
Before The Catastrophe

Everything is so surreal. It was as if I could take all these buildings with both of my palms. The humans walking, and the vehicles driving in the road, look really tiny as if just a mere touch of my toe would destroy them. Yeah, it finally come to an end. I looked up to the bright blue sky... The sky, clear blue sky, filled with the whites of clouds. Now, was full bloody red, with a mark as if the sky itself got slashed, and from that, crimson tear dripping to earth, as if the sky itself bleeds.

Rainy_Yuu · Fantaisie
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6 Chs


Wouldn't it be cool, if you're in a trouble and some knight with shining armor saves you?

Truly the fantasy to live with, but real life isn't a fantasy.

It's been more than 10 minutes since I was kidnapped, but didn't expect them to work under such

bright daylight, but here I was, with both legs and arms tied and some sort of fabric covering my face.

"Hey brother, aren't this is too easy for such high paying job?"

"Listen, we here ain't working legally. We need to risk it with the law."

"But that girl is such an easy target, it's unreal."

"Yeah, we got the jackpot this time."

"I already contacted whoever was in her contact and telling them that she was kidnapped."

Stupid newcomer.

With technologies, we could detect you as long as you connected at least once to the internet.

Let's wait for a little longer.

12 minutes passes…

20 minutes…

30 minutes…

Ah, I can't count anymore under this much stress.

Why nobody came to me?

"Who's there?!?!"

What's wrong? Why are they shouting?


I can't see anything 'cause this damn cheap wool sack.

"Brother, what's happen-"

"What are you doing!!!"

I can't hear anything anymore, I guess it was already settled?

Hmm? Someone loosen my tied arms and legs?

Reflexively, I immediately unmask this cheap fabric, and….


"Why are you such a troublemaker? You know how hard is it to pinpoint your location based on the

last time we were on phones


But…where the kidnappers?

"Y'know how worried your father is, with the kidnapper calling his number?"

No way, He really beat them?

But, I can't see any of them here.

"Where did the kidnapper go?"

"Oh right!"

"Ah, they ran away….."

He turn away, straight looking to my eyes.

He smiles, really wide…

"Well…as long as you're save."

"It's the objective this time."

Ignoring the last part, he really is…the fantasy hero, as if everything was fabricated.

No, it's definitely is fabricated, 'cause ain't no way he could take down 2 of them with that kind of body and weird sleep schedule.

Ah…now I'm feeling weird.

For some reason, I remembered the past week interaction with him.

And particulary, the newest one on the phone.

'I love you.'

That ain't real. Get a grip, Stella.



"Oh? You finally open up to talk to me? What a reward indeed."

He extends his arms.

"Let's go home."

"No need."


"But the position that Mr. Kaku hired me was your personal guard, even though I don't even know

what it mean."

I know full well that Father literally make him engaged with me rather than whatever guard it was.

But, it seems that he wasn't aware of that fact, yet.

Should I go along?

Then why did he go out of his way to confess such a thing again and again?

Is it because I ignored him?

Or it was his genuine feeling?

"I'll leave you there if you want to think more, but the night has already fallen."

Before I realized it, it was already nighttime.

"Ah right, here your phone and whatever was inside your bag."

He tosses me my bag.

And yeah, it was already time for the night to fall.

I don't understand his reasoning.


Perfect as usual, me.

Now she will always concious about me and won't ignore me, truly a nice little reward after 1 and a

half week of hardwork.

Ah right, there another step to be taken.

"You hungry? I mean, you definitely should feel hungry, 1 hours kidnappd after a long day with

whatever you're doing."

"Get to the point."

"My point is, want to grab some snack on the way?"

I could hear some rambling sounds from her stomach, for some odd reason.

Must be my imagination.

"Fine, lead the way."

Yeah, poisoning her with some abysmall poison effect is the next step.

A slight feeling of fever, that would make her bedridden at very least for 4 days.

Too strong?

Just in case, let's add the dose of it for a whole week!

What a weird day, but…it's quite fun I suppose?

Well, thrilling fun, but it's fun nevertheless.

Didn't expect that I'll get confessed from phone, to straight up kidnapped, and having a dinner with


Ah…I'm so tired for some reason…

Everything feels heavy…did i…catch a cold?

Sitting on the floor for over an hour definitely enough to give you some cold, but aren't this a bit too much?

I touched my forehead with my palm.

It..weirdly hot.

I….tried to get thermometer.

Ahh..it's really is weird.


That was too damn high.

This isn't normal…but I can't move…

Everything felt so heavy….


"Stella? You alright? Your father still worried-"

I saw Stella, laying on the bed, as if she's really hurt.

40° huh?

Aren't it a bit too high? Is the dose I put a bit too much for her to handle?

That's that, and this is this.

I'll stick to the plan and attend her for the whole week.

Yeah that should be all.

Well, she's really lively now so I guess it doesn't really mattered that much…

Even though her father really got worried, he for some reason didn't sentence me to death, yet.

Just why such a calculating man take a risk on me?