
Battle partners

Battle with or their animals in the cities for money but in the villages they are used for warriors and one special one will help over turn the lives of the rich and poor

Derek_Scott · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Devil out to play?!

Krystal had been the one to pull Dj out fo his blood lust but the others knew something wasn't right because even though John Lucas Julie Caleigh and Leon had all once seen his blood lust only Caleigh so it that bad and she just saw the aftermath of his blood lust but they knew it had never been this bad not to the point he actually enjoyed it, it seemed like. Krystal and Dj got up and walked to the others around the fire and Lucas asked,"What was that because that was not you and just twenty minutes ago you were in a coma explain that" Dj looked at the others and he looked down and said,"Well when I was in the coma I was left in darkness but I could hear you all and I also hear a more darker voice one that would seem chills down your spine and he put me through torture he did things that no normal person could survive and I don't know how I did because I almost gave in to him and let go of my body and died because of the torture I will not tell you what I went through because it just doesn't need to told right now but when I heard the men come into camp this fire lit inside me mentally and I put the fear of god into whatever the thing was that was torturing me and he said to me he would give me his power when ever I asked and all I had to say was let the devil out to play and I felt energy course through me and all I wanted was to kill anyone who tried to hurt anyone I cared about he also gave me a power for Zeus all I have to do is touch him when I use the power and it will help him also he also said as I learned to control of the power he gave me I can summon weapons from the energy and cast some type of magic to change my appearance to make my enemies feel intimidated" the others looked shocked and surprised everyone except for Leon he had something of pure fear written on his face. Dj looked at Leon and said,"Why the look Leon" Leon said,"The creature or thing you said you encountered is call Diablo's Berserker it is a creature that roams the island and when near it can capture you soul and subconscious it can also grant you its power as you did it did but they call it the berserker because everyone who has been given the power goes crazy and out for the war path against anyone and anything if you don't learn to truly control the power you will die and kill everyone you love also" Dj looked shocked and he just stared off into space for a second and he said,"Then I guess I have to conquer the power and the Diablos berserker" Dj said,"I am going to get some sleep good night all" Dj arose as did Krystal and Caleigh because while Dj was in comatose the two girls got closer because they both relied on each other since they both knew what the other was going through. The trio walked into where Dj and Caleigh had originally slept and with Caleigh on Dj's left and Krystal on his right Dj had two women who he loved them both cuddled against him and before long they were all asleep.

Sitting chained on a steel platform Dj was leaned over the edge that if the chains holding his arms broken he would surely fall into the giant vat of molten metal and die a painful death. The creature which came out of the shadows had no face but wore a cloak and had skeleton hands they were pure bone but thicker like claws and with his cloak pulled over his head hiding his face you could see two dark red almost blood like eyes that shown the creatures teeth which were sharp like fangs and the creature had what seemed like a muscular build the creature said,"Ah how sweet I get to play with my new toy the creature touch Dj's bare back and his skin seared like a hit piece of metal touch it Dj let out a pained scream and he rattled his chains and the creature laughed and said what a beautiful sound. The creature touched Dj's head and said,"Imagine what I can do to them different images were shown one of Krystal being tortured and Caleigh Lucy Beth Julie John all of them were being shown in his mind and he began to grow stronger from his anger and the creature said,"Good good get angry makes it more fun for me to break you down more" the creature drug Dj along the pathway and he came to a room the creature walked in and Dj became free from his chains and he landed on the platform and he had murderous intentions on his mind he walked in and found the room full of different weapons each more devastating than the last. Dj grabbed the dagger on the wall and saw the creature with his back towards him. The creature turned around just before Dj got to him and the creature grabbed Dj by his throat and lifted him off the ground and said,"tsk tsk tsk no need for blood she's not yet at least" the creature laughed and he pushed something and a solid steel table popped up from the ground and the creature placed Dj on it binding his hands above his head and feet to the table he angled the table upwards so he could see and the creature snapped his fingers and appeared Krystal hanging from chains in the ceiling and the creature said,"Now that I have your attention" he looked Dj in the eyes,"I am going to torture your beautiful wife and make her scream your name while she is in pain and you are useless just sitting there watching her become my toy" the creature grabbed a hooked blade and grabbed Krystal's shirt and stuck the tip of the blade and shredded her clothes making her naked in front of the two he placed the knife back on the wall and grabbed a cylinder with different shaped spikes on it and said,"Let's she if she is still fresh" he laughed and walked towards Krystal and shoved the cylinder into her womanhood and he hooked a line to it and the machine kicked on and the motor of the device could be heard and Krystal screamed from the pain and started crying and blood poured out of her and the creature shut the machine off and Krystal passed out from the pain the creature said,"Now let's find your other lover" he snapped his fingers again and Caleigh appeared in the same manor as Krystal did the creature cut her clothes off and he grabbed what looked like a belt and it had steel stakes all around in and he placed it on and around her hips and said,"Now any time one of you move or make a sound the stakes will slowly extend into her until she is cut in half" the creature shook Caleigh and the spikes extended into her hips and she screamed when they first made contact but she quieted her self and the machine stopped moving. Krystal was awoken with water and she had tears in her eyes and the creature said,"Now whenever I turn this machine on it will bore itself deeper into your wife until it hits a major artery and she dies" and the creature turned the machine on and Krystal started screaming out and jumping hitting Caleigh at their close proximity and caused her machine to start moving and this time she couldn't quiet herself this time as the spikes were already an inch buried. Dj couldn't do anything he tried and tried breaking the clamps but to no avail and he watched the two women he would die for being tortured because of him loving them he gave up all hope as he heard both their cries silenced and he screamed out in rage

Dj awoke from his nightmares of the torture waking up everyone around Dj jumped outa the bed and grabbed his clothes with everyone trying to stop him but couldn't keep up he grabbed his weapons and whistled and Zeus and Dj said the phrase,"Let the Devil our to play" and a white light appeared and doused Dj in its light and Dj touched Zeus and his once all black figure became black with a deep color of blood red like lighting strikes running in his fur and Dj climbed on top of Zeus and said,"Find him we must kill him" and off the two went Krystal and Caleigh both dropped to their knees out fear for him

And whoever he was hunting down Beth Lucy Lucas and Dan all sat down next to the two girls trying to find out what happened but the girls wouldn't talk.

Dj and Zeus caught trail of the creature that tortured him and Dj had snapped this time possibly to the point of no return the two found a cave with a ominous red glow that would scare off all normal people.