
Before The Catastrophe

Auteur: Rainy_Yuu
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What is Before The Catastrophe

Lisez le roman Before The Catastrophe écrit par l'auteur Rainy_Yuu publié sur WebNovel. Everything is so surreal. It was as if I could take all these buildings with both of my palms.The humans walking, and the vehicles driving in the road, look really tiny as if just a mere touch of my t...


Everything is so surreal. It was as if I could take all these buildings with both of my palms. The humans walking, and the vehicles driving in the road, look really tiny as if just a mere touch of my toe would destroy them. Yeah, it finally come to an end. I looked up to the bright blue sky... The sky, clear blue sky, filled with the whites of clouds. Now, was full bloody red, with a mark as if the sky itself got slashed, and from that, crimson tear dripping to earth, as if the sky itself bleeds.

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