
Begin Again In Marvel

Authors Preamble: This is my first novel so if you see anything wrong leave a comment so I can try to improve and/or fix it. My plans for updating this novel is hopefully everyday but I cannot guarantee that as I have a job and a life outside of this. I will try to have at least 1500-2000 words per chapter but I will focus on ending points so I don't just go on with a chapter for no reason. --------------------------------------------------------- This is a story about a Rio who dies when he wasn't supposed to. The gods decide to give him 2 choices, Rio chooses the second which come with 5 wishes. This sends him outside his home Omniverse into somewhere. First stop will be a sort of tutorial world/Universe and then the main world/Universe which is the MCU with some differences. Rio will have the force, a modified gamer system, a Riolu egg and DNA lock. I will not be writing any explicit scenes but they will be implied by fade to black when the time comes for such a situation. I have not decided on if it will be harem or not, most likely not unless readers really want it. Though there will likely be 2 females in the relationship at least but I don't really see that as a harem. If you have any suggestions leave a comment.

DJMLucarionite · Films
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190 Chs


Authors Note:

Bonus Chapter today because I feel like it. Hope you enjoy it.


I woke up but during the night I had strange dreams. Not nightmares but strange. I looked into the bestiary to see if a monster was responsible. Then I checked myself over to ensure I wasn't cursed. I found nothing and I decided to Dream Walk tonight to see if I can learn anything.

The Next Night...

I entered the Dream Realm and looked for anything out of place. I decided to look at what all my friends were dreaming of. The first dream I came across was Chrysalis and it was wholesome. She was dreaming of playing Smash Bros and destroying everyone in it.

'Ahh, how cute. Now who is next? Ah, Lucario let's see what he is doing.'

His dream was very peaceful. He was meditating on the top of a mountain. I moved on to the next person. The next one I found was Yang. Her dream was her driving her bike super fast with a chibi Ruby eating cookies standing on top of Yang's head. I chuckled and left before I disturbed her. The next dream was Milotic and I noticed it was blue colored.

'Now that I think about it wasn't the other dream doors different colors. Yang was green, Lucario was white or gray, and Chrysalis was orange. What does blue mean? Only one way to find out.'

I enter Milotic's dream and I see a deep ocean below me. On a rock is Milotic and she is crying.

Rio: "What troubles you Milotic?"

Milotic looks around until she looks at the moon which is transforming into me.

Milotic: "Rio, why are you here?"

Rio: "I was Dreamwalking and I saw you were sad so I came to see what troubles you. If you don't want to talk about it I can leave."

Milotic: "Wait you can travel through dreams?"

Rio: "Yes, I have a gift for it, though I rarely use it. Now do you want to talk?"

Milotic: "I was just missing home I guess. I like being with everyone but I think I miss taking swims through lakes and rivers. Before I came here I was part of a very nice community of Pokemon. I know I passed away from old age but I sometimes miss seeing my old friends."

Rio: "Yes, I sometimes feel like that as well. On occasion, I will dream of my first family. I remember my mother and her lovely smile. My brother who always caused trouble and even the neighbors who I would play with when I was a child."

Milotic: "How do you deal with it?"

Rio: "I think of the family I have now and I also think that maybe they went on their own journeys. I also sometimes have dreams about them and the good times we had. I could make a dream for you. One with all those you once knew. Just think about them and I will construct the dream."

Milotic: "Okay."

The dream slowly shifts until we are next to a lake with Pokemon all around the lake having fun. Milotic starts to cry a bit and smiles.

Lapras: "Milotic why are you crying?"

Milotic: "I am just happy to see you all again."

Milotic turns to thank me but I put my hoof to her mouth and gesture her to join her friends.

Rio: "This is your dream, go enjoy it."

Milotic smiles and starts to slither to her friends. I leave the dream so she can have fun and when I leave the dream I notice the dream door changed color to green.

'Green must mean happy. Now who's next?'

I see the next dream is very bright pink and I am curious as to what it is about. I open the dream and hear moaning. Once I hear the voice and the pitch I quickly exit the dream.

'Okay note to self do NOT go into dreams if they are pink. Now let's move on and stop thinking about that. I think this next dream should be Sebas. It's green that's good.'

I look into the dream and see Sebas serving Momonga some refreshments while Peroroncino and Bukubukuchagama are arguing with each other over some random topic. I decided to not get involved and moved on to another dream which was Gardevoirs but I saw it was an extremely annoyingly bright pink so I didn't dare enter. The next dream I found was Seto and I laughed really hard at what I was seeing. Seto was in the middle of a Duel with Yugi Moto and he was winning. I leave him to his rematch and look for the next dream. I find Marceline's dream and see her having a boring day in an office job so I decide to pop in.

Rio: "What's up?"

Marceline: "Oh great now I am dreaming about you. I better not start having fantasies about you."

Rio: "Oh so you know this is a dream?"

Marceline: "Of course I do. Wait why do I know that this is a dream and why are you asking me such a question?"

Rio: "You probably know it is a dream because I am here and I feel real in this dream. Whenever I enter a dream I make it Lucid in a way. Also, you aren't dreaming about me I saw you were having a very boring dream so I decided I would drop by to let you have a nicer dream."

Marceline: "Wait you are real? But I am dreaming meaning we are in my head."

Rio: "Yes, and I can Dream Walk. Which means I can enter the dreams of others and fight nightmares if I want. Do you want a more amusing dream?"

Marceline: "Yes please anything but this same dream. I have been having this dream for decades now and it sucks."

Rio: "That's a bit odd but we can figure out why you keep having this dream another time for now tell me what you want to dream of instead."

Marceline: "Hmm, my buddies Finn and Jake. I want to have an adventure with them."

My horn lights up and the dream changes to the Tree Fort with Finn and Jake coming out with adventure gear. Marceline is frozen for a moment so I push her towards them so she can have fun. I wave goodbye before exiting the dream.

'I hope she likes that dream. Now who is next? Ah, Lex and the other scientists.'

I start with Lex, I look at what they're dreaming about and it is him just watching TV with an entire carton of milk and a turkey leg. I shrug and just move on as he seems to be having fun. Nex was Tails and he is running around Green Hill Zone with Sonic. Not much to see there so I go to Faradays and see him receiving an award for his achievements by Azmuth himself. I decide not to interfere and move to Orochimarus dream which is colored a dark grey.

'I haven't seen that color before I hope it's not something bad.'

Once I enter the dream I have to duck as several kunais pass over my head. I look around and see I am on a battlefield with dead ninjas everywhere. I then hear a scream of terror. I quickly fly over and see what is happening. What I see is awful, a pale boy is covered in the blood of a ninja with a Leaf Village headband. He is surrounded by ninjas from the Cloud Village and seem to be intent on attacking the boy. I decide to end this farce.

Rio: "ENOUGH!!!!"

I use the Royal Canterlot Voice and the enemy ninjas are thrown back and I simply glare at them causing them to melt. Then I look at the boy.

Rio: "You are safe now, the nightmare is over."

Orochimaru: "R-r-rio, is that you?"

Rio: "Ah then you must be what you looked like when you were younger. Yes, it is me, Rio. I was Dream Walking when I entered your dream and saw you distressed. Was this an old memory?"

Orochimaru: "Yes, it was my first time in a real battle. We had entered a trap and got separated from my sensei. We lost a lot of ninjas. I survived but only thanks to dumb luck."

Rio: "I remember my first large-scale battle."

I shift the dream to show him my memory.

Rio: "I was sent on a mission to assassinate a Bothan Jedi Knight. The outpost I was sent to was guarded by over 300 clones and several tanks. It was the first time I took command of a force. I barely succeeded."

I shift the dream to the battle itself. Blast bolts fire from both sides and an explosion goes off. Dead clones are all over the ground.

Rio: "I felt every single death on the battlefield. The agony, the suffering, the hatred, and the last breath. I couldn't control my senses and I ended up nearly breaking because of it. Then once we finally eliminated most of the clones I came face to face with the Jedi Knight. Only the intel was wrong he had a Padawan with him."

I shifted the dream to show me fighting the Jedi Knight and slaying him as the Twilek Padawan watched.

Padawan: "Master!! NOOOOOO!!!!! I will make you pay for that!!!"

I then show myself cutting down the Padawan with dead eyes and trembling hands.

Rio: "It was the first time I killed a child. I broke down later when I was alone. I learned much from that first battle. How to keep my senses disconnected, how to lead troops, how to kill even when it may be wrong. We all have terrible memories and regrets. Accept the failures and the bad memories and learn from them. You were not always weak correct?"

Orochimaru: "Yes I grew stronger and I vowed to never let that happen again."

Rio: "Exactly, I made sure every mission I did after that I made sure the information was correct before I attacked. I became better at making sure those under my command didn't die and that I could kill as few as I could on any of my missions. I am scared at times as well but I refuse to let fear rule me. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering. A quote from a wise Jedi. Now let's move away from the dreary topic, think of a happy memory and I will solidify it."

The dream shifts to a restaurant where I see Tsunade, Jiraiya, and Hiruzen. They seem to be having a fun time with each other.

Rio: "Now go join them and have a wonderful night Orochimaru."

I start to fly away as Orochimaru turns to me, but before he can say anything Jiraiya yells at him to come join them.

'That felt nice, now who is next? I can check the Senators then Widowmaker then maybe Paarthunax.'

I move to look into Armstrong's dream and see him having a fight with Raiden but they seem to be having fun so I decide to let him be. I peek into Padmes dream and see her taking care of toddler Luke and Leia. Before I leave the dream I see Anakin walk in and surprisingly Padme seems quite happy to see him. I decided to give her privacy and leave to see what Widowmaker was dreaming about. I look into her dream and see she is at a big show where she is doing an impressive Ballet performance. I stay and watch for a bit and even cheer her on which seems to make her smile. Eventually, I leave to go see what Paarthunax is dreaming about. I stop before entering as I see his door is colored a very light pink.

'Do I dare see what a sexless Dragon is dreaming about that might be considered a tiny bit erotic or do I not let the intrusive thought win? Maybe just a peek.'

I look inside and don't hear anything odd. I look around and I freeze at what I see. An Argonian in a maid outfit, they are talking about ovens and how they can't fit a large loaf of bread. I decided to slowly back out.

'I would have never have thought Paarthunax was into the Lusty Argonain Maid but I guess I now know. I am not sure if I wanted to know.'

I decide to see if anyone else I know is having dreams and I see Mal0 is having a dream and by the color, it's an intense pink. I don't even think about that and move on.

'I wonder what Nick Fury dreams about?'

I go and find his dream and see he is having a boring dream so I decide to prank him a bit. I make him dream of Hello Kitty and tea parties all the while Nick is wearing a pink tutu. I leave before he sees me and I decide to end the Dream Walking there for the night. I make my dream a memory of me having dinner with all of my family, all 3 versions of it. I laugh a bit at seeing the usually stoic Count Dooku chatting happily with my first mom over my studies.


Authors Note:

A chapter all about dreams, nightmares, and insecurities. I wanted to make this chapter as I thought Rio should do more with Dream Walking. I also wanted to expand on Rio's history as he has lived 2 lives before. I hope I made the dreams interesting. Until next time Ciao.