
Battle partners

Battle with or their animals in the cities for money but in the villages they are used for warriors and one special one will help over turn the lives of the rich and poor

Derek_Scott · Fantaisie
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21 Chs


Stepping down off of Zeus Dj walked towards the cave with Zeus in tow. Dj drew thought of a special weapon it was a scythe one on each end facing opposition directions that could be split in two. Walking deeper in the cave the light grew brighter until Dj came to an opening to a bigger place of the cave and what he saw was a creature in a blackish grey cloak and stood 8 feet and had his head covered and he stood in a circle of symbols and the creature said,"I knew you were coming to kill me but before you do I will tell you my reasoning for doing what I did so you won't go insane from the power I gave you". The creature turned and looked at Dj and said,"My reasoning for torturing you is when I went searching in peoples past paths yours became most interesting because you were lost drifting in a world you never knew existed you should be dead and dead you would have been if I had not intervened you would have died on that table because you are not strong enough on your own so I had to break you down. I had to Make you think I killed the ones you love the most and I hated it as well because I saw the monster inside of you and you were afraid to let it out and that is what will get you killed holding back that is why I reshaped you even in your past life you didn't like to let everything out and that is why you died. But I saved you from me for I am the berserker Dj. I created this body so I could help those who would do good like you the voice you spoke to before is the god of this world most don't know he is there but everyone knows I am here because of what I do I break those who are truly evil like the ones you killed a few hours ago they are now added to my torture arsenal I get to have fun with them because of someone like you who is strong enough to kill people like this there is a list of people who have done truly evil things and can not be turned so I get them and you send them to me I have a list of everyone you will kill and most of them make me happy. But a deal is a deal though if you still want to kill me go ahead" the creature Dj now knew as the berserker the king of torment he could kill him or let him live Dj looked at him and at the weapon he had and he let it dissolve into the air. Dj and Zeus slowly turned back to normal Dj turned back from his white eyes to his green ones and his veins that were once protruded from his skin sunk back into his back and Zeus turned from his black and red fur to normal black and his once blood colored eyes turned to their normal white. Dj climbed on top of Zeus and rode out of the cave and went home to the two beautiful women he loved and bonded with. Riding towards their camp Dj heard what sounded like screaming and Dj and Zeus both knew what the sound was and took off like a bat outa hell and ran up the hill To only be knocked back off of Zeus and right before he blacked out he hard Zeus whimper and then he heard a thud. After he scummed to the darkness.

Dj heard,"Kid wake up, kid wake up" then he heard,"KID WAKE THE FUCK UP ITS TIME TO RISE LETS GO" Dj jumped Alive remembering what happened he drew sword and tomahawk and grabbed who ever woke him to come face to face with the monster he knew has the Berserker. Dj let him go and looked around to find no Zeus but a dart he grabbed it and examined it he unscrewed the needle to find a vile of a green substance he pulled the vile from dart and placed it in his cloak pouch and he put the dart in their as well and he ran up the hill again cresting the peak he found the camp was destroyed and he looked around in pure frantic he found a necklace on an arrow with a note and it said

Thank you for the find merchandise you have left us Mr Dj the women will be a fine thing for us then men will also sell good as well as the animals to the rings to fight with.

Thanks again yours truly the D.K.'s

Dj let out a scream that sounded more monster than that of a man. Dj felt a hand on his shoulder he looked over his shoulder and saw the Berserker. Dj said,"What do you want Berserker" the berserker responded,"one call me Bear two I'm here to help you" Dj nodded and got up and started to walk down the mountain and Bear said,"Were are you going" and Dj said,"To find them" Bear said,"Why wall though remember you can fly when you use my power" Dj stopped and nodded his head and said,"Let the devil out to play" This time Dj felt the power slowly grow from his chest to his limbs he felt his clothes dissipate has his new skin came across his body it looked red and scaly this time instead of him looking like his skin had just stretched and grew bigger veins but not this time his body stretched to the same height as Bear his body hair disappeared and he had no hair his hands lengthened and his nails grew to claws and his muscle tone added more and he had a thought "wings" and he felt pain and then he felt the muscle and bone grew from his back and in seconds the wings appeared and grew to six feet and were summarily shaped to what you would think a dragons wings would be. And after what felt like minutes it was really seconds Dj looked at his new body and he had to figure out of to move the wings he had but once he figured out how he saw Bear looking at him laughing and Dj's vision grew a thousand times better he could change his eye sight through different spectrums he could see thermal, close up, he could see a rhino beast on the other side of the island almost and Dj could see the blood flow of the animal and he could hear its heart beat Dj looked astonished by his new found power he could also turn his power off and on as needed Dj's and bear skin was smart camouflage more or less the skin can change colors due to environment and feelings. Dj flapped his wing and flew thirty yards in the air above the tree tops and scanned the area with thermal and found fresher tracks heading down the mountain and towards the the cities and Dj angled himself towards the cities and flapped his wings as fast as he could and bear followed suit right behind Dj they broke the edge of the forest to see thousands and thousands of people filing into the cities some with animals and others with cages and before Dj could take off bear grabbed him and said,"Hold on young one we have to be careful now yes they fear me but they also have defenses for me so we have to fly low and fast and once we get close to the cities their are the slums we will need to pick up a couple cloaks to hide ourselves since you will need to be in this form to be able to track them down" Dj nodded his head and the two dived towards the ground and curved towards the city and they soared like a jet would barely above the ground the two were fast as lightning and since it was going to rain soon the slight darkness would hide them as they entered the slums the two slowed and lowered their descent and landed behind a group of buildings and they looked around looking to see if anyone saw them but they determined no one did they looked at the surrounding shops and found one shop had cloaks so each of them with their speed took off bear first disappeared and returned in what was seconds he had a brown cloak that covered him and Dj looked around and he pushed off his right foot and sped through the crowds and he could see everything it was like he was the only one moving in the area. He ran to the shop and grabbed a black cloak and turned and ran back but he saw what infuriated him he saw Zeus in a cage being dragged by two men and they were headed to a back alley but Dj had to get back to bear before he got into any trouble Dj appeared in front of Bear cloak in and said,"I found Zeus he is being dragged by two men we need to get him" Bear nodded his head and the two walked from behind their cover to be stopped by a group of thieves with their weapons drawn and the leader said,"I want your money and weapons tops" he called the two giant of men before them Dj said,"I will give you one warning get out of my way or die" the man jumped forward and stabbed his dagger in Dj's stomach the man looked a smug until he heard the flank of what sounded like metal hitting the ground and he looked down to see his blade had broken in two and before the man could react Dj grabbed him by his collar and picked him up and came face to face with the man and Dj's bright white eyes peered into the mans and the mans face paled and said,"Your the king of torment" Dj smiled and said,"No he is I'm just the reaper" he called him self and threw the man out into the main part of the slums in the business part of it and Dj grabbed two more men and threw them into different buildings and he looked at the last one and he let out a guttural roar/yell that silenced everyone in the area and before the man could react he grabbed the man kicked him with the first one and he looked at Bear and said,"I'll distract the people get Zeus" bear nodded and disappeared and Dj jump out from the alley and grabbed the two men and let another guttural roar/yell out and threw them down different sides of the streets and the rain started pouring down and lightning ran across the sky and Dj let a weapon appear it was a scythe that was black and the blade was an eerily silver that had a perfect mirror reflection on it. Dj looked at the leader who was just in front of him and he started walking towards the man and he heard whistles and men in armor came running from all directions and they surrounded him in a perfect circle and looked at the group and thought to himself no sense in killing innocent people who are only doing their jobs. Dj looked up through the hood of the cloak and he saw the energy of a lightning bolt and he smiled perfect exit. Dj slammed the scythe into the ground as the lightning struck and he disappeared from their eyes little did they know he ran with his speed towards were he last saw Zeus.