want to erase it.

Kinzinho · Horreur
Pas assez d’évaluations
33 Chs

Episode 16 - Lies

"Oh, welcome back. You're late."

When I got home, my mother, who always comes home late, was sitting on the sofa watching TV.

"Well, it's a bit."

I thought to myself that it was more than just a bit of a fuss.

"What about dinner?"

"No problem. I don't have an appetite."

When I said that, my mother looked at me in surprise.

"No appetite? Susumu?"

I said apologetically.

"Well, how should I put it? Like summer fatigue? That's what it is."

"I can't believe it."

My mother put her finger on her cheek and muttered.

"It's fine. That's not fine."


My mother said with a serious expression.

"Something happened."


I was quiet. It was like my mother's gaze was seeing through everything.

"You don't have to hide it."

Whether she knew what I was thinking or not, Mom continued.

"You and Shiori are important family to me. You can worry as much as you want when you're worried. But you both have a place to go back to. Just don't forget that."


"Besides," Mom interrupted me as I tried to speak.

"If you make that face, Shiori will be sad, you know? You may not be smart, but you're still a pretty good guy."

Mom laughed as she said that. She didn't seem to be thinking about anything, but she was watching over us.


"What is it?"

"Thank you. Well, it's only natural for a parent."

"Oh, you're starting to say that."

"I won't be a kid forever either."

"I wonder. Oh, by the way, Shiori-chan has been waiting for you to come back for ages. She was happy that you would do anything she asked, is that true?"

"...I don't think she said anything."


My mom sighed softly.

"If you keep saying irresponsible things, Shiori-chan will stab you to death one day."

"That doesn't sound like a joke."

"Hehe, I'm not joking, brother."

I heard Shiori's voice right behind me and jumped in surprise.

"Hey, you. When did you get here?"

"When your brother comes back, it's your sister's job to welcome him back☆"

Shiori said, puffing out her chest. And then,

"By the way, brother? I have something to talk about, can you come to my room?"

Her mouth was smiling, but her eyes were not smiling at all. She must have been thinking about something worthless.

"I-I was just talking to my mom."

I said, trying to get out of the situation somehow.

"Is tomorrow okay, Shiori? I have something important to talk about with you about your future career."

"I also have something important to talk about with you about my future life."

"I-Is that so?"


"Okay... I'll go."

"It's really helpful to have such an understanding brother♪ Come on, let's go."

As Shiori pulled me out of the living room, I heard my mom say softly,

"I'm sorry for your loss."


When I entered the room, Shiori suddenly hugged me.

"Hey, Shiori..."

I said in a panic.

"That's bad. Mom's here too."

Shiori didn't answer, just pressed her cheek against my chest. After about three minutes of hugging, she reluctantly let go.

"...This isn't enough at all."

I'm sure I'd had a ton of skinship today, but it still wasn't enough.

"I'm pent up because you don't pay me any attention."

"You don't have to tell me about it all."

I pulled Shiori away, saying that.

"Anyway, what are you talking about?"

"I mean, I was talking about what happened after school. I was just thinking."

I looked at Shiori with the face of a soldier facing a landmine.

"How about an engagement? Of course, I don't think she'd turn me down."

"No, that's obviously no good. Is there anything else?"


"Well, even if you answer that straight away... wouldn't it be crazy for siblings to get married?"

Is this what my mom meant by "I'm sorry for your loss" earlier? Shit.

"Listen, Shiori. We're siblings. We can't get engaged."

"I don't mind at all, and I believe you feel the same way."

"Well, you see."

I guess I have to tell her the truth after all.

I mustered up the courage to tell her about Aika.

"I've decided to go out with Aika."


"That's why I think you should find someone else. I'll help you out."

"It's not April Fool's Day, brother."

"I know. I'm not lying."

"If it wasn't a lie, it was a joke. You're a bad person, brother, aren't you?"

Shiori smiled brightly and made a scolding gesture.


But when he saw that I didn't react, he stopped smiling.

"What's wrong, brother? Please tell me it's a lie."

"It's true. I've decided to go out with Aika. Well, I don't know if it will last from now on. It's just a hypothetical situation for now."

I thought I'd said it in a way that wouldn't hurt her feelings as much as possible. But it was all in vain for Shiori.

"What is that...?"

"Well, I'm sorry for the suddenness of it all. But eventually, okay?"

Shiori was silent as I spoke, looking down. He was mumbling something in a voice so quiet I couldn't hear it.


Shiori suddenly spoke.

"Big bro, why..."

"I'm sorry. I can't go out with you. You should find a good person too."

Shiori then turned to me with pleading eyes.

"What's the matter, bro? Did I do something wrong? Please tell me, I'll apologize."

"No, it's not that I don't like you anymore. Don't get me wrong."

"So you still like me, right?"

"Yes... as siblings. But we can't be lovers."

"That's not right."

"... you're the one who's wrong."

"What do you mean?"

"You know, right? Incestuous marriages aren't recognized by law. You'll end up living a lonely life without anyone's approval."

"That's not true! No, I don't think so! There's no way I'd end up unhappy with you!"

Hiroyuki raised his voice. It's been a long time since I've seen him this excited.

"While we're students, yes. But we're about to enter society. We can't depend on each other forever. That's why I decided to go out with Aika."

Slowly, I tried to persuade Hiroyuki.

Hiroyuki was silent for a while, then said.

"Hiiragi-san was really dangerous. I should have done something about it when I saw you and your brother chatting happily during class."

"Don't say that in a scary way. We're not that close yet."

"Don't lie."

"I'm not going to lie. I don't know him that well yet."

"You're the one who's really suspicious. You looked at your brother with those lustful eyes. It's impossible to not suspect your relationship after that. I don't believe you, I don't believe you, I can't believe you!"

Shiro repeated the same words over and over again.

"Yes, this is a lie."


"You belong to me, and you shouldn't open your heart to anyone else. I've told you so many times, haven't I? Cheating is no good."


I said with a pain in my heart.

"I'm so glad you think so. But we have to be able to take responsibility for ourselves. If we continue to drag on like this, how am I going to explain it to my mother? How am I going to face my dead father? Think about that carefully."

"There's no need to worry about that."

Saying that, Shiori put his hands around my neck.

"Just teach me how to be happy without thinking about the people around you. Everyone is so busy thinking about themselves. Just ignore the nagging voices of the world."

And then Shiori put his mouth close to my ear.

"Now, let's become one, brother."


At that moment, something snapped in my head.

"Stop it!"

I pushed Shiori away with all my might. He hit the desk and his notebook and pen rolled off.


I ran over to Shiori without thinking.

"S-Shiro. Are you okay!?"

But there was no reply. Like a broken doll, Shiro only spoke words I couldn't understand.

"N-Onii-san, I-I-I-K-killed you."

"Hey? Shiro?!"


"Shiro! Are you okay? Shiro!"


Shiro yelled. Then he ran out of the room.

"Hey, wait up! Shiro!"

As if to push me away as I chased after him, I heard the sound of the door being locked.

But I couldn't care less about that. I banged on the door with all my might.

"Shiro! You can hear me, right?! Open up!"

"...Don't come in."

A strained voice came from inside.

"I can't look at my brother's face right now. Please leave me alone."

Just as I was about to speak, a hand was placed on my shoulder.

"Susumu, stop it. Don't tease her now."

"Mom...? B-But Shiori. He's suffering right now."

"What can you do to go and help her?"

My mother looked at me with sharp eyes. I couldn't say anything back.

My mother said to me gently.

"What you can do now is to believe in Shiori. That's the greatest thing you can do as her brother."

My mother's words hit me like cold water on my hot body.

"I understand..."

When I said that, my mother laughed and took her hand off my shoulder.

With a really bad feeling in my heart, I returned to my room. It was past midnight. What kind of face should I make when I meet Aika tomorrow? Suddenly I remembered and took out a white envelope from my bag.

The suicide note left by the real Aika. I opened it timidly and read the contents.

It was a detailed account of the suffering of a bullied girl. It was filled with intelligent writing, but there was no particular name for the perpetrator. Instead, it was filled with sentences that were more like resignation, such as being tired of life and being bullied because you're a failure.

It was not a pleasant read at all. Even if you felt pity for the writer, there was no way for her to come back. And before you know it, people would forget about it, and the next bullying would happen. I felt as if the raw malice of humans was being exposed and surrounding me.

Towards the end, I noticed a line that had been revised. Maybe this was the example my father was talking about. I read it carefully.

"This is..."