
Becoming Pokémon

On the way home Alex is summoned to another world, a Pokémon world. He makes friends and join to their team. On the way to the town to register him as official member of the team he had an accident and got turned into a Pokémon but there's problem. What was that problem? Read to find out :)

Domini_Goz · Fantaisie
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31 Chs

Chapter 19

"What is it Alice?" Said Alex when he walked closer to her

"It is quest about 'investigating mysterious noises'. Don't know if you are interested" she replied

"Hmm... I'm fine with whatever you find. What about you guys?"

"I'm not sure... What about you John?" Said Bob

"Hmmm..... Let me see this captain. *Alice gave the quest note to John* Some 'Myaterious noises are heard from the forest. Some Pokémon's are gone missing after that. Please we are scared and don't know what to do.' Signed Scira's village mayor Adelf the Eevee..."

Everyone looked down

"Some Pokémon's are missing..." Said Bob

"That's awful..." Said Alice

"I don't think we should take this quest..." Said John

"I think we should" said Alex

Everyone looked at him with shock on their faces

"Didn't you heard?! After these noises Pokémon's are missing! We can go missing too! Don't you have family that you want to return to?!" Shouted John

Alex looked into his eyes. John saw tears coming from Alex's eyes

"I don't have family" said Alex with cracking voice and left the building

Alice, John and Bob watched him leaving without saying a single word. John looked and felt sad while Alice and Bob felt sorry for Alex

"I think I've said too much..." Said John

"Maybe... I think we should go after him..." Said Bob

"No. We should give him some time to think..." Said Alice

When she said that they continued watching the quests. There was so many of them on the board. But they couldn't find anything more interesting

"Did you find any quests?" Said Alice

"No. We didn't find any Captain" said John

"*Sigh* Guess we will take this 'investigation' quest" said Alice

She walked to the reception and said to Mixi

"Hey Mixi! I want to take this quest. We have decided on that. Do you know where this village is?"

"Let me see... Hmm... Hold on a second"

Mixi walked to the wall full of some scrolls and after some time she returned with one scroll. She placed it on the desk and opened it

"Look. We are here. *She pointed her paw on the map* And that village is here. *She pointed on another point on the map* As you can see it's quite a long way"

"And we have to cross the mountains... *Sigh* Alright. By the way Mixi. I have a new one in my team"

"Oh a new one you say? Heh... Who is it?"

"It is this shiny lucario I brought here"

"Oh... His name was Alex if I remember correctly... How is he?"

"He's nice, strong and very well educated surprisingly"

"Ooh ho ho... So he's in your type?"

"*Alice blushes* W-what?!... M-maybe... Anyway we should get going. We have a long way to go"

"He he he... Alright. See you next time girl"

Alice quickly called Bob and John and left the building. When they left they saw Alex sitting on the bench. He was looking down at his hands. They sat next to him. Alex had still tears in his eyes

"I'm sorry Alex... I said something that I shouldn't..." Said John

"It's okay... Don't worry. You didn't knew anything about my family so it's okay..." Said Alex

"Can I ask you something Alex?" Said Alice with soft tone

"What is it?"

"What happened to them?"

"I don't know... Nobody know what happened to them... They just... Disappeared..." (He forgotten what Arceus shown him)

"Oh... I'm sorry about that..."

"Anyway. What quest do we have?" Said Alex wiping away tears

"We couldn't find anything other than this 'investigation' so Captain registered this quest to us" said Bob

"Then when are we departing?" Said Alex

"After we eat dinner. It must be something if this quest is even here. I looked at the map. We have long way to go... We have to cross the mountains and lots of forests and some rivers... We should get supplies so let's go" said Alice

The end of chapter 19

hi guys

yesterday were my birthday

anyway if you find any misspellings or grammar mistakes please write them in the comments and if you have any suggestions for the story write them in the comments as well

see you next time!

Domini_Gozcreators' thoughts